

Dr. Bandana

Dr. Bandana

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 21580

Ph.D. - DTU, New Delhi - 2023

Renewable Energy

Dr. Bandana received her B.E in Electrical Engineering and M. Tech in Instrumentation & Control in 2006 and 2008 from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India. and she was awarded PhD degree from Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi India in November 2023. She has 14 years of teaching experience in India's KIET and KEC, AKTU-affiliated colleges. Her area of research includes Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques, Hybrid Renewable Energy Based Systems (HRES), Size Optimization Of HRES, Neural Network Space Vector PWM inverter etc. She published 8 research papers in SCIE and International Journals. She has also presented and published 7 research papers in international conferences. She also got a best paper award at JTACON 2020, a multidisciplinary International Conference held at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India. She is a lifetime member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG). Currently, she is an assistant professor for the KIET Group of Institutions.
  • Dr. Bandana (2024). Size Optimization of Grid-Tied Hybrid Energy System by Employing Forecasted Meteorological Data. MAPAN. ISSN: 2363-8937
  • Dr. Bandana (2023). A new intelligent approach for size optimization of a renewable energy based grid connected hybrid energy system. International Journal of Numerical Modelling. ISSN: 1099-1204
  • Dr. Bandana (2023). Optimal design of Renewable Energy based Hybrid system Considering Weather Forecasting using Machine Learning Techniques. Electrical Engineering. ISSN: 1432-0487
  • Dr. Bandana (2012). Renewable Energy Systems: Development and Perspectives of a Hybrid Solar-Wind System. ETASR. ISSN:1792-8036
  • Dr. Bandana (2017). Simulation of Transient behavior of DC Motor using Matlab/Simulink. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin. ISSN:
  • Dr. Bandana (2017). Analysis of Self Excited Capacitance for Self Excited Induction Generator for Different Operating Conditions Using Fuzzy Systems. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin. ISSN:
  • Dr. Bandana (2012). Space vector PWM Technique for 3-phase voltage source inverter using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology. ISSN:
  • Dr. Bandana (2012). A novel approach for fault location in Transmission lines using modern wavelet transforms. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research. ISSN:
  • Dr. Bandana. Optimal Sizing of a Grid Connected Biomass/Biogas/PV System for Rural Electrification. MARC 2021, KEC Ghaziabad. ISBN:978-981-19-2828-4
  • Dr. Bandana. Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Rural Community of India. AKGEC 2023, AKG Ghaziabad. ISBN:1742-6596/2570/1/012007