Welcome to ICCE-2020
As new technologies are introducing every day that will drastically transform the future of this Electronics and Communication Engineering so an International Conference on “Recent Trends in Communication & Electronics” (ICCE-2020), approved by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) and Sponsored by Govt. of India, AICTE New Delhi is going to be organized in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India on November 28 -29, 2020.
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum to researchers around the globe to explore and discuss on various aspects of Electronics & Communication.
The conference willconsists of various parallel sessions including keynote sessions.
Each session will be addressed by outstanding experts who will highlight the recent advances in various facets of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
It will also offer the budding researchers an opportunity to present their work in front of eminent experts of their fields.
Discussion on the latest innovations, trends and practical concerns and challenges faced in these fields are also encouraged.
Innovation will bring added value and widen the employment base.
The present conference also attempts to establish some robustas well asmutual interactions and cooperation with scientific educational,
government/non-government organizations, and industries across local,national and international levels to meet the following objectives:
- Creating possible contacts with persons to provide a means for scientific and industrial exchanges.
- Boosting the scientific and research collaborations with other scientific centers in the country and around the world.
- Promoting the basic and applied research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, identifying the top ideas and turning them into productive projects.
- Strengthening the interaction and communication between educational institutions and the industries.
- Finding out the latest scientific achievements and research methods.
- To encourage academicians for doing more research work and innovations.
Paper Submission
Authors from across different parts of the world are invited to submit their papers.
Instructions and Template
Instructions and templates are available at: https://www.kiet.edu/icce2020/index.php?/home/submission#callforpapers Please find the template attached.
All submitted papers must be the authors’ unpublished work and should not be under consideration elsewhere. Paper submissions should be made electronically in the pdf format through the Easy Chair conference system. https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icce20200
Papers submitted to the conference should be written in English with the maximum paper length of Five (5) printed pages.
Full Registration Fees Details For Author
Category | Attendee | Research Scholars /Students | Academicians | Industry | |
*B.Tech/M.Tech | Ph.D (Pursuing ) | ||||
Indian Origin | Rs 1000/- | Rs 6000/- | Rs 7000/- | Rs 7500/- | Rs 8000 |
SAARC Countries | $50 | $150 | $200 | $250 | $300 |
Non SAARC Countries | $50 | $150 | $200 | $300 | $350 |
- Please note that B.Tech/ M.Tech/MCA students will be considered as Full time students and maximum paper length is 04 printed pages as per conference template.
- Maximum paper length is of 05 printed pagesas per conference template for Ph.D.,Academicians ,and Industry participants. However, the authors can extend maximum 1 page with over length page charge, of Rs.1000/-(for Indian participants) and US $50/-(for International participant).
- We will also accept short-high quality paper upto 3 pages (as per conference template). Short papers will get a 15% off in the registration fees.
- Full Paper Submission : 30th October 2020
- Paper Acceptance Notification: 7th November 2020
- Camera-ready & Registration Deadline: 10th November 2020
Publication and Indexing
The finally accepted papers will be considered for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings. ICCE-2020 is approved by CRC Press(Taylor & Francis Group) . The Conference proceeding will be published online on CRCnetBASE(Taylor & Francis Group). Conference Proceedings will be submitted to Scopus for indexing.
Selected and Extended papers will be invited for submission in the Special Issues of Following Journals:
- Wireless Personal Communication, Springer (SCIE Indexed, IF: 1.061)
- Complex & Intelligent Systems, Springer(SCIE Indexed, IF: 3.791)
- IEEE Big Data Mining and Analytics (SCOPUS Indexed)
Who can participate?
- Academicians
- Students
- Researchers
- Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
- Innovators
About KIET
Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology (KIET) was established in 1998 by Krishna Charitable
Society at Ghaziabad, U.P. It is located on the Ghaziabad – Meerut Highway.
Presently, KIET Group of Institutions has more than 5400 students on its roll, a substantial growth in 21 years, to meet the needs of quality
technical education in U.P.
KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad (UP) is recognized by the Scientific and Industrial Research Organisations (SIROs). NIRF ranks KIET among the “Top 250” in India (overall category)-2020.
The institute is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with Grade 'A' for 5 years and
certified by ISO 9001-2008. KIET has been awarded “Excellence Award” by our parent University, Dr. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM Technical University for
imparting quality education. KIET has repeatedly earned a vital position in the Overall Rank Band of 151-200 for Engineering discipline amongst
906 Engineering Institutions in 2018 and among 1007 Engineering Institutions in 2017 by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) -
India Ranking by MHRD, Govt. of India.
KIET is an approved Research Centre of Dr. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM Technical University with unique global
standards of teaching learning experience, Research & Development, quality placement and Entrepreneurship.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of KIET has a reputation of being among
the finest in the state and is dedicated towards the advancement of technology and science.
The department was established in 1999with the objective to impart quality education in the core field of Electronics and
Communication Engineering The department was accredited in the year 2007, 2013, 2017 and 2019 by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE.
The department has an excellent industrial interaction and contributes to the industry by offering consultancy services.