

Dr. Natwar S. Rathore

Dr. Natwar S. Rathore

Assistant Professor - Research
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 21010


Control System

Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
Dr. Natwar Singh Rathore was born in Ajmer (Rajasthan), India, on May 07, 1988. He received the B.Tech degree in Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering from Govt. Engineering College Ajmer (Rajasthan) in 2010, M.Tech degree in Control & Instrumentation from MNNIT, Allahabad in 2013, and Ph. D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from NIT Raipur in 2018. He has worked as a Junior Research Fellow (CSIR-JRF) and Project Fellow at CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute Pilani (Rajasthan). He is also worked as Asst. Professor in ITS Engineering College & G. H. Raisoni University Amravati. He is currently working as Asst. Professor (Research) at KIET Group of Institutions Ghaziabad, India. He has published 13 SCI/SCIE/Scopus Journals, 8 Conferences, 1 Books Chapter and he has also guided more than 20 B. Tech projects. He has conducted international conferences as technical chair. His research interests are in area of desalination, controller design and optimization. He is also GATE qualified in 2010. He is a life member of the IAENG society and Senior Member of Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers
  • Sang-Do Lee, Sam-Sang You, Natwar Singh Rathore (2019-20). Nonlinear Robust Control of High-Speed Supercavitating Vehicle in the Vertical Plane. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol 234, Issue 2, 2020. ISSN:1475-0902
  • S. Akter, BDH Phuc, S. Biswal, Natwar Singh Rathore, P. Das, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz (2019-20). Amplitude Based Directional Relaying for UPFC Compensated Line during Single Pole Tripping. Electrical Power System Research (Elsevier), Vol. 184, July 2020, 106290. ISSN:0378-7796
  • Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj K (2021-22). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-887X
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). A Modified Controller Design Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Desalination System. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). Whale Optimisation Algorithm Based Controller Design for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). Dynamical analysis and robust control for dive plane of supercavitating vehicles. Applied Ocean Research. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Nonlinear Robust Control of High-Speed Supercavitating Vehicle in the Vertical Plane. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Amplitude Based Directional Relaying for UPFC Compensated Line during Single Pole Tripping. Electrical Power System Research. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2018). Design of Optimal PID Controller for the Reverse Osmosis using Teacher-Learner-Based-Optimization. Membrane Water Treatment. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2018). Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2016). Multilevel thresholding with membrane computing inspired TLBO. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2021). Kullback-Leibler Divergence Based Differential Protection Scheme for Shunt Compensated Transmission Line. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2022). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2023). Preprocessing ECG signal based on ANF and ICA: a Comparison. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Task scheduling algorithms in the cloud computing environment: A comprehensive review. Solid State Technology. ISSN:
  • Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2016). Elephant Herding Optimization based PID Controller Tuning. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. ISSN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. Artificial Bee colony Based Controller Design for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Power System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. PID Controller Design For Three Tank System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. A Review on Various Techniques for Speed Control of DC Motor. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. Comparative Performance Analysis of PV Fed Boost Converter. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:
  • Natwar Singh Rathore. A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:
  • N. S. Rathore. Efficient Design and Control of a Multi-Floor Elevator System Using PLC. Sustainability and Technological Advancements in Engineering Domain (SUSTAINED - 2024). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology (ICFST-21). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Simplification of SOI MEMS based Trenchless Comb type Capacitive Accelerometer for FEM analysis. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Photovoltaic Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant: An Analytical Application of the Solar Energy. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Rust Detection in Large Metal Structure by CNN. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Modified Controller Design Approach Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. International Conference on Desalination (InDACON-2018). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. ISE based PID Controller Tuning for Position Control of DC Servo-Motor using LJ. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Luus-Jaakola Optimization Procedure for PID Controller Tuning in Reverse Osmosis System. International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Robotics (IACEER). ISBN:-
  • N. S. Rathore. Unconstrained Optimization with IDE Algorithm having Variable Dynamic Non-Linear Increased Crossover. IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES). ISBN:-
  • Natwar S. Rathore (1905-07-13). A Scientific Study on Effect of Polarization in Calculation of Rain Attenuation using ITU-R Model. Springer Nature. ISBN:
  • Dr. Natwar Singh Rathore (2022-03-25). An Implicit Approach for Power Quality Assessment and Controlling of Solar Photovoltaic Integrated Converter System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013318 A