

Dr. Sourav Diwania

Dr. Sourav Diwania

Assistant Professor - Research
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 20795


Power Electronics & Renewable Energy

Sourav Diwania recieved his from ABES Engineering College and M.E from PEC Chandigarh. He completed his PhD (Electrical Engineering) from JMI, New Delhi in 2021.
  • Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Gagandeep Singh Dua, Pavan Khetrapal (2021-22). Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study. Journal of the Brazillian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. ISSN:1806-3691
  • Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Maneesh Kumar, Varun Gupta, Theyab R Alsenani (2021-22). Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids. Energy & Environment. ISSN:0958305X
  • Sourav Diwania (2022-23). Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study. Journal of the Brazillian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. ISSN:1806-3691
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2025). Modelling, solution and application of optimization techniques in HRES: From conventional to artificial intelligence. Applied Energy. ISSN:0306-2619
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2024). Machine learning-based thermo-electrical performance improvement of nanofluid-cooled photovoltaic–thermal system. Energy & Environment. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2024). Sustainable energy solutions: integrating hybrid CCHP systems with renewable technologies for efficient urban development. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2024). Insight into the Investigation of Thermo-Electrical Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Air-Collector. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2023). Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids. Energy & Environment. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2022). Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2021). Modeling and assessment of the thermo-electrical performance of a photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) system using different nanofluids. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.. ISSN:-
  • (2021). Performance assessment of PVT-air collector with V-groove absorber: A theoretical and experimental analysis. Heat Mass Transfer. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2018). Performance enhancement of single-channel glazed photovoltaic thermal module using Whale Optimisation Algorithm and its comparative study. International Journal of Ambient Energy. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2024). An Efficient R-Peak Detection in Electro-Cardio-Gram Signal Using Intelligent Signal Processing Techniques. Wireless Pers Commun. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (2023). A Firefly based Deep Belief Signal Specification based Novel Hybrid Technique for EEG Signal Analysis. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). SHEET AND TUBE-BASED HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC THERMAL SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:367354-001
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC-THERMAL (HPVT) APPARATUS WITH V-GROOVE ABSORBER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:364184-001
  • Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). UVC-BASED CURRENCY STERILIZATION MACHINE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:363175-001
  • Dr. Varun Gupta, Himanshu Sharma, Abhas Kanungo, Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh (1900-01-00). A Memory Based Brain Computer Interface (Bci) System For Monitoring Physiological Signals Of Brain. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021104513
  • Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Varun Gupta, Mr. Sourav Diwania, Dr. Nitin K Saxena (1900-01-00). A NOVEL WAVELET-BASED MULTIRESOLUTION METHOD WITH OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR PROCESS CONTROL AND DISTURBANCE REJECTION. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021105027
  • Dr Himanshu Sharma, Ms Shalika Arora, Mr Vipin Kumar Verma,Dr Ms. Shivani Sharma,Dr. Maneesh Kumar, Dr Sourav Diwania, Mr Arun Kumar, Ms. Shipra Srivastava, Mr. Varun (1900-01-00). Wireless Sensor Device For Environmental Monitoring Using Internet Of Things. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:356912-001