Minor Specialization Cell
The administrative structure of the Minor Specialization is shown below-

- Each department should select their own minor specialization area as per their faculty strength and based on industry requirements and student’s needs.
- These minor specialization courses will be offered for interested student of all departments.
- Minor specialization will be offered in summer break.
- Evaluation work cum Certificate distribution will be performed in 6th semester.
- MOOC courses should be offered to students during semester.
- During semester, all students should work in Excellence Centers (CoEs), Department and Innovation Clubs as per their selected minor specialization.
- Minor specialization course duration will be 6 weeks (180 hrs.) in summer break. The suggestive distribution will be:
- 45 hrs. Training
- 45 hrs. Practical
- 90 hrs. Project Work
- Departments will appoint a faculty coordinator for coordinating the minor specialization course.
- Respective Department will be fully responsible for successfully running their minor specialization course.
- Each department will design their own syllabus for their minor specialization and this syllabus should be approved from Board of Studies (BoS) of respective Department.
- Syllabus should be practical oriented and based on industry requirements.
- Syllabus should be planned for two parts. First part should be basic or fundamental that should be offered in 1stsummer break and 2ndpart should be advanced that should be offered in 2ndsummer break.
- Department should train or arrange their faculty member as per their selected minor specialization area.
- Inter-Department expert faculty members group should be formed for teaching the respective minor specialization.
Modus operandi:
- Finalization of minor specialization areas
- Finalization of Faculty Coordinator from each department
- Finalization of formation of Inter-Departmental expert faculty members group
- Finalization of Syllabus & MOOC Courses (if possible) and its approval from respective Department Board of Studies (BoS).
- Timetable for summer break