

Dr. Satish Kumar

Dr. Satish Kumar

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Emp. Code :- 12067


Power Systems, Electrical Machines, FACTS and Renewable Energy

Cyber Security,Network Analysis and Synthesis,Automatic Control System,Electrical Machines,Fundamental of Power Electronics,Modern Control System,Instrumentation and Process Control, Digital Measurement Techniques, Computerised Process Control,Optimal Control,Power Plant Instrumentation, Non-conventional Energy Resources

Dr. Satish Kumar (M’1979) is working with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KIET Group of Institutions Delhi-NCR, Ghaziabad as professor. He received B.Sc. Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Faculty of Engineering Dayalbagh University (DEI), Dayalbagh Agra, U.P., India, in 2001, and subsequently M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation and Control Engineering) from Aligarh Muslim University, AMU Aligarh, U.P. India, in 2004. He received his Ph. D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana,India. He has conducted several workshops and FDP in the field of power systems. He has published a variety of technical papers in various international & national conferences/ journalslike Springer, Taylor & Francis with impact factor up to 2.65. He has been sharing his gamut of knowledge by actively delivering various expert lectures in the institutes of repute in and outside India. He has delivered many expert lectures on Economic operation of power system,Renewable energy Integration, Modelling of FACTS, Deregulation, power quality, and motivational lectures on Human Values. He has attended over 100 short term training programsHe is a life member of ISTE, IEI, India, and Senior Member IEEE/IEEE PES,USA. He has over 23 years of rich and diverse experience out of which 1.5 years is with the industry and rest is with academia. Other than being engaged in the regular teaching learning process, he is also a proficient administrator, and he holds the position of Dean Student Welfare, KIET Group of Institutions Ghaziabad. Dr. Kumar is known for his policy making and change execution skills, the same is evident when he played an instrumental role in the transition of in person classes and examination to the online mode with ease and efficiency.
  • Satish Kumar, Ashwani Kumar (2019-20 ). Design and Optimization of Multiple FACTS Devices for Congestion Mitigation Using Sensitivity Factor with Wind Integrated System. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
  • Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Anil Ahlawat (2019-20). Evaluation of Maximum Lifetime Power Efficient Routing in Ad hoc Network Using Magnetic Resonance Concept. RECENT PATENT ON ENGINEERING. ISSN:2212-4047
  • Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Anil Ahlawat (2019-20). Prolong Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network Using Reliable Power Grouping Algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
  • Satish Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, N K Sharma, (2017-18). Sensitivity Analysis based Performance and Economic Operation of Wind Integrated system with FACTS devices for Optimum Load Dispatch. Renewables-Wind, Water and Solar Springer. ISSN:2190-5487
  • Satish Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, N K Sharma, (2017-18). Voltage Stability Assessment of Wind Integrated System for Variable Wind Speed with FACTS Devices. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies. ISSN:1556-7036
  • Satish Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, N K Sharma, (2016-17). “A Novel Method to Investigate Voltage Stability of IEEE14 Bus Wind Integrated System Using PSAT”. FIE. ISSN:2095-1701
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2004). Modified Mountain Clustering in Dynamic Fuzzy Modeling. International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJEEE). ISSN:-
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2019). Design and Optimization of Multiple FACTS Devices for Congestion Mitigation Using Sensitivity Factor with Wind Integrated System. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2013). Difference between Principal Component Analysis & Factor Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2016). A Novel Method to Investigate Voltage Stability of IEEE14 Bus Wind Integrated System Using PSAT. Frontiers in Energy. ISSN:-
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2017). Congestion mitigation by modeling multiple FACTS devices using sensitivity factor for wind integrated system. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy (Springer). ISSN:-
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (-). An optimized approach to improve voltage stability of FACTS controlled wind integrated system using sensitivity factor. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction of Electrical Engineering (Springer). ISSN:-
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2017). Sensitivity Analysis based Performance and Economic Operation of Wind Integrated system with FACTS devices for Optimum Load Dispatch. Renewables-Wind, Water and Solar (Springer). ISSN:2190-5487
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2017). Voltage Stability Assessment of Wind Integrated System for Variable Wind Speed with FACTS Devices. Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies. ISSN:1556-7036
  • Dr. Satish Kumar (2016). A Novel Method to Investigate Voltage Stability of IEEE14 Bus Wind Integrated System Using PSAT. FIE. ISSN:2095-1701
  • SATISH KUMAR. Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind. IEEE International Conference, ICEEE-2015. ISBN:
  • SATISH KUMAR. Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity. IEEE International Conference CIPEC-2016. ISBN:
  • SATISH KUMAR. Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms. RTESC. ISBN:
  • SATISH KUMAR. “Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis. ETEEE-2015. ISBN:
  • SATISH KUMAR. IoT Based Smart Energy Metering and Theft Detection. IPS 2017. ISBN:
  • SATISH KUMAR. Efficient Control of Wind Turbine using IoT. IPS 2018. ISBN:
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms. RTESC, NIT Kurukshetra, 15-16 March 2013. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis. ETEEE-2015, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 6-7 Feb. 2015. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity Market Model. IEEE International Conference CIPEC-2016, KIET Ghaziabad, 8-9 Nov. 2016. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind Farm Using PSAT. IEEE International Conference, ICEEE-2015, Galgotia’s College of Engineering and Technology, 27-28 March 2015. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. IoT based smart energy metering and theft detection using Labview. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), PMI Noida, 13-15 Feb 2017. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Efficient control of wind turbine using IoT and Labview. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), PMI Noida, 13-15 Feb 2018. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Capacitance-based wireless power transfer. Future of EV charging station. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), Raipur, 13-15 Feb 2019. ISBN:N/A
  • Dr. Satish Kumar. Automatic Power Factor Improvement and Fault Maintenance system. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), Raipur, 13-15 Feb 2020. ISBN:N/A
  • Satish Kumar (2023-01-20). Renewable energy integration to grid: A probabilistic approach. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:-
  • Dr. A.P. Shukla, Mr. Anubhav Patrick, Dr. Satish Kumar, Ms. Akanksha (2021-09-10). Sale predict: predict accurate sales for walmart stores considering the impact of promotional markdown events using deep learning programming. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111037617 A