Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 21594
Ph.D.- Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai
Power Electronics & Drives, High Voltage Engineering, Optimization Techniques
Dr. Vanya Goel received the B.Tech. degree (hons.) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India in 2013 and the M.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India, in 2016. She has completed her Ph.D. degree in Engineering (Electrical) from Homi Bhabha National Institute, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, India. Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor-Research at EEE Department, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad. Her research interests include design and development of multilevel inverters, electron beam technology, computational electromagnetics, optimization techniques, energy storage systems in electric vehicles. She has secured 19th Rank in University Merit List (Uttar Pradesh Technical University, India) in the B.Tech. examination. She has several research publications in premier journals including IEEE Transactions and Elsevier and reputed National/International Conferences. She has also been granted an Indian patent on Novel Design of “Single-phase Multilevel Inverter” in January, 2024.
Dr. Vanya Goel (2023). Improvement of Electron Gun Breakdown Performance Through Surface Flashover and Discharge Studies. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. ISSN:0018-9383
Dr. Vanya Goel (2022). Performance Optimization of Indirectly Heated Cathode Based Electron Gun by Controlling High Voltage Surface Flashover and Beam Positioning at Target Plane. Journal of Vacuum (Elsevier). ISSN:1879-2715
Dr. Vanya Goel (2020). A Novel Technique for Optimizing 270°-Bent Electron Gun for Evaporation Applications. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. ISSN:0093-3813
Dr. Vanya Goel (2022). Optimization of Spatial Parameters of a 2.45 GHz Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma Jet: Comparison between Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Result. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. ISSN:1939-9375
Dr. Vanya Goel (2023). 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN:1742-6596
Dr. Vanya Goel. Human Following Robot and its Control through Arduino. SIGMA 24, NSUT, Dec. 2024. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Effect of Insulator Geometry and Shield Electrode Design on High Voltage Breakdown in Vacuum. 22nd National Conf. on Power System, IIT-Delhi, Dec. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Study of High Voltage Surface Flashover in Electron Gun for Application in Low Pressure Plasma Generation. Recent Developments and Evolving Trends in Plasma Science and Technology, Bharathiar University, Sept. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. 14th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies (EBT), Varna, Bulgaria, June 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Characterization of Electron Beam of Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. DAE-BRNS Int. Sym. on Vacuum Science and Technology and its Applications in Accelerators (VSTAA), BARC, Mumbai, Feb. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. 3-D Particle Trajectory Tracking and Characterization of Electron Beam Parameters of High Power Electron Gun. IEEE ICEPES, MANIT, Bhopal, Dec. 2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Study on Flashover Due To Surface Plasma on High Voltage Insulators. 13th International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications (ICPSA), Ravenshaw University, Dec. 2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Electrostatically and Electromagnetically Focused 60kW Electron Gun for High Voltage Applications. IEEE ICCDW, Atharva College of Engineering, Mumbai, Feb. 2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Three-phase Innovative Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Research Applications: A Review. IEEE ICNTE, Mumbai, June 2017. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Performance Analysis of Seven Level Three Phase Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter at Various Modulation Indices. IEEE ICEPES, MANIT, Bhopal, Dec. 2016. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. A Seven Level Multilevel Inverter Topology with Improved Results using PWM Technique. IEEE ICPEICES, DTU, New Delhi, July 2016. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Different Multilevel Inverter Topologies with Reduced Number of Devices. IEEE RAECS, Punjab University, Dec. 2015. ISBN:-