

Dr.  Sheetal

Dr. Sheetal

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 17009


Control System, Network Analysis

Sheetal is an academician with a decade of experience in engineering education and research. She earned her Ph.D. from DCRUST and completed her M.Tech at NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana. Her research specializes in the analysis and control of chaotic power systems, and she has authored numerous research papers published in peer-reviewed journals. She is serving in KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad (INDIA) since 2014 as Assistant professor.
  • Ms. Sheetal (2024). Alleviation and control of chaotic oscillations in SMIB power systems using a Modified-Whale optimization-based Battery-STATCOM. Journal of Engineering Research. ISSN:
  • Ms. Sheetal (2023). Alleviating Chaotic Oscillation in the Power System with Whale Optimization-Tuned Static Compensator with Battery Storage. Electric Power Components and Systems. ISSN:
  • Ms. Sheetal (2023). Solar-PV inverter for the overall stability of power systems with intelligent MPPT control of DC-link capacitor voltage. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems. ISSN:8 (1), 1-20
  • Ms. Sheetal (2022). An intelligent Hybrid Wind–PV farm as a static compensator for overall stability and control of multimachine power system. ISA transactions. ISSN:123, 286-302
  • Ms. Sheetal (2022). Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM. Neural Computing and Applications. ISSN:
  • Ms. Sheetal (2021). Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. ISSN:32, 100615
  • SHEETAL. a modified haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem. cipech-16. ISBN:
  • SHEETAL. An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant. NCAPCCS 2018. ISBN:
  • S. Singh, S. Saini. An Intelligent Composite Controller for Alleviating Chaotic Oscillations in Power Systems. 9th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), 1-6, 2024. ISBN:N/A
  • Sheetal, S. Saini. Analyzing Chaos in SMIB Power System. Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRDEEE 2022, 269-276, 2023. ISBN:N/A
  • S. Singh, M. Mittal. A Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Disk Drive Read System. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2267-2271, 2014. ISBN:592
  • AK Pandey, A. Kumar, S. Singh. Study and analysis of environmental issues for scaled version of Si-Ge heterojunction bipolar transistor. 2018 3rd International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), 1-4, 2018. ISBN:N/A
  • S. Singh, M. Mittal. An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant. NCAPCCS 2018. ISBN:N/A
  • S. Singh, M. Mittal. A modified Haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem. 2016 Second International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), 8-12, 2016. ISBN:N/A