
About KIET Research


Rapid growth in scientific knowledge is an indication of the quest for discovery and has a substantial impact on economic and societal development. Science, technology and innovation are often initiated in an Institutions research environment. Research and developmental activities create and disseminate new knowledge in different fields, promotes innovation and motivates better learning and teaching among faculty members and students of our Institute as these are often incorporated in the courses. Research is the foundation of knowledge that brings new energy, builds state of the art facilities, promotes research publications, develops collaborations and becomes a part of an active community that shares common objectives. Moreover, there is good evidence that research supports and improves teaching, helps to build excellence in this dimension as well. Research can have salutary effects on faculty members, on the nature of their teaching, and on the undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Evidence is accumulating that students do benefit in significant ways from having researchers as instructors if, the institution balances resources spent and rewards assigned between research and teaching. This positive view, which has been consistently detected in recent studies, sees the benefits of ‘research-led teaching.’ In this approach, the experience of the researcher is integrated into teaching.


To achieve excellence in research and create an outstanding climate of support for researchers, broadly enabling research advances to meet National and International needs.


  • To motivate faculty members to concentrate on research-related activities, in addition to teaching, so as to publish research articles in reputed journals.
  • To pursue efforts to write books and monographs for publication by – International and National publishers of repute.
  • To evince interest among the faculty members so that they take efforts to establish collaborative research projects with their counterparts in reputed National and International Universities.
  • To encourage faculty members to submit proposals and secure funded research projects from various funding agencies in India and Abroad.
  • To undertake consultancy projects sponsored by the Government as well as the Private, Industrial and other organizations.
  • To encourage creativity in the minds of the faculty members, so that they make original contributions by way of products, concepts, etc., and obtain patents.
  • To collaborate with to National and International professional societies.