

Dr. Akash Rajak

Dr. Akash Rajak

Dean & Professor
Department of Computer Applications
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Emp. Code :- 6071

Dr. Akash Rajak is working as Professor in KIET Group of Institutions, in the Department of Computer Applications. He has 19.5 years of teaching and research experience. He completed Ph.D. (Computer Science) from Barkatullah University (State Govt. University), Bhopal in 2014. He did M.C.A from U.T.D Campus, Dr. H. S. Gour University (State Govt. University), Sagar in 2002. He is a life member of various professional societies like ACEEE, IACSIT, IAENG, CSTA etc. He is a reviewer of various IEEE international conferences and reputed journals. He also served as session chair of various IEEE conferences. Dr. Rajak, is NBA and ISO coordinator at department and institute level. His research interest is in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Reinforcement Learning. He has expertise in programming languages/technologies like Python, C++, Linux etc.
  • Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj and Dr. Arun K Tripathi (2018-19). Assessment and Attainment of Program Educational Objectives for Post Graduate Courses. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS). ISSN:2075-017X 
  • Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2019-20). Role of 5G Networks: Issues, Challenges and Applications. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. ISSN:2249-8958
  • Dr. Akash Rajak and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2019-20). Course Outcome Attainments in OBE for Weak Students. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
  • Dr. Akash Rajak and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, and Dr. Arun K Tripathi (2019-20). An Approach to Evaluate Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives through Direct and Indirect Assessment Tools. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. ISSN:1863-0383
  • Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K. Shrivastava (2019-20). Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease using Machine Learning Approaches. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology . ISSN:2207-6360
  • Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K. Shrivastava and Ms. Vidushi (2019-20). Applying and comparing machine learning classification algorithms for predicting the results of students. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. ISSN:2169-0065
  • Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K. Shrivastava and Dr. Arun K. Tripathi (2020-21). A comparative study based on OBE for different batches of MCA students. Int. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning - Inderscience. ISSN:1741-5055
  • Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2020-21). Diabetes Diagnosis in Population by Intelligible Machine Learning. International Journal of Current Research and Review. ISSN:0975-5241
  • Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava. Automating Outcome Based Education for the Attainment of Course and Program Outcomes. IEEE- The Fifth HCT Information Technology Trends (ITT 2018), Dubai, UAE.. ISBN:10.1109/CTIT.2018.8649532
  • Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. Detection of Tuberculosis based on Multiple Parameters using ANFIS. IEEE-Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-18), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724255
  • Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Arun K Tripathi . A Decentralized Way to store and Authenticate Educational Document on Private Bloackchain. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977633
  • Dr. Arun K Tripathi, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Mr. Naresh Chandra. Business Service Management Using Blockchain. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977710
  • Ms. Vidushi, Manika Goel, Aditya Singh, Divyanshi Goyal, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava. Smart car parking system using openCV. Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:10.1201.9781003193838-90
  • Vidushi, Akash Rajak and Ajay Kumar Shrivastava. Assessment of Optimizers impact on Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network to Adversarial Datasets. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1998, 3rd International Conference on Smart and Intelligent Learning for Information Optimization (CONSILIO 2021), Hyderabad, India. ISBN:
  • Dr. Akash Rajak Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava and Ms. Vidushi. Learning Paradigms for Analysis of Bank Customer.  International Conference on Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM 2021), held in Jaipur, India. . ISBN:
  • Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak and Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava . Alzheimer Disease Prediction Using Learning Algorithms. International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology, Lonere, India. ISBN:
  • Dr. Akash Rajak, Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda. Prediction of Heart Disease from the Multiple Features Available in the Database by Applying Classification Models of Machine Learning. 2023 3rd International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP). ISBN:10.1109/AISP57993.2023.10134906
  • Akash Rajak,Amit Kumar,Rabi Narayan Panda. Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Heart Disease in Early Stage Using Feature-Based Classification. nternational Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies. ICCCT 2023. ISBN:
  • Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay Shrivastava (1900-01-00). Hadoop: Installation Guide on Windows . ISBN:978-93-5627-562-1
  • Vidushi, Akash Rajak, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, and Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). A Proactive Improvement Towards Digital Forensic Investigation Based on Deep Learning. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9781774638712 (Book Chapter)
  • Akash rajak, Vidushi (1900-01-00). Algorithms and numerical in computer graphics. Thakur publication. ISBN:978-93- 5480-192-1
  • Mr. Alok Singh,Ms. Unnati Rastogi,Dr. Amit Kumar,Ms. Shweta Singh,Dr. Akash Rajak,Dr. Manish Bhardwaj,MS. Jyoti Sharma,Dr Rahat Ullah Khan,Dr Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Vinay Kumar (2023-05-26). SMART TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FOR SCHOOL AND COLLEGES USING MOBILE APPLICATION AND IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311028853 A
  • Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma (AS), Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Mr.Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Dr. Akash Rajak, Ms.Vidushi Mr.Amit Kumar Goyal (2022-05-06). A SYSTEM TO DETECT AND ISSUE E-CHALLAN FOR OVERLOADED VEHICLES AT SMART HIGHWAYS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015800 A
  • Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi; Rabi Narayan Panda; Dr. Akash Rajak; Vidushi; Amit Kumar Goyal (2022-05-06). A System to Detect And Issue E-Challan for Overloaded Vehicles at Smart Highways. Indian Patent. Application Number:202211015800