


Department wise Book Publications

S.No.Department NameBook Publications
1Applied Sciences & Humanities28
2Civil Engineering13
3Computer Science12
4Computer Science & Engineering19
5Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)10
6Computer Science & Information Technology39
7Computer Science And Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)7
8Department of Computer Applications17
9Electrical & Electronics Engineering24
10Electronics & Communication Engineering15
11Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering3
12Information Technology17
13KIET School of Management12
14KIET School of Pharmacy31
15Mechanical Engineering7

Detail of Book Publications

  1. YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI, Switch Gear and Protection, NATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 978-93-82174-07-3
  2. YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI, Electromechanical Energy Conversion-II, NATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 978-93-82174-39-4
  4. YADUVIR SINGH, Electrical Instrumentation & Process Control, NATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 9789380000000
  5. YADUVIR SINGH, Switch Gear & Protection, NATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 9789380000000
  6. VIPIN KUMAR, A Text Book of Engineering Physics, NATIONAL, BBP Publications Pvt. Ltd., 81-88347-35-3
  7. VIPIN KUMAR, Switching Theory, NATIONAL, S.K Kataria & Sons, 81-89757-40-7
  8. VIPIN KUMAR, Electromagnetic Field Theory, NATIONAL, S. K. Kataria & sons, 81-88458-79-1
  9. VIPIN KUMAR, Laser Systems & applications, NATIONAL, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 978-81-8283-595-5
  10. VINEET SHARMA, An Introduction to Computer Networks, NATIONAL, Narosa Publications, 9788180000000
  11. VINEET SHARMA, Design & Analysis of Algorithm, INTERNATIONAL, Nandani Prakashan Pvt Ltd., 9789380000000
  12. VINEET SHARMA, Fundamental of Cyber Security & Laws, INTERNATIONAL, StarEdu, 9789390000000
  13. VIBHAV SACHAN, Basic Electronics Engineering, INTERNATIONAL, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 978-93-85909-41-2
  14. VIBHAV SACHAN, Electronics Measurements & Instrumentations, INTERNATIONAL, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 9789390000000
  15. VIBHAV SACHAN, The Basics of Success: Life and Time Management Skills, INTERNATIONAL, Amzaon, B07G84MFSK
  16. VARUN GUPTA, Circuits & Networks, INTERNATIONAL, Oxford University Press, 9780200000000
  17. VARUN GUPTA, Signals and Systems, INTERNATIONAL, Oxford University Press, 973289000000
  18. VARUN GUPTA, Digital Control Systems, INTERNATIONAL, Oxford University Press, 9780200000000
  21. SURYA PRAKASH, Piyush Drug Inspector and Pharmacist Entrance Examination, INTERNATIONAL, Piyush Publications, 978-8186548998
  22. SURENDRA KUMAR KESHARI, IT Infrastructure & Management, INTERNATIONAL, IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 978-93-81141-99-1
  23. SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA, Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering, NATIONAL, Acme Learning Pub., 978-93-80408-85-9
  24. SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA, Strength of materials, REGIONAL, Umesh Publication New Delhi, 81-88114-42-1
  28. SHIKHA SHARMA, Pharmaceutics-I, NATIONAL, Nirali prakashan, 9789390000000
  30. SARVPRIYA SHARMA, Theory of Structures-1, REGIONAL, Ardent publications, 978-93-81481-34-9
  32. SANJEEV SINGH, Geotechnical Engineering-I, REGIONAL, ARDENT PUBLSIHERS, 9789380000000
  33. SANJEEV SINGH, Environmental Engineering-I, NATIONAL, ARDENT PUBLSIHERS, 9789380000000
  34. SANJEEV SINGH, Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering, INTERNATIONAL, Acme learning Pvt. Ltd., 9789380000000
  35. SANJEEV KUMAR DWIVEDI, An innovative approach for botnet detection, NATIONAL, Lap Lambert academic publishing, 9783660000000
  36. SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA, Communication Systems(Analog and Digital), NATIONAL, SK Kataria & Sons, 978-9350143599
  37. SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA, Signals and System, INTERNATIONAL, SK Kataria & Sons, 978-9350142295
  38. SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA, Success Secrets: Developing a Path to Success, NATIONAL, Amazon, B07G2469F3
  39. SACHIN KUMAR TYAGI, IIT-JAM physics, NATIONAL, Exude Talent Publishing House, 9789350000000
  40. SACHIN KUMAR, Engineering Mathematics I, NATIONAL, PEARSON INDIA PVT LIMITED, 9789330000000
  41. RITU GUPTA, Engineering Mathematics - II, INTERNATIONAL, Acme Learning Pvt. Ltd, 978-93-80408-22-4
  42. RITU GUPTA, Discrete Structures and Automata Theory, NATIONAL, Alpha Science International Ltd, 978-1-84265-256-5
  43. RICHA AGARWAL, Engineering Mathematics I, NATIONAL, Shree Ji Publications, 978-81-8329-8503
  44. RICHA AGARWAL, Engineering mathematics II, NATIONAL, Shree, 978_81_8329_851_3
  45. RAVINDRA GAUTAM, Strength of Mateiral, NATIONAL, ARDENT PUBLSIHERS, 9789380000000
  48. RAVINDRA GAUTAM, Structural Analysis-I, NATIONAL, ARDENT PUBLSIHERS, 9788190000000
  49. PUSPENDRA KUMAR, GPAT Cracker, NATIONAL, Piyush Book Publications, 8186548866
  50. PUSPENDRA KUMAR, A Text Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, NATIONAL, Nirali Prakashan, 9789390000000
  51. PUSPENDRA KUMAR, A Practical Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, NATIONAL, Nirali Prakashan, 9789390000000
  52. PRAVEEN KUMAR DIXIT, REMEDIAL BIOLOGY, NATIONAL, R.Narain Publishers and Distributors, 978819000000
  53. PRAVEEN KUMAR DIXIT, Basic Understanding of Human Anatomy and Physiology-1, NATIONAL, R.Narain Publishers and Distributors, 9788190000000
  54. PRAVEEN KUMAR DIXIT, Human Anatomy and Physiology-II, NATIONAL, R Narain Publishers and Distributors,Agra, 9789390000000
  55. PRATEEK GUPTA, General Studies and Engineering Aptitude, NATIONAL, GK Publications (P) Ltd, 978-81-9330-361-0
  56. PRATEEK GUPTA, Toys and Safety Regulations, NATIONAL, Centre for Consumer Studies, Indian institute of Public Administration, 81-86641-83-1
  57. PRATEEK GUPTA, E-Governance in Rurban India (Monograph), NATIONAL, KAAV Publications, 978-93-86789-59-4
  58. PRAMOD KUMAR SHARMA, Remedial Mathematics Pharm. D., NATIONAL, Nirali prakashan, 978-93-87397-98-9
  59. PRAMOD KUMAR SHARMA, Remedial Mathematics, NATIONAL, Nirali Prakashan, 978-93-86700-20-9
  60. PRAMOD KR.YADAV, Database Management System, NATIONAL, S K Kataria & Sons, 978-81-89757-78-6
  61. PRAMOD KR.YADAV, Fundamentals of Database Management System, NATIONAL, S K Kataria & Sons New Delhi,, 81-89757-78-4
  62. PRAMOD KR.YADAV, Introduction to Database Management System, NATIONAL, S K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 978-93-80027-34-0
  63. PRAMOD KR.YADAV, Concepts of Database Management System, NATIONAL, S K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 978-93-5014-295-0
  64. PRAMOD KR.YADAV, Theory of Information Technology, INTERNATIONAL, Laxmi Publications, 978-81-318-0772-9
  66. PAVAN KHETRAPAL, Power System Operation and Control, NATIONAL, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PUNE, 978-93-332-1460-5
  67. PAVAN KHETRAPAL, Power Generation and Economics, INTERNATIONAL, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PUNE, 978-93-332-1754-5
  68. PATIL VAISHALI MANIKRAO, Hepatitis C Virus: QSAR studies on polymerase inhibitors, NATIONAL, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 978-3-330-08402-5
  69. NITIN GIRDHARWAL, The Essence of Business Research Methodology, NATIONAL, Shri Kala Prakashan , New Delhi, 9789390000000
  70. NITIN GIRDHARWAL, Professional Journal of Library and Informational Technology, INTERNATIONAL, Shri Kala Prakashan , New Delhi, 9767574
  72. N.R. SRIVASTAVA, Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation, INTERNATIONAL, Acme Learning pvt ltd, 978-93-80408-56-9
  73. MONIKA BHARDWAJ, Basic Understanding of anatomy and Physiology, NATIONAL, R. Narain & co. Educational Publishers, 978-81-937793-0-9
  74. MONIKA BHARDWAJ, Remedial Biology, NATIONAL, R. Narain & co. Educational Publishers, 978-81-937793-4-7
  75. MANI TYAGI, Monograph on Business statistics, NATIONAL, Vardan Publications, Meerut, 0
  76. MANDEEP KUMAR ARORA, Drug Inspector & Pharmacist Entrance Examination, NATIONAL, Piyush, 8186548-99-8
  79. K. P. MISHRA, Digital Design, NATIONAL, Vayu Education Of India, 978-93-83137-68-8
  80. K. P. MISHRA, Switching Theory, NATIONAL, S. K. Kataria & Sons, 81-89757-40-7
  81. K. P. MISHRA, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, NATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 978-93-83137-07-7
  82. K. P. MISHRA, Digital Electronics-I, INTERNATIONAL, Vayu Education of India, 978-93-83137-42-8
  83. K. NAGARAJAN, Glycopeptides and their medicinal potency as antioxidants, INTERNATIONAL, Scholars Press, 978-3-659-84305-1
  84. K. NAGARAJAN, Glutamic acid as antineoplastic agent-A Synthetic and Biological approach, INTERNATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-3-659-64012-4
  85. K. NAGARAJAN, Basic Principles of Radioassays, INTERNATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishing, 9783660000000
  86. K. NAGARAJAN, Trends in Hyphenated Analytical Techniques, INTERNATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishing, 9783840000000
  87. K. NAGARAJAN, Fundamental Principles of Drug Discovery, NATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishers, 978-613-9-98144-1
  88. JAGANNATH SAHOO, Pharmaceutics_I, NATIONAL, Nirali Prakashan, 9789390000000
  89. JAGANNATH SAHOO, Practical Book of Pharmaceutics-1, INTERNATIONAL, Nirali Prakashan, 9789390000000
  90. HIMANSHU SHARMA, Modulations and Error Control Codes for Wireless Sensor Networks, NATIONAL, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishers, Saarbrucken, Germany, 9783660000000
  91. HIMANSHU SHARMA, Electronics Devices & Circuits, NATIONAL, Technical Publication, Pune, 978-93-332-1632-6
  92. EKATA, Discrete Structures, NATIONAL, Khanna Book Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 978-93-82609-40-7
  93. DEEPA, General Studies and Engineering Aptitude, NATIONAL, GK Publications (P) Ltd, 978-81-9330-361-0
  94. DEEPA, E-Governance in Rurban India (Monograph), INTERNATIONAL, KAAV Publications, 978-93-86789-59-4
  95. DEBAPRASAD GHOSH, Nutriose-Eudragit Coated Pellets For Colon Targeted Drug Delivery: A Novel Approach, INTERNATIONAL, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (September 19, 2017), 978-620-2-05293-1
  96. DEBAPRASAD GHOSH, Mathematical Aspects & IVIVC Development of Extended Release Products, NATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-613-9-82934-7
  97. CHANDRA MOHAN BATRA, Engineering Mathematics II, INTERNATIONAL, ACME Learning Pvt. Ltd., 9789380000000
  98. AWADHESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA, “Seam Carving in Image and Video: An Optimization�, INTERNATIONAL, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-3-659-87973-9
  99. ASHU MITTAL, Nutriose-Eudragit coated pellets for colon targeted drug delivery:Anovel approach, INTERNATIONAL, LAP Lambert academic publishing, 9786200000000
  100. ASHU MITTAL, Mathematical aspects and IVIVC development of extended release products., REGIONAL, LAP Lambert academic publishing, 9786140000000
  101. ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA, Laboratory Manual Electrical Engineering, INTERNATIONAL, Remadhav Publication Ghaziabad (UP), 978-93-81297-10-0
  102. ARUNESH CHANDRA, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, NATIONAL, Sun India Publications, 978-93-85071-27-0
  103. ANURAG GUPTA, Measurement and Metrology, NATIONAL, Umesh Publications, 978-93-82533-30-6
  104. ANURAG GUPTA, manufacturing processes unconventional and advanced, INTERNATIONAL, Umesh Publications, 978-93-82533-31-3
  105. ANKUR SINGH BIST, An Innovative Approach for Botnet Detection, NATIONAL, LAMBERT, 659950378
  106. ANKUR BHARDWAJ, Mobile Computing, NATIONAL, Nandani Prakashan, 9789380000000
  107. ANKUR BHARDWAJ, Mobile Computing, NATIONAL, Nandani Prakashan, 9789380000000
  108. ANKUR BHARDWAJ, DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING, NATIONAL, Nandani Prakashan, 9789380000000
  109. ANKUR BHARDWAJ, DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM, NATIONAL, Nandani Prakashan, 9789380000000
  110. ANKUR BHARDWAJ, Introduction to Mobile Computing, NATIONAL, JBA Publishers, 9789380000000
  111. ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT, Multidimensional Data Visualization using Self Organizing Maps, NATIONAL, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 978-3-659-81817-2
  112. AMIT KUMAR ARORA, Management of Working Capital, NATIONAL, Global Academic Publisher, 978-81-921055-6-7
  113. AMIT KUMAR ARORA, Financial Management, INTERNATIONAL, Global Academic Publisher, 978-93-81695-22-7
  114. ALANKAR SRIVASTAVA, Adulteration Analysis of Some Foods and Drugs, INTERNATIONAL, Bentham, 978-1-68108-676-7
  116. ADESH KUMAR PANDEY, Empowering Multimedia with Data Mining and Warehousing, , educreation publishing, 978-1-5457
  117. Dr. Amit kumar Gupta, Design and analysis of Algorithms, National, Charulatha Publications, Chennai, 978-93-90614-70-7
  118. Dr. Amit kumar Gupta, Mobile Computing, National, Magnus Publications, Chennai, 978-81-94191-75-9
  119. Abhas Kanungo, Advances in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environment, International, Springer, 978-981-15-5312-7
  120. Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Machine Learning Models in Detecting Cyber Crimes and Cyber Terrorism in India / Dark Web Pattern Recognition and Crime Analysis Using Machine Intelligence, International, IGI-Global, 9781668439449
  121. PARUL GROVER, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19, International, Springer, Print ISBN 978-981-15-7316-3 Online ISBN 978-981-15-7317-0
  122. Vaishali M Patil, Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, International, Elsevier, 978-0-12-823944-5
  123. Dr. Amit kumar Arora, An Analysis of Implementation of Digitalisation in SMEs in India, International, IGI Global, 10.4018/978-1-7998-9155-0.ch049
  124. Dr. Amit kumar Arora, Automation in Healthcare Services, International, IGI Global, 10.4018/978-1-6684-3694-3.ch015
  125. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Blockchain and Government, International, CRC Press, 9781000515275
  126. Varun Gupta, Recent Advances in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy Technologies , International, Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-4221-0
  127. Varun Gupta, Recent Advances in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy Technologies , International, Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-4221-0
  128. Sudhir Kumar Singh, Power Electronics and High Voltage in Smart Grid, International, Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-7392-4
  129. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Blockchain and Government, International, CRC Press, 9781000515275
  130. Prof. Surbhi Vijh, Process Mining Techniques for Pattern Recognition- Taylor & Francis Group, International, Taylor & Francis , 9781003169550
  131. Prof. Anjali Jain, Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review, International, Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, 2367-3389
  132. Dr Archana Sharma, Profit-maximization inventory model with stock-dependent demand, International, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 9781003089636
  133. Dr.Deepti Seth, Modren Research and Application in Mathematical Science, International, Rubicon Publications, 978-1-913482-14-5
  134. Dr.Deepti Seth, Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, National, P. K Education, 978-93-94919-00-6
  135. nitin kumar saxena , Artificial Neural Network-Based Automatic Generation Control for Two-Area Nuclear-Thermal System, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-7664-2
  136. nitin kumar saxena, Varn Gupta , Reactive Power Requirement for Operating Wind-Driven Micro Grid in the Presence of Several Proportions and Classes of Static Load, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-7472-3
  137. Mohammad Shariz Ansari, Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-7472-3
  138. Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena , Spectrogram as an Emerging Tool in ECG Signal Processing, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-4221-0
  139. Varun Gupta, Attractor plot as an emerging tool in ECG signal processing for improved health informatics, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-4221-0
  140. D Blandina Miracle, Renewable Energy Integration to the Grid: A Probabilistic Perspective; cHAPTER 2: Technical Challenges in Renewable Generations and Their Integration to Grid, International , CRC Press T & F, YET TO BE GIVEN
  141. Kapil Gandhi, Voltage Issues in Power Networks with Renewable Power Generation, International , CRC Press T & F, YET TO BE GIVEN
  142. Sudhir Kumar Singh , Enhanced Operation of Grid-Connected Inverter to Improve Power Quality Issues, Harmonic Compensation with the Proposed Novel Approach, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-16-7392-4
  143. Brijesh Singh, Generators’ revenue augmentation in highly penetrated renewable M2M coordinated power systems, International , Academic Press, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780323916998
  144. Nitin kumar saxena, Optimal Allocation of Electric Vehicles Charging Station in Distribution Network Beside DG Using TSO, International , Springer, Singapore, 978-981-19-0979-5
  145. Dr. Parita Jain, Intelligence of Things: AI-IoT Based Critical-Applications and Innovations, International, Springer, 978-3-030-82800-4
  146. Dr. Parita Jain, Applications of Computational Science in Artificial Intelligence, International, IGI GLOBAL, 9781799890126
  148. Abhas Kanungo, GA and PSO Based Optimization for Benchmark Thermal System Using Wavelet-Based MRPID Controller, International, Springer, 978-981-15-5312-7
  149. Dr. Hunny, Factor Responsible and Phases of Speaker Recognition System, International, IET, 978-1-83953-533-8
  150. Dr Parvin Kumar, A Review of Radio over Fiber Transmission based on Linearization Technique for emerging wireless network, International, Springer, 978-981-16-6459-5
  151. Dr Parvin Kumar, Attractor plot as an emerging tool in ECG signal processing for improved health informatics, International, Springer, 978-981-16-4222-7
  152. Rajeev Kumar, Power System Economics, National, Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030, ISBN 978-93-5099-666-9
  153. Rajeev Kumar, Power Generation and Economics, National, Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030, ISBN 978-93-332-1754-5
  154. Rajeev Kumar, Power System Operation and Control, National, Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030, ISBN 978-93-332-1460-5
  155. Varun Gupta , Medical Optics, International, Scientific International Publishing House, ISBN 978-93-5625-091-8
  156. Anurag Gupta, Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2021 (ITME2021), International, Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registered in The Netherlands, ISSN no: 2214-7853
  157. K L A Khan, Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2021 (ITME2021), International , Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registered in The Netherlands, ISSN no: 2214-7853
  158. Prof. Surbhi Vijh, Process Mining Techniques for Pattern Recognition- Taylor & Francis Group, International, Taylor & Francis , 9781003169550
  159. Prof. Anjali Jain, Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review, International, Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, 2367-3389
  160. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Blockchain and Government, International, CRC Press, 9781000515275
  161. Prof. Shrankhla Saxena, Achieving Cyber Security through Deep Learning, International, ESN Publicatons, 978-93-90781-10-2
  162. Prof. Rajiv Chourasiya, Comparative Study of Routing Protocols in Vanets on Realistic Scenario, International, Springer, 978-981-15-8767-2
  163. Prof. Dinesh Kumar, Identification of Emotions from sentences Using Natural Language processing for small data Set, International, Springer, 2194-5365
  164. Prof. Ila Kaushik, Black Hole Attack and Its Security Measure in Wireless Sensors Networks., International, Springer, 978-3-030-40305-8
  165. Surbhi Vijh, Lecture notes on data engineering & telecommunication Technologies(springer), International, Springer, 978-3-030-25796-5
  166. Dr. Mohit Agarwal, DWSA: a secure data warehouse architecture for encrypting data using AES and OTP encryption technique, International, Springer, 10.1007/978-981-13-0589-4_47
  167. Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay Shrivastava, Hadoop: Installation Guide on Windows , International,, 978-93-5627-562-1
  168. Prashant Agrawal and Neelam Rawat, Essentials of Artificial Intelligence Models, Algorithms and Applications, International, GCS Publishers Hyderabad, Telangana-500055, 978-93-94304-50-5
  169. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security: Current Trends and Future Prospects, International, Wiley, 9781119761655
  170. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare System, International, Wiley, 9781119764175
  171. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Cyber Security: An approach to secure IoT from cyber attacks using Deep Learning, International, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 978-0367562854
  172. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for pandemics, International, Wiley- Scrivener, 978-1-119-76879-1
  173. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare System, International, Wiley, 9781119764175
  174. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Handbook of Machine Learning for Computational Optimization: Applications and Case Studies, International, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 9781003138020
  175. Dr Pushpa, Federated Learning: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions, International, Springer, 978-3-030-85558-1
  176. Dr Pushpa, Artificial Intelligence for Smart Data Storage in Cloud-Based IoT, International, Springer, 978-3-030-86748-5
  177. Dr Pushpa, An overview of low power hardware architecture for edge computing devices, International, ELSEVIER, 9780323905480
  178. Dr Pushpa, AI- and IoT-Based Architecture in Healthcare, International, Taylor & Francis Group, 978-1-003-20196-0
  179. Dr Pushpa, Blockchain Technology Based Healthcare Supply Chain Management, International, Taylor & Francis Group, 978-1-003-20196-0
  180. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Handbook of Machine Learning for Computational Optimization: Applications and Case Studies, International, Taylor & Francis Group,2&4 Park Square, Abingdon, OX14 4RN,
  181. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for pandemics, International, Wiley- Scrivener,
  182. Dr Pushpa, Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies, International, Taylor & Francis Group,2&4 Park Square, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, -
  183. Subhash Chandra Gupta, BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH PYTHON, National, SIPH, 32B, Mazhuppan Street, Mannargudi, Tamilnadu, INDIA-614001, ISBN : 978-93-5625-174-8
  184. Pushpa, AI and Blockchain Technology in 6G Wireless Network, International, 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore, To be Scopus
  185. Ayasha Malik, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Avinashkumar, Implementation of smart healthcare system using AI, IoT and Blockchain, International, Springer,
  186. Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, , Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, International, IGI Global,
  187. Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Vidyarthi, Deo Prakash, A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model (2010), International, IGI Global,
  188. Singh, M., Gupta, P.K., Tyagi, V., Flusser, J., Ören, T., Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (2019), International, Springer Singapore,
  189. Richa Singh, Arunedra Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya, Advancements in Security and Privacy Initiatives for Multimedia Images(2020), International, IGI Global, 9781799827955
  190. Arunedra Singh, Richa Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya, Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering (2020), International, Springer, 978-981-15-2369-4
  191. Ayasha Malik, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Avinashkumar, Implementation of smart healthcare system using AI, IoT and Blockchain, International, Springer,
  192. Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi, , Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, International, IGI Global,
  193. Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Vidyarthi, Deo Prakash, A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model (2010), International, IGI Global,
  194. Singh, M., Gupta, P.K., Tyagi, V., Flusser, J., Ören, T., Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (2019), International, Springer Singapore,
  195. Dr Pushpa, Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies, International, Taylor & Francis, 1/ISBN 10-1032063416
  196. Dr. Subhash Chandra Gupta, BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH PYTHON, National, SIPH, First/ISBN : 978-93-5625-174-8
  197. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, The Smart Cyber Ecosystem for Sustainable Development: Principles, Building Blocks and Paradigms, International, Wiley, 9781119761655
  198. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, IoT enabled Effective Healthcare Monitoring System using Semantic Web, International, Wiley, 9781119764175
  199. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science, International, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 978-0367562854
  200. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Covid 19 and Machine Learning Approaches to deal with the Pandemic, International, Wiley- Scrivener, 978-1-119-76879-1
  201. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, IoT enabled Effective Healthcare Monitoring System using Semantic Web, International, Wiley, 9781119764175
  202. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Deep Learning approaches for Traffic Sign Recognition on Embedded Systems, International, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 9781003138020
  203. Dr Pushpa, Federated Learning for IoT Applications, International, Springer, 978-3-030-85558-1
  204. Dr Pushpa, Transforming Management with AI, Big-Data, and IoT, International, Springer, 978-3-030-86748-5
  205. Dr Pushpa, 5G IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Healthcare, International, Elsevier, 9780323905480
  206. Dr Pushpa, Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies, International, Taylor & Francis Group, 978-1-003-20196-0
  207. Dr Pushpa, Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies, International, Taylor & Francis Group, 978-1-003-20196-0
  208. Neelam Rawat, Prashant Agarwal, Arun Kumar Tripathi, Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology / Covid’19 virus life progress span by using machine learning algorithms, International, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York, 978-10-03150-66-4
  209. Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science Research Trends and Challenges/ Review of Decentralized Smart System, International, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York, 978-10-03097-18-1
  210. Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology / The instrument to measure happiness at workplace, International, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York, 978-10-03150-66-4
  211. Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Green Engineering and Technology: Concepts and Applications/ Systematic Study of VANET: Applications, Challenges, Threats, Attacks, Schemes and Issues in Research, International, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 978-036-77-5805-9
  212. Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dark Web Pattern Recognition and Crime Analysis Using Machine Intelligence / Machine Learning Models in Detecting Cyber Crimes and Cyber Terrorism in India, , IGI Gbobal, 978-166-84-3944-9
  213. Vidushi, Akash Rajak, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, and Arun Kumar Tripathi, A Proactive Improvement Towards Digital Forensic Investigation Based on Deep Learning, , CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 9781774638712
  214. Shweta Singh, Performance of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model in Software Engineering – A Survey, , CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 9780367816414
  215. Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Artificial Intelligence, National, Sruti Publications, Chennai, 978-81-948630-0-7
  216. Akash rajak, Vidushi, Algorithms and numerical in computer graphics, National, Thakur publication, 978-93- 5480-192-1
  217. Veena Parihar, AI Models for Blockchain-Based Intelligent Networks in IoT Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications/Empowering Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Toward Smart Healthcare Systems, International, Springer International Publishing, 978-3-031-31952-5
  218. Veena Parihar, From Smart Devices to Smarter Systems: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) with Characteristics, Architecture, Use Cases and Challenges, International, Springer International Publishing, 978-3-031-31952-5
  219. Veena Parihar, Blockchain-Powered Smart E-Healthcare System: Benefits, Use Cases, and Future Research Directions, International, Springer International Publishing, 978-3-031-22922-0
  220. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, A Proactive Improvement Toward Digital Forensic Investigation Based on Deep Learning, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781003277224
  221. Sapna Juneja, Industry 4.0 with artificial intelligence and their applications in mechanical engineering, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781032201986
  222. Sapna Juneja, IoT Applications for Healthcare, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781032201986
  223. Sapna Juneja, Plant Disease Detection by Imaging sensors, Deep Learning and Machine Learning”, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781032201986
  224. Bhawna, AI Models for Blockchain-Based Intelligent Networks in IoT Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications/Empowering Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Toward Smart Healthcare Systems, International, Springer International Publishing, 978-3-031-31952-5
  225. Bhawna, From Smart Devices to Smarter Systems: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) with Characteristics, Architecture, Use Cases and Challenges, International, Springer International Publishing, 978-3-031-31952-5
  226. Sachin Kumar, Additive manufacturing process based EOQ model under the effect of pandemic COVID.19 on non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price dependent demand., International, CRC Press, 9781003360001
  227. Sachin Kumar, A Reliable Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Multivariate Demand Under Time Dependent Deterioration., International, CRC Press, 9781003140092
  228. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Plant Disease Detection Using Imaging Sensors, Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Smart Farming, International, CRC, 9781003322597
  229. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, IoT Application for Healthcare, International, CRC, 9781003322597
  230. Dr. Neelam Sharma, Smart Waste Management System Using a Convolutional Neural Network Model, international, Big Data, Cloud Computing and IoT: Tools and Applications, 2023, pp. 201–214, 9781003298335
  231. Arti Sharma, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Farming Using Cloud Computing, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781003319238
  232. Sapna Juneja, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Farming Using Cloud Computing, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781003319238
  233. Sapna Juneja, Building Integrated Systems for Healthcare Considering Mobile Computing and IoT, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781003319238
  234. Sapna Juneja, Heart Disease Prediction utilizing a Machine Learning System as well as Future Prediction using Virtual Reality, International, Elsevier, 978-0-323-98381-5
  235. Harsh Khatter, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals, International, Scientific International Publishing House, 978-93-5757-293-4
  236. Sapna Juneja, Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart Applications, International, Taylor and Francis, 9781003319238
  237. Dr. Richa Agarwal, Vector Algebra, National, Paradise press,
  238. Dr. Barkha Rohtagi, Vector Algebra, National, Paradise press,
  239. Shweta Singh, Cloud-Based Architecture for Effective Surveillance and Diagnosis of COVID-19, International, WILEY on line Library, 9781119905233
  240. Shweta Singh and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart Applications, International, CRC Pres, Taylor & Francis Group, 9781003319238
  241. Shalika, Advances in information communication technology and computing, International, Springer, ISBN 978-981-19-9887-4 ISBN 978-981-19-9888-1 (eBook)
  242. Dr Rekha Kashyap , Veena Parihar, 5G and Beyond/Security Attacks and Vulnerability Analysis in Mobile Wireless Networking, International, Springer, 978-981-99-3668-7
  243. Dr Rekha Kashyap, Ms. Veena Parihar, 5G and Beyond/Security Attacks and Vulnerability Analysis in Mobile Wireless Networking, International, Springer, 978-981-99-3668-7Published: 29 August 2023
  245. Harsh Khatter, Machine Learning with Python, National, Scientific International Publishing House, Tamil Nadu, India, 978-93-5757-555-3
  246. Arti Sharma, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Machine Learning and Its Application in Educational Area, International, Wiley Publications, 9781394188093
  247. DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ, Cloud Computing Technology and Applications, National, JEC PUBLISHER, Mughalsarai, UP, 978-93-90614-70-7
  248. Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Meta Heuristic Algorithm for Advanced Distributed System ,, International, Wiley, 978-81-94191-75-9
  249. DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ, Analysis of Neural Network and Neuromorphic Computing with hardware- A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, TYLOR AND FRANCIS, 9781003398066
  250. Shrankhla Saxena, Analysis of Technology Research and ADHD with neurodivergent Reader- A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, TYLOR AND FRANCIS, 9781003398066
  251. Vinay Kumar, Analysing of Heterogeneous Perceptions of a Mutually Dependent Health Ecosystem System-Survey, INTERNATIONAL, TYLOR AND FRANCIS, 9781003405368
  252. DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ, Challenges and Future Directions of Fuzzy System in Healthcare Systems- A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, TYLOR AND FRANCIS, 9781003405368
  253. DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ, A Systematic Study of Networking Design for Co-Working Space, INTERNATIONAL, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 9781032669663
  254. swasti singhal, Live Virtual Machine Migration towards Energy Optimization in Cloud Datacenters, INTERNATIONAL, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 9781032669663
  255. MANISH BHARDWAJ, Efficient-driven Approaches Related to Meta-Heuristic Algorithms using Machine Learning Techniques, INTERNATIONAL, WILEY, 9781394188062
  256. Dr. Rohit Vashisht, Security and Privacy issues in Distributed Healthcare system- A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, WILEY, 9781394188062
  257. Dr. Rohit Vashisht, Implementation and Analysis of Proposed Model in a Distributed e-Healthcare System, INTERNATIONAL, WILEY, 9781394188062
  258. Garima Singh, Integration of IoT in renewable energy for smart cities, INTERNATIONAL, CRC Press, 9781032669809
  259. Dr. Meeta Chaudhry, Mining Standardized EHR Data: Exploration, Issues, and Solution, INTERNATIONAL, Bentham Science Publishers Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 978-981-5179-12-5
  260. , Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Algorithm with Cloud Computing A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, CRC Press, 9781003432869
  261. , Power Electronics & IoT in Connected Electric Vehicles for Smart Cities, INTERNATIONAL, CRC Press, 9781032669809
  262. , Integrating Generative AI in Education to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, International, IGI Global,
  263. , Power electronics and IoT for electric vehicles in smart cities, INTERNATIONAL, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 9781032669809
  264. , A Comprehensive Study of Bio-Informatics With Machine Learning, International, IGI Global, 9798369318744
  265. , A Comparative Analysis of Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches, International, IGI Global, 9798369318744
  266. , An Overview of the Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Domain, International, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 9781032855332
  267. , Shaping Tomorrows Minds: The Future of Education in an AI (Artificial Intelligence)-Augmented World, international, IGI global, 9798369324400
  268. Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles- Concepts, Challenges, and Applications” in Emerging applications and future scope of internet of vehicles for smart cities-A Survey, INTERNATIONAL, Taylor And Francis ISSN/ISBN No. 9781003502432, 9781003502432
  269. Dr. Rohit Vashisht, A Handbook of Computational Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence in Natural Language Processing, INTERNATIONAL, Bentham Publishers ISSN/ISBN No. 978-981-5238-48-8, 978-981-5238-48-8