

Mr.  Kapil Gandhi

Mr. Kapil Gandhi

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Email Id :-

Emp. Code :- 20822


High Voltage & Renewable Energy

Kapil Gandhi received his B. Tech. degree from AKTU, Lucknow and M. Tech degree from NIT Hamirpur (HP) in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He served at MIT Moradabad, UP as an Assistant Professor from 2012 to 2017. He is serving in KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad (INDIA) since 2017. Presently he is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in this Institute. He is member of various professional societies such as IEEE, IEEEYP, IEEE-SIGHT and IAENG. His recent field of interest is Renewable & Green Energy, Microgrid, Power System Dynamics, Power System Market and Restructuring.
  • Kapil Gandhi, S.K. Gupta (2021-22). Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review. Renewable energy Focus. ISSN:1755-0084
  • Kapil Gandhi (2022-23). Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review. Renewable energy Focus. ISSN:1755-0084
  • Mr. Kapil Gandhi (2022). Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review. Renewable Energy Focus. ISSN:1755-0084
  • Kapil Gandhi (). Voltage Issues in Power Networks with Renewable Power Generation. CRC Press T & F. ISBN:YET TO BE GIVEN
  • Kapil Gandhi (0000-00-00). Voltage Issues in Power Networks with Renewable Power Generation. CRC Press T & F. ISBN:Yet to be given