

Centre of Excellence


KIET Group of Institutions in collaboration with National Instruments (India) has set up KIET-NI LabVIEW Academy (Centre of Excellence) at ECE Department, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. This Academy has been conducting the Employability Enhancement Program for Indian engineering graduates to provide cost effective access to world class latest technology through classroom teaching-learning. The KIET-NI LabVIEW Academy is the authorized center in ECE Department to provide the CLAD certification course training and hands-on Hardware modules like MyDAQ, MyRIO, sbRIO, WSN, Bio-Medical Sensors, ELVIS, USRP RIO, etc., using LabVIEW for engineering students, faculty and industrial personnel. The KIET-NI LabVIEW Academy also provides facilities for students to carry out their undergraduate and postgraduate projects.


Center of excellence of Robotics and Mechatronics has also been established by the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of KIET Group of Institutions. E-Yantra Lab has also been established by the ECE Department which is sponsored by IIT, Bombay. Robotics and Mechatronics Lab are beyond the AKTU syllabus. This lab is very useful for all the other departments of engineering. In this lab we have Fire Bird V, Fire Bird VI, Fire bird XII, and Four Wheel based robots. We also have a humanoid in this lab which is designed by 20 servo motors.

robotics & mechatronics lab


Microwaves and radio-frequency (RF) are at the heart of many electronic applications such as cellular phones, Wi-Fi, RFID, GPS, Radar and satellites etc.. The Lab allows both hardware implementations and theoretical studies in electromagnetic theory, antennas and RF, microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems for various government, industry and defense related applications, e.g. wireless communications, biomedical and healthcare applications, and satellite and space thrusts. The laboratories have the EM simulation tool HFSS for RF circuit and antenna design and the E44 Miller Machine for PCB Fabrication.


space technology


To keep the pace with the new advancement and technologies, Center of Excellence in "Space Technologies" is providing a platform to the researcher faculties and curative students, who want to nurture themselves in this newly emerging field of space technology. This Center of Excellence is hosted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering under KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. This establishment is supporting the vision and mission of the Institution to imparting the knowledge to the desired one.
In the recent advancement of technological era of spacescience is playing a dominant role on each and every person direct or indirect way. Cellular communication, farming, geographic area mapping, remote sensing and many more other areas are available that are affected by new advancement of space technologies.


KIET MBS Research Centre

KIET MBS Research Centre was established in the month of January 2021 with the Vision to develop a Research and Development platform in the institute to meet the needs of one of the biggest industries in the world that is Health Industry. To become the only institute having maximum no. of commercialized products. The Mission of the Centre is to establish a high level R&D in the Institute and to provide the emerging technology to the students, faculty and staff. Taking the concept of Make in India further, the mission of the Centre is to develop indigenous Bio-Medical Instrument.


Ongoing Project in KIET MBS Bio-Medical Instrumentation Research

  • Plasma Ionizer – This device will be used to control the air pollution.
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring Device - This device will keep track of the human blood pressure and generates the statistical analysis.
  • IoT based Body temperature Pulse Oxy meter
  • Ventilators in an affordable cost with efficient performance and flexible design
  • Health Monitoring Autonomous Robots
  • Multi-Para Patient Monitor – ECG Respiration, IBP-SPO2 Temperature and Dual IBP
  • Anaesthesia Workstation - Boils Separators, Ventilators and Patient Monitor
  • Neuro-Muscular Transmission (NMT) System – Muscular Simulator
  • Bi- Spectral Index (BIS)
  • Vaporizer
  • Infusion Pump and Syringe Pump
  • CTG – Cardiotocograph

Product Developed by KIET MBS
It is a matter of immense pleasure to share this information with you that the team of KIET MBS has come up with their first industry ready product *Oxyana* to get installed in plant established at Loni Ghaziabad. Our product Oxyana is an Oxygen analyzer device with multiple controlling features. This device is novel as it is the only existing device which shows different parameters of the flowing oxygen. It shows 4 parameters of the flowing oxygen which includes its concentration, flow, humidity and temperature also the on board microcontrollers in the device help in controlling the valves to maintain the flow and concentration level. It took us 6 months to complete this project but with the dedicated team efforts we have managed to complete our first consultancy project on time and also received the order for developing 19 units from MBS India Pvt.Ltd. The members of a giant company General Electric(GE) have visited the plant and taken the close review of our product, they were pleased and gave us the assurance of collaboration with KIET MBS research Centre in the near future.


Power Semiconductor Devices

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering of KIET group of Institutions has signed MoU with Mitsubishi Electric, India and inaugurated Centre of Excellence on Power Semiconductor Devices on 22-02-2024 under CSR initiative. The objective of this COE is to offer specialized training programs, workshops, and seminars on power semiconductor devices for our students and faculty members and to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of power electronics.


Centre of Excellence for Power Engineering Technologies and Clean Energy Integration

About Centre
"Centre of Excellence for Power Engineering Technologies and Clean Energy Integration" is one of the centre of KIET Group of Institutions Ghaziabad established by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in March 2019. It is one of centres in Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU)Lucknow, working in power engineering applications included clean and renewable energy system technologies. The intention is to create a platform with multi-disciplinary environment in area of power engineering and renewable energy technologies for experts, researcher, academicians, students and industry.

To accommodate this objective, the centre will provide an infrastructural facilities and environment to conduct experiments to understands knowhow, constraints and requirements of power engineering applications including clean/ renewable energy system technologies. The purpose is to produce collaborative research outcomes/solutions with social impacts in association with academic institutions and industries globally. The platform also provides a channel of communication to exchange the experiences and ideas at global level through technical programme such as training, workshops, seminars, conferences, expert talks, schools, internships and FDPs. The centre is placed in Room No. A-016, A-Block, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.                   

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  • Research and development on electrical grid infrastructure produce flexible, reliable, resilient, secure, and sustainable solutions.
  • To solve energy challenges using computational science, applied mathematics, scientific data management and artificial intelligence.
  • Research on photovoltaics, wind power, solar-thermal power, bio-mass energy systems integration.
    Development of solutions for future energy systems including security, resiliency, reliability, affordability, and cleanness features.
  • Design and development of cost effective, energy-efficient and affordable Electric Vehicle and Mobility technologies for public transportation.
  • To support the industry partners for creating innovative and integrated systems for electric, fuel cell, and conventional vehicles.
  • To help manufacturers and power practitioner for finding the most energy-efficient and sustainable solutions in production and processes.
  • To create a strong association of expertise with verity of experiences to exchange the knowledge and ideas.
    Conduct technical programme such as training, workshops, internships, seminars, conferences, expert talks, schools and FDPs in relevant areas.


  • Advance Computer Modelling and Simulation Laboratory
    • MATLAB, DigSilent Power Factory, PVSyst.
  • Real-Time Simulation and HIL Laboratory
    • Opal-RT Real-Time Digital Simulator with access to hardware-in-the-loop capabilities.
  • Renewable Energy Integration Laboratory
    • Eco-sense makes Hardware Simulator for PV Energy Conversion system; Hardware Simulator for PMSG based wind Energy Conversion system; 3.2kWp Roof Top Solar PV Panels; 2.0 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter, 1-Phase Inverter (3.5Kw, 48V, 40A) with Customized drivers, Customized MPPT Charge Controller (48v, 40A); Charge Controller (12-24v, 20A); Single phase and three phase constant power and dynamic loads;Battery pack (48 Volt,84 Ah Lead Acid).
  • Advance Electrical Vehicular Technology Laboratory
    • Various types of electrical drives and machines; dSpace; DSP Trainer Kits; Digital storage oscilloscope TPS 2014, 100MHz 4 Isolated channel color display,Power Quality Analyzers with data logging facility, Battery pack (48 Volt,84 Ah Sealed Lead Acid); PCBs Fabrication (CNC) and prototyping machines; Tig Welding Machine.

Infrastructural Facilities

  • A 31X23Ft. air-conditioned large floor space for research activities
  • Single-Phase and Three-phase AC electrical power supply systems (10 kVA loading capacity)
  • Dedicated 15X8 Ft. computer lab for soft computing and simulations  
  • Uninterrupted power supply system
  • ICT based classroom for conduction of FDPs/STTPs/SDPs/Tutorials (max. 20 person).

Associated Knowledge Partner
Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE), Noida
An ISO 9001:2008 & Associate Member of FMSCI and SFI; National Youth Award Winner by Ministry of Youth Affairs; Recommended by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt of India.

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Funded/Sponsored Projects

  1. Development of Retro-fitted Electric Car under skill development programme on Design and Assembly of Electric Vehicles, funded by KIET Ghaziabad, INR 3.88 Lac, Feb 05, 2020.
    (Peoples working: Dr. Brijesh Singh and Students of B. Tech (EN) VI Sem.) 
  1. Development of Standalone Small Scaled Hybrid Microgrid System for Agriculture Requirements, CRIP funding through TEQIP-III funded by AKTU, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, INR 3.0 Lac, June 26, 2019.
    (Peoples working: Dr. Brijesh Singh and Prof. Kapil Gandhi) 


  1. Installation of 4 kW Solar Power Plant with intelligent Energy Management System for PC lab, Research Project under VRPS scheme granted by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, INR 5.0 Lac, July 2018 to Feb 2020.
    (Peoples worked: Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Prof. Ashish D. Thombre and Mr. Aditya Singh) 

Research Projects

S. No. Title of the Research Project Peoples Working Start Year Status
1.         AI based Load and Renewable Energy Forecasting Dr. Brijesh Singh and Mr. Akash Tripathi May 2020 Ongoing
2.         Hybrid Energy Transportation Systems including Demand Side Response and Management Dr. Brijesh Singh and Prof. Swati Singhal February 2020 Ongoing
3.         ANN based speed estimation in induction motor drives Dr. Brijesh Singh, Mr. Arpit Bhusan Sharma, and Mr. Sandeep Kumar Tiwari February 2020 Completed in year 2020
4.         Battery SOC Monitoring and Control Systems in Micro-Grids Dr. Brijesh Singh and Mr. Shashwat Dwivedi November 2019 Ongoing
5.         Solar Photo Voltaic Panel Cooling Systems Dr. Brijesh Singh, Mr. Rohan Singh, Mr. Shubham Kumar Patel, Mr. Nitiesh Singh, and Mr. Rituraj Singh September 2019 Ongoing
6.         Optimal Renewable Energy Utilization in Power Systems Dr. Brijesh Singh and Mr. Deepak Yadav May 2019 Ongoing
7.         Minimization of Power Variation in Wind Energy Conversion System using Fuzzy Logic Control Dr. Brijesh Singh, Mr. Arpit Bhusan Sharma, and Mr. Sandeep Kumar Tiwari April 2019 Completed in year 2020
8.         Optimal Utilization of Green Energy Corridors Dr. Brijesh Singh and Dr.Nitai Pal March 2019 Ongoing
9.         Optimal utilization of mid-day over generated power and solution of increased voltage in solar PV integrated network Dr. Brijesh Singh and Mr. Deepak Yadav March 2019 Ongoing

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  1. Intelligent Parking & Charging Stations
  2. AI based Cell Balancing System inE-Mobility & Storages Technologies
  3. Energy Management Systems for Micro-Grids
  4. Identification of Customer Priority Factor for Economic Load Dispatch in Power Markets
  5. Solar Powered Toilet
  6. Distribution System Automation and AI for Prosumers (Combination of Power Producers and Consumers)
  7. Smart Grids Operation and Control
  8. Forecasting for Electricity Market
  9. AI for Matching Supply and Demand in Power Systems
  10. AI for Efficiency and Reliability of Renewable Energy System
  11. Weather Monitoring System Using IOT
  12. Smart Building System using IOT

Technical Committee

  • Professor (Dr.) Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Professor & Head
  • Prof. (Dr.) Brijesh Singh, Associate Professor&Convener
  • Prof. Ashish D. Thombre, Associate Professor &Advisor
  • Prof. (Dr.) Faisal Jalil, Assistant Professor& Member
  • Prof. (Dr.) Ajeet Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor& Member
  • Prof. (Dr.) Shruti Pandey, Assistant Professor& Member
  • Prof. (Dr.) Natwar Singh Rathore, Assistant Professor& Member

Activity Reports
Joint Activity Report (CEPET&CEI and KIET IEEE Student Branch) 2019                      Click here
Joint Activity Report CEPET&CEI and IEEE SB-Jan-June 2020 Vol.1                            Click here

Contact for Collaboration and Association
Dr. Brijesh Singh
Associate Professor (Research) and Convener
KIET Centre of Excellence Power Engineering Technology and Clean Energy Integration (CEPET&CEI)
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad, Meerut Road (NH-58), Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201206, INDIA
Contact No: +91 8377825935, +91 9450838018

Process Control and Industrial Automation

In order to meet the exacting demands of the oil and gas, mining, manufacturing and downstream processing industries, modern plants are equipped with systems and devices which are needed to measure and regulate variables such as temperature, pressure, flow, humidity, liquid level, velocity and density. Industrial Automation provides the technology to control and monitor a process plant using such concepts as feedback, cascade, feedforward and advanced process control.

Students in the Centre of Excellence in Process Control and Industrial Automation are exposed to the practical, up-to-the-minute knowledge and skills demanded by leading industries worldwide. Here they study subjects which include: process control, instrumentation, control valves, process plant layout and piping design, tuning of process loops, SCADA, PLCs, advanced process control (APC), boiler control, hazardous areas, safety instrumentation (IEC 61511 and IEC 61508), industrial data communications, networking, device Net and Fieldbus, industrial wireless, shielding/EMC/EMI, and noise reduction.

Centre for Automotive Mechatronics

The Centre for Automotive Mechatronics was jointly established by KIET Group of Institutions and Mercedes Benz India Ltd in 2018. The Centre runs Advanced Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics (ADAM) course. The course is developed to respond to the clear demand in the service sector of Automotive Industry and during the course enrolled candidates got equipped with advanced level skills that provides them success in this competitive environment. Automotive Mechatronics is a life-cycle activity that involves the multidisciplinary integration of automotive mechanical and electronic systems. The highly specialize ADAM course contains Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics/ Embedded system, Vehicle Systems and Soft Skills modules. The Centre also provides skill development trainings to the B. Tech Mechanical Engineering students for enhancement of their employability. The training is imparted in the areas of Electrical & Electronics Technology, Advanced Automobile Systems / Engineering and its diagnosis, practical hands on experience on Mercedes-Benz Car. The methodology is a self-reliant learning and team concept as being practiced successfully in the MBIL in-house facility.

Centre of Advanced Woodworking (CAW)

The skill development is foundation of nation building and KIET Group of Institutions is committed for this from last two decades. To fulfill its commitment KIET Group of Institutions have taken up many steps for skill development of youth. The recent skill development initiative is the joint venture of KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS and BIESSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PVT. LTD. in the form of “Centre of Advanced Woodworking (CAW)”. The prime objective of the CAW is to impart the training to young professionals and to develop new entrepreneur in the highly disorganized woodworking industry with a concept of smart factory. To achieve the objective of CAW, Centre is having highly automated woodworking machinery and software to mitigate the requirement of industry in terms of technology and trained manpower.

BIESSE Group is an ITALY based MNC specializing in the wood working segment since 1968 and involved in designing, Manufacturing, and marketing of a comprehensive range of technology and solutions for joiners and large furniture window doors and wood building components manufacturers. In recent years BIESSE has also been active in the plastic processing machinery sector, developing ad-hoc solution for the growing market. BIESSE India having its tech centre at Nelamangala Bengaluru is a sprawling space of 1000 square metres where all the modern amenities to accommodate the wide range of machinery are in place. From Edge Banding to CNC Nesting, as many as fifteen technologies are in display with each variant offering an innovative yet unique solution in the field of wood, glass, and advanced material processing. Our dedicated training facility at the tech centre helps in educating customers regarding all the latest developments & trends.

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Centre of excellence for computer aided manufacturing has a vertical machining center (JYOTI MAKE PX-40 MODEL) and a CNC Lathe (JYOTI MAKE DX-135 MODEL). Students are given hands on training on these machines. Various certificate training programmes are run round the year in which students get to learn about machine settings, setting up work-pieces, CNC programming, setting work offset, automatic tool changers (ATCs), Siemens and Fanuc controller setup etc. Such type of short term courses provides students an opportunity to learn the latest technology used in the area of Computer Aided Manufacturing.

Structural Analysis and Design

The Department of Civil Engineering has established its centre of excellence namely Structural Analysis and Design. The Centre provides training on design and detailing of precast / cast-in-situ steel and RCC structures including design of industrial buildings, pre-engineered buildings, and elevated large span connecting bridges, road under-passes, elevated / underground storage tanks, storage structures and hoppers. Further, the Centre also extends it services for training and skill development of students and faculty members for designing many RCC structures including high-rise buildings, silos, machine foundations, etc. Furthermore, the centre provides exposure towards strength assessments of old structures and retrofitting, feasibility reports, tender specifications & drawings, approval of fabrication drawings and designer’s supervision on site.

  • The aim of center is to promote
    • Professional efficiency in various software being used by industry
    • Industrial consultancy projects
    • The placement of students
    • The quality of major Projects of final year students
  • Student Employability Program through External Agency (2019-20)
    • Training of Final Year students in order to enhance their employability (Students Employability Program)
    • 04 out of 13 students got a chance for 4 months pre-placement internship in Ramboll India.
    • In order to give the industry readiness exposure to the students of Final Year, Projects in accordance with current industry trends are assigned to the students under ageis of the Centre of Excellence in which 10 Groups of students (34 students) have completed their final year projects through the Centre of Excellence
  • Industry Readiness (2019-20)
    • Additional Skill Classes (through External Agency) are being run in the Centre of Excellence.
    • Final Year Projects in accordance with current industry trends are assigned to the students. Presently, 24 students are working for their B. Tech. Final Year Projects.


IOS Learning Centre of Excellence

The iOS learning centre has been established under an MOU with Apple iOS University Programme in Jan 2015. It is equipped with 24 Mac machines, 2 iPads, (1) Laptop MAC book and LCD Projector.

The main objective of the centre is to make our students industry ready for the MAC Platform and for iOS development.

Finance and Tally Lab

A value added offering, KSM has a dedicated Finance and Tally Lab for honing the financial acumen of students. Apart from providing training on ERP softwares like Tally and MARG ERP, this lab also provide a chance for simulative environment for stock market trading. The lab has a capacity of 30 students and has all the teaching aids.


The PARAM SHAVAK SUPER COMPUTING FACILITY For AI AND ML Centre of Excellence consist of dedicated and hardworking students along with highly skilled faculties of the department. It aims to provide practical knowledge and familiarity with how the industry is adopting and utilizing AI and ML. The students are provided dedicated cabins which with all the necessary equipment including systems installed with the latest version of Linux.

For high-performance computation, they have been provided Param Shavak desktop supercomputer by CDAC. The Param Shavak has dual intel Xenon Gold 6132, 14 cores server-grade processors with each core having a minimum 2.6GHz clock speed, 96GB (expandable) DDR4 2666MHz RAM in a balanced configuration, two 1GbE networks ports, 2x16 PCI-E Gen3 slots for GPU/Co-processors with NVIDIA P5000 GPUs. For deployment of their projects, students are provided NVIDIA Jetson devices. They have also been provided with access to the latest contents published by top publishers, including O’Reilly and Wiley.

top engineering college of Delhi NCR
top engineering college of Delhi NCR

Centre of SuperComputing

The DGX A100 is built on the NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU architecture, which features third-generation Tensor Cores for AI acceleration, enabling unprecedented performance and versatility. It also incorporates NVIDIA NVLink™ and NVIDIA NVSwitch™ technologies, allowing for high-speed GPU-to-GPU communication and scalability for large-scale AI workloads. The DGX A100 delivers exceptional performance for AI workloads, with up to 5 petaFLOPS of AI performance in a single system. The DGX A100 comes with a comprehensive software stack optimized for AI and data science workloads, including NVIDIA CUDA-X AI libraries, NVIDIA TensorRT™ for inference optimization, and NVIDIA Triton™ for deploying AI models in production environments. It also includes NVIDIA Deep Learning SDK, NVIDIA RAPIDS™ for accelerated data analytics, and support for popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet.

It offers integrated monitoring and management capabilities, allowing administrators to monitor system health, performance, and resource utilization in real-time.The DGX A100 is well-suited for a wide range of AI applications, including deep learning training for image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles. It is also used for data analytics, scientific computing, and other high-performance computing (HPC) workloads requiring massive parallel processing capabilities. The NVIDIA DGX A100 has 8x NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs, 40 GB HBM2 per GPU memory, Dual AMD EPYC CPUs, Up to 128 CPU cores, Up to 2 TB DDR4 memory, Up to 30 TB SSD, Dual 200GbE, HDR InfiniBand, and form factor: Rack-mount server.

Centre of Excellence For Electric Mobility


To achieve excellence in research and development of Electric Vehicles by providing more Reliable, Cost Effective, and Indigenous solutions.


  • Design, Analysis and Performance Evaluation of different motor topologies for their suitability to EV.
  • Using Finite Element and other simulation tools for in-depth investigation of EVs.
  • Investigate different Controllers for the Battery Management System.
  • Analyze and Evaluate different Power Electronic Converter topologies for Hardware-in-Loop experiments.
  • Designing Human-Machine Interface with the help of AI/ML/IOT for monitoring and control of EV.
  • To Backfit old vehicles to Electric Vehicles.
  • To Evaluate different Energy Storage techniques and optimize them.


Students can

  1. Choose a Suitable Drive Scheme for Developing Electric Hybrid Vehicle Depending on Resources.
  2. Design and Develop Basic Schemes of Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
  3. Choose Proper Energy Storage Systems for Vehicle Applications.
  4. Identify Various Communication Protocols and Technologies Used in Vehicle Networks.
  5. Apply Different AI/ML And IOT Tools for Designing a Smart Electric Vehicle

Infrastructural Facilities

S. NoHeadingItemRating/Specification
1 Assigned Room F-113 Ground Floor
2 Area 9.80m x 7.20m 70.56meters2
3(a) Facilities (Hardware) Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 5 HP
    Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 7.5 HP
    Single phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 1 HP
    Separately Excited DC Motor 2 kW
    BLDC Testing/Training Kit (with accessories) 1 HP
    Single phase Alternator 5 HP
    Four-Wheeler (for retrofitting) Alto make
    Two-Wheeler (for retrofitting) Eterno 150 CC
    Variable Frequency Drive Delta make, 7.5 HP
    Variable Frequency Drive Delta make, 5 HP
    Voltage sensor 6 no. (800 volt)
    Current Sensor 6 no. (25 ampere)
    dSPACE 1104 with pc 1 no.
    Voltage Source Converter Semikron make, 4kW
    Desktop, i7, windows 10 (with accessories) 5 no.
    Three phase autotransformer 10kVA, 1 no.
    Lead acid Battery 4 no., 12V, 100Ah
    Battery Charger 1 no., 48 volt
    DSO 1 no., 2 channel, 100 MHz
    DC Power Supply 0-15V (3A), 0-30V (3A), 1 no.
    Multimeter Fluke make, 2 no.
    LCD Projector 1 no.
    Table Faculty table 3 Workbench table- 3
    Chairs 10
3(b) Facilities (Software) MATLAB 2021 1 user
    Office 365 1 user


  1. Topic: To Backfit a Eterno 150 CC Scooter to e-Scooter for skill development of students.
    Expected time of completion: January 2022
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  2. Topic: Design and Analysis of Induction Motor based e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Prof. Kapil Gandhi and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  3. Topic: Smart locking of e-Vehicle
    Expected time of completion: October 2022
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Kalpana Sagar, Prof. Kapil Gandhi and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  4. Topic: Design and Analysis of Semi-Automatic e-Vehicle for Formula racing
    Expected time of completion: May 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Dr. Himanshu Sharma and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  5. Topic: Condition Monitoring of e-Vehicles using AI & ML tools.
    Expected time of completion: December 2022
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Prof. Shikha Jain and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  6. Topic: Design and Analysis of BLDC based e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Prof. Kapil Gandhi and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  7. Topic: Design and Analysis of PMSM based e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Dr. Sudhir Singh and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  8. Topic: Design and Analysis of Smart Battery Management System for e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Prof. D. Blandina Miracle, Prof. Kapil Gandhi and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  9. Topic: Design and Analysis of V2G Technology for e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Dr. Sudhir Singh and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  10. Topic: Condition monitoring of BLDC motor-based e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2022
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Col. Mahesh Bharadwaj and students from 7th semester ME KIET.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  11. Topic: Performance evaluation of e-Vehicle with different Vehicle Power Flow topologies.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Prof. Swati Singhal and associated students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  12. Topic: Analysis and Performance evaluation of different e-vehicle topologies with regenerative braking.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Prof. Swati Singhal and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  13. Topic: Design and Analysis of different Energy Storage topologies in e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  14. Topic: Design and Analysis of different Energy Management Techniques in e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Brajesh Kumar Tiwari and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad
  15. Topic: Design and Analysis of different Communication topologies in e-Vehicle.
    Expected time of completion: April 2023
    Team: Dr. Ramesh Singh, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Dr. Brajesh Kumar Tiwari and students from 3rd, 5th and 7th semester associated with KIET CoE e-Mobility.
    Sponsored by: KIET Ghaziabad


  1. Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta (EN)
  2. Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma (EN)
  3. Dr. Subodh Kumar Sharma (ME)
  4. Dr. Ramesh Singh (EN)
  5. Dr. Shivani Agarwal (MBA)
  6. Dr. Parvin Kumar Kaushik (ECE)
  7. Dr. Puja Roshani (MBA)
  8. Dr. Rajeev Kumar (EN)
  9. Dr. Kalpana Sagar (CS)
  10. Col. Mahesh Bharadwaj (ME)
  11. Mr. Saurav Kumar (TBI-KIET)
  12. Prof. Sudhir Singh (EN)
  13. Prof. Kapil Gandhi (EN)
  14. Prof. Swati Singhal (EN)
  15. Prof. Blandina Miracle (EN)
  16. Prof. Shikha Jain (CSE)
  17. Prof. Sudhans Shekar Pandey (CSIT)
  18. Prof. Ankur Sachdeva (ME)


  • Expert-Talk given at EML IIT Guwahati.
  • Summer Training offered to B.Tech Students of all disciplines.
  • Minor-Project offered to B.Tech Students of all disciplines.
  • Major-Project offered to B.Tech Students of all disciplines.
  • Invited talk given at Induction Program of B.Tech.


  1. IIT Guwahati
  2. DTU Delhi
  4. NIT Jamshedpur
  5. WEGROW Pvt. Ltd
  6. Megatech Scientific Instruments

Dr. Ramesh Singh
Associate Professor (Research)
In-charge cum Coordinator CoE e-Mobility
KIET Group of Institutions Delhi NCR Ghaziabad, UP, India
Senior Member IEEE USA
Ambassador IEEE Smart Cities USA
B.Tech (EE, NIT Hamirpur), M.Tech (PS, NIT Jamshedpur), Ph.D. (EE, DTU Delhi)
Senior Member PES, PELS & IES IEEE USA
Senior Member Young Professionals IEEE
Mob.: +91-9716000576; +91-9415447700 ,



B. Pharma COE Roadmap Information
S.NO Department
COE Name COE Coordinator
COE Coordinator
COE Coordinator
Certificate/Course Name No of Students to be Complete Certificates Number of Projects No of Students involved in projects No of Reseach Papers to be Published No of Proposals For Grant No of Product Development No of Patent Publication Nmae of Working Days Working hours Remarks
1 KSOP CIF Lab Dr. Parul Grover 9466157400 Hands on training on Sophisticated Analytical Instruments 35 9 9 10 1 NIL 2 MONDAY to FRIDAY 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM 50% of the projects planned to be converted in papers and patents
Advanced Pharmacology Lab Dr. Vinay Kumar 9711060878 Dabur Training 15 15 15 NIL MONDAY to FRIDAY 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Progress Report Update on April, 2023
S.NO Department
COE Name Certificate/Course Name No of Students to be Complete Certificates Number of Projects No of Students involved in projects No of Reseach Papers to be Published No of Proposals For Grant No of Product Development No of Patent Publication Name of Working Days Working hours Remarks
1 KSOP CIF Lab Hands on training on Sophisticated Analytical Instruments 35 9 9 14 (Published) 1 NIL NIL MONDAY to FRIDAY 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM 20 Papers and 2 patents published till date.
Advanced Pharmacology Lab Dabur Training 15 15 15 6 (Published) - NIL 2 MONDAY to FRIDAY 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Progress Report Update on August, 2023
S.NO Department
COE Name Certificate/Course Name No of Students to be Complete Certificates Number of Projects No of Students involved in projects No of Reseach Papers to be Published No of Proposals For Grant No of Product Development No of Patent Publication Name of Working Days Working hours Remarks
1 KSOP CIF Lab Hands on training on Sophisticated Analytical Instruments                    
Advanced Pharmacology Lab Hands on Training on NIBP apparatus for ECG recording  15 4 4 Research work is under process   NIL NIL Monday to Friday 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM Planning to publish 04 research papers
Progress Report Update on December, 2023
S.NO Department
COE Name Certificate/Course Name No of Students to be Complete Certificates Number of Projects No of Students involved in projects No of Reseach Papers to be Published No of Proposals For Grant No of Product Development No of Patent Publication Nmae of Working Days Working hours Remarks
1 KSOP CIF Lab Hands on training on Sophisticated Analytical Instruments                    
Advanced Pharmacology Lab Dabur Training                    


Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) identifies chemical bonds in a molecule by producing an infrared absorption spectrum. The spectra produce a profile of the sample, a distinctive molecular fingerprint that can be used to screen and scan samples for many different components.

Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography is usually used to separate and measure organic molecules and gases. For the technique to function, the components being analyzed must be volatile and be thermally stable,

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

The purpose high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of any drugs is to confirm the identity of a drug and provide quantitative results

Tissue Culture Station

Tissue culture is a technique of growing new plants tissue by transferring them into an artificial environment in which they can continue and function.

Karl Fischer apparatus

Karl Fischer titration used to measure the water content in a substance.


An automated analyser is a medical laboratory instrument designed to measure various substances and other characteristics in a number of biological samples quickly, with minimal human assistance. These measured properties of blood and other fluids may be useful in the diagnosis of disease.


KIET Group of Institutions proudly introduces its own supercomputing facility powered by PARAM Shavak from C-DAC, Pune. The PARAM Shavak supercomputer is poised to revolutionize artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning research and development within KIET. The supercomputer supports GPU-accelerated software development and provides comprehensive application support, guided by experts to maximize platform utilization.

Feel free to contact us for further information to access and utilize the supercomputer facility. The access request can be found here.



The NVIDIA DGX A100 is a groundbreaking system designed to revolutionize AI and high-performance computing (HPC). Launched in 2020, it is equipped with up to 8 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs, each capable of delivering up to 312 TFLOPS of deep learning performance. The A100 GPU, based on NVIDIA's Ampere architecture, enhances both performance and efficiency for AI and HPC workloads. A key feature of the DGX A100 is its Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) technology, which allows each A100 GPU to be partitioned into as many as seven instances, enabling efficient resource sharing among multiple users and workloads. This flexibility ensures optimal utilization for both large-scale AI models and smaller parallel tasks.

The DGX A100 includes high-speed interconnects with NVIDIA NVLink, ensuring seamless data transfer and synchronization across all GPUs. Additionally, NVIDIA NVSwitch technology allows all GPUs to communicate at full bandwidth, eliminating bottlenecks in multi-GPU configurations. The system boasts 320 GB of HBM2e GPU memory and 15 TB of NVMe SSD storage, providing massive capacity and speed for data-intensive applications. Complementing its hardware, NVIDIA offers a comprehensive software stack with optimized libraries, pre-trained models, and development tools, simplifying the deployment and management of AI workflows. Compatibility with leading AI frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet ensures seamless integration into existing workflows.