
KIET School of Management



To attain excellence in management education and produce business leaders to serve global society.


  • To deliver quality management education, skills, and values through modern teaching learning practices.
  • To undertake collaborative interdisciplinary research, develop critical thinking and analytical abilities for solving industrial & societal problems.
  • To provide a conducive environment to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills.
  • To instill professional ethics through value-based education.

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PEOs (Program Educational Objectives)

  • Provide creative, innovative and enterprising solutions.
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal and leadership skills ethically.
  • Become responsible and value driven citizen committed to organization and society for sustainable development.
  • Indulgent in lifelong learning for continuous growth and development.

POs (Program Outcomes)

  • PO 1: Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
  • PO 2: Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.
  • PO 3: Ability to develop Value based Leadership ability.
  • PO 4: Ability to understand, analyse and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.
  • PO 5: Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.
  • APO1: Apply entrepreneurial skills through innovation and creativity.
  • APO2: Apply research skills for industry and socio-economic development.

Course Outcomes (COs)