Dr. Krishna Kant Singh (2019-20). ECG arrhythmia classification using modified visual geometry group network (mVGGNet). Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. ISSN: 1875-8967
Dr. Vaibhav Sachan (2019-20). Energy Budget Based Multiple Attribute Decision Making (EB-MADM) Algorithm for Cooperative Clustering in Wireless Body Area Networks. 2019 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology . ISSN:1975-0102
Dr. Vaibhav Sachan (2019-20). Inverted L Shaped Slotted MIMO Antenna With HWSIW. International Journal of Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:0040-2508
Dr. Richa Srivastava (2019-20). Low-voltage bulk-driven self-cascode transistor based voltage differencing inverting buffered amplifier and its application as universal filter. Microelectronics Journal. ISSN:0026-2692
Dr. Himanshu Sharma (2019-20). Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime using Solar Energy Harvesting for Smart Agriculture Monitoring. Adhoc Networks Journal, Elsevier. ISSN:15708705
Dr. Vaibhav Sachan (2019-20). Multi-objective optimization framework complying IEEE 802.15.6 communication standards for wireless body area networks. Wireless Networks. ISSN:1022-0038
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Dr. Sanjay Sharma (2019-20). Spectral efficient pulse shape design for UWB communication with reduced ringing effect and performance evaluation for IEEE 802.15.4a channel. Wireless Networks. ISSN:1022-0038
Dr. Vaibhav Sachan, Pravesh Singh (2019-20). Stepped Impedance Design Of Butterworth Microstrip Low Pass Filter With Split Ring Resonator For N=3 And N=5. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. ISSN:2277-8616
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Ms. Kiran Sharma, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo (2019-20 ). Chromatographic determination of curcumin in the presence of its degradation products by HPLC. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. ISSN:2320-5148
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Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh, Dr. Ashu Mittal, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo (2019-20 ). Formulation And Evaluation Of A Ph Dependent Multi-Particulate Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System Using Powder Layering Technology Of Ketoprofen. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. ISSN:0975-8232
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Varun Gupta and Monika Mittal (2019-20 ). A novel method of cardiac arrhythmia detection in electrocardiogram signal. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. ISSN:1755-0653
Varun Gupta and Monika Mittal (2019-20 ). Arrhythmia Detection in ECG Signal Using Fractional Wavelet Transform with Principal Component Analysis. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. ISSN:2250-2114
Abhas Kanungo,Monika Mittal , Lillie Dewan (2019-20 ). Critical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for a MRPID Thermal System Controller. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Satish Kumar, Ashwani Kumar (2019-20 ). Design and Optimization of Multiple FACTS Devices for Congestion Mitigation Using Sensitivity Factor with Wind Integrated System. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal and Vikas Mittal (2019-20 ). Performance Evaluation of Various Pre-Processing Techniques for R-Peak Detection in ECG Signal. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Sanjiv Sharma, Amar Singh, Dr. Adesh Kr. Pandey, Vinay Singh; (2019-20 ). Analysis of Remote Healthcare Monitoring System (MedG). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN:2207-6360
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Alok Kumar Tiwari, Saurabh Sharma, Dinesh sharma (2019-20 ). Hybrid Approach For Brain Tumor Segmentation. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal. ISSN:2347-7180
Parita Jain, Amit Singhal, Diksha Chawla , Vineet Shrivastava (2019-20 ). Image Recognition and Segregation using Image Processing Techniques. TEST Engineering and Management. ISSN:0193-4120
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Sanjeev Kumar (2019-20 ). Implementing AUTHEER: A Voice-Based Speaker Authentication Systems. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN:I2207-6360
Dilkeshwar Pandey (2019-20 ). Implementing Business Intelligence on Pharmaceutical Data. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN:I2207-6360
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Sanjiv Sharma, Amar Singh, Pramod kumar Yadav; (2019-20 ). Security Issues and Challenges in Internet of Things: A Study. International Journal of Control and Automation. ISSN:2005-4297
Sanjeev Kumar, Dilkeshwar Pandey (2019-20 ). Social Reform in Land Acquisition and Ownership Using Block chain Technology Based Authorization. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. ISSN:1475-7192
MANISH BHARDWAJ, ARTI SHARMA, NEHA SHUKLA (2019-20 ). Study and Analysis of IOT Centric Cloud Technology. Studies in Indian Place Names. ISSN:2394-3114
Dr. Neelam Sharma (2019-20 ). Reliability consideration costing method for LIFO Inventory model with Chemical Industry Warehouse. International Journal Of Advanced Trends In Computer Science And Engineering. ISSN:2278-3091
Dr. Sweta Shukla (2019-20 ). A comparative study on the effect of higher acrylate on cross-linkable PMMA used as environment friendly latexes. High Performance Polymers. ISSN:1361-6412
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Sharma, Dr Vipin Kumar (2019-20 ). Assimilation of Yb defect states in ZnO: Structural, optical and magnetic investigations
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Dr. Pravesh Singh (2019-20 ). Ductile and metallic nature of Co2VZ (Z= Pb, Si, Sn) Heusler compounds: A First Principles Study. EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. ISSN:2312-4334
Dr. Pravesh Singh (2019-20 ). Effect of hybrid density functionals on half–Heusler LiZnX (X = N, P and As) semiconductors: potential materials for
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Dr. Krishna Kant Singh (2019-20 ). EMoSOA: a new evolutionary multi?objective seagull optimization algorithm for global optimization. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ISSN:1868808X
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Dr. Pravesh Singh (2019-20 ). First Principles Calculations For Electronic, Optical And Magnetic Properties Of Full Heusler Compounds. EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. ISSN:2312-4334
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Dr. Krishna Kant Singh (2019-20 ). MOSOA: A new multi-objective seagull optimization algorithm. Expert Systems With Application. ISSN:0957-4174
Dr. Vaibhav Sachan (2019-20 ). A Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm for Performance Optimization of Cyber Physical Wireless Body Area Networks. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems . ISSN:1562-2479
Dr. Krishna Kant Singh (2019-20 ). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Optimization Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Dr. Sanjay Sharma (2019-20 ). DYNAMIC RANGE MEASUREMENT OF RADIO OVER FIBER LINK BY EMPLOYING 120° PHASE SHIFT METHOD. International Journal of Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:0040-2508
Dr. K. Nagarajan (2019-20). An Insight for Potent In-Vitro Antioxidant Status of Short-Chain Peptides. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. ISSN:1573-3149
Dr. Ashok Jangra (2019-20). High-fat diet with alcohol elevate oxidative stress which cause hyperlipidemia by inducing mutation in the ANGPTL3 locus. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. ISSN:0973-3930Â
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, and Vikas Mittal (2019-20). Chaos Theory: An Emerging Tool for Arrhythmia Detection. Sensing and Imaging. ISSN:1557-2072
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, and Vikas Mittal (2019-20). Efficient R-peak Detection in Electrocardiogram Signal Based on Features Extracted Using Hilbert Transform and Burg Method. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. ISSN:2250-2114
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Abhas Kanungo,Monika Mittal , Lillie Dewan (2019-20). Optimal Parameter Tuning of MRPID Controller for Temperature Control. IJITEE. ISSN:2278-3075
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, and Vikas Mittal (2019-20). R-peak Detection Using Chaos Analysis in Standard and Real Time ECG Databases. IRBM. ISSN:1959-0318
Abhas Kanungo,Monika Mittal , Lillie Dewan (2019-20). Wavelet based PID controller using GA optimization and scheduling for feedback systems. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics . ISSN:Â 0972-0502
Sharma, Sanjiv; Rizvi, SAM; Sharma, Vineet; (2019-20). A Survey on Use of Search Based Optimization techniques in Software Engineering. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering. ISSN:2249-0558
Aman Jolly, Dr shailender kumar (2019-20). Comparing SPARQL tools for logical inferencing in Semantic Web. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. ISSN:2277-3878
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Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Anil Ahlawat (2019-20). Evaluation of Maximum Lifetime Power Efficient Routing in Ad hoc Network Using Magnetic Resonance Concept. RECENT PATENT ON ENGINEERING. ISSN:2212-4047
Ms. Swati Sharma, Dr. Vineet Sharma (2019-20). Identification and Prioritization of Flood Conditioning Factors using ISM and MICMAC Technique. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). ISSN:2278-3075
Parita Jain, Puneet Kumar Aggarwal (2019-20). Mobile Phone Maintainability Prediction using MCDM Methodology. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). ISSN:2277-3878
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey (2019-20). Online Retrieval & Indexing using multiple featurevectors. IJITEE. ISSN:2278-3075
Sharma, Sanjiv; Rizvi, S.A.M.; Sharma, Vineet; (2019-20). Research on use of Nature Inspired Algorithms in Software Testing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
Neha Yadav (2019-20). Software Metrices Selection for a SDLC Based Software Reliability Prediction Mode. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). ISSN:2277-3878
Sharma, Sanjiv; Rizvi, S.A.M.; Sharma, Vineet; (2019-20). Test Case Generation for Data Flow Testing using Cuckoo Search Algorithm. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. ISSN:2277-3878
Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Anil Ahlawat (2019-20). Prolong Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network Using Reliable Power Grouping Algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
Amit Kumar Arora, Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). The Mcgraw-Hill 36-Hour Course-Finance For Non financial Managers. WAFFEN-UND KOSTUMKUNDE JOURNAL. ISSN:0042-9945
Deepa, Haris Rafi (2019-20). A Study Of Consumer Behavior Towards Bancassurance And Their Issues Affecting Branch Activation. Review For Professional Management. ISSN:0972-8686
Amit Kumar Arora (2019-20). An Analysis of Implementation of Digitalisation in SMEs in India. International Journal Of Online Marketing. ISSN:2156-1753
Amit Kumar Arora (2019-20). Awareness and Perception Regarding Tax Saving Instruments among Teachers of Higher Education. International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering. ISSN:2277-3878
Amit Kumar Arora (2019-20). Determinants for the Adoption of Digitalization by Manufacturing SMEs in India: An Empirical Study. Prabandhan: Indian Journal Of Management. ISSN:0975-2854
Binkey Srivastava (2019-20). A Study Of Shopping Behaviour Of School- Goers Youth Towards E-Tailing Preferences. International Journal Of Management Studies. ISSN:2249-0302
Binkey Srivastava (2019-20). Fast Food Marketing And Children’s Fast Food Consumption: A Trigger To Childhood Obesity. Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development SCOPUS Indexed And UGC CARE (A) Listed. ISSN:0976-5506
Binkey Srivastava (2019-20). Consumer Buying Pattern Of Processed Food Products In National Capital Region Of India. International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering, SCOPUS Indexed. ISSN:2277-3878
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Prateek Gupta (2019-20). Socio-Economical Costs And Bene?ts Of E-Governance In India Through CSCs. International Journal Of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE). ISSN:2277-3878
Dr Meenakshi Tyagi, Dr Ruchita Gautam, Ms. Renu Sharma (2019-20). Adopting the Philosophy of Kaizen “To Cut Waste
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Dr. Shivani Agarwal (2019-20). Gender Differences in Quality of Work Life: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO). ISSN:2155-6393
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Meenakshi tyagi (2019-20). Expediting the Process of Skill transfer through Training Within Industry- “Job Instruction†A Case Study. International Journal of Advanced Science And Technology. ISSN:2207-6360
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Mrinal Verma
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Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). Impact Of HRM Development : A prospective of NCR Hotel Chain. International Journal Of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE). ISSN:22773878
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). The Effective Executive : The Definitive Guide to Getting the right things Done. Indian Journal Of Marketing. ISSN:9738703
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). A Comparative Study Of Performance Appraisal On Effectiveness And Organizational Commitment. Prabhandan : Journal of Management. ISSN:0975-2854
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). Developing Entrepreneurial Society: A New Call For Management Students. International Journal Of Engg. & Advanced Technology( IJEAT ). ISSN:2249 -8958
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). Emotional Intelligence And Happiness. Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development. ISSN:0976-5506
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). Talent On Demand: Retaining Talent In Manufacturing. International Journal Of Recent Technology & Engineering. ISSN:2277-3878
Nitin Girdharwal (2019-20). The Role Of Psychological Well-Being In Positive Human Health. Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development. ISSN:0976-5506
Prateek Gupta (2019-20). Agri-Startups: New Era For Agriculture Development In India. Purakala. ISSN:0971-2143
Prateek Gupta (2019-20). The Shift To IND AS From Previous Accounting Standard: A Perspective From Accounting Professionals. Journal Of Xi’an University Of Architecture And Technology. ISSN:1006-7930
Prateek Gupta (2019-20). Evaluating In?uence Of Social Factors On Women Buying Behaviour Of Smartphones In Delhi NCR (India). International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
Prateek Gupta (2019-20). Perception Of Accounting Professionals In The Convergence And Implementation Of A Single Set Of Global Accounting Standards In India. International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering. ISSN:2277-3878
Prateek Gupta (2019-20). Willingness Of Women In Engineering Towards The Purchase Of Green Smartphone In Delhi NCR (India). International Journal Of Advanced Science And Technology. ISSN:2005 -4238
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Sapna Yadav (2019-20). Startups Branding In Economic Crisis: Reinventing Strategies. International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. ISSN:1475-7192
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Shivani Agarwal (2019-20). Subjective Well-Being: Gender Differences In Indian IT Sector. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior. ISSN:0972-687X
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Piyush Pant, Pushpendra S. Bharti (2019-20). Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of nickel-based nimonic alloys: A review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Sumitra Sharma, Ravindra V Taiwade, Abhishek Yadav, Himanshu Vashishtha (2019-20). Influence of fillers and welding processes on the microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of dissimilar Hastelloy C-22/AISI 321 joints. Materials Research Express. ISSN:2053-1591
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2019-20). Insight in applications, manufacturing and corrosion behaviour of magnesium and its alloys – A review. Materials today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
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Mr.Siddharth Jain (2019-20). Remaining Service Life Assessment of Existing Concrete Road Bridge Subjected to Corrosion. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. ISSN:23950072
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Mr.Nitesh Bhardwaj & Mr.Vikas Sharma (2019-20). Study of the Effect Of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates by Jhama Brick Powder in Conventional Concrete. Journal of Critical Reviews. ISSN:2394-5125
Nitin Kumar Saxena, Ashwani Kumar and Gebrehiwot Gebreyohans (2019-20). Reactive Power Cost Optimization Acquiring the Combined Properties of Static and Aggregate Dynamic Load as Composite Load Model. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. ISSN:2249-8958
Varun Sharma (2019-20). Analysis of a Process with Transportation Lag. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. ISSN:2349-5138
Varun Sharma, Veena Sharma (2019-20). Analysis of Industrial Processes with Dead Time. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. ISSN:2349-5138
Sartaj Ahmad, Ashutosh Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta (2019-20). Design, Development and Comparison of Heuristic Driven Algorithms Based on the Crossed Domain Products’ Reviews for user’s Summarization. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications. ISSN:2666-2558
Sartaj Ahmad, Ashutosh Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta (2019-20). Automated Evaluation of Students’ Feedbacks
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Jyoti Srivastava, Naresh Kumar Yadav, Arvind Kumar Sharma (2019-20). A novel hybrid algorithm for rescheduling-based congestion management scheme in power system. Electrical Engineering, Springer. ISSN:0948-7921
Arika Singh, Hemant Ahuja, Vikas Bhadoria, Sachin Singh (2019-20). Control Implementation of Squirrel Cage Induction Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 79, pp. 306–311, April 2020.. ISSN:0975-1084
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Dr. Anurag Gupta (2018-19). Effect of Natural Fibers as Fillers on Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology. ISSN:2321-9637
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Anurag Gupta, Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra, Ranjeet Kumar (2018-19). Optimization of delamination factor in drilling of carbon fiber filled compression molded GFRP composite. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. ISSN:0973-4562
Dr. Anurag Gupta (2018-19). Optimization of Machining Parameters for Turning of ASTM A387 Alloy Steel on CNC Lathe Machine. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science. ISSN:2455-2585
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Ajay Singh Verma, Anurag Gupta, Ranjit Kumar, Sandeep Chhabra (2018-19). Study of the Recent Catalysts Utilized In Biofuels Production. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. ISSN:0973-4562
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Rupesh Chalisgaonkar, Ayush Rastogi (2017-18). Experimental Investigation on Machining Characteristics of EN19 Alloy Steel Using CNC Vertical Machining Center. Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics. ISSN:2321–516X
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Ms. Shikha Tyagi (2017-18). Comparative study on compressive strength of self cured concrete and normally cured concrete. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. ISSN:2395-0056
Mr. Hemant Kumar Gupta (2017-18). Enhancement in Stabilization Properties of soil using waste Polypropylene Plastic Fiber. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research. ISSN:2394-3386
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Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Shreya Shukla, Shivam Upadhyay, Niharika Vyas (2017-18). Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System Feeding Isolated Load Using VFT. International Journal of Current Advanced Research. ISSN:2319-6505
Varun Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Pankaj Kumar, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Anurag Gupta (2017-18). Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. ISSN:0973-4562
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Naresh Kumar Yadav, Jyoti Srivastava (2017-18). Different Methodologies for Minimizing Congestion in The Deregulated Power System: A Review. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System. ISSN:1943-023X
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Dr. Vipin Kumar (2017-18). Synthesis and characterization of pure ZnO and La-doped ZnO (Zn0.98La0.02O) films via novel sol-gel screen- printing method. Optik. ISSN:0030-4026
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BINKEY SRIVASTAVA (2016-17). A study on managerial effectiveness and job satisfaction of the employees of organized retail sector. Pranjana – The Journal of Management Awareness. ISSN:0971-9997
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Dr. Vaibhav Sachan (2016-17). Interference cancellation based turbo equalizer for wireless communication system. Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices. ISSN:0360-3709
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Prof. Sumit Kumar (2016-17). Artificial Bee Colony based Test Data Generation for Data-Flow Testing. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN:9746846
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Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh (2016-17). Development of a Modified Bare Soil and Urban Index for Landsat 8 Satellite Data. Geocarto International. ISSN:1010-6049
Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh (2016-17). Effect of Autocorrelation on Temporal Trends in Rainfall in a Valley Region at the Foothills of Indian Himalayas. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment . ISSN:1436-3240
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Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh (2016-17). Semi-Automatic Mapping Of Anthropogenic Impervious Surfaces in an Urban/Suburban Area Using Landsat 8 Satellite Data. GIScience & Remote Sensing. ISSN:1943-7226
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Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Sharma (2016-17). Effect of Ce doping on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of ZnO nanoparticles
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Dr. Vipin Kumar (2016-17). Study on optical investigations and DC conduction mechanism in polycrystalline chalcogenide (Cd, Zn) semiconductor films grown by screen-printing method. Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics. ISSN:0957-4522
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Swati Sharma , Vineet Sharma (2021-22). A New Methodology For Efficient Flood Risk Mapping Using Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. ISSN:1992-8645
Preeti Garg, R. Rama Kishore (2021-22). An efficient and secured blind image watermarking using ABC optimization in DWT and DCT domain. Multimedia Tools and Applications Springer. ISSN:1380-7501
Sonia Gouri , Shweta Singh , Himanshi Chaudhary , Dr. Manish Bhardwaj , Pranit Puri (2021-22). A Study On Impact Of Virtual Classes On Students Performance Due To COVID-19. Webology. ISSN:1735-188X
Shivani Batra, Rohan Khurana, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Prakash Srivastava
(2021-22). A Pragmatic Ensemble Strategy for Missing Values Imputation in Health Records
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Shweta Singh , Dr. Manish Bhardwaj , Shivali Tyagi (2021-22). A Study on Interconnection between Teaching Philosophy & Student’s Performance in Summative Evaluation. WEBOLOGY. ISSN:1735-188X
Sonia Gouri , Shweta Singh , Himanshi Chaudhary , Dr. Manish Bhardwaj , Pranit Puri (2021-22). A Study on Impact of Virtual Classes on Students’ Performance due to COVID-19. WEBOLOGY. ISSN:1735-188X
Gaurav Parashar, Alka Chaudhary, Ajay Rana (2021-22). Systematic Mapping Study of AI / Machine Learning in Healthcare and Future Directions. SN Computer Science. ISSN:2662-995X
Abhishek Sharma, Amik Garg, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Parvin Kumar (2021-22). Performance optimization for UWB communication network under IEEE 802.15.4a channel conditions. Computer Networks. ISSN:1389-1286
Abhishek Sharma, Amik Garg, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Parvin Kumar (2021-22). Directivity enhancement with improved beamforming for physical layer ultra-wideband communication by pulse shaping. International Journal of Communication Systems. ISSN:1099-1131
Abhishek Sharma, Amik Garg, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Parvin Kumar (2021-22). UWB SYSTEM PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT FOR IEEE 802.15.4A OPEN OUTDOOR CHANNEL ENVIRONMENT. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:1943-6009
Parvin Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Varun Gupta, Abhishek Sharma, Swati Singhal, Shubham Shukla (2021-22). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RADIO OVER FIBER SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS EDFA AND SOA. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:1943-6009
Vipin Kumar Verma, Sarika Pal, Conard Rizal, Yogendra Kumar Prajapati (2021-22). Tunable and Sensitive Detection of Cortisol Using Anisotropic Phosphorene with a Surface Plasmon Resonance Technique: Numerical Investigation. Magnetochemistry. ISSN:2312-7481
Varun Gupta*, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj (2021-22). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-8888
Ruchita Gautam (2021-22). Investigation of inherent properties of XScZ (X = Li, Na, K; Z = C, Si, Ge) half-Heusler compounds: Appropriate for photovoltaic and thermoelectric applications. Physica B: Condensed Matter. ISSN:0921-4526
Parvin Kumar
· Sanjay Kumar Sharma
· Tanvi Agrawal
· Krishna Kant Singh (2021-22). Optimization of High-Performance Generation Method Based RoF System by Employing Optic Amplifer Link. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Parvin Kumar1 · Shelly Singla2 · Sanjay Kumar Sharma (2021-22). SNDR Measurement of Radio Over Fiber System Based on High Performance Generation Method Along with Optic Amplifer Link. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Balram Tamrakar, Krishna Singh and Parvin Kumar (2021-22). Performance analysis of DP-MZM radio over fiber links against fiber impairments. Journal Of Optical Communications. ISSN:
Pankaj Kumar, S. Shilpi, Abhas Kanungo, Varun Gupta ,Neeraj Kumar Gupta (2021-22). A Novel Ultra-Wideband Antenna Design and Parameter Tuning Using Hybrid Optimization Strategy. Wireless Personal Communication. ISSN:0929-6212
Kunal Karda; Namit Dubey; Abhas Kanungo; Varun Gupta (2022-23). Automation of noise sampling in deep reinforcement learning. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-8888
Varun Gupta*, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj (2022-23). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-8888
Abhas Kanungo , Monika Mittal , Lillie Dewan , Vikas Mittal ,Varun Gupta (2022-23). Speed control of DC motor with MRPID controller in presence of noise. Wireless Personal Communication. ISSN:0929-6212 (print)
Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena, Abhas Kanungo, Anmol Gupta ,Parvin Kumar ,Salim (2021-22). A review of different ECG classification/detection techniques for improved medical applications. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. ISSN:0975-6809
Syed Intekhab Amin , Amit Choudhary (2021-22). A survey on the characterization and lifetime improvement techniques of wireless sensor network. Frequenz. ISSN:2191-6349
Sandeep Gullia , Anwar Ahmad (2021-22). A resource efficient scheme for backhaul-constrained coordinated multipoint cellular networks. Emerging Telecommunication Technology. ISSN:2161-3915
Vipin Kumar, Dhirendra Kr. Sharma, Akansha Agarwal, Parvin Kumar (2021-22). Study on the properties of solid solution of screen-printed SnTe0.5Se0.5 composite film. Optik. ISSN:0030-4026
Nitin Kumar Saxena; Saad Mekhilef; Ashwani Kumar; David Wenzhong Gao (2021-22). Marginal Cost Based Reactive Power Reinforcement using Dynamic and Static Compensators. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics . ISSN:2168-6785
Kapil Gandhi, S.K. Gupta (2021-22). Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review. Renewable energy Focus. ISSN:1755-0084
Rajveer Singh, Haroon Ashfaq, Rajeev Kumar (2021-22). Virtual Inertia Emulation of Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generation (IIDG) for Dynamic Frequency Stability & Damping Enhancement Through BFOA Tuned Optimal Controller. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. ISSN:2193-567X
Yaduvir singh, Dr Nitai Pal (2021-22). Reinforcement learning with fuzzified reward approach for MPPT control of PV systems. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (SETA). ISSN:2213-1388
Rajeev Kumar, Pavan Khetrapal, Manoj Badoni, Saurav Diwania (2021-22). Evaluating the relative operational performance of wind power plants in Indian electricity generation sector using two-stage model. Energy & Environment. ISSN:0958-305X
Rajeev Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Pavan Khetrapal, Sheetal Singh (2021-22). Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their Hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM. Neural Computing and Applications. ISSN:0941-0643
Rajeev Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Pavan Khetrapal, Sheetal Singh, Manoj Badoni (2021-22). Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. ISSN:2210-5379
D. Yadav, S. Mekhilef, Brijesh Singh, M Rawa (2021-22). Carbon Trading Analysis and Impacts on Economy in Market to Market Coordination with Higher PV Penetration. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. ISSN:1939-9367
Anmol Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, Yash Pal (2021-22). Energy and exergy performance evaluation of a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with tube and sheet serpentine water collector. International Journal of Green Energy . ISSN:1543-5083
Shridhar Joshi, Ravi Tripathi, Manoj Badoni, Rajeev Kumar, Pavan Khetrapal (2021-22). Design and Development of Non-Linearly Controlled Class-D Audio Amplifier. Electronics. ISSN:2079-9292
Parvin Kumar, Saniay Kumar Sharma, Varun Gupta, Abhishek Sharma, Swati Singhal, Shubham Shukla (2021-22). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RADIO OVER FIBER SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS EDFA AND SOA. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:0040-2508
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal (2021-22). R-Peak Detection in ECG Signal Using Yule–Walker and Principal Component Analysis. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Pankaj Kumar, Shilpi, Abhas Kanungo, Varun Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta (2021-22). A Novel Ultra Wideband Antenna Design and Parameter Tuning Using Hybrid Optimization Strategy. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Anshu Gupta (2021-22). An efficient AR modelling-based electrocardiogram signal analysis for health informatics. IJMEI. ISSN:1755-0661
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Yatender Chaturvedi (2021-22). Detection of R-peaks using fractional Fourier transform and principal component analysis. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. ISSN:1868-5145
Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Gagandeep Singh Dua, Pavan Khetrapal (2021-22). Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study. Journal of the Brazillian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. ISSN:1806-3691
Anmol Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, Yash Pal (2021-22). Performance analysis of the photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with serpentine type water collector. International Journal of Energy Research . ISSN:1099-114X
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Anshu Gupta (2021-22). ECG signal analysis using CWT, spectrogram and autoregressive technique. Iran Journal of Computer Science. ISSN:2520-8446
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Nitin Kumar Saxena (2021-22). A novel feature extraction-based ECG signal analysis. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. ISSN:2250-2114
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Nitin Kumar Saxena (2021-22). A Critical Review of Feature Extraction Techniques for ECG Signal Analysis. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. ISSN:2250-2114
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Nitin Kumar Saxena (2021-22). BP signal analysis using emerging techniques and its validation using ECG Signal. Sensing and Imaging. ISSN:1557-2072
Nitin Kumar Saxena, Wenzhong D. Gao, Ashwani Kumar, Saad Mekhilef, Varun Gupta (2021-22). Frequency regulation for microgrid using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization tuned STATCOM. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. ISSN:1097-007X
Roshan Aryal, Akshat Anand, Nitin Kumar Saxena, Rohit Sharma and Niraj Kumar (2021-22). Thermodynamics analysis and performance enhancement of battery thermal management system with suitable variations in operating parameters. Journal of Physics Conference Series. ISSN:2178 012031
Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj K (2021-22). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-887X
Kunal Karda; Namit Dubey; Abhas Kanungo; Varun Gupta (2021-22). Automation of noise sampling in deep reinforcement learning. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-887X
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal (2021-22). FrWT-PPCA-Based R-peak Detection for Improved Management of Healthcare System. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal (2021-22). A Novel FrWT Based Arrhythmia Detection in ECG Signal Using YWARA and PCA. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Parvin Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Shelly Singla, Varun Gupta and Abhishek Sharma (2021-22). A review on mmWave based energy efficient RoF system for next generation mobile communication and broadband systems. Journal of Optical Communications. ISSN:2191-6322
Abhas Kanungo, Monika Mittal, Lillie Dewan, Vikas Mittal, Varun Gupta (2021-22). Speed Control of DC Motor with MRPID Controller in the Presence of Noise. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Maneesh Kumar, Varun Gupta, Theyab R Alsenani (2021-22). Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids. Energy & Environment. ISSN:0958305X
Jyoti Srivastava, Naresh Kumar Yadav (2021-22). Re-scheduling based Congestion Management by Metaheuristic Algorithm: Hybridizing Lion and Moth Search Models. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. ISSN:ISSN 1099-1204
Deepti, Singh, N. Pal, S.K. Sinha, and B. Singh (2021-22). Allocation of Reserved Green Energy Transmission Corridors to Secure Power Purchase Agreements in Smart Power Networks during Congestion Management. Electric Power Systems Research. ISSN:0378-7796
Varun Gupta , Nitin Kumar Saxena, Abhas Kanungo, Anmol Gupta, Parvin Kumar, Salim (2021-22). A review of different ECG classification/detection techniques for improved medical applications. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. ISSN:0976-4348
Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena, Abhas kanungo, Parvin Kumar, Sourav Diwania, (2021-22). PCA as an effective tool for the detection of R-peaks in an ECG signal processing. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. ISSN:0976-4348
Salim, Jyoti ohri (2021-22). Controlling and monitoring of a solar-powered DC motor using a wireless sensor network. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Salim, Jyoti ohri (2021-22). Performance Study of LabVIEW Modelled PV Panel and Its Hardware Implementation. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Hemant Ahuja, Arika Singh,sachin sharma,Gulshan Sharma,pitshou n Bokoro (2021-22). Coordinated Control of Wind Energy Conversion System during Unsymmetrical Fault at Grid. Energies. ISSN:1996-1073
Mukesh Pushkarna, Haroon Ashfaq, Rajveer Singh, Rajeev Kumar (2021-22). A New Analytical Method for Optimal Sizing and Sitting of Type-IV DG in an Unbalanced Distribution System Considering Power Loss Minimization. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology . ISSN:2093-7423
Singh, R., Jolly, A., & Gour, R. (2021-22). Mitigating load burden on smart grid via EVs:A case study on harnessing EVs as mobile battery for society. International Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN:2550-696x
Ramesh Singh, Aman Jolly, Ritika Gour (2022-23). Electric mobility principles for a greener, better sustainable future. NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303 5150
Rahat U Khan (2021-22). Operation of a Single DC Motor in Dual Mode: A
Novel Study and Analysis
(Series and Separately Excitation Modes). NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303 5150
Sanidhya Gupta,Shitanshu Rai, Rupesh Yadav (2021-22). Smart Watch for Elderly Person. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). ISSN:ISSN: 2321-9653
Akash Deep Singh, Bir Singh Jangra (2021-22). Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). ISSN:ISSN: 2321-9653
Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj K (2021-22). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-887X
Abhishek Yadav, Arunesh Chandra, Shwetabh singh (2021-22). Study on application of waste plastic in the construction industry. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2022-23). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:22147853
Aman Aggarwal, Suyash Yadav, Kshitij Singh, Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra (2022-23). Study of utilization of hydrogen as fuel in internal combustion engine. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:22147853
Anurag Gupta,Rahul Vaishya,Ranjeet Kumar, K.L.A.Khan,Sandeep Chhabra,Ajay Singh Verma,Abhay Bharadwa (2022-23). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:22147853
Anurag Gupta,
Rahul Vaishya, Ranjeet Kumar, K.L.A.Khan, SandeepChhabra, jay Singh Verma, Abhay
Bha (2021-22). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. MaterialsToday: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
PrathuSingh,SalilSingh, Rudresh Ojha,Pratik Tiwari, Shahib Khan,Ranjeet Kumar, Anurag Gupta (2021-22). Characterization of wear of FRP composites: A review. MaterialsToday: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Shrey Arora, Rupesh Chitkara,Ayush Singh, Dhangar Divyanshu Dubey, Ranjeet Kumar, AnuragGupta (2021-22). A review of fatigue behavior of FRP composites. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
RanjeetKumar, Anurag Gupta, K.L.A.Khan (2021-22). Effect on the mechanical properties due to hybridization of banana-fiber composites: A review. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ajay Singh Verma, SandeepChhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2021-22). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
ManojKumar,R.O.Vaishya, N.M.Suri,Anurag Gupta (2021-22). Parametric optimization of traveling wire electrochemical discharge machining (TW-ECDM) process for aspect ratio during machining of borosilicate glass. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:1210-1214
Ajay Singh Verma , Sandeep Chhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2021-22). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing
alternative fuels. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ajay Singh Verma , Sandeep Chhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2021-22). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing
alternative fuels. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Akhil Malik, Abhishikt Sinha , Akshat Bhardwaj, Chirag Chauhan, Akash Yadav, Ashish Karnwal, Ashish (2021-22). A review of the performance and effluent characteristics of diesel engine
fueled with different biodiesel. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7854
Sandeep Chhabra , Ajay Singh Verma , Anurag Gupta , Ranjeet Kumar , Ashish Karnwal , Ashok Kumar , V (2021-22). Attempts to raise the solar still outcome: A short review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7855
Ashish Sharma, Zahid A Khan, Arshad Noor Siddiquee (2021-22). A short review of the effect of plunge depth on friction stir welding of aluminium pipes. MATERIALSTODAYPROCEEDINGS. ISSN:2214-7853
Ashish Sharma, Zahid A Khan, Arshad Noor Siddiquee (2022-23). Review of various methods of keyhole removal in friction stir welding sheets and pipes. MATERIALSTODAYPROCEEDINGS. ISSN:2214-7853
Vineet Kumar Vashishtha,, Apurv Yadav,, Ashok Kumar, Vinod Kumar Shukla (2021-22). An overview of software tools for the photovoltaic industry. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:
Apurv Yadav, Swaroop Ramaswamy Pillai, Vineet Kumar Vashishtha, Ashok Kumar (2021-22). Feasibility study of vertical axis wind turbine on UAE highways. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:
Gaurav, Purnashis Chakraboraty;Vikrant Tiwari (2022-23). Recrystallisation, concurrent precipitation, and texture
development in Cold Forged Mg-6Al-3Sn magnesium alloy,. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly;. ISSN:Print ISSN: 0008-4433 Online ISSN: 1879-1395
Gaurav Sharma, Rohan Tyagi, Priyanshu, Pratishtha Sharma (2021-22). Variants of TIG welding process for improvement of weld penetration
depth - A review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Vidit Sharma, Sonendra Sharma, Gaurav Sharma (2021-22). Recent development in the field of wind turbine. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Sachin Rathore, Ratnesh Kumar Raj Singh, K.L.A. Khan (2021-22). Machine Learning Regression Approaches for Prediction Microhardness of Al-Y2O3 Composite. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 70 Issue 4, 303-315, April 2022. ISSN:ISSN: 2231 – 5381
S. Rathore, K.L.A. Khan, A.P. Agrawal, R. Chalisgaonkar, (2022-23). Modelling of Indian vendors posture using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). Materials Today Proceedings (Elsevier). ISSN:2214-7853
Anurag Gupta Rahul Vaishya, Ranjeet Kumar, K.L.A.Khan, SandeepChhabraAjay Singh Verma, AbhayBhara (2022-23). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. MaterialsToday: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ranjeet Kumar Anurag Gupta K.L.A.Khan, (2022-23). Effect on the mechanical properties due to hybridization of banana-fiber composites: A review. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
R. Chalisgaonkar, V. Agrawal, S. Rathore and K.L.A. Khan (2022-23). Multi response assessment of EN19 alloy steel in CNC milling process using Fuzzy matter element methodology. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
D. Deepak Singh, A. Mohan, A. Walia, D. Choudhary and K L A Khan (2022-23). A concept for removing the pollutants from air. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Govind Sharma, Subodh Kumar Sharma, KV Ojha (2021-22). Review of bio-fuel and nano-particles as an additive in diesel fuelled engine. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:
KrishnaVijay Ojha, SubodhKumar Sharma,Neeraj Kumar, PratibhaKumari, Kumari, Archana (2021-22). Modelling of gas field formation in atomization casting. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:
V.K.Pathak R.K.Patel N.Kumar (2022-23).
Analysis of supply chain: An application of Taguchi method. materials today proceeding. ISSN:
Krishna Vijay Ojha, Subodh Kumar Sharma, Neeraj Kumar, Pratibha Kumari, Kumari Archana (2021-22). Modelling of gas field formation in atomization casting. materials today proceeding. ISSN:
Smriti Mishra, Prashant Bhardwaj, Neha Bhadauria, Prashant Vashishtha (2021-22). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Prashant Vashishtha, Reeta Wattal, Sunil Pandey, Neha Bhadauria (2021-22). Problems encountered in underwater welding and remedies- a review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Smriti Mishra, Prashant Bhardwaj, Neha Bhadauria, Prashant Vashishtha (2021-22). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Prashant Vashishtha, Reeta Wattal, Sunil Pandey, Neha Bhadauria (2021-22). Problems encountered in underwater welding and remedies- a review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
V.K.Pathak, R.K.Patel, N.Kumar (2022-23).
Analysis of supply chain: An application of Taguchi method. materials today proceeding. ISSN:
Ranjeet Kumar, Anurag Gupta, K.L.A.Khan (2021-22). Effect on the mechanical properties due to hybridization of banana-fiber composites: A review. MaterialsToday
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Anurag Gupta, Rahul Vaishya, Ranjeet Kumar, K.L.A.Khan, Sandeep Chhabra, Ajay Singh Verma, Abhay Bha (2021-22). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. MaterialsToday
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Prathu Singh,Salil Singh, Rudresh Ojha, Pratik Tiwari, Shahib Khan, Ranjeet Kumar, Anurag Gupta (2021-22). Characterization of wear of FRP composites: A review. MaterialsToday
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Shrey Arora, Rupesh Chitkara, Ayush Singh, Dhangar Divyanshu Dubey, Ranjeet Kumar, Anurag Gupta (2021-22). A review of fatigue behavior of FRP composites. MaterialsToday
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2021-22). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. MaterialsToday
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Shreesh Maurya,Bharatveer Malik, Praduman Sharma,Ajay Singh, Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2022-23). Investigation of different parameters of cube printed using PLA by FDM 3D printer. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
SachinRathore, K.L.A.Khan, Anant Prakash Agrawal, Rupesh Chalisgaonkar, Ratnesh Kr.Raj Singh, Malay (2022-23). Modelling of Indian vendors posture using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Sachin Rathore, Ratnesh Kumar Raj Singh, K.L.A. Khan (2021-22). Machine Learning Regression Approaches for Prediction Microhardness of Al-Y2O3 Composite. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 70 Issue 4, 303-315, April 2022. ISSN:ISSN: 2231 – 5381
Anurag Gupta,
Rahul Vaishya, Ranjeet Kumar, K.L.A.Khan, SandeepChhabra, jay Singh Verma, Abhay
Bha (2021-22). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. MaterialsToday: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra, Ashish Karnwal, Anurag Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar (2021-22). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
ManojKumar,R.O.Vaishya, N.M.Suri,Anurag Gupta (2021-22). Parametric optimization of traveling wire electrochemical discharge machining (TW-ECDM) process for aspect ratio during machining of borosilicate glass. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:1210-1214
Aman Aggarwal, Suyash Yadav, Kshitij Singh, Ajay Singh Verma, Sandeep Chhabra (2021-22). Study of utilization of hydrogen as fuel in internal combustion engine. MaterialsToday:
Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Smriti Mishra, Prashant Bhardwaj, Neha Bhadauria, Prashant Vashishtha (2021-22). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials today proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Sudhir Yadav*1, Sumit Umrao*2, Yash Bhardwaj*3, Aviral Srivastava*4, Aditya Shukla*5, Subodh Kumar S (2021-22). A REVIEW: SMART AGRICULTURE SYSTEM USING IOT. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. ISSN:2582-5208
Vineet Kumar Vashishtha, Anil Kumar, Amit Pal (2021-22). Methods to enhance the productivity of solar still: A review. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:
Nishant Chaudhary, Aditya Srivastava, Aditya Dhar Dubey, Rahul Kumar Verma, Abhishek Yadav, Vivek KumarPathak (2021-22). Comparative analysis of different barriers in downstream supply chain. materials today proceeding. ISSN:
V.K.Pathak, R.K.Patel, N.Kumar (2022-23).
Analysis of supply chain: An application of Taguchi method. materials today proceeding. ISSN:
Prof. Minakshi (2021-22). An In-depth Study and Literature Survey of Travel Recommender Systems. IJAIEM. ISSN:ISSN 2319 – 4847
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal (2021-22). Enhancement Modelling Based on Electrical Discharge Machining Successive Discharges. HINDAWI. ISSN:ISSN: 1687-8434 (Print) ISSN: 1687-8442 (Online)
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal (2021-22). FFT based ensembled model to predict ranks of higher educational institutions. Springer. ISSN:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-022-13180-9
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (2021-22). Brain tumor segmentation using extended Weiner and Laplacian lion optimization algorithm with fuzzy weighted k-mean embedding linear discriminant analysis. Springer . ISSN:1433-3058
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (2021-22). Automatic multilevel image thresholding segmentation using hybrid bio-inspired algorithm and artificial neural network for histopathology images. Springer . ISSN:1573-7721
Dr. Ajay Agarwal (2021-22). Two-Way Feature Extraction for Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning. MDPI. ISSN:1424/8220
Prof. Minakshi (2021-22). Ethereum Voting System using Blockchain. https://jetir.org/. ISSN:(ISSN-2349-5162
Prof. Mukul Aggarwal (2021-22). A Chatbot Application by using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. Blue Eyes. ISSN:2231-2307
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (2021-22). New bag-of-feature for histopathology image classification using reinforced cat swarm algorithm and weighted Gaussian mixture modelling. Springer. ISSN:NA
Dr. Mayank Singh (2021-22). An efficient metrics based self-adaptive design model by multiobjective gray wolf optimization with extreme learning machine for autonomic computing system application. Wiley. ISSN:1532-0634
Prof. Surendra Kumar Keshari (2021-22). An intelligent way for optimal controller placements in software-defined–IoT networks for smart cities. Elsevier. ISSN:0360-8352
Dr. Mayank Singh (2021-22). State Complexity Evaluation of Autonomous System using Deep Neural Networks. Design Engineering. ISSN:0011-9342
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (2020-21). A new complete color normalization method for H&E stained histopatholgical images.. Springer . ISSN:NA
Prof. Surendra Kumar Keshari (2020-21). A Systematic Review of Quality of Services (QoS) in Software Defined Networking (SDN). Springer Science+Business Media. ISSN:0929-6212
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (2020-21). Hybrid bio-inspired algorithm and convolutional neural network for automatic lung tumor detection. Springer . ISSN:NA
Prof. Anjali Jain (2020-21). Insight To Pandemic Covid-19: Analysis, Statistics, And Prevention. Universite de Liege. ISSN:0776-3808
Dr. Abhinav Juneja(CSIT) (2020-21). Kernel Parameter Tuning to Tweak the Performance of Classifier for Identification of Heart Diseases. IGI Global. ISSN:1947-315X
Prof. Surbhi Vijh, Prof. Rituparna Sharma (2020-21). Lung Tumor Segmentation Using Marker-Controlled Watershed and Support Vector Machine. IGI Global. ISSN:10.4018/IJEHMC.2021030103
Prof. Mukul Aggarwal (2020-21). MOOCs Changing Behavior: New Challenges and Issues Leads to Opportunity. Karadeniz Technical University. ISSN:1309-4653
Prof. Dinesh Kumar (2020-21). Prediction of COVID-19 confirmed, death, and cured cases in India using random forest model. Tsinguha University Press. ISSN:2096-0654
Dr. Abhinav Juneja(CSIT) (2020-21). Real Time Object Detection using CNN based Single Shot Detector Model. Journal of Information Technology Management. ISSN:2423-5059
Prof. Om Prakash,Dr. Adesh, Prof. Kamal kant, Prof. Mukul Agarwal (2020-21). SOM Surface Feature Extraction Techniques for Retrieval of Multimedia Data: Designed and Implemented Model. SERSC. ISSN:2207-6360
Dr. Vikas Goel (2020-21). Taxonomy on EEG Artifacts Removal Methods, Issues, and Healthcare Applications. IGI Global. ISSN:1546-2234
Dr. Vikas Goel (2019-20). An Improvised Indexing Technique for XML Data over Multiple Channels in Wireless Environment: (1,Xm) Method. Willey Publication. ISSN:1099-1131
Surbhi Vijh (2019-20). An intelligent lung tumor diagnosis system using whale optimization algorithm and support vector machine. Springer. ISSN:0976-4348
Prof. Amar Singh, Dr. Adesh Kr. Pandey (2019-20). Analysis of Remote Healthcare Monitoring System (MedG). http://sersc.org. ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
SARTAJ AHMAD (2019-20). Automated Evaluation of Students feedback using text mining method. Blue Eyes. ISSN:2277-3878
Dr. Vikas Goel (2019-20). Educational Data Mining to Identify Relationship Between Technical Knowledge and Academic Performance . Science and Engineering Research Support Society. ISSN:2005-4297
Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi (2019-20). Empirical Analysis of Cardiovascular Diseases using Machine Learning and Soft Computing Techniques. Blue eyes Intelligent Engineering & science publication. ISSN:2249-8958
Prof. Anjali Jain (2019-20). Evolution of Chat-Bots for Smart Assistance. Blue eyes Intelligent Engineering & science publication. ISSN:2278-3075
Amar Singh (2019-20). Security Issues and Challenges in internet of things: A Study. Science and Engineering Research Support Society. ISSN:2005-4297
Dr. Sumit Kumar (2018-19). A fuzzy logic based approach for decision making. IOS Press. ISSN:35 (2), 1531-1539, 2018
Prof. Sanjeev kr. Dwivedi (2018-19). A Policy-based Mechanism for restricting Execution of malicious apps in Android Smartphone. The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications. ISSN:2225-658X
Dr. Mohit Agarwal (2018-19). A PSO Algorithm Based Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing. IGI Global. ISSN:1947-8283
Prof.Sartaj Ahmad (2018-19). A survey about spam detection and analysis using users’ reviews. . ISSN:2319-3786
Dr. Sumit Kumar (2018-19). Analysis of Various Factors for Encrypted Images. acadpubl.eu. ISSN:119 (15), 2783-2796, 2018
Prof. Mukul Aggarwal (2018-19). Critical Analysis of information retrieval model. Institute of Advanced Scientific Research. ISSN:1943-023X
Prof. Mukul Aggarwal, Prof. Kamal Kant Sharma (2018-19). Data Privacy, Protection and Ethics for Digital Information. Indus Foundation. ISSN:2250-0588
Prof. Twinkle Tiwari (2018-19). Enhancement of Cloud Security and Removal of Anti-Patterns using Multilevel Encryption Algorithms. (Institute of Institutional Industrial Research). ISSN:2349-7688
Dr. Mohit Agarwal (2018-19). Genetic Algorithm-Enabled Particle Swarm Optimization (PSOGA)-Based Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment. World Scientific. ISSN:1793-6845
Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Srivastava (2018-19). Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Skeletal Data. Inder science Publisher. ISSN:1755-0394
Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Srivastava (2018-19). Human Activity Recognition through Localized Motion Analysis. Institute of Advance Scientific Research. ISSN:1943-023X
Dr. Vikas Goel (2018-19). Implementation of Enhanced Energy Efficient Air Indexing Technique for Data Broadcasting on Wireless Communication Channels. IJEAMP. ISSN:2320-6608
Prof. Sartaj Ahmad (2018-19). Information extraction from text messages using
data mining techniques. MKD Publishing House, India. ISSN:10.26637/MJM0S01/05
Prof. Mukul Aggarwal , Prof. Kamal Kant Sharma (2018-19). Intelligent Entity Information Retrieval System Based on Text Detection and Recognition for Smart Phone Devices. Blue eyes Intelligent Engineering & science publication. ISSN:2277-3878
Prof. Sartaj Ahmad (2018-19). Mass Violence Detection Using Data Mining Techniques. Library of Science. ISSN:(ISSN-2349-5162)
Prof. Kanak Prof. Manjari, Prof.Sanjeev kr. Dwivedi, Prof. Nidhi Goyal, Prof. Varsha Gupta (2018-19). Performance Analysis of Directed Diffusion and Flooding Protocol. IOS Press. ISSN:1875-8843
Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Srivastava (2018-19). Real Time Human Activity Recognition from RGB clips Using Local Motion Histogram. SSRN. ISSN:10.1007/978-981-13-0589-4_27
Prof. Om Prakash (2018-19). SURVEY ON DIFFERENT META-HEURISTIC TECHNIQUE FOR VANET. SSRN. ISSN:10.1007/978-981-13-0589-4_27
Vikas Kumar, Deepti Seth,Anil Kumar (2020-21 ). Blood Circulation of Mathematical Model in Flexible-Gluey Fluid with the Influence of Electromagnetic Force. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN:2515-8260
Anil Kumar, Deepti Seth, Dr. Parveen Singla, Hriday Kumar Gupta (2020-21 ). Performance and Anaylsis of Covid-19 in India for Spreadeading – A Mathematical Approach. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN:2515-8260
Ajay Singh Yadav, Navin Ahlawat, Neelam Sharma, Anupam Swami, Navyata (2020-21). Healthcare Systems of Inventory Control for Blood Bank Storage with Reliability Applications Using Genetic Algorithm. Advances in Mathematics. ISSN:1857-8365
Nitin Kumar Sharma, Sachin Kumar (Supervisor) (2020-21). A Review of Advancement in Reliability techniques used for Integrated Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) Comprising hydro, wind and solar Energy Systems. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:0974-6803
Kamal Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Meenu (2020-21). Inventory Control Policy with two Warehouse, Various Demand, Shortages, Trade Credit and Fuzzy Environment Revisited. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:0974-6803
Pinky Saxena, Archana Sharma, Kuldeep Sharma (2020-21). Partially Backlogged Two – Warehouse Ordering policy with selling price dependent demand under infinite planning horizon. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:0974-6803
Deepika Gaur, Sunita Sharma, Dhirendra Kumar Sharma (2020-21). Temperature Dependent Structural, Electrical and Optical properties of Methyl Ammonium Lead lodide Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications. Solid State Technology. ISSN:0038-111X
Vijay Garg, Harsh Sharma, Divya Rehani, Renu Kumari, Vipin Kumar, Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Shailesh Narai (2020-21). Synthesis and Characterization of Temperature Controlled Sno2 Nanoparticles by Solid-state Reaction Method. Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics. ISSN:2077-6772
Dhirendra Kumar Sharma, Mayora Varshney, Sweta Shukla, Kapil Kumar Sharma, Vipin Kumar, Anuradha Sha (2020-21). Assimilation of Yb defect states in ZnO: Structural, optical and magnetic investigations. Vacuum. ISSN:0042-207X
Preeti Chaudhary, Vipin Kumar (2020-21). Investigation on structural, morphological, optical and electrical features of nanocrystalline Zn1-xGdxO films synthesized by unconventional sol-gel screen-printing process. Applied Physics A Materails Science & Processing. ISSN:0947-8396
Renu Kumari, Vipin Kumar (2020-21). Synthesis and Characterization of Tin-(0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08) doped cadmium oride films grown by unconventional sol-gel screen-printing procedure. Optik. ISSN:0030-4026
Vipin Kumar, Vandana Grace Masih, V. K. Sachan (2020-21). Study on Optoelectronic Properties of Slurry Coated Binary Cadmium Chalcogenide Films. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. ISSN:978-981-15-8704-7
MinakshiKarwal, Anubha Kaushik (2020-21). Bioconversion of lawn waste amended with kitchen waste and bufalo dung into value?added vermicompost using Eisenia foetida to alleviate landfll burden. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. ISSN:1438-4957
Rakhi Trivedi, Richa Agarwal (2020-21). Multi-echelon Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Demand Dependent on Stock. Solid State Technology. ISSN:0038-111X
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Multi-criteria analysis of social isolation barriers amid COVID-19 using fuzzy AHP. World Journal of engineering. ISSN:1708-5284
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). An Approach for Thoracic Syndrome Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. ISSN:1748-6718
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Evaluation of Ergonomics-Related Disorders in Online Education Using Fuzzy AHP. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. ISSN:1687-5273
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Computer Vision-Enabled Character Recognition of Hand Gestures for Patients with Hearing and Speaking Disability. Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Optimization Techniques for Heterogeneous Sensor Information Int. ISSN:1875-905X
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). AHP-based evaluation of critical barriers for social distancing in India during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. ISSN:1741-5225
Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Exploration of Crucial Factors Involved in Plants Development Using the Fuzzy AHP Method. Advanced Aspects of Computational Intelligence and Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing. ISSN:1563-5147
Pushpa (2021-22). Gap analysis between the customers expectations and satisfaction of real estate sector using the SERVQUAL model. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management. ISSN: 1753-0806
Pushpa (2021-22). Study of blockchain-based 6G wireless network integration and consensus mechanism. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,. ISSN:255-264
Youddha Beer Sinngh (2021-22). A systematic literature review of speech emotion recognition approaches. Neurocomputing. ISSN:0925-2312
Subhash Chandra Gupta (2021-22). IoT Communication for Grid-Tie Matrix Converter with Power Factor Control Using the Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding (AFS) Method. Scientific Programming. ISSN:1875-919X
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Deep Learning Model for Automatic Classification and
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Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2021-22). Optimization of Mental Health-Related Critical Barriers in
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Shrankhla Saxena (2021-22). E-book recommendation system using content-based filtering. International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 8 Issue 3, May 2022. ISSN:2395-1303
Ambrish Gangal (2021-22). Research on Air Quality Index: A Comparative Study to Determine Air Quality. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES). ISSN:2320-9356
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, Asad Azam, Megha Sharma(2020) (2020-21). Immutable and Privacy Protected E-Certificate Repository on Blockchain. “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN:ISSN: 2249 – 8958
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Manasvini Ganesh (2019) (2019-20). Securing Information for Commercial File Sharing by Combining Raster Graphic and Vector Graphic. “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN:ISSN: 2249-8958
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Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2013), (2013-14). “Security Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using NSGA-II,”. Journal of Grid Computing, Springer,. ISSN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2013), (2012-13). “Dual Objective Security Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using GA,”. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. ISSN:
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Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2011) (2011-12). “Weight-balanced Security-aware Scheduling for Real-time Computational Grid. Int. J. Grid and Utility Computing. ISSN:ISSN: 1741-847X
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2009) (2009-10). “A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model: An Analysis,”. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, IGI Global. ISSN:ISSN: 1938-0259
Ram Kumar Sharma, Nagesh Sharma (2013-14). A Dynamic Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Cloud
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Arunedra Singh, Richa Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya (2019-20). Comparative Study of Modern Optical Data Centres Design. International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE). ISSN:ISSN: 2306-708X
Richa Singh, Arunedra Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya (2019-20). Challenges of Various Load Balancing Techniques in Grid Environment. International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE). ISSN:ISSN: 2306-708X
Richa Singh, Arunedra Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya (2019-20). Challenges of Various Load Balancing Algorithms in Distributed Environment. International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE). ISSN:ISSN: 2306-708X
Richa Singh, Amit Kumar Sharma (2015-16). An Optimistic Approach For text data concealment in an RGB image using CryptSteg
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Veena Parihar , Surendra Yadav (2022-23). Comparative Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Online Shoppers’ Behaviour. International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications. ISSN:ISSN: 0975-0290
Kritika Purohit, Surendra Yadav, Veena Parihar (2022-23). Efficient, secure, and reliable cryptography using convolution neural network. International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation. ISSN:ISSN: 2456-3315
Veena Parihar, Aishwary Kulshrestha (2018-19). PERSONALITY CLASSIFICATION AND ITS TECHNIQUES: A DETAILED STUDY. Intern?ti?n?l Journal For Te??n?l?gi?al Re?e?r?? In Engineering. ISSN:ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718
Veena Parihar, Aishwary Kulshrestha (2016-17). BLOWFISH ALGORITHM: A DETAILED STUDY. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering. ISSN:ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, Asad Azam, Megha Sharma(2020) (2020-21). Immutable and Privacy Protected E-Certificate Repository on Blockchain. “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN:ISSN: 2249 – 8958
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Manasvini Ganesh (2019) (2019-20). Securing Information for Commercial File Sharing by Combining Raster Graphic and Vector Graphic. “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN:ISSN: 2249-8958
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2016), (2016-17). “A Secured Real Time Scheduling Model for Cloud Hypervisor,”. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing. ISSN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2013), (2013-14). “Security Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using NSGA-II,”. Journal of Grid Computing, Springer,. ISSN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2013), (2012-13). “Dual Objective Security Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using GA,”. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. ISSN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2012), (2012-13). “Security-aware Scheduling Model for Computational Grid,”. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience,Wiley. ISSN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2011) (2011-12). “Weight-balanced Security-aware Scheduling for Real-time Computational Grid. Int. J. Grid and Utility Computing. ISSN:ISSN: 1741-847X
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Vidyarthi, D. P. (2009) (2009-10). “A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model: An Analysis,”. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, IGI Global. ISSN:ISSN: 1938-0259
Rajeev Kr. Singh, Anamika Chaudhary (2016-17). Algorithms for Classification and Clustering. IJERT. ISSN:2278-0181
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2021-22). Smart Hydroponic Based Framework for Saffron Cultivation using IoT: A Precision Agriculture Perspective. Sustainability, MDPI. ISSN:2071-1050
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2021-22). Recognition of Gurmukhi Handwritten City Names using Deep Learning and Cloud Computing. Scientific Programming. ISSN:1875-919X
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2021-22). A Perspective Roadmap for IoMT -Based Early Detection and Care of the Neural Disorder, Dementia. Journal of Healthcar e Engineeri ng, Hindawi. ISSN:2040 - 2295
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2021-22). Computer Vision - Enabled Character Recognition of Hand Gestures for Patients with Hearing and Speaking Disability. Mobile Informati on Systems, Hindawi. ISSN:1875 - 905X
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2021-22). Enhanced Virtualization - Based Dynamic Bin - Packing Optimized Energy Management Solution for Heterogeneous Clouds. Sustainability, MDPI. ISSN:2071 - 1050
Harsh Khatter, Anil Kumar
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Ashish Singh Parihar (2021-22). A simple R-UAV permission-based distributed mutual exclusion in FANET. Wireless Networks, Springer. ISSN:1022-0038
Ashish Singh Parihar (2021-22). Handling of resource allocation in flying ad hoc network through dynamic graph modeling. Multimed ia Tools and Applicatio ns, Springer. ISSN:1573 - 7721
Ashish Singh Parihar (2021-22). Token Based k -Mutual Exclusion for Multi -UAV FANET. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer. ISSN:1572 - 834X
Raj Kumar (2021-22). IoT Enabled Crop Prediction and Irrigation Automation System Using Machine Learning. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications. ISSN:2666-2566
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). Discrete cosine transforms and genetic algorithm based watermarking method for robustness and imperceptibility of color images for intelligent multimedia applications. Multimedi a Tools and Applicatio ns. ISSN:1573- 7721
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). IVQFIoT: An intelligent vulnerability quantification framework for scoring internet of things vulnerabilities. Expert Systems. ISSN:1468- 0394
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). An intelligent WSNUAV-based IoT framework for precision agriculture application. Computer s and Electrical Engineeri ng. ISSN:0045- 7906
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). Data science appositeness in diabetes mellitus diagnosis for healthcare systems of developing nations. IET COMMUNICATIONS. ISSN:1751- 8636
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). Hybrid diabetes disease prediction framework based on data imputation and outlier detection techniques. Expert Systems. ISSN:1468- 0394
Pradeep Kumar Singh (2021-22). Intrusion Detection System Model for IoT Networks Using Ensemble Learning. Journal of Interconn ection Networks. ISSN:1793- 6713
Harsh Khatter (2021-22). Multiobjective Optimization Scheduling of Sequential Charging Software for Networked Electric Vehicles. Journal of Sensors. ISSN:1687 - 7268
Harsh Khatter (2021-22). Plantosphere: Next Generation Adaptive and Smart Agriculture System. Journal of Sensors. ISSN:1687 - 7268
Harsh Khatter (2021-22). Deep Learning Model for Automatic Classification and Prediction of Brain Tumor. Journal of Sensors. ISSN:1687 - 7268
Arushi Gupta (2021-22). An Empirical Investigation in Measuring the Role of Machine Learning (ML) in Enhancing Innovation in the Health Care Industry for Sustainable Business Perspective. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences. ISSN:Online ISSN 2277- 1808
Zatin Gupta (2021-22). BIO -CELL CULTURE PROCESSES IN REAL - TIME MONITORING APPROACH WITH MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. ISSN:2277 - 4998
Zatin Gupta (2021-22). A REAL -TIME BIO - MANUFACTURING OBSERVATION SYSTEM FEATURING AN IOT SENSOR USING BIG DATA. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. ISSN:2277 - 4998
Zatin Gupta (2021-22). ACCESS TO CARRIER - BASED OUTREACH SERVICE IN THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FOR LATENCY TOLERANCE IN THE ENVIRONMENT. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. ISSN:2277 - 4998
Zatin Gupta (2021-22). Artificial Intelligence - based Blockchain Technology for Skin Cancer Investigation Complemented with Dietary Assessment and Recommendation using Correlation Analysis in Elder Individuals. Journal of Food Quality. ISSN:1745 - 4557
Zatin Gupta (2021-22). IoT Based Disease Prediction Using Mapreduce and LSQN3 Techniques. Intelligent Automati on & Soft Computin g. ISSN:2326 - 005X
Youddha Beer Singh (2022-23). A
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RANCHAY BHATEJA (2021-22). POST EFFECT COVID AND SERVICE SECTOR IN INDIA: A STUDY. Journal of positive school phycology. ISSN:2717-7564
PUJA ROSHANI (2021-22). A Study On Consumer Expectation Towards Retail Service QualityWith Reference To Ghaziabad. ECS Transaction. ISSN:1938-6737
MANI TYAGI (2021-22). POST EFFECT COVID AND SERVICE SECTOR IN INDIA: A STUDY. journal of positive school pshycology. ISSN:2717-7564
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Is ola doorway to two wheel rolution a strategical decision or not -A case study. JIMS8M The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy. ISSN:0973-9343
PUJA ROSHANI (2021-22). Analysis of consumer behaviour in health insurance sector. International Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN:2550-6978
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). An Analysis of Activity Based Costing Implementation A Study of Select Manufacturing Companies. Finance India. ISSN:0970-3772
MRINAL VERMA (2021-22). A Study on Consumer Expectation Towards Retail Service Quality with Reference to Ghaziabad. ECS Transactions. ISSN:1938-5862
MRINAL VERMA (2021-22). Challenges And Issues Of Working Women In 21st Century. ECS Transactions. ISSN:1938-5862
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Power of Advertising on Buying Behavior of Woman Apparel and Products. ECS Transactions. ISSN:1938-5862
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:2049-8888
DEEPA (2021-22). Analysis of Chinese Toy Market in India with special reference to Toy Sellers: A study of Delhi NCR. International Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN:2550-6978
PRATEEK GUPTA (2021-22). Analysis of Chinese Toy Market in India with special reference to Toy Sellers: A study of Delhi NCR. International Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN:2550-6978
SAPNA YADAV (2021-22). Experimental investigation on mechanical property of concrete with the hybrid supplementary cementitious material.. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:22147853
MANI TYAGI (2021-22). POST EFFECT COVID AND SERVICE SECTOR IN INDIA: A STUDY. Journal of Positive School Psychology. ISSN:2717-7564
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Time value of money: A commercial investment decision dilemma A case study of the Core Mall Ghaziabadâ€. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy. ISSN:0973-9343
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Perception Analysis on COVID-19 Vaccination : An Online Cross-Sectional Study. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. ISSN:0975-2854
SAPNA YADAV (2021-22). Perception Analysis on COVID-19 Vaccination : An Online Cross-Sectional Study. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. ISSN:0975-2854
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2021-22). Bhushan Steel: A Journey from Top Position to Insolvency. Bhushan Steel: A Journey from Top Position to Insolvency. ISSN:0973-9343
SHIVANI AGARWAL (2021-22). Influence of demographics variables on students subjective well being. Journal of Public Affairs. ISSN:1479-1854
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Neha yadav (2022-23). Software Reliability Prediction and Optimization Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review. Journal of Integrated Science and Technology. ISSN:2321-4635
Dr. Parita Jain (2022-23). RICE VARIETIES CLASSIFICATION USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. ISSN:
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey (2022-23). CLASSIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF OCULAR DISEASES. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:9746803
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey (2022-23). Study and Development of Efficient Air Quality Prediction System Embedded with Machine Learning and IoT. Lecture Notes in Network and Systems,LNNS, Springer. ISSN:
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey (2022-23). Artificially developed intelligent system using python. AIP conference proceeding2597. ISSN:1551-7616
Gaurav Agarwal (2022-23). A comparative Analysis of ML & DL Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS. ISSN:1006-5911
Gaurav Agarwal (2022-23). A Genetics Based Make span Optimizer with Knowledge Augmented Fuzzy Probabilities. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS. ISSN:0976-9234
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Dr. Amit K Gupta (2018-19). Human Movement Recognition System using R. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN:2249-8958
Dr. Amit K Gupta (2019-20). An improvised indexing technique for XML data over multiple channels in wireless environment: (1, Xm) method. International Journal of Communication Systems. ISSN:1099-1131
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2019-20). Role of 5G Networks: Issues, Challenges and Applications. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. ISSN:2249-8958
Dr. Akash Rajak and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2019-20). Course Outcome Attainments in OBE for Weak Students. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN:2278-3075
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Dr. Amit Gupta (2019-20). Educational Data Mining to Identify Relationship Between Technical Knowledge and Academic Performance. International Journal of Control and Automation. ISSN:2005-4297
Mr. Ankit Verma and Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2019-20). Real Time Health Monitoring Systems: A Review on Disease Prediction and Providing Medical Assistance to the Patients by the Data Mining Techniques and Cloud IoT. International Journal of Control and Automation. ISSN:2005-4297
Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K. Shrivastava (2019-20). Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease using Machine Learning Approaches. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology . ISSN:2207-6360
Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K. Shrivastava and Ms. Vidushi (2019-20). Applying and comparing machine learning classification algorithms for predicting the results of students. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. ISSN:2169-0065
Mr. Naresh Chandra Dr. Vipin Kumar and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (2020-21). A Deep Investigation on Blockchain Network based on Platforms and Consensus Algorithms. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN:2207-6360
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Dr. Vipin Kumar, Arun K Tripathi, Naresh Chandra and Amit K. Goyal (2020-21). Blockchain-Enabled a Transparent and Secure Framework Using Smart Contract for Online Advertisements . Journal of Critical Reviews . ISSN:2394-5125
Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, and Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2020-21). Diabetes Diagnosis in Population by Intelligible Machine Learning. International Journal of Current Research and Review. ISSN:0975-5241
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2020-21). Taxonomy on EEG Artifacts Removal Methods, Issues, and Healthcare Applications. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) - IGI Global . ISSN:1546-5012
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta and Mr. Ankit Verma (2021-22). A Fuzzy Based Handover Decision Scheme for Mobile Devices Using Predictive Model. Electronics (MPDI). ISSN:2079-9292
Mr. Ankit Verma and Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2021-22). Novel Hybrid Intelligent Secure Cloud Internet of Things Based Disease Prediction and Diagnosis. Electronics (MPDI). ISSN:2079-9292
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Mr. Ankit Verma and Dr. Amit Gupta (2021-22). A novel generalized fuzzy intelligence-based ant lion optimization for internet of things based disease prediction and diagnosis. Cluster Computing. ISSN:1573-7543
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Dr. Amit Kumar (2021-22). Operation of a Single DC Motor in Dual Mode: A Novel Study and Analysis (Series and Separately Excitation Modes). NeuroQuantology 2022. ISSN:1303-5150
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). An Optimized Neuro_Fuzzy Based Regression Trees for Disease Prediction Framework. Applied Sciences. ISSN:2076-3417
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). Temple Recommendation Engine for Route Planning Based on TPS Clustering CNN Method. Electronics (MPDI). ISSN:2079-9292
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). A Secure authentication scheme for tele serverves using multi server architecture. Electronics (MPDI). ISSN:2079-9292
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Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). Analysis of the S-ANFIS Algorithm for the Detection of Blood Infections Using Hybrid Computing. Electronics (MPDI). ISSN:2079-9292
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). A blockchain-based Aadhar system: distributed authentication system. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control(scopus). ISSN:1693-6930
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Debadrita Das, T. Jothi Saravanan, K. I. Syed Ahmed Kabeer & Kunal Bisht (2022-23). A Critical Review of Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in Concrete as Partial Replacement to Cement. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering . ISSN:2366-2565
Anjali Agrawal, T. Jothi Saravanan, K. I. Syed Ahmed Kabeer & Kunal Bisht (2022-23). Appraising the Influence of Ceramic Waste Incorporation on the Corrosion and Chemical Attack Resistance of Cement Composites: A Review. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering . ISSN:2366-2565
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Ajay Singh Verma (2022-23). Study of utilization of hydrogen as fuel in internal combustion engine. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:22147853
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Anurag Gupta (2022-23). A review of fatigue behavior of FRP composites. MaterialsToday:
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Anurag Gupta (2022-23). Effect on the mechanical properties due to hybridization of banana-fiber composites: A review. MaterialsToday:
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Anurag Gupta (2022-23). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. MaterialsToday:
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Anurag Gupta (2022-23). Attempts to raise the solar still outcome: A short review. MaterialsToday:
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Anurag Gupta (2022-23). Parametric optimization of traveling wire electrochemical discharge machining (TW-ECDM) process for aspect ratio during machining of borosilicate glass. MaterialsToday:
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ASHISH SHARMA (2022-23). Review of various methods of keyhole removal in friction stir welding sheets and pipes. MATERIALSTODAYPROCEEDINGS. ISSN:2214-7853
ASHOK KUMAR (2022-23). An overview of software tools for the photovoltaic industry. Elesivier. ISSN:####
ASHOK KUMAR (2022-23). Attempts to raise the solar still outcome: A short review. Elesivier. ISSN:####
ASHOK KUMAR (2022-23). Feasibility study of vertical axis wind turbine on UAE highways. Elesivier. ISSN:####
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Dr. K. V. Ojha (2022-23). Modelling of gas field formation in atomization casting. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:####
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Neha Bhadauria (2022-23). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Neha Bhadauria (2022-23). Problems encountered in underwater welding and remedies- a review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Prashant Vashishtha (2022-23). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Prashant Vashishtha (2022-23). Problems encountered in underwater welding and remedies- a review. Materials Today: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
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Ranjeet Kumar (2022-23). Characterization of wear of FRP composites: A review. MaterialsToday
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Ranjeet Kumar (2022-23). A review of fatigue behavior of FRP composites. MaterialsToday
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Ranjeet Kumar (2022-23). A review on performance, combustion and emissions utilizing alternative fuels. MaterialsToday
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Ranjeet Kumar (2022-23). Attempts to raise the solar still outcome: A short review. MaterialsToday
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Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2022-23). Investigation of different parameters of cube printed using PLA by FDM 3D printer. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2022-23). Multi response assessment of EN19 alloy steel in CNC milling process using Fuzzy matter element methodology. Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2022-23). Modelling of Indian vendors posture using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Sachin Rathore (2022-23). Machine Learning Regression Approaches for Prediction Microhardness of Al-Y2O3 Composite. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 70 Issue 4, 303-315, April 2022. ISSN:ISSN: 2231 – 5381
Sandeep Chhabra (2022-23). Effect of drilling process parameters on delamination factor in drilling of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. MaterialsToday: Proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
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Sandeep Chhabra (2022-23). Parametric optimization of traveling wire electrochemical discharge machining (TW-ECDM) process for aspect ratio during machining of borosilicate glass. MaterialsToday:
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Sandeep Chhabra (2022-23). Study of utilization of hydrogen as fuel in internal combustion engine. MaterialsToday:
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Smriti Mishra (2022-23). Influence of process parameters of friction stir processing on the fabrication of metal foam. Materials today proceedings. ISSN:2214-7853
Subodh Kumar Sharma (2022-23). A REVIEW: SMART AGRICULTURE SYSTEM USING IOT. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. ISSN:2582-5208
VINEET KUMAR VASHISHTHA (2022-23). An overview of software tools for the photovoltaic industry. Elesivier. ISSN:####
VINEET KUMAR VASHISHTHA (2022-23). Methods to enhance the productivity of solar still: A review. Elesivier. ISSN:####
VINEET KUMAR VASHISHTHA (2022-23). Attempts to raise the solar still outcome: A short review. Elesivier. ISSN:####
VINEET KUMAR VASHISHTHA (2022-23). Feasibility study of vertical axis wind turbine on UAE highways. Elesivier. ISSN:####
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Ashish Kumar Singh (2022-23). Design of Customized Pneumatic Wheel. International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM). ISSN:2582-3930
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NEERAJ KUMAR (2022-23). An Analytical Implementation of AHP in Supply Chain Working Environment. Advances in Mechanical and Materials Technology. ISSN:978-981-16-2794-1
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Arunesh Chandra (2022-23). Modification In The Design And Development Of Tractor Trails For Onion Harvester. SSRN. ISSN:1556-5068
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PARUL GROVER (2022-23). LC-MS/MS studies for identification and characterization of new forced degradation products of dabrafenib and establishment of their degradation pathway. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. ISSN: 0731-7085 / 1873-264X
RICHA GOEL (2022-23). Analytical Method Development And Validation Parameters Of Drug Ivermectin. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research. ISSN:2250-0480
RICHA GOEL (2022-23). Design of small chain peptides as inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase. PHARMACOLOGYONLINE. ISSN:1827-8620
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PARUL GROVER (2022-23). Anti-diabetic, antioxidant and toxicity studies of Grewia abutilifolia leaves extracts. MEDICINAL PLANTS-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOMEDICINE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES. ISSN:Print ISSN: 0975-4261 Online ISSN: 0975-6892
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PARUL GROVER (2022-23). Current Developments in the Pyran-based Analogues as Anticancer Agents. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. ISSN:1871-5206 / 1875-5992
PARUL GROVER (2022-23). Iridoids Analysis by Different Analytical Techniques and its Role as Pharmacologic Agents: A Review. CURRENT BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS. ISSN:1573-4072 / 1875-6646
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Naveen Chauhan (2022-23). Adaptive Application Offloading For Qos Maximization In Cloud-Fog Environment With Delay-Constraint. Peer-To-Peer Networking And Applications. ISSN:1936-6442
Vineet Sharma (2022-23). Lung Disease Classification Using Dense Alex Net Framework With Contrast Normalisation And Five-Fold Geometric Transformation. International Journal On Recent And Innovation Trends In Computing And Communication,. ISSN:2321-8169
Gaurav Agarwal (2022-23). Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Using Multi-Objective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm In Fog–Cloud Computing. Knowledge-Based Systems. ISSN:1872-7409
Ankur Bhardwaj (2022-23). Air Fare Prediction Using Machine Learning. Goya Journal. ISSN:0017-2715
Dilkeshwar Pandey (2022-23). Water Quality Prediction Using Machine Learning. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Shalini Kapoor (2022-23). Detecting Emotion Change Instant In Speech Signal Using Spectral Patterns In Pitch Coherent Single Frequency Filtering Spectrogram. Expert System With Applications. ISSN:I:10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120882
Vineet Sharma (2022-23). Detection And Prediction Of Breast Cancer Using Improved Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Network Based On Multilayer Perceptron’S Network. Optical Memory And Neural Networks. ISSN:1934-7898
Sushil Kumar (2022-23). A Novel Non-Linear Neuron Model Based On Multiplicative Aggregation In Quaternionic Domain. Complex & Intelligent Systems. ISSN:2198-6053
Parita Jain (2022-23). A Meta-Classification Model for Optimized ZBot Malware Prediction Using Learning Algorithms. Mathematics Journal. ISSN:2227-7390
Umang Rastogi (2022-23). A Comprehensive Review On The Advancement Of High-Dimensional Neural Networks In Quaternionic Domain With Relevant Applications. Archives Of Computational Methods In Engineering . ISSN:1886-1784
Sushil Kumar (2022-23). A Comprehensive Review On The Advancement Of High-Dimensional Neural Networks In Quaternionic Domain With Relevant Applications. Archives Of Computational Methods In Engineering . ISSN:1886-1784
Gaurav Agarwal (2022-23). Emotion Classification For Musical Data Using Deep Learning Techniques. International Journal Of Reconfigurable And Embedded Systems (IJRES). ISSN:2089-4864
Seema Maitrey (2022-23). Prediction Of Cancer In Breast Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Comparative Study Of Classification
Algorithms. Journal Of Data Acquisition And Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Sanjiv Sharma (2022-23). Hybrid Recommender System for Mental Illness Detection in Social Media Using Deep Learning Techniques. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. ISSN:1687-5273
Purnendu (2022-23). Intrusion Detection And Prevention System Using Optimized Dual
Interactive Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network For
Enhancing Manet Security. IETE Journal Of Research. ISSN:0974-780X
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). An Efficient Clustered M-path Sinkhole Attack Detection (MSAD) Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Network. ISSN:1551-9899 (print) · 1552-0633 (online)
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Survey on Health Hazards and Causes of Accidents in the Field of Civil Engineering. NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303-5150
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Classification and Recognition of Noisy Fingerprints Using Quaternion Matrix and Multi-Layer Perceptron. NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303-5150
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Survey on Natural Language Processing. NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303-5150
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Maximize the life span of Wireless Sensor Network with Maximum Power Assortment Algorithm. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:0974-6803
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM- A SURVEY . Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HETEROGENOUS RING CLUSTERING ROUTING IN WSN . Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INTEGRATION OF BLOCK CHAIN IN SMART HEALTHCARE SYSTEM . Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). SECURITY CONCERNS USING 6G IN THE IOT: BLOCKCHAIN AND MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES AS A RESCUE . Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Design and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Model for the Global Issue of Poisonous Reptile Identification . A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology. ISSN:2230-5807
Manish Bhardwaj (2022-23). Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithm in COVID-19 Pandemics. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Rohit Vashisht (2022-23). Addressing Noise and Class Imbalance Problems in Heterogeneous Cross Project Defect Prediction – An Empirical Study. International Journal of e-Colloboration (IJeC). ISSN:1548-3673
Ashima Arya (2022-23). Ensemble Learning for Appraising English Text Readability using Gompertz Function. International Journal of Performability Engineering. ISSN:0973-1318
Ashima Arya (2022-23). Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithm in COVID-19 Pandemics. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Swasti Singhal (2022-23). Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithm in COVID-19 Pandemics. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Prince Gupta (2022-23). Analysis of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithm in COVID-19 Pandemics. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
LEARNING APPROACHES AS A RESCUE. Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Latika Sharma (2022-23). AI-assisted Formulation Design for Improved Drug Delivery and Bioavailability. Pakistan Heart Journal (PHJ). ISSN:ISSN:0048-2706E-ISSN:2227-9199
Latika Sharma (2022-23). Machine learning approaches for the prediction and detection of epilepsy. Pakistan Heart Journal (PHJ). ISSN:ISSN:0048-2706E-ISSN:2227-9199
Deep Kumar (2022-23).
Deceptive Content Analysis Using Deep Learning. TIJER. ISSN:2456-3315
Abhinav Juneja (2022-23). Data Rate Aware Reliable Transmission Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks using Bayesian Regularized Neural Network approach. Physical Communication. ISSN:1876-3219
Supriya Dubey (2022-23). DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM- A SURVEY. Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Ashima Arya (2022-23). Espousing AI to Enhance Cost-Efficient and Immersive Experience for Human Computer Interaction. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. ISSN:2156-5570
Rohit Vashsiht (2022-23). Feature Engineering to Heterogeneous Cross Software Projects Defect Prediction: A Novel Framework. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. ISSN:2191-4281
Abhinav Juneja (2022-23). An Approach to DNA Sequence
Classification Through Machine Learning:
DNA Sequencing, K Mer Counting,
Thresholding, Sequence Analysis. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. ISSN:2160-9551
Pravesh (2022-23). Mechanical stability parameters of chalcogenides and pnictides based. Chalcogenides Letters. ISSN:1584-8663
Pravesh (2022-23). Theoretical investigation of fundamental physical properties
of full-Heusler Co2VZ (Z= Al, Bi, Ga, Ge) compounds. Chalcogenides Letters. ISSN:1584-8663
Upendra Kumar Acharya (2022-23). Image sub-division and quadruple clipped adaptive histogram equalization (ISQCAHE) for low exposure image enhancement. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. ISSN:1573-0824
Upendra Kumar Acharya (2022-23). Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID-19 using chest x-ray images. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. ISSN:1098-1098
Abhas Kanungo (2022-23). Critical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for a MRPID Thermal System Controller. IETE Journal of Research. ISSN:0377-2063
Abhas Kanungo (2022-23). An Adaptive Optimized Schizophrenia Electroencephalogram Disease Prediction Framework. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:1572-834X
Abhas Kanungo (2022-23). Firefly Algorithm based LCL filtered grid-tied STATCOM design for reactive power compensation in SCIG based Micro-grid. Energy reports. ISSN:2352-4847
Shubham Shukla (2022-23). A Static Machine Learning Based Evaluation Method for Usability and Security Analysis in E-Commerce Website. IEEE ACCESS. ISSN:2169-3536
Shubham Shukla (2022-23). Automatic Detection of Atrial Fibrillation from ECG Signal Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques. Journal of Sensor. ISSN: 1687-725X
Parvin Kumar (2022-23). Optimized DPMZM Based RoF Link Against Fiber Impairments. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Parvin Kumar (2022-23). Exploring the Multitarget Potential of Iridoids: Advances and Applications”, . Current Topic in Medicinal Chemistry. ISSN:1568-0266
Parvin Kumar (2022-23). An Adaptive Optimized Schizophrenia Electroencephalogram Disease Prediction Framework. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:0929-6212
Manish Singh (2022-23). Multi-objective NSGA-II optimization framework for UAV path planning in an UAV-assisted WSN. Journal of supercomputing. ISSN:0920-8542
Shipra Srivastava (2022-23). Design of Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with slotted Split ring array for Video Surveillance Applications at C-Band. International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology.. ISSN:E-ISSN:2410-1869
Sachin Tyagi (2022-23). Performance Analysis of Dual-Parallel/Dual-Electrode Mach-Zehender Modulator-Based Radio Over Fiber System Against Third Order Intermodulation Errors. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. ISSN:1943-6009
Masood Rizvi (2022-23). Demand-side management in microgrid using novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Electrical Engineering. ISSN:1432-0487
Brijesh Singh (2022-23). Allocation of Reserved Green Energy Transmission Corridors to Secure Power Purchase Agreements in Smart Power Networks during Congestion Management. Electric Power Systems Research. ISSN:ISSN 0378-7796
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2022-23). A review of PV array reconfiguration techniques for maximum power
extraction under partial shading conditions. Optik. ISSN:ISSN 0030-4026
Ruchika Singh (2022-23). A Firefly based Deep Belief Signal Specification based Novel Hybrid Technique for EEG Signal Analysis. IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. ISSN:ISSN 0974780X
Varun Gupta (2022-23). ECG Signal Analysis based on the Spectrogram and Spider Monkey Optimisation Technique. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. ISSN:2250-2114
Varun Gupta (2022-23). Performance evaluation of various pre-processing techniques for R-peak detection in ECG signal. IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. ISSN:ISSN 0974780X
Varun Gupta (2022-23). PCA as an effective tool for the detection of R-peaks in an ECG signal processing. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. ISSN:####
Varun Gupta (2022-23). Wavelet transform and vector machines as emerging tools for computational medicine. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. ISSN:1868-5145
Varun Gupta (2022-23). Application of chaos theory for arrhythmia detection in pathological databases. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics. ISSN:1755-0661
Varun Gupta (2022-23). An Adaptive Optimized Schizophrenia Electroencephalogram Disease Prediction Framework. Wireless Personal Communications. ISSN:1572-834X
Vipin Kumar (2022-23). A Study of Contrast between the Theme of Innocence and Experience in The Quiet American by Graham Green. Gradeva Review. ISSN:0363-8057
Vipin Kumar (2022-23). A Study of Hardy’s belief in Irony of Fate in
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Kamal Kant Sharma (2022-23). An analytical study on testing metrics for software applications. Journal of Integrated SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. ISSN:2321-4635
Kamal Kant Sharma (2022-23). Software Defect Prediction using Deep Learning by Correlation Clustering of Testing Metrics. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems. ISSN:1847-6996
Jyoti Sharma (2022-23). OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HETEROGENOUS RING CLUSTERING ROUTING IN WSN. Journal of Data Aquition and Processing. ISSN:1004-9037
Minakshi Chauhan (2022-23). Ethereum’s Blockchain Network Mechanism for High?Performance Authentication and Efcient Block Creation. SN Computer Science. ISSN:NA
Dinesh Kumar (2022-23). Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. ISSN:####
Vikas Goel (2022-23). A Blockchain-Oriented Framework for Cloud-Assisted System to Countermeasure Phishing for Establishing Secure Smart City. Security and Communication Networks. ISSN:1939-0114
Vikas Goel (2022-23). An Improved Analysis of Secured Permutation and Substitution based Image Encryption. Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management. ISSN:2769-7851
Saurabh (2022-23). Improved QoS with Fog computing based on Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. ISSN:2321-8169
Saurabh (2022-23). Enhance QoS with fog computing based on sigmoid NN clustering and entropy-based scheduling. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN:1573-7721
Priya Singh (2022-23). SMART BIO MONITORING SYSTEM. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Economic Research (ARER. ISSN:2321 - 7847
Ankita Sharma (2022-23). Factors influencing social media marketing having the impact on brand awareness and brand image. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Ankita Sharma (2022-23). Perception of students with respect to educational stress and emotional intelligence: A study on online education during COVID-19. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Deepa (2022-23). Shopping Channel Preference for Readymade apparels Among Consumers in Dehradun City. Central European Management Journal. ISSN:2336-2693
Prateek Gupta (2022-23). Identifying Performance Indicators for the Agriculture Sector in Developing Countries Through the ARDL Model : Special Reference of India. Indian Journal of finance. ISSN:0973 - 8711
Deepa (2022-23). Protecting Children In India From Hazardous Chinese Toys. Eur. Chem. Bull. ISSN:2063-5346
Mani Tyagi (2022-23). Global Evidence Of Pandemic Effects On Educational Disruption. E3S Web of Conferences. ISSN:2267-1242
Amit Kumar Arora (2022-23). Digital payment Apps: Perception and Adoption – A Study of Higher Education Students. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management. ISSN:17481252
Amit Kumar Arora (2022-23). Vulnerability Experienced by Employees Facing the Brunt of Salary Cuts &
Job Loss during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Pacific Business Review (International). ISSN:0974-438X
Amit Kumar Arora (2022-23). An analysis of movements in prices of Nifty index, using relative strength index indicator. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Amit Kumar Arora (2022-23). E-health Services for Rural Areas of Uttarakhand: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Ranchay Bhateja (2022-23). A STUDY ON FOMO & Social Media Usage among Adults & Adolescents. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Ranchay Bhateja (2022-23). WORKING WOMEN & FINANCIAL LITERACY: A STUDY IN GHAZIABAD. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. ISSN:2169-0014
Siddharth Jain (2022-23). STRENGTHENING OF PAVEMENT USING MUNICIPAL AND C&D WASTE. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Siddharth Jain (2022-23). To assess the strength of the concrete cube using self-curing compound. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Amit Kumar Gupta (2022-23). Competitive analysis of supervised machine and deep learning algorirhms for kyphosis disease detection. (MDPI)Applied Sciences. ISSN:2076-3417
Ayush Jain (2022-23). Wind Analysis and Design of G+5 Building using STAAD.Pro. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Prashant Agarwal (2022-23). Development and Analysis of an IoT Enabled Smart Home Automation System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency. journal of European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Prashant Agarwal (2022-23). Machine Learning Based Rice Crop Disease Identification and Prediction for Improved Agricultural Management. journal of European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Neelam (2022-23). Optimizing wear of Al 6062 alloy using machine learning and tungsten carbide nanoparticles. journal of European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Prashant Vashishtha (2022-23). A novel technique for surface modification of aluminium alloy using GTAW. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. ISSN:1806-3691
Piyush Pant (2022-23). Experimental Investigation of EN-31 Steel Using VMC. International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods. ISSN:2455-6211
Neha Bhadauria (2022-23). A novel technique for surface modification of aluminium alloy using GTAW. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. ISSN:1806-3691
Arunesh Chandra (2022-23). Optimisation of Machining Parameters for CNC Milling of FRP . EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy. ISSN:2432-5953(Online)
K L A Khan (2022-23). Review on Synthesis and Characterisation of Jute Reinforced Polymer Composite. International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM). ISSN:ISSN: 2582-3930
Gaurav (2022-23). Constitutive behaviour of a homogenized AT61 magnesium alloy under different strain rate and temperature: An experimental and numerical investigation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. ISSN:1943-5533
Gaurav (2022-23). A comparative study of different constitutive models to predict the dynamic flow behaviour of a homogenised AT61 magnesium alloy. Structures. ISSN:2352-0124
Pratibha Kumari (2022-23). The future of pharmacy: How AI is revolutionizing the industry. Intelligent Pharmacy. ISSN:2949-866X
Gaurav (2022-23). Effect of strain path change on static Recrystallization behavior of AT63 magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. ISSN:20413076, 14644207
Gaurav (2022-23). A Novel Seal Design to Enhance MR Brake Performance. Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals. ISSN:0972-2815
Sachin Rathore (2022-23). Robotics in Medical Field. Robotics in Medical Field. ISSN:2395-5252
Ankur Sachdeva (2022-23). Review of Thermoelectric Module. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering. ISSN:2320-2092,
Anurag Gupta (2022-23). Finite element modeling of quartz material for analyzing material removal rate in ECDM process. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM). ISSN:1955-2513
Abhishek Yadav (2022-23). Optimisation of Machining Parameters for CNC Milling of Fibre Reinforced Polymers. EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy. ISSN:2432-5953
Abhishek Yadav (2022-23). An Experimental Analysis of Natural Heat Transfer between Rectangular Solid and Perforated Fins Having Different Perforation Characteristics. EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy. ISSN:2432-5953
Neeraj Kumar (2022-23). Ranking and Execution the critical success factors liable for price of quality using fuzzy topsis in friction allied industries in India. Journal of southwest jiaotong university. ISSN:0258-2724
Anuj Pathak (2022-23). Extrusion spheronization pelletization technique and worster coating(bottom spray);A review. European chemical bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Anuj Pathak (2022-23). Gastroretentive approaches for controlled released;A Review. European chemical bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Abhay Bhardwaj (2022-23). QSAR and Molecular Docking-Based Design of Novel Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibitors as Anti-Alzheimer Agents. Europian Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Abhishek Kumar (2022-23). A Recent Study on Biomedical Applications of Carbon –
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Abhishek Kumar (2022-23). Molecular Targeting and Novel Therapeutic approaches against Fungal Infections: a review. Current Molecular Medicine. ISSN:1875-5666
Abhishek Kumar (2022-23). Optimization and In-Vitro Evaluation of Calotropis Gigantea Latex Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Using Box-Behnken Design Approach. Medicinal Plants (An International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries). ISSN: 0975-6892
Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). A Review On Analytical Explanation Of Cyclic Gaba Derivative (Piracetam). European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). An Appraisal On The Mechanistic Approach Towards Pharmacological Potential Of Pycnogenol. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). Appraising the Phytochemical and Therapeutic Perspectives of Bryonia laciniosa: A Literature Metasynthesis,
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Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). Herbal Drug Addiction: Latest Information on Trends and Outlines. . Pharmacophore. ISSN:2229-5402
Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). Ramalin: A Multi-Mechanistic Lichen Metabolite of Pharmacological Importance. Current Bioactive Compounds. ISSN:1875-6646
Deepti Katiyar (2022-23). Utilizing Computational Biology to investigate the anti-viral prospective of Tinospora cordifolia, . European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Neha Rana (2022-23). Phytochemical Analysis and Assessment of In vitro Antioxidant Potential of
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Ashu Mittal (2022-23). Incompatibility Studies of Tamsulosin HCl using TGA, DSC and IR. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy. ISSN:2458-8806
N.G.Raghavendra Rao (2022-23). An In Silico Study to Explore the Role of EGFR in Ovarian Cancer. Pharmacognosy Journal. ISSN:0975-3575
N.G.Raghavendra Rao (2022-23). OVERVIEW OF DRUG REGULATORY AFFAIRS AND ROLE OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS IN A PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY. Pakistan Heart Journal. ISSN:0048-2706 (Print) 2227-9199 (Online)
N.G.Raghavendra Rao (2022-23). Trigonella foenum-Plantago Ovata Seeds Mucilage as a Superdisintegrants for the Development of Bisoprolol Fumarate Loaded Quick Dissolving Tablet (QDT). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT). ISSN:0974-360X (Online) 0974-3618 (Print)
Garima Kapoor (2022-23). Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Current Advancement in Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Management. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (JPAM). ISSN:
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Garima Kapoor (2022-23). 2-Substituted-3-(5-Substituted-1,3,4-oxadiazol/thiadiazol-2-yl) Thiazolidin-4-one Derivatives: Synthesis, Anticancer, Antimicrobial, and Antioxidant Potential. Pharmaceuticals
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Garima Kapoor (2022-23). Computer-aided Drug Design of New Tripeptides as
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Garima Kapoor (2022-23). Current Advancement in the Oxadiazole-Based Scaffolds as Anticancer Agents. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. ISSN:ISSN:1040-6638E-ISSN:1563-5333
Garima Kapoor (2022-23). Evaluation of In-vitro antioxidant potency of smaller chain
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Garima Kapoor (2022-23). Support Vector Machine And Gaussian Classification Of Antimicrobial Peptides. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
K.Nagarajan (2022-23). Insilco screening and synthesis of tripeptides for tuberculosis. Europian Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:20635346
Kapil Sachan (2022-23). Arundo donax L. A scientific Update. Indian Drugs. ISSN:ISSN 0019-462X
Kiran Sharma (2022-23). Artificial Intelligence Assisted Fabrication of 3D, 4D and 5D Printed Formulations or Devices for Drug Delivery. Current Drug Delivery. ISSN:1875-5704
Pankaj (2022-23). Exploring the Potential of Biodegradable Polymers for Sustainable
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Pankaj (2022-23). Gold Nanoparticles for Targeted and Selective Delivery of Cancer Chemotherapeutics: A Review of the Literature. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:2063-5346
Pankaj (2022-23). Hydrogels for 3D bioprinting: Current progress and future
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Pankaj (2022-23). Phosphorylation of Alkali Extracted Mandua Starch by STPP/STMP for Improving Digestion Resistibility. 2023. ISSN:2470-1343
Parul Grover (2022-23). Bakuchiol: A potential anticancer compound from Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. ISSN:1871-5206 / 1875-5992
Parul Grover (2022-23). Development and Validation of Liquid Chromatography-
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Parul Grover (2022-23). Exploring the multi-target potential of iridoids: Advances and Applications. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry . ISSN:1568-0266 / 1873-4294
Parul Grover (2022-23). Piperidine nucleus as a promising scaffold for Alzheimer’s disease: Current Landscape and Future Perspective.. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. ISSN:1568-0266 / 1873-4294
Roma Ghai (2022-23). Safety Concerns Of Drugs And Vaccines Used In The
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Roma Ghai (Co-Author) (2022-23). In-depth analysis of the chemical composition, pharmacological effects, pharmacokinetics, and patent history of mangiferin. Phytomedicine Plus. ISSN:2667-0313
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Shardendu Kumar Mishra (2022-23). Qualitative phytochemical characterization and free radical scavenging activity of Talapotaka churna.. Inrernational Journal of Ayurvedic Research . ISSN:####
Shikha Kaushik (2022-23). Promising Schiff bases in antiviral drug design and discovery. Medicinal Chemistry Research. ISSN:1054-2523
Shikha Kaushik (2022-23). Structural Modifications and Strategies for Native Starch for Applications in Advanced Drug Delivery. Hindawi BioMed Research International. ISSN:2314-6133
Surbhi Kamboj (2022-23). Analytical Method Development and Validation of Piperine by Gas liquid chromatography. European Chemical Bulletin. ISSN:####
Surbhi Kamboj (2022-23). Small Silver Nanoparticles: A Multi-Functional
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Vaishali M Patil (2022-23). Artificial intelligence and machine-learning approaches in structure and ligand-based discovery of drugs affecting central nervous system. Molecular Diversity. ISSN:1573-501X
Vaishali M Patil (2022-23). Mutation informatics: SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain of the spike protein. Drug Discovery Today. ISSN:1878-5832
Vaishali M Patil (2022-23). Protein Informatics and Vaccine Development: Cancer Case Study. Current Topics in medicinal Chemistry. ISSN:1568-0266
Vaishali M Patil (2022-23). Role of CSF1R Inhibitor Pexidartinib for the Treatment of Cancer. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. ISSN:1068-1620
Vaishali M Patil (2022-23). Synthesis, Characterization, Docking Studies and Antiepileptic Activity of Novel Piracetam Derivatives. Asian Journal of Chemistry. ISSN:0975-427X
Vinay Kumar (2022-23). Formulation and Optimization of Quercetin Nanoemulsion for Enhancing Its Dissolution Rate, Bioavailability and Cardioprotective Activity. Journal of Cluster Science. ISSN:1572-8862
Vinay Kumar (2022-23). Protective Effect of Triclosan in Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: FASN Inhibition a Novel Approach. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences . ISSN:0976-4879
Monika Kaurav (2022-23). Recent Advances in Cancer Vaccines: Challenges, Achievements, and Futuristic Prospects. VACCINES. ISSN:2076-393X
Monika Kaurav (2022-23). Dendrimer: An update on recent developments and future opportunities for the brain tumors diagnosis and treatment. Frontiers in pharmacology. ISSN:16639812
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Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2015). Development and Modification of Permanent Magnet Brushed DC Motor for Hybrid photovoltaic-operated Solar Systems. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. ISSN:1939-7038
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2020). Scope of improvement in earthing system for 400 kV AC substation through design, analysis, and load flow aspects. International Journal on Emerging Technologies. ISSN:0975-8364
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2013). Comparative Analysis of MPPT Techniques for PV System. International Journal of Research Review in Engineering Science & Technology. ISSN:2278-6643
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). A Modified Controller Design Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Desalination System. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). Whale Optimisation Algorithm Based Controller Design for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2019). Dynamical analysis and robust control for dive plane of supercavitating vehicles. Applied Ocean Research. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Nonlinear Robust Control of High-Speed Supercavitating Vehicle in the Vertical Plane. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Amplitude Based Directional Relaying for UPFC Compensated Line during Single Pole Tripping. Electrical Power System Research. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2018). Design of Optimal PID Controller for the Reverse Osmosis using Teacher-Learner-Based-Optimization. Membrane Water Treatment. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2018). Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2016). Multilevel thresholding with membrane computing inspired TLBO. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2021). Kullback-Leibler Divergence Based Differential Protection Scheme for Shunt Compensated Transmission Line. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2022). Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2023). Preprocessing ECG signal based on ANF and ICA: a Comparison. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies. ISSN:
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2015). GSM based street light automation. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. ISSN:2278-8875
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2015). Identification of Phase Sequence of 3 Phase AC Source. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. ISSN:2278-8875
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2017). Solar Photovoltaic power generation using automatic tracking system. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. ISSN:2278-8875
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2017). Solar and Wind Hybrid Energy System for Street Lighting. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. ISSN:2278-8875
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2018). Innovative Road Lighting and Smarter System. International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE). ISSN:2319-6378
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2019). Feasibility analysis of Renewable Energy options for Union Territory of Lakshadweep Islands. International Journal of Global Energy Issues. ISSN:1741-5128
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2019). Techno-economic feasibility of PV-wind-diesel battery hybrid energy system for Lakshadweep Island in India. Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development. ISSN:0019-5537
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2023). A review of optimization techniques for hybrid renewable energy systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation. ISSN:2286203
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2022). Investigation and Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. ISSN:0974-6803
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2023). A review of PV array reconfiguration techniques for maximum power extraction under partial shading conditions. Optik. ISSN:0030-4026
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2024). Techno-Economic Investigations of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology. ISSN:2319-5541
Dr. Bandana (2024). Size Optimization of Grid-Tied Hybrid Energy System by Employing Forecasted Meteorological Data. MAPAN. ISSN: 2363-8937
Dr. Bandana (2023). A new intelligent approach for size optimization of a renewable energy based grid connected hybrid energy system. International Journal of Numerical Modelling. ISSN: 1099-1204
Dr. Bandana (2023). Optimal design of Renewable Energy based Hybrid system Considering Weather Forecasting using Machine Learning Techniques. Electrical Engineering. ISSN: 1432-0487
Dr. Bandana (2012). Renewable Energy Systems: Development and Perspectives of a Hybrid Solar-Wind System. ETASR. ISSN:1792-8036
Dr. Bandana (2017). Simulation of Transient behavior of DC Motor using Matlab/Simulink. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin. ISSN:
Dr. Bandana (2017). Analysis of Self Excited Capacitance for Self Excited Induction Generator for Different Operating Conditions Using Fuzzy Systems. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin. ISSN:
Dr. Bandana (2012). Space vector PWM Technique for 3-phase voltage source inverter using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology. ISSN:
Dr. Bandana (2012). A novel approach for fault location in Transmission lines using modern wavelet transforms. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research. ISSN:
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari (2023). A comprehensive review on stochastic optimal power flow problems and solution methodologies. IETE Technical Review. ISSN:0974-5971
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari (2023). Flow direction algorithm-based optimal power flow analysis in the presence of stochastic renewable energy sources. Electric Power Systems Research. ISSN:0378-7796 (Print), 1873-2046 (Online)
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari (2023). Social welfare maximization in deregulated power market incorporating wind power plants using metaheuristic algorithm. Wind Engineering. ISSN:0309-524X
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari (2022). Solution approach for optimal power flow considering wind turbine and environmental emissions. Wind Engineering. ISSN:0309-524X
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari (2022). Investigation of optimal power flow solution techniques considering stochastic renewable energy sources: Review and analysis. Wind Engineering. ISSN:0309-524X
Dr. Vanya Goel (2023). Improvement of Electron Gun Breakdown Performance Through Surface Flashover and Discharge Studies. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. ISSN:0018-9383
Dr. Vanya Goel (2022). Performance Optimization of Indirectly Heated Cathode Based Electron Gun by Controlling High Voltage Surface Flashover and Beam Positioning at Target Plane. Journal of Vacuum (Elsevier). ISSN:1879-2715
Dr. Vanya Goel (2020). A Novel Technique for Optimizing 270°-Bent Electron Gun for Evaporation Applications. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. ISSN:0093-3813
Dr. Vanya Goel (2022). Optimization of Spatial Parameters of a 2.45 GHz Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma Jet: Comparison between Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Result. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. ISSN:1939-9375
Dr. Vanya Goel (2023). 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN:1742-6596
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2020). Task scheduling algorithms in the cloud computing environment: A comprehensive review. Solid State Technology. ISSN:
Dr. Natwar S. Rathore (2016). Elephant Herding Optimization based PID Controller Tuning. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. ISSN:
Dr. Deepti Singh (2024). Technical investigation on operational challenges of large-scale PV integration and opportunities with market restructuring, storages, green corridors, and AI. Microsystem Technologies. ISSN: 1432-1858
Dr. Deepti Singh (2022). Allocation of Reserved Green Energy Transmission Corridors to Secure Power Purchase Agreements in Smart Power Networks during Congestion Management. Electric Power Systems Research. ISSN:0378-7796
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2022). Operation of a Single DC Motor in Dual Mode: A Novel Study and Analysis. NeuroQuantology. ISSN:1303-5150
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021). A Review Paper on Comparison, Analysis, and Planning of Electricity Generation in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Mexico with India. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer). ISSN:1876-1100
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021). A Review for Energy Generation Analysis and Comparison in China, Indonesia, and Ireland with India. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer). ISSN:1876-1100
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021). A Review Paper on Analysis, Planning of Electricity Generation in Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Germany and Comparison with India. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer). ISSN:1876-1100
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021). A novel African Buffalo Optimization for the minimization of cogging torque in modified permanent magnet DC motor. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. ISSN:2213-1388
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2019). Experimental Study of Modified Dual Slope Hybrid Photovoltaic (PVT) Solar Thermal Still. Desalination and Water Treatment. ISSN:1944-3994
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2017). Real Time Performance Evaluation of MODIFIED PMDC Motor, BLDC Motor and DUAL Commutator PMDC Machine. 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS). ISSN:
YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI. CIPECH-16. Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH-16). ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
YADUVIR SINGH. Characteristic Variations of PV cell due to Change in Parameters using MATLAB/Simulink model. SOLARIS 2017. ISBN:
VIPIN KUMAR. Enhanced Photoluminescence Emission from Ce: ZnO Nanoparticles prepared by a Chemical Precipitation. ICFST-2017. ISBN:
VIPIN KUMAR. Structural and optical characterization of NiSe film grown by screen-printing method. CO-AUTHOR. ISBN:0094-243X (print)
VIPIN KUMAR. Preparation of ZnO thin film using sol- gel dip coating technique & their characterization for optoe. ICCE -2028. ISBN:N/ A
VIPIN. Design and Fabrication of a Setup to Measure the Laminar Burning Velocity of Gaseous Air-Fuel mixtur. ICRTIME2018. ISBN:2250-0588
VIPIN. Numerical Analysis of different blade profile of wind turbine. ICRTIME2018. ISBN:2250-0588
VIPIN. Performance of Various Designs of Active Solar Stills: An Overview. ICRTIME2018. ISBN:2250-0588
VINEETA PAL. Usage of Marble Dust and Fly Ash to Enhance the Properties of Soil Sub grade. Smart Cities with Focus on Environmental Challenges. ISBN:
VINEET SHARMA. Exploration of Apache Hadoop Technique Map Reduce & Hive for Big Data. ICACDS 2018. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. An Energy-Efficient Data Transmission Scheme Using DSC-MIMO for Wireless Sensor Network. 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM-2017). ISBN:978-1-5386-3506-3
VIBHAV SACHAN. Design issues for wireless sensor networks and smart humidity sensors for precision agriculture: A r. International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations (ICSCTI). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Design issues for wireless sensor networks and smart humidity sensors for precision agriculture: A r. International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations (ICSCTI). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Orthogonal Space-time Block Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks:Performance Results. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2013). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Performance Analysis of STBC Encoded Cooperative MIMO System for wireless sensor networks. International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC- 2012),. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Optimization of energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks using error control codes. Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES), 2012. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Energy-efficiency of Virtual cooperative MIMO techniques in wireless sensor networks. . International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI-2012). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Energy Analysis for MIMO Based Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded System (ICPCES-2010). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Performance Analysis of MIMO Space Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications. IEEE Third International Conference on Wireless Communication & Sensor Networks (WCSN-2008). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Convergence Towards Packet Networks. International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA’07),. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Bit Error Rate (BER) Performance of An Adaptive Equalizer Using RLS Algorithm. IEEE Third International Conference on Industrial and Information system (ICIIS-2008). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Data Aggregation Based Cooperative MIMO Diversity in Wireless Sensor Networks. Fourth International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering : Recent Trends (CERA-09). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Cooperative Effort based Wireless Sensor Network Clustering Algorithm for Smart Home Application. 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM-2017). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. PS-2 Controlled Four Wheel Base Drive Badminton Playing Robot. International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON 2018). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network and Its Type. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control & Networking. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Improving Energy- Effiency in Wireless Sensor Networking Using Cooperative MIMO Techniques Based on . 2nd International Conference on Microelectronics & Telecommunication Engineering. ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. 5G : An Overview of Channel Characteristics and Modelling Techniques. 5th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing ( PDGC). ISBN:
VIBHAV SACHAN. Energy Consumption analysis of single and multi hop wireless sensor networks. Third International Conference on Communication & Electronics (ICCE-2018). ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. Principal Component and Independent Component Calculation of ECG Signal in Different Posture. ICM2ST-11. ISBN:735409919
VARUN GUPTA. Pulse Transit Time by using Low Cost ECG Circuit. 1st International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. Equivalent Electrical & Mechanical Networks of Human Body. ICMSS-2011. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Biomedical Engineering & Medicine. BEATS-2010. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. KNN amd PCA classifier with auto regressive modelling during different ECG signal interpretation. ICSCC-2017. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. Respiratory Signal Analysis using ARTFA, FFT and PCA. ICEPES-2016. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. PCA & FA as an enhanced tool of pattern recognition. Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. Modified Z-transform application as an analyzing tool in blood pressure control process. ETACT-2017. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. Blood pressure and ECG signal interpretation using Neural Network. ICRTIME 2018. ISBN:0973-4562
VARUN GUPTA. Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. ICRTIME 2018. ISBN:0973-4562
VARUN GUPTA. Dimension reduction and classification in ECG signal interpretation using FA & PCA : A Comparison. M3HPCST2018. ISBN:1234-6521
VARUN GUPTA. R-Peak based arrhythmia detection using hilbert transform and Principal Component Analysis. 3rd International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Control with their impact on Humanity. ISBN:
VARUN GUPTA. ECG Signal Analysis: Past, Present and Future. 8th IEEE Power India International Conference PIICON 2018. ISBN:
VANDANA G. MASIH. Decrease in Band Gap of ZnO Thin Films with Ni as a Dopant. 103rd Indian Science Congress. ISBN:
TWINKLE TIWARI. Enhancement of Cloud Security and removal of anti-patterns using multilevel encryption algorithms. Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET-17). ISBN:2349-7688
TANVI AGRAWAL. Novel Substrate Integrated Waveguide incorporated with Band Pass Filter. ICSC. ISBN:
TANVI AGRAWAL. Slot Integrated Folded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band Pass Filter for K Band Applications. ICSC 2018. ISBN:
TANVI AGRAWAL. Prototype of Slotted Microstrip patch antenna for Multiband application. International Conference on New Technologies Opportunities in Networking and Science. ISBN:
SWATI SHARMA. A Review on Using Soft Computing Techniques In Disaster Management and Risk Assessment. International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH). ISBN:978-1-5090-2084-3
SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI. Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:
SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI. Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:
SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI. Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:
SURENDRA KUMAR KESHARI. LAN on Mobile Network. Recent & Development in Computational and Information Technology. ISBN:978-93-84935-81-8
SURENDRA KUMAR KESHARI. Sentiment Analysis & Feature Extraction using Rule-Based Model (RBM). International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication ICICC-2018. ISBN:
SUMITA RAY CHAUDHURI. Fabrication & Characterization of Organic Thin Film Transistor (OTFTs). ICCE 2018. ISBN:--
SUMIT KUMAR. A Tool to Generate All DU Paths Automatically. Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:
SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA. thermal analysis of functional graded diesel engine valve. 2nd International Conference on Advancement and Recent Innovation in Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering. ISBN:
SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA. Presented a research paper on Thermal analysis of AV1 diesel engine valve using FEM. 7 International Conference on Advanced Computing and communication Technologies (ICACCT-2013). ISBN:978-93-83083-38-3
SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA. Experimental Wear behavior of fecrmow hardfaced coating. International conference on recent trends and innovations in mechanical engineering (ICRTIME-18). ISBN:
SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA. Modeling of elastic properties of particulate composites in Fins. International conference on recent trends and innovations in mechanical engineering (ICRTIME-18). ISBN:
SUBODH KUMAR SHARMA. Analyses of Temperature and Thermal Stresses of a Ceramic-Coated Diesel Engine Valve. 7th International and 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conference 2018. ISBN:
SONIYA JUNEJA. Intermolecular energy transfer near plasmonic nanoshell. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE). ISBN:1111/222
SONIYA JUNEJA. Theoretical study of surface plasmon mediated field modification near a pair of ZrN spherical nanopa. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology (ICFST),. ISBN:111/2222
SONIYA JUNEJA. enhanced optical response of Al, Ag, Au and Rh nanopaticle dimer in uniform electric field. ICFST 2018. ISBN:11110011
SONIA GOURI. Teaching English through Lexical Level Linguistic Deviations in Literature: Next Gen Approaches of E. Next Gen Approaches of ELT. ISBN:2
SONIA GOURI. Lexical Level Linguistic DeviationsDeviations in the Selected Poetical Works of A L Tennyson. Indian English Literature: A Perspective of the whole Valley. ISBN:1
SOMESH AGARWAL. Performance and emission charateristics of a single cylinder diesel engine when run on MAHUA oil met. Internation conference and exhibition on cutting edge technological challenges in Mechanical engineering. ISBN:
SOMESH AGARWAL. ENHANCING SUPPLY CHAIN OF HUMANITARIAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT - A Case study. International conference on Recent trends and innovations in Mechanical engineering. ISBN:
SIDDHARTH JAIN. Long term Behavior of Post Tensioned Concrete Girder Bridges. Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2014). ISBN:nil
SIDDHARTH JAIN. Investigation of Strength Characteristics of Concrete by Replacing Curing Water with Self Curing Com. 7th International Conference on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation (ICETSMI-2017). ISBN:
SIDDHARTH JAIN. To Study the Strength Characteristics of Concrete by Replacing Curing Water with Self Curing Compoun. International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Practices-2017. ISBN:
SIDDHARTH JAIN. Polymer Modified Concrete-A Versatile Solution for Structural Strengthening of Distressed RCC Struct. New Generation Concrete. ISBN:
SIDDHARTH JAIN. Saving of Water used in curing through its replacement with self curing compounds and study the stre. Environmental Pollution and Climate Change. ISBN:9788190000000
SHWETABH SINGH. Performance characteristics of CI Engine fuelled Diethyl - Ether and its comparison with diesel fuel. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS AND INNOVATION IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. ISBN:
SHIVANI SINGH. language and society; an exploration of class, gender and ethnicity. emerging trends in language literature and culture. ISBN:
SHIPRA SHARMA. Informal style of writing as a new emerging trend. Emerging Trends in language, Literature, and Culture. ISBN:978-81-936374-9-4
SHIPRA SHARMA. Informal style of writing as a new emerging trend. Emerging Trends in language, Literature, and Culture. ISBN:
SHIKHA TYAGI. Analysis Development of Strength of Concrete by using Liquid Paraffin Wax as a Self Curing Compound . Smart Cities with Focus on Environmental Challenges. ISBN:
SHEETAL. a modified haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem. cipech-16. ISBN:
SHEETAL. An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant. NCAPCCS 2018. ISBN:
SEEMA MAITREY. Handling Big Data Efficiently by Using Map Reduce Technique. Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology (CICT), 2015). ISBN:978-1-4799-6022-4
SEEMA MAITREY. MapReduce: Simplified Data Analysis of Big Data. InternationalConference on Recent Trends in Computing 2015 (ICRTC-2015). ISBN:10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.392
SEEMA MAITREY. Analysis of security techniques and issues in Data Warehouse. Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT). ISBN:978-1-4673-6809-4
SEEMA MAITREY. SECURITY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN BIG DATA: A REVIEW. International Conference on Demystifying Global Transformations in Technology and Management �, in Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTU) - Delhi. Also published in journal: Cyber Times International Journal of Technology & Manage. ISBN:2278-7518
SAURABH SARKAR. Time domain analysis of Indian classical raga rendition. 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology (CICT), Ghaziabad, 2017. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind. IEEE International Conference, ICEEE-2015. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity. IEEE International Conference CIPEC-2016. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms. RTESC. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. “Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis. ETEEE-2015. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. IoT Based Smart Energy Metering and Theft Detection. IPS 2017. ISBN:
SATISH KUMAR. Efficient Control of Wind Turbine using IoT. IPS 2018. ISBN:
SARIKA PAL. Performance Evaluation of SPR Biosensor using Metamaterial over Conventional SPR and Graphene based. 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, (SPIN-2018). ISBN:5386-3045
SARIKA PAL. Performance Evaluation of surface plasmon resonance biosensor using metamaterial. International Conference on Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Experimental Techniques, Modeling and Simulation (ICCMMEMS-2018). ISBN:
SARIKA PAL. Optimization of Peak Type Metal Clad Waveguide Sensor Using Different Metals. International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICMAEM-2017). ISBN:
SARIKA AWASTHI. Enhancement in Stabilization Properties of Soil Using Waste Polypropylene Plastic Fiber. 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management. ISBN:
SANTOSH KUMAR SINGH. Optimal Placement of Supplemental Energy Dissipating Devicesto Control Seismic Response of Structure. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology. ISBN:
SANJEEV KUMAR DWIVEDI. “Dynamic Strategy for Botnet Detection using BBA�. Shannon100 – Third International Conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS)- Far East Journal of Electronics and Communication,. ISBN:0973-7006
SANJEEV KUMAR. Stochastic Resonance in Neuronal Threshold Models with Random Fluctuation. Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:978-93-80544-28-1
SANJEEV KUMAR. Sound Localization in 3-D Space Using Kalman Filter and Neural Network for Human like Robotics. Recent Advancements in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences-2016. ISBN:978-981-10-4584-4
SANJEEV KUMAR. Relation Between Facebook Stories and Hours of a Day. Recent Advancements in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences-2016. ISBN:978-981-10-4600-1
SANJEEV CHAUHAN. BANNED DRUGS STATUS IN INDIA. Emerging Trends in Pharmacology & Pharmacy Practice. ISBN:
SANJAY KUMAR. Heat transfer in the axisymmetric steady flow of a non-newtonian second-order fluid between two encl. National Conference on Algebra, Analysis, Coding and Cryptography. ISBN:NA
SANJAY KUMAR. (4) Heat Transfer In The Forced Flow Of A Non-Newtonian Second-Order Fluid Between Two Infinite Disc. Recent Advances In Mathematics and Its Computer Aspects. ISBN:0
SANDEEP CHHABRA. Parametric Study of an Active Solar Distillation System. PETROTECH-14. ISBN:
SANDEEP CHHABRA. An attempt to enhance the yield output of a Solar Desalination System. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology-2017. ISBN:
SANDEEP CHHABRA. Developing Thermal Model for Single Basin Double slope Solar Desalination System. International conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
SANDEEP CHHABRA. Investigation of the recent catalysts utilized in Biofuels production. ICRTIME 2018. ISBN:
SACHIN RATHORE. Modeling And Analysis Of Ergonomics Approach In Civil Construction Industries, International Confere. 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment. ISBN:1
SACHIN RATHORE. Fuzzy Expert System to Optimizing of Machining Parameters on Wire Cut EDMfor Aluminium - 7075 Alloy. UNCONVENTIONAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 2017. ISBN:ISSN 0975 9514
SACHIN RATHORE. Modelling of Visual Performance in Mobile Environment. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
SACHIN RATHORE. A review: Synthesis of aluminium based surface composites by friction stir processing. UNCONVENTIONAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. ISBN:ISSN 0975 9514
SACHIN RATHORE. Optimization of Traffic Policeman Performance in Delhi-NCR Region Using Fuzzy Expert System. HUMANIZING WORK AND WORK ENVIRONMENT 2018 Technology Enabled Workplace Design (HWWE2018). ISBN:
SACHIN KUMAR. Performance Analysis of ............. ICSCMM 2017. ISBN:NA
SACHIN KUMAR. Reliability, MTTF and Cost Analysis of a Bio Ethanol Plant by Orthogonal Matrix Method. ICFST 2018. ISBN:NA
RUPESH CHALISGAONKAR. Experimental Investigation on machining characteristics of EN 19 alloy steel using CNC Vertical Mach. Advances in Business and Engineering for Sustainability. ISBN:
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Effect of Buffer Layer over Performance of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 based thin film solar cell. National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy-2014. ISBN:NA
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Device Modeling of Thin Film CIGS/ZnSe Solar Cell. National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy-2014. ISBN:NA
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Modeling and Simulation of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Based Thin Film Solar Cell. 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. ISBN:9781630000000
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Modelling and Analysis of CuGaS2 thin film solar cell. 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. ISBN:1
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Involuntary Solar Powered Irrigation System- An approach for Innovative Village. International Conference on “VLSI, Communication & Networks (VCAN-2018). ISBN:na
RUCHITA GAUTAM. Analysis of Stepped Impedance lowpass filter using Microstrip line. International Conference on “VLSI, Communication & Networks (VCAN-2018). ISBN:na
RUCHIKA SINGH. “Markov approach to evaluate the availability simulation model for urea decomposition system o. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANO TECHNOLOGY FOR BETTER LIVING. ISBN:ISBN: 978-981-09-7519-7
RUCHIKA SINGH. “Threshold Based Ship Tracking with Fuzzy Lingustic Quantifier�. FIRST AUTHOR. ISBN:ISSN 0973-7529
ROMA GHAI. Benzimidazoles: A Major Pharmacophore in Drug Discovery. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology. ISBN:978-93-85329-23-4
ROMA GHAI. DPP-IV Inhibitors: A future hope for Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Emerging Trends in Pharmacology and Pharmacy Practice. ISBN:1
ROMA GHAI. Macroview on strategic Implementation of e-governance system in India. E-governance in Digital India: Prospects and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. ISBN:2394-1537
ROMA GHAI. Exploring medicinal planst having mood elevation potential: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Nurturing Global Healthcare. ISBN:1
ROMA GHAI. Teixobactin: A promising antibiotic to combat antibiotic resistance. Global Trends in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Practices. ISBN:
RITU GUPTA. Operational Behaviour of INS Incorporating Mixed Failure and Waiting Concept. International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technology and Optimization. ISBN:XXX
RITU GUPTA. Computational Analysis of Screening Unit of Paper Plant with Human Error Using Neural Network Approa. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology -18. ISBN:
RITU GUPTA. ICFST-18. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology -18. ISBN:
RICHA AGARWAL. Synchronization of dynamical system of different orders and different dimensions i. ICSCMM. ISBN:
RICHA AGARWAL. A Vehicle Recognition New Approach with the application of Graph Network Theory. ICFST. ISBN:
RICHA AGARWAL. A vehicle recognition new approach with the application of graph network theory. international conference on frontiers of sciences. ISBN:
RENU SHARMA. Impact of demonetization on the functioning of banks. Innovative research in Mgt. of accounting, economics, banking, marketing, HR, Law and CG. ISBN:NA
RENU SHARMA. Liquidity risk management in banking. Management and computing technologies:vision 2050. ISBN:0
RASHMI JAIN. Characterization of Litact graphs. ICFST-18. ISBN:0
RASHMI JAIN. Characterization of Lictact Graphs. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology – 2018 (ICFST-18). ISBN:
RASHMI JAIN. Characterizations of line-cut signed graphs. Applications of Graph and Networks in Computational Studies, Bioinformatics, Engineering and its Technical Terminology. ISBN:2320-7736
RASHMI JAIN. Characterizations of dot and product line-cut signed graphs. International Conference on Soft Computing and Mathematical Modelling (ICSCMM-2017). ISBN:0
RANJEET KUMAR. Analysis of load cell. ICRTIME 2018. ISBN:
RANCHAY BHATEJA. 1.“Women Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Today’s Scenario�,. -. ISBN:0975-4601
RANCHAY BHATEJA. “Skill Enhancement: Need of hour�,. “India under transformation from developing to developed-Opportunities & Threats Under Various Industry Segment�. ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. “Skilling the Unskilled –Joint Role of govt & Private Sector�. “India under transformation from developing to developed-Opportunities & Threats Under Various Industry Segment�. ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Does Education Empower Women?. Changing Paradigms for economic & sustainable developmet. ISBN:2822089
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Skilling The unskilled. “India under transformation from developing to developed-Opportunities & Threats Under Various Industry Segment�. ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Role of entrepreneurship in economic development: A study of womens in Bangladesh. growth with equity: Bangladesh prespective. ISBN:
RAKESH KUMAR. Effect of Gate engineering on SOI MOSFET Characteristics TCAD Simulation. International Conference on communications & Electronics (ICCE). ISBN:ISSN NO- 2320-8996
RAJIV CHOURASIYA. LAN ON MOBILE NETWORK. International Conference on Research & Development in Computational and Information Technology, ICRDCIT-16. ISBN:978-93-84935-81-8
RAHUL. Hilbert-Huang transform and type-1 fuzzy based recognition and classification of power signal distur. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering - (ICRIEECE). ISBN:
RAHUL. Curvelet bound type-2 fuzzy logic based detection and classification of power quality events.. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering - (ICRIEECE). ISBN:
RAHUL. Long Short-Term Memory-Convolution Neural Network Based Hybrid Deep Leaning Approach for Power Quali. 7th International Conference on Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering(ICIECE18). ISBN:
RAHAT ULLAH KHAN. Real Time Performance , Evaluation of Modified PMDC Motor, BLDC Motor and Dual Commutator PMDC Machi. International Conference on Energy , Communication, Data Analytics & Soft Computing (ICECDS)-2017. ISBN:
RAHAT ULLAH KHAN. Experimental Study of Modified Dual Slope Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV/T) Solar Thermal Still. International conference on Desealination InDA-2018. ISBN:
RAGINI SHARMA. Rectangular patch antenna with circular slit. National conference of communication system and advance computing. ISBN:
RAGINI SHARMA. Miniaturization of L-Band Rectangular Patch antenna by Using Two Rectangular Slit. International conference on computational inelligence and communication networks(CICN). ISBN:2472-7555
RAGINI SHARMA. Prototype of microstrip patch antenna for multiband application. International conference on New technological opportunities in networking and science. ISBN:
RAGHAVENDRA KUMAR DWIVEDI. Sentiment Analysis & Feature Extraction using Rule-Based Model (RBM). International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication. ISBN:
RAGHAVENDRA KUMAR DWIVEDI. Empirical Analysis of Feature Extraction using Rule-Based Model for Sentimental Analysis. IEEE International conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR2017. ISBN:
PUSPENDRA KUMAR. Multi element analysis of some anti-diabetic herbal plants by ICP-OES method. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology. ISBN:0
PRIYANKA SHARMA. a theoretical frame work of different approaches and methods to teach English language. international conference on the different approaches and methodologies in teaching English language.. ISBN:
PRIYANKA SHARMA. Educational Technologies and concepts: A study on blended learning & emerging trends on teacher educ. Educational Technologies and concepts. ISBN:
PRIYANKA SHARMA. Role and challenges of teaching language to our budding engineers. Role and challenges of teaching language. ISBN:
PRIYANKA SHARMA. innovative trends in English language teaching. Emerging trends in language literature and culture. ISBN:
PRIYANKA SHARMA. Translation: its significance and problems. Indian English Literature : A Perspective of the Whole Valley. ISBN:
PRIYA RATHI. an assessment of csr activities on Medium and small scale enterprises in ghaziabad region. inbush era world summit. ISBN:1
PRIYA RATHI. creative global trends in technologyy based entrepreneurship. nicep-2018. ISBN:978-93-5300-625-9
PRIYA BANSAL. Restoration of GABA level by Methanolic Extract of Saraca indica L. in Pentylene tetrazole induced E. Drug Delivery system of Phytoconstituents- Past, Present & Future. ISBN:
PRITI SINGH. LIMNO CUBIC SPINEL. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology ( ICFST 17). ISBN:1
PRITI SINGH. nil. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology ( ICFST 17). ISBN:
PRAVESH SINGH. Band Pass Filter using end Coupled Microstrip Lines. National Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems. ISBN:978-93-83083-02-2
PRAVESH SINGH. Simulated Solar cell Structure of CuGaS2. National Seminar on Instrumentation and Characterization Techniques. ISBN:na
PRAVESH SINGH. Modelling And Simulation of CuIn GaSe Based Thin Film Solar Cell�. 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium. ISBN:na
PRAVESH SINGH. Modelling and Analysis of CuGaS2 thin film solar cell. DAE SOLID STATE PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2015. ISBN:978-0-7354-1378-8
PRAVESH SINGH. Analysis of Stepped Impedance Low Pass filter using Microstrip line. 4th International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Network (VCAN-2018).. ISBN:na
PRAVEEN KUMAR DIXIT. Neural Stem cell therapy for neurological diseases and its markers:Boon for scientists. Global Trends in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Practices. ISBN:
PRAVEEN KUMAR DIXIT. Mechanistic Pathways And Management Of An Auto-Immune Disease: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Recent Trends in Humanities, Technology, Management & Social Development. ISBN:1
PRATIBHA KUMARI. Optimization of Welding Parameters for Weld Dilution in GMAW using Genetic Algorithm. 5th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology�. ISBN:
PRATIBHA KUMARI. Wear Behaviour of FeCrMoW Hardfaced Coating. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:na
PRATIBHA KUMARI. Experimental Investigation of temperature in Fins. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Reaching to Rural People through E-Governance: Obstacles and remedies. Emerging India and Second Generation Reforms: Initiatives and IImplications. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) Of Chinese Toy Market In India. IIM Indore - NASMEI Summer marketing Conference. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Reaching to Rural People through E-Governance: Obstacles and Remedies (A Study of Rural Areas of Wes. Emerging India and Second Generation Reforms: Initiatives and Implications. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Need and Scope of ‘START UPs’ in effective implementation of e-Governance in India. Startup India Recipe for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Issues and Challenges. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. A study of e-Governance Awareness in Ghaziabad, West U.P.. Technology Management. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Chinese Toy Market in views of Indian Consumers: An Analytical Study of UP, Delhi and Haryana. Integral Development for wholesome life. ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Multi Level Marketing: An Emerging Industry Waiting for Policy Changes & Regulatory Support to Empow. International conference on RTSTM 2018. ISBN:2250-0588
PRASHANT VASHISHTHA. Development of mathematical model for bead geometry of Al6061 surfaced using GTAW. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering(ICRTIME 2018). ISBN:
PRASHANT VASHISHTHA. Advancements in GMAW -A Review. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Allied Sciences. ISBN:
PRARTHANA SRIVASTAVA. Physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis of potable water within KIET,GHAZIABAD - an educationa. International conference on frontiers of science and technology. ISBN:
PRAMOD KUMAR SHARMA. NA. 2nd International on Frontiers of Science & Technology -2018. ISBN:0
PRAMOD KR.YADAV. Query Optimization: Issues and Challenges in Mining of Distributed Data. 50th Golden Jubliee annual Convention on Digital Life.. ISBN:978-981-10-6619-1
PRAMOD KR.YADAV. Performance analysis of randomized algorithm for optimal query plan generation in distributed enviro. ICCCNT-2017. ISBN:
PRAMOD KR.YADAV. An Exhaustive Study on Data Mining Techniques in Mining of Multimedia Database. ICICT-2014. ISBN:
PRAMOD KR.YADAV. Study of various Architecture for N/W on chip. ICNICT-2011. ISBN:97893-81126-21-1.
POONAM RANA. Exploration of apache hadoop techniques Map reduce and Hive for Big Data. ICACDS 2018. ISBN:
POONAM RANA. Prevailing Approaches and PCURE For Data Retrieval from Large Databases. ICICC 2018. ISBN:
POONAM RANA. Efficient Energy Optimization in Wireless Mesh Network Using Cluster Point�. NGCT 2015( next generation computing technologies). ISBN:
POONAM RANA. Position Based Routing Schemes in Wireless Sensors Networks. CICT 2016. ISBN:
POONAM RANA. Implement of Enhanced Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing Using Virtualization. International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering Science and Manangement. ISBN:
POOJA TYAGI. AN EFFICIENT METHOD FOR AUTOMATIC LICENCE PLATE IDENTIFICATION. 12th INDIACom 5th International Conference on Computing For Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:
PIYUSH CHANDRA OJHA. Smart energy metering and theft detection with IoT technologu. Power generation from renewable energy sources. ISBN:
PIYUSH CHANDRA OJHA. Capacitance based wireless power transfer: Future of EV charging station. INDIAN POWER STATIONS. ISBN:
PINKY SAXENA. An integrated Production inventory model for repairable items with Preservation Technology investmen. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRONTIER OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISBN:
PINKY SAXENA. A Production Inventory model for deteriorating poroducts with multiple market & selling price depend. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. ISBN:
PINKY SAXENA. An Economic Order Quantity Model for Deteriorating Products with variable demand under retailer trad. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology. ISBN:
PAVAN KHETRAPAL. The Effect of Institutions on Sectoral Performance: The Case of Electricity Distribution in Indian S. Heading Towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution. ISBN:
PAVAN KHETRAPAL. Benchmarking of Indian electricity distribution utilities using data envelopment analysis. 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis. ISBN:
PATIL VAISHALI MANIKRAO. Molecular modeling studies of rhodanine analogues. International Mini Symposium on Biotechnology in Medical Research. ISBN:
PATIL VAISHALI MANIKRAO. Not Applicable. Two Days National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computational Drug Discovery. ISBN:
PARITA JAIN. CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH IN AGILE. 3rd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:
PARITA JAIN. ISM Based Identification of Quality Attributes for Agile Development. Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2016 5th International Conference on. ISBN:
PARITA JAIN. Recognition and Segregation of Images: Using Image Processing Techniques. 2018, 5th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:
OM PRAKASH. Dynamic Strategy for Botnet Detection Using BBA. Shannon100 – 3rd International Conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS). ISBN:
OM PRAKASH. LAN on Mobile Network. 2nd International Conference on Recent Development in Computational and Information Technology (ICRDCIT’16). ISBN:978-93-84935-81-8
NEHA YADAV. Role of Evolutionary algorithms in Software Reliability Optimization. System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), International Conference. ISBN:978-1-5090-3543-4
NEHA BHADAURIA. Inflight Wear Of Aircraft Wings - A Review. ICAPIE 2016. ISBN:
NEHA BHADAURIA. Optimisation of Parameters of GTAW for Surfacing of AISI 304. International Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:NA
NEHA BHADAURIA. Enhancement of Wear Resistance of Al7075 Alloy. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Allied Sciences. ISBN:
NEERAJ KUMAR GUPTA. Opinion mining to strengthen teaching learning process. Second IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH 16). ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
NEERAJ KUMAR. An Assessment on Application Of Business Process Re Engineering In Gear Manufacturing Unit. International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities. ISBN:2394 – 3386
NEERAJ KUMAR. Execution of Reverse engineering- an ecologically responsive attitude smeared in OEM plants. ICRTIME2018. ISBN:0973-4562
NEELAM SHARMA. Computational Analysis of screening .... ICFST 18. ISBN:-
NEELAM SHARMA. BFT approach for reliability. ICSCMM - 17. ISBN:-
NAVEEN KUMAR. Data flow based quality testing approach using ACO for component based software development. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA-16), Greater Noida. ISBN:
N.R. SRIVASTAVA. “Adaptive Filter Implementation on FPGA�. International Conference on Emerging Trends and Developments in Science, Management and Technology. ISBN:
MUKUL AGGARWAL. Usability of KSOM and Classical Set in Information Retrieval. INDIACom 2016. ISBN:978-9-3805-4421-2
MUKUL AGGARWAL. Impact of Information Retrieval in Communication and Technology Domain. CSI 2015: Digital Life. ISBN:
MUKUL AGGARWAL. Approach for Information Retrieval by using self organizing map and crisp set. CSI 2015: Digital Life. ISBN:
MUKUL AGGARWAL. Sentiment Analysis & Feature Extraction using Rule Based Model. International Conference on Innovation Computing and Communication ICICC-2018. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. • Paradigm Shift in Retail Industry- Opportunities & Threats. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN DEVELOPING NATIONS. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. • Consumer Education on Online Transaction-with special reference to VISAKA. PROTECTION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Paradigm Shift in Retail Industry- Opportunities & Threats. Human Development in Developing Nation. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Below The Line: Marketing Communication Practices. Technological and Management Advances in the new age economy: An Indian Perspective. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Green Marketing with special ref. to Malls. Green Business Strategy. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Retail Industry in India: Strategies, Threats & Opportunities. Business Strategy for Managing Turnaround. ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Consumer Education on Online Transaction-with special reference to VISAKA. Protection of Consumer Rights in Digital Economy. ISBN:
MONIKA BHARDWAJ. 5- HT3 receptor antagonist: Review of preclinical and clinical results with particular emphasis on t. EMERGING TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY PRACTICE. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Reconfiguration of photo voltaic arrays under partial shading conditions. CIPECH-16. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Investigation of renewable energy potential in union territory of Lakshadweep islands. CIPECH-16. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Feasibility analysis of solar photovoltaic array configurations under partial shading conditions Si. India Conference (INDICON), 2015 Annual IEEE. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Analysis of solar photovoltaic array under partial shading conditions for different array configrati. CIPECH-14. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Investigation of renewable energy potential in union territory of Lakshadweep islands. CIPECH-16. ISBN:
MOHD. FAISAL JALIL. Improved Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays. IEEE Sponsored 41st NSC 2017, DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra. ISBN:
MOHAMMAD SHARIZ ANSARI. Investigation of Renewable energy Potential in union territory of Lakshadweep Island. CIPECH-16. ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
MOHAMMAD SHARIZ ANSARI. Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions. CIPECH-16. ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
MINAKSHI KARWAL. Vermicomposting A Potential Tool for Solid Waste Management(A Review). ICFST-17. ISBN:978-93-85329-23-4
MINAKSHI KARWAL. Effect of Vermicompost produced from vegetable wastes and cow dung on the growth of tomato plant. ICFST-18. ISBN:978-93-5311-788-7
MINAKSHI. Fuzzy Based Prediction of Student’s Performance in University Exam: A Case Study. RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY and MANAGEMENT. ISBN:2250-0588
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Impact of Demonetization on the Functioning of Banks. Innovative Research in Management of Accounting, Banking, Economics, Marketing, Tourism, Business, Human Resource, Law and Governance (IC-2018). ISBN:2394-1545
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Liquidity Risk Management in Banking. Management and Computing Technologies: Vision 2050. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. A VDCC based Grounded Passive Element Simulator/Scaling Configuration with Electronic Control. Springer International Conference ICSC-2018, Noida. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New Electronically Tunable Floating FDNR Configuration employing Grounded Capacitances. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (IEEE-SPIN 2018). ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. A Generalized Grounded Impedance Simulator/Grounded Impedance Scaling Circuit with Electronic Tuning. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (IEEE-SPIN 2018). ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New VDCC based Electronically Tunable Grounded Frequency Dependent Negative Resistance Simulator emp. IEEE-RDCAPE-2017. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New Frequency Dependence Negative Conductance Simulator employing VDTAs and Grounded Capacitances. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (IEEE- SPIN 2018). ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New Grounded FDNR Simulation Circuit with Electronic Control. IEEE-TELNET-2017. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. Novel active circuit for realizing variable grounded passive elements. IEEE International conference on Microelectronics and Telecommunication Engineering-2016. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. A new simulator for realizing floating Resistance/ capacitance with electronic control. IEEE International conference on Microelectronics and Telecommunication Engineering-2016,. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. A new configuration for simulating passive elements in floating state employing VDCCs and grounded p. IEEE-International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES- 2016). ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New active only scaling configuration for grounded passive elements with electronic scaling facility. IEEE-SPIN-2016. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New electronically controllable grounded to floating admittance convertor with no requirement of pas. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA)-2016. ISBN:
MAYANK SRIVASTAVA. New VDVTA Based Electronically Tunable Floating Inductor Simulator. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronic, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems. ISBN:
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. An energy-efficient data transmission scheme based on DSC-MIMO for wireless sensor network. Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM). ISBN:
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. A quad band quadrature branch line coupler using coupled line sections. Integrated Circuits and Microsystems. ISBN:
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. Cooperative Effort Based Wireless Sensor Network Clustering Algorithm for Smart Home Application. Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM), 2nd IEEE International Conference on. ISBN:
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. Energy efficient data transmission Scheme using distributed source coding for wireless sensor networ. Inetrnational conference and exhibition building utilities (ICEBU-2016. ISBN:
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. Improving Energy- Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network using Cooperative MIMO technique based on SM. IEEE international conference on Microelectronics & Telecommunication. ISBN:0
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network and its types. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN. ISBN:0
MANISH KUMAR SINGH. Energy Consumption analysis of single and multihop wireless sensor networks. Communications & Electronics(ICCE-2018). ISBN:0
MANI TYAGI. ... International Conference on E Governance: Prospects and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship. ISBN:0
MANI TYAGI. ... Recent Trends in Science Technology and Management. ISBN:
MANI TYAGI. Role of entrepreneurship in economic development: A study of women’s in Bangladesh. Conference on Growth with Equity: Bangladesh Perspective. ISBN:
MANI TYAGI. Does Education Empower Women. Changing Paradigms for Economic and Sustainable Development. ISBN:2322 - 0899
MANDEEP KUMAR ARORA. Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Nephropathy: Complex Interaction with Multiple Target Sites. Challenges for global competitiveness of pharmacy practices relevant to education. ISBN:XXXX
MANDEEP KUMAR ARORA. Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Nephropathy: Complex Interaction with Multiple Target Sites. Challenges for global competitiveness of pharmacy practices relevant to education. ISBN:xxxxxxx
MAKHAN SINGH. Design and Fabrication of Automated Duster for Cleaning of White Board. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
KUNWAR LAIQ AHMAD KHAN. Effect of age hardening and quenching media on Aluminium Foams. ICRTIME-2018. ISBN:
KUMARI ARCHANA. Analysis of graphite reinforced aluminium -6061 Metal Matrix composite using stir casting method. International conference on Recent trends and innovations in mechanical engineering. ISBN:
KUMARI ARCHANA. wear behaviour of Fe CrMOW hardfaced coating. International conference on Recent trends and innovations in mechanical engineering. ISBN:
KULDEEP SINGH. Experimental investigation of Isopropyl Alcohol in single cylinder Diesel Engine. Cutting Edge Technological Challenges in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
KULDEEP SINGH. Active Flow Control using Vortex Generator Jet. 26th Indian Engineering Congress, Institution of Engineers. ISBN:
KULDEEP SHARMA. Optimal Assignment in Distributed Computing System Using Fuzzy Set Theory. ICSCMM-17. ISBN:978-93-5291-647-4
KULDEEP SHARMA. NIl. Frontiers of Science and Technology(ICFST-17). ISBN:NIL
KULDEEP SHARMA. An Economic Order Quantity Model for Deteriorating Products with Variable Demand Under Retailer Trad. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology-18. ISBN:978-93-5311-788-7
KULDEEP JAIMINI. Analysis of Green’s Function and Surface Current Density for Cylindrical Microstrip Patch Ant. SPIN-2016. ISBN:
KAPIL KUMAR SHARMA. Structural and optical Characterization of NiSe film .... ICC- 2017. ISBN:978-07354
KAPIL KUMAR SHARMA. Cross -Sections and Spin Polarization for Electron Scattering by Ethane Molecule in the Intermediate. ICFST-17. ISBN:9789390000000
KAPIL KUMAR SHARMA. Differential, integral cross sections and spin polarization parameter elastic scattering of electron. ICFTC-18. ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Drug designing of peptidomimetics as antitubercular agent for the invitro predictive binding to P-gl. International Conference on Drug Design 2017. ISBN:NA
K. NAGARAJAN. Invitro cardioprotective antioxidant activity of Peptides with the prediction of IC50 values. International Conference on Frontiers in Science & Technology(ICFST-17). ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Invitro antioxidant activity of Synthesized Peptidomimetics using the calculation of IC50 values. International Conference on Frontiers in Science & Technology(ICFST-17). ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Invitro antioxidant activity of the smaller chain peptides against DHODase enzyme target of Malaria. International Conference on Frontiers in Science & Technology(ICFST-17). ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Lipinski drug filters and Molinspiration for the shorter chain peptides: Identification of potent he. International Conference on Frontiers in Science & Technology(ICFST-17. ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Antioxidant activity of designed peptidomimetics based on fullerene-C60 scaffold shorter chain dipep. IHPA HEALTHCON 51st Annual Conference. ISBN:
K. NAGARAJAN. Boman index, Drug like filters and Molecular dynamics as a tool in rational drug design: Application. Recent Advances in Computational Drug design. ISBN:
HUNNY PAHUJA. Audio Visual Automatic Speech Recognition using Multitasking Learning of Deep Neural Networks. International Conference on Infocom Technologies and Unmanned Systems. ISBN:978-1-5386-0514-1
HUNNY PAHUJA. Local training in speaker verification for PLDA. International Conference on COMPUTING COMMUNICATION AND AUTOMATION (ICCCA2017). ISBN:978-1-5090-6471-7
HIMANSHU SHARMA. Design Challenges in Solar Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement (NANOFIM). ISBN:
HIMANSHU AGGARWAL. Propitious role of chlorogenic acid in arsenic neurotoxicity induced endothelial dysfunction and vas. 46TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIAN PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, IPSCON 2013. ISBN:
HIMANSHU AGGARWAL. . Northern region Indian Pharmacological Society Conference (NRIPSCON). ISBN:
HEMANT KUMAR GUPTA. Enhancement in Stabilization Properties of Soil Using Waste Polypropylene Plastic Fiber. 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017). ISBN:ISSN 2394 – 3386
HEMANT KUMAR GUPTA. Usage of Marble Dust and Fly Ash to enhance the properties of soil subgrade. Smart Cities with focus on Environmental Challenges. ISBN:
HEMANT KUMAR GUPTA. Enhancement in Stabilization Properties of Soil Using Waste Polypropylene Plastic Fiber. 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017). ISBN:ISSN 2394 – 3386
EKATA. Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis using Fuzzy Inference System. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH-16). ISBN:
EKATA. Neural Network Approach for Analytical Study of the Reliability of Refrigeration System. International Conference on “Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH-14). ISBN:
EKATA. Neurofuzzy Inference System for Diagnosis of Leukemia. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-14). ISBN:
EKATA. NIL. International Conference on Soft Computing and Mathematical Modelling (ICSCMM-17). ISBN:
EKATA. NIL. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology (ICFST-17). ISBN:
EKATA. -. . ISBN:-
EKATA. Computational Analysis of Screening Unit of Paper Plant with Human Error Using Neural Network Approa. ICFST-18. ISBN:0
EKATA. Operational Readiness of Steam Power Plant System Using Neural Network Approach. ICSCMM-18. ISBN:-
DHRUVA DIXIT. Thermosolutal Instability of Rivlin-Ericksen Fluid under the Effect of Suspended Particles and Compr. RAMSA-2017. ISBN:94243
DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHARMA. Enhanced photoluminescence emission from Ce: ZnO nanoparticles prepared by a chemical precipita. ICFST-17. ISBN:
DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHARMA. Structural and optical study of Eu doped ZnO nanostructures. Role of science and technology towards ‘Make in India’. ISBN:
DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHARMA. Tailoring of optical band gap by varying Zn content in Cd1-xZnxS thin films prepared by spray. ICC-2015. ISBN:
DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHARMA. Differential, Integral Cross Sections And Spin Polarization Parameter of Elastic Scattering From Ele. ICFST-18. ISBN:
DHIRENDRA KUMAR SHARMA. Structural and optical characterization of NiSe film grown by screen-printing method. ICC 2017. ISBN:
DEEPA. Need and Scope of START UPs in effective implementation of e-Governance in India. Startup India Recipe for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Issues and Challenges. ISBN:
DEEPA. A study of e-Governance Awareness in Ghaziabad, West U.P.. Technology Management. ISBN:
DEEPA. Chinese Toy Market in views of Indian Consumers: An Analytical Study of UP, Delhi and Haryana. Integral Development for wholesome life. ISBN:
DEEPA. A Study on Consumer Behaviour in the Era of Digitalization. International conference on RTSTM 2018. ISBN:2250-0588
DEEPA. INFLUENCE OF DEMONETIZATION OVER PRADHAN MANTRI JAN DHAN YOJNA ACCOUNTS (PMJDY): A STUDY WITH SPECIA. 70th All India Commerce conference on “Remonetization: Politics Vis-à-vis Economics�. ISBN:
CHANDRA MOHAN BATRA. Neural Network Approach for Analytical Study of the Reliability of Refrigeration System. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-14). ISBN:
CHANDRA MOHAN BATRA. Nil. International Conference on Soft Computing and Mathematical Modelling (ICSCMM-17). ISBN:
CHANDRA MOHAN BATRA. Nil. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology ( ICFST 17). ISBN:
BRIJESH SINGH. Economic Load Dispatch with ATC Improvement in Power System Network Including Solar Power Generation. IEEE International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-16). ISBN:ISBN: 978-1-4673-9080-4
BRAJESH KUMAR TIWARI. Reduction in Path Failures by Adopting Multi-Channel Multi - Path in Routing For Dynamic Activity of. International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Sciences. ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. The Changing Role of Consumer Emotions in Brand Motivation (Impact of Dynamic Promotional Methods in. Conference on Brand Management.. ISBN:978-1-78635-411-2
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Risk Aversion – A cultural dimension affecting Web shoppers Shopping decision. 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, IIM Ahemdabad. ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Impact of Economic Crisis on Global Value Chains in the Automotive Industry of Developing Countries. International Conference on Changing Structure of International Trade and Investment: Implications for Growth and Development Organized by Department of Economics. ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Strategies For Enhancing Competitiveness Of Small Textile Manufacturing Units In Pilkhuwa Region Of. Emerging Trends for value creation in the era of knowledge economy. ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. A Study on Shopper Perception and Response for Viral Marketing Communication. 4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies. ISBN:
BHOOPENDRA KUMAR. Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Comparative Study. International Conference on Communication, Computing & Networking (ICCCN-2017). ISBN:978-8-193-38970-6
BARKHA ROHTAGI. On Weights of 2-repeated Low-Density Bursts of Length b(Fixed). ICSCMM-17. ISBN:0
BARKHA ROHTAGI. 2-repeated solid burst error detecting cyclic codes. international conference on frontiers of sciences. ISBN:
BALRAM TAMRAKAR. A comparison between different direction of arrival estimation techniques. international conference on electronics & communication engineering at kiet ghaziabad. ISBN:
BALRAM TAMRAKAR. A comparison between different direction arrival estimation techniques with sub array beam forming t. International Conference on communications & Electronics (ICCE). ISBN:
BALRAM TAMRAKAR. . International Conference on communications & Electronics (ICCE). ISBN:
BALRAM TAMRAKAR. Performance measurement of radio over fiber systems at 20 Ghz & 30 Ghz by employing with & without o. Computing for sustainable global development. ISBN:
AWADHESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA. Human Activity Recognition Using Local Motion Histogram. NGCT 2017. ISBN:
AWADHESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA. A Robust Framework for Effective Human Activity Analysis. ICICC. ISBN:
ASHU MITTAL. Antioxidant activity of designed peptidomimetics based on fullerene-c 60 scaffold shorter chain dipe. IHPA Healthcon 2015. ISBN:
ASHU MITTAL. Formulation and evlaution of Buccal Therpaeutic system for Nitrendipine. ‘Pharmacy Education: Innovation, Strategies and Globalization. ISBN:
ASHU MITTAL. “ Comparative in vitro and anti oxidant potency of some smaller chain tripeptide and tetra pep. Pharmacy Education: Innovation, Strategies and Globalization’.. ISBN:
ASHU MITTAL. Application of Eudragit in pH dependent colon targeted drug delivery. Emerging trends in computational drug discovery. ISBN:
. Modelling and Analysis of Ergonomics Approach in Civil Construction Industries. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. ISBN:NA
ASHOK JANGRA. MCI-186AttenuatesChronic Restraint Stress-Induced Behavioural Deficits throughSuppressing the Endopl. 49th Indian Pharmacological Society Conference, 2016. ISBN:
ASHOK JANGRA. Lipopolysaccharide Augments Chronic Restraint Stress-induced Behavioral anomalies by dysregulation o. Northern Regional Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society (NRIPSCON- 2017). ISBN:
ASHOK JANGRA. 7,8-DHF mitigates alcohol induced via inhibition of inflammatory pathway. 2nd north zone conference of IPS. ISBN:NA
ASHISH KUMAR SINGH. Performance Evaluation and Emission Studies of a Single Cylinder diesel Engine fuelled with Isopropy. SAE WORLD CONGRESS 2013. ISBN:
ASHISH KARNWAL. Comparative Investigation of Exhaust Emissions of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Utilizing Blends. ICFST-18. ISBN:
ASHISH BAJPAI. Image classification using NPR and comparison of classification results. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2016 3rd International Conference. ISBN:
ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA. Performance Comparison of DFIG and SCIG based Wind Energy Conversion Systems. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:
ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA. Large Scale Wind Energy Conversion System Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:
ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA. Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:
ARVIND KUMAR. “ Optimizing Energy Consumption with Global Load Balance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using NSGA-. International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, 2017(ICCCA-2017). ISBN:9781510000000
ARUNESH CHANDRA. Ergonomic Risk Assessment and Postural Analysis of Indian Agricultural Workers. 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment. ISBN:978-93-86724-25-0
ARUNESH CHANDRA. Induatrial Defects Reduction Using Quality Contraol Tools in Suzuki Power Train Limited. 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment. ISBN:978-93-86724-25-0
ARUN KUMAR. Modeling and Parameter Optimization of Scaled SiGe Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistor. RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING AND MICROELECTRONICS. ISBN:
ARUN KUMAR. Analysis of Specific Attenuation of Different Regions of the World based on ITU-R Model. ADVANCES IN POWER CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. ISBN:
ANURAG GUPTA. Effect of glass fiber and filler volume fraction variation on mechanical properties of GFRP composit. International Conference on Research and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering. ISBN:Print ISBN 978-81-322-1858-6 Online ISBN 978-81-322-1859-3
ANURAG GUPTA. Review of carbon fiber Reinforced polymer Composites Manufacturing Processes. National conference on Advances in Mechanical, automobile & production Engineering,. ISBN:
ANURAG GUPTA. Analysis of Grinding wheel wear over break drum. International conference on Latest advances in Technology, Management and applied sciences. ISBN:
ANURAG GUPTA. Effect of process parameters on pultruded jute fiber polymer composite. International Conference on Frontiers of science & technology. ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Performance analysis of UPFC by using MATLAB Simulink. International conference of Science & Technology (SRMSICST 2015 ). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Performance analysis of UPFC by using MATLAB Simulink. International conference of Science & Technology (SRMSICST 2015). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Reactive Power Compensation by using UPFC. IEEE Sponsored National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering (ETEEE 2015). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Role of PSS & FACTS Controller in Power System. IEEE Sponsored National conference on Energy, Power & Intelligence control system (EPICS-2014). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Improvement of an IPFC Equipped Power System’s Small Signal Stability by Fuzzy Logic. IEEE Sponsored National conference on Energy, Power & Intelligence control system (EPICS-2014). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. Modeling, Simulation & Comparative Analysis of 100KWs Solar PV Array Power Plant for KIET Group of I. International Conference on Materials, Applied Physics & Engineering (ICMAE). ISBN:
ANMOL GUPTA. A Review on Design, Development and Applications of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Technology. National conference on Recent Trends in Photovoltaics Technologies & Applications. ISBN:
ANKUR SINGH BIST. Genetic algorithm based weighted extreme learning machine for binary imbalance learning. CCIP 2015. ISBN:NA
ANKIT SINGHAL. SVPWM based inverter design for synchronization of renewable energy with grid.. International Conference on Nano for Energy and Water (NEW) & Indo-French Workshop on Water Networking. ISBN:
ANKIT SINGHAL. Simulation of Three phase Voltage Source Inverter Based on SVPWM Technique. International Conference on Nano for Energy and Water (NEW) & Indo-French Workshop on Water Networking. ISBN:
ANKIT SINGHAL. Simulation Modelling of DC-DC Converter for Grid Side Connected Inverter. International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC). ISBN:
ANKIT GOEL. Single layer proximity fed microstrip patch antenna for circularly polarized dual band wireless appl. 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017). ISBN:
ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT. Distributed Air Indexing Scheme for full text search on multiple wireless channel. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. ISBN:978-3-319-23257-7
ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT. Enhance Lifespan of WSN Using Power Proficient Data Gathering Algorithm and WPT. 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication and Network Engineering (WCNE 2017). ISBN:978-1-60595-531-5
ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT. Prolong Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Network with Optimized Information Compression Algorithm and Mag. International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering (CSECE 2018). ISBN:
ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT. Improvement of lifespan of Adhoc network. International conference on innovative computing and communication. ISBN:
ANAMIKA SINGH. Biofuels:A sustainable Approach for Secure Energy Future(A review). International Conference on Frontiers of Sciences &Technology-2017. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR PANDEY. Solution to Advection-dispersion equation for the heterogeneous medium using duhamels principle. International conference on Application of fluid dynamics(ICAFD). ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR PANDEY. Duhamels principle and Advection-dispersion equation in heterogeneous medium. International conference on frontiers of science and technology. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR PANDEY. solution to advection dispersion equation in a heterogeneous medium. Computational science and its application. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR PANDEY. Effect of fractional advection on the transport of passive solute modelled by advection dispersion e. ICFST 2018. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. The Effect of Firm Size and Product Diversification on the Adoption and Implementation of Activity B. Financial Sector: Regulation vis-a-vis Liberalisation. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth: A Review of Initiatives and its Impact with Special Refe. Challenges of Development: Re-Visit to Inclusiveness. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. Activity Based Costing: Need of The Hour. Remonetisation. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. A Review of Corporate Social Initiatives and Its Impact on MSME. 21st Century India: Interrogating Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Processes. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. The Effect of Firm Size and Product Diversification on the Adoption and Implementation of Activity B. Financial Sector: Regulation vis- a-vis Liberalisation. ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR. DESIGN AND IMPLIMENTATION OF QPSK MODULATION BY USING MATLAB/ VHDL. International Conference on Innovative Research in ?Engineering, Science and Management (ESM-15). ISBN:
ALOK KUMAR PANDEY. Linear Flight Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. ICICCD-2017. ISBN:
AJAY SINGH VERMA. Comparative Analysis of Performance and Exhaust Emission of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Utiliz. 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FUSION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISBN:
AJAY SINGH VERMA. Study of Different Methods of Biodiesel Production and Processing. ICFST-17. ISBN:
AJAY SINGH VERMA. Experimental Investigation of Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compress. ICE2015. ISBN:
AJAY SINGH VERMA. The Effect of Variable Compression Ratio on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engin. JSAE/SAE 2015 International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting. ISBN:
AJAY SINGH VERMA. Optimization of Delamination factor in drilling of carbon fibre filled compression moulded GFRP comp. ICRTIME-2018. ISBN:
AJAY KUMAR. Stress Strain Curve of Polymer Nanocomposites by Finite Element Modeling. Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics. ISBN:iSBN 978-93-5137-273-8
AJAY DIXIT. Conformable Fractional Laguerre And Chebyshev Differential Equations With Corresponding Fractional P. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS. ISBN:23714100000000
AJAY AGARWAL. An Approach for Augmenting Selection Operators of SQL Queries using Skyline and Fuzzy-Logic Operator. 7th International Conference On Advances In Computing & Communications, ICACC 2017, August 22-24, 2017, Cochin, India. ISBN:ISSN 1877-0509
ADESH KUMAR PANDEY. Fuzzy ANP Model to Measure the Maintainability of Desktop Software based on software development Fac. RICSIT 2016. ISBN:
ADESH KUMAR PANDEY. Fuzzy ANP Model to prioritize the Software Development Factors to improve maintainability of applica. SCESM2016. ISBN:
ADESH KUMAR PANDEY. software development activities metric to improve the maintainability of application softawre. 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on Digital Life. ISBN:
ABHISHEK YADAV. Performance characteristics of CI Engine fuelled Di-ethyl Ether and its comparison with diesel fuell. ICRTIME 2018. ISBN:
ABHAS KANUNGO. Performance Improvement of Thermal Systems PID controller using haar wavelet based denoising. ICIC2015. ISBN:
ABHAS KANUNGO. Blood pressure control during anaesthesia with and without transport delay. ICACDS-16. ISBN:
ABHAS KANUNGO. (b) Optimal Redundancy allocation in complex system. International journal. ISBN:
ABHAS KANUNGO. comparision of haar and daubechies wavelet denoising for PID controlled thermal system. NCAPCCS-18. ISBN:
ABHAS KANUNGO. Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. ICRTIME-2018. ISBN:8734562
Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey . American Sign Language gesture analysis using Tensorflow and integration in a drive through. ICACDS-2022. ISBN:978-3-031-12637-6
Prof. Veepin Kumar. Performance Analysis of Optimized ACO-AOMDV Routing Protocol with AODV and AOMDV in MANET. ICACDS-2022. ISBN:978-3-031-12638-3
Dr. Sartaj Ahmad. A Heuristic Approach to Extract Knowledge from the Text Considering Explicit and Implicit Features Both. 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ANALYTICS AND MANAGEMENT (ICDAM-2021. ISBN:978-981-16-6289-8
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal. Applying XGBoost Machine Learning Model to Succor Astronomers Detect Exoplanets in Distant Galaxies. AIST 2021. ISBN:Print ISBN 978-3-030-95710-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-95711-7
Prof. Pragya. BISRAC Banking Information Security Risk Assessment and Compliance Model. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). ISBN:NA
Prof. Nidhi Goyal. Detection of Unhealthy citrus leaves using Machine Learning Technique. Confluence 2022. ISBN:978-1-6654-3701-1
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal. A Novel Fbit_sort Algorithm for digital encoding process. 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 2022. ISBN:Electronic ISSN: 2768-5330 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2768-5322
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal. Multiclass Classification of Different Glass Types using Random Forest Classifier. ICICCS-2022. ISBN:lectronic ISSN: 2768-5330 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2768-5322
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal. Semi-Supervised Learning with GANs for Melanoma Detection. ICICCS-2022. ISBN:Electronic ISSN: 2768-5330 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2768-5322
Dr. Ajay Agarwal. An Analysis of Energy Efficient Clustering based Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2022] . ISBN:978-1-6654-1034-2
Dr. Ajay Agarwal. Analysis of Simulators used in Wireless Sensor Network. 6th IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics ICOEI 2022. ISBN:978-1-6654-8327-8
Dr. Ajay Agarwal. Detecting Driver’s Drowsiness using Haar Cascade Classifier. 9th IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:0973-7529
Dr. Ajay Agarwal. A Hybrid Ensemble Prediction Method for Analyzing Air Quality Data. International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing-Artificial Intelligence and Technology (AIT) 17-18 Dec 2020. ISBN:978-981-16-6447-2
Dr. Ajay Agarwal. Two-terminal Reliability Assessments of Complex System. Sixth International conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS), Jaipur, 17-18 Dec, 2021. ISBN:978-981-19-0095-2
Prof. Surendra Kumar Keshari. Software Defined Networking: A View Towards Security . 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology -2021. ISBN:NA
Prof. Anjali Jain. Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review. RACCS. ISBN:978-981-16-7952-0
Prof. Nidhi Aggarwal. A Machine Learning Model to Prune Insignificant Attributes. 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for brain tumor images. 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). ISBN:978-1-6654-3564-2
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Efficient Feature Selection Method for Histopathological Images Using Modified Golden Eagle Optimization Algorithm. 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Predictive analysis of Covid on economy of India using machine learning technique. 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Prof. Nidhi Goyal. A comparative study on machine learning techniques for ASD detection in toddlers. International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Sciences. ISBN:NA
Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. A Robust Copy Move Forgery Classification Using End to End Convolution Neural Network. ICRITO2020. ISBN:978-1-7281-7016-9
Prof. Raghvendra Kr. Dwivedi. Analysis of Financial Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning Model. 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-6654-1451-7
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Analysis of Histopathological Images Using Machine Learning Techniques. 3rd international conference on futuristic trends in network and computing technologies (FTNCT 2020). ISBN:NA
Prof. Prince Kumar. Assessment of Anxiety, Depression and Stress using Machine Learning Models. Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19). ISBN:1877-0509
Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. Augmented Reality Systems in Gaming and Multimedia. Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). ISBN:978-1-7281-7741-0
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Automatic Gesture Recognizer using Motion Tracking Device and Support Vector Machine. 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-6654-1451-7
Prof. Raghvendra Kr. Dwivedi, Prof. Anjali Jain. COVID-19 Outbreak: An Epidemic Analysis using Time Series Prediction Model. confluence 2021. ISBN:978-1-6654-1451-7
Prof Surbhi Vijh, Prof. Rituparna Sharma. Modeling the Optimal Ways for Early Diagnosis of HIV-AIDS and its Preventive Measures. ICDAM 2020. ISBN:3600738
Prof. Amar Singh. Spam Detection using ANN and ABC Algorithm. 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering: Confluence 2021.. ISBN:978-0-7381-3160-3
Prof. Surbhi Vijh, Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey. Stock Forecasting for Time Series Data using Convolutional Neural Network. 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-6654-1451-7
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Plant Disease Recognition in Agriculture. 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-6654-1451-7
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Taxonomy of Attacks on Web Based Applications. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Dr. Vikas Goel. A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Various Methods of Information Dissemination Access. ELSEVIER International Conference ICRTCCNT’19. ISBN:1556-5068
Prof Anjali Jain. A smart system for fake news detection using machine learning. ICICT-2019. ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Analysis of Various Machine Learning Algorithm for Cardiac Pulse Prediction. . International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). doi: 10.1109/icccis48478.2019.8974519 IEEE. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Architectural Model of Security Threats & their Countermeasures in IoT. International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS).. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi. Assessment of Stock Market Forecasting using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques. International conference on knowledge and policy for sustainable development: Global lessons and local challenges.. ISBN:NA
ILA KAUSHIK. Authentication & Encryption Based Security Services in Blockchain Technology. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS)-. ISBN: 978-1-7281-4826-7
Amar Singh. Big Data and Cloud computing: An Emerging Perspective and Future Trends. ICICT. ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Comfy Smart Home using IoT. SSRN Electronic Journal. . ISBN:2329-7182
Mukul Aggarwal. Comparison of COSYSMO Model with Different Software Cost Estimation Techniques. Comparison of COSYSMO Model with Different Software Cost Estimation Techniques. ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0
Prof. Bhoopendra Kumar. Contract Theory Based Incentive Mechanism
Design Approaches in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey. International conference on internet of things: Smart Innovation and usages, IOT-SIU-2019. ISBN:18869000
Saurabh Sharma. Deep Learning Approach for Analysis of Artifacts in Heart Sound. ICAEEC-2019. ISBN:NA
Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi. Design of Ensemble Learning Model to diagnose Malaria Disease Using Convolution Neural Network. International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications(ICICC Fab-2020). ISBN:978-981-15-5113-0
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Diet Recommendation for Hypertension Patient on basis of Nutrient using AHP and Entropy. 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence
- 2020). ISBN:978-1-7281-2791-0
ILA KAUSHIK. Evaluation of Accidental Death Records Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. 3RD International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication, 2020- Elsevier. ISBN:http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3563084
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Evolution of 5G Wireless Network in IoT.. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). . ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Evolution of IoT & Data Analytics using Deep Learning.. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). . ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Prof. Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi. Feature Selection in Cardiovascular Diseases Parameters using Machine Learning and Boruta Algorithm. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology (AIST Nov2019. ISBN:NA
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Hand Written Digit Recognition using Machine Learning. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). . ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Importunity & Evolution of IoT for 5G.. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT).. ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Intrusion Detection and Security System for Blackhole Attack. . 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC).. ISBN:978-1-7281-1850-5
Dr. Adesh KUmar Pandey, Prof. Minaskhi Chauhan. IOT Based Smart Polyhouse System using Data Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT 2019). ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Network Layers Threats & its Countermeasures in WSNs. . International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS).. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Performance Measurement Using Different Shortest Path Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network. . 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication. ISBN:978-1-7281-1850-5
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Precedence & Issues of IoT based on Edge Computing.. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT).. ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Privacy Issues & Security Techniques in Big Data.. International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS).. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Producing Energy Using Blind Man Stick.. 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT).. ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Security Countermeasures in Web Based Application. . 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-4
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Security Issues & Seclusion in Bitcoin System.. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). . ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Surendra Kumar Keshari. Security Review in Software Defined Network. Information Technology for Business Transformation 2019. ISBN:NA
Dr. Mohit Agarwal. Study of Various Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey. ICITETM 2020. ISBN:DOI:10.1002/9781119752134.ch25
Prof. Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi. Time Series Data Prediction Using IoT and Machine Learning Techniques. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019). ISBN:1877-0509
Prof. Ila Kaushik. Traffic control using V-2-V Based Method using Reinforcement Learning. . International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS).. ISBN:978-1-7281-4827-410
Dr. Mohit Agarwal. “Big” Data Management in Cloud Computing Environment. . ISBN:978-981-13-0760-7
Prof.Awadhesh K Srivastava. A Robust Framework for Effective Human Activity Analysis. . ISBN:978-981-13-2353-9
Prof.Bhoopendra Kumar. Cognitive Radio Networks: A Comprehensive Review. . ISBN:DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7335-7.ch021
Prof.Ms. Minakshi Chauhan, Prof. Varsha Gupta. Comparative Study of Techniques used in Prediction of Student Performance in ICFST-18 (International Conference on Frontiers of Science &Technology). . ISBN:online EISSN 2392-2192
Prof.Bhoopendra Kumar. Contract Theory Based Incentive Mechanism
Design Approaches in Cognitive Radio Networks:A Survey
. . ISBN:978-1-7281-1253-4/19
Prof. Minakshi Chauhan. Fuzzy Based Prediction of StudentPerformance in University Exam. . ISBN:Online ISSN 2250-0588
Prof.KAMAL KANT SHARMA. Intelligent Entity information retrieval system based on text detection & Recognition for smart phone devices.. . ISBN:2277-3878
Dr. Adesh K. Pandey. Recent Advancement in Computer, Communication & Computational Sciences (RACCS-2018). . ISBN:978-981-13-6861-5
Dr. Abhinav Juneja. Reliability Modeling for Embedded System Environment compared to available software Reliability Growth Models. . ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/ICACTM.2019.8776814
Prof. Surbhi Vijh. Secured Biometric Template Matching by Using Linear Discriminant Analysis. . ISBN:Online ISBN978-3-319-76351-4
Prof. Raghavendra Kr Dwivedi, Prof. Mukul Aggarwal, Prof. Surendra K. Keshari. Sentiment Analysis and Feature Extraction Using Rule-Based Model (RBM). . ISBN:Online ISBN978-981-13-2354-6
Dr. Vikas Goel. Sentiment Analysis of Multilingual Twitter Data using Natural Language Processing. . ISBN:2329-7182
Prof. Om Prakash. Survey on different meta-heuristic technique for VANET. . ISBN:2460 4010
Prof.KAMAL KANT SHARMA. Vehicular Ad-hoc network and its applications in todays scenario. . ISBN:2349-5162
Sweta Shukla. Synthesis, kinetics and characterization of environment friendly waterborne acrylate copolymers. 3rd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Materials . ISBN:
Sweta Shukla, Dhirendra Kumar Sharma . A review on rare earth (Ce and Er)-doped zinc oxide nanostructures . SHARDA UNIVERSITY. ISBN:
Vipin Kumar, Vandana Grace Masih, V. K. Sachan. Study on optoelectronic properties of slurry coated binary cadmium chalcogenide films (Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering). ITME-2019, KIET, Ghaziabad. ISBN:
Dr. Ankit Kumar. Hybrid End-to-End Architecture for Hindi Speech Recognition System. International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences. ISBN:978-981-16-5747-4
Youddha Beer Singh. CNN Based approach for speech Emotion Recognition Using MFCC, Croma, and STFT Hand-crafted features. 2021 3rd ICAC3N. ISBN:SDG-9
Shrankhla Saxena. Wearable technology based face alert system
to curb the spread of covid-19. 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2022]. ISBN:978-1-6654-1035-9
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, AsadAazam, MeghaSharmam(2019). “Security-Aware GA based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Permissioned Blockchain”. 4th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics held in Tokyo, Japan. ISBN:978-1-7281-1772-0
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mishra, M., Louhan, P(2016).. “Economy Driven Real-time Scheduling for Cloud”. 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls(ISCO-2016). ISBN:2214-7853
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2014). “Security-aware Real-time Scheduling for Hypervisors”. 17th IEEE Computational Science and Engineering(CSE 2014), Dec 2014, Chengdu, China. ISBN:2214-7853
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2011). Security-Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using Genetic Algorithm,. WCECS 2011, 19-21 October, 2011, San Francisco, USA, pp 382-387 (Best Paper Award).. ISBN:1742-6596
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2010). Weighted Deadline Driven Security Aware Scheduling for Real time Computational Grid.at OWASP. American Web Applications Security Conference (IBWAS 10),. ISBN:978-1-6654-3368-6
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2009). A Security Prioritized Scheduling Model for Computational Grid”. · International conference at HPC Asia March 2-5, 2009 Kaohsiung,Taiwan .. ISBN:978-1-6654-2020-4
Ayasha Malik, Dr.Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, Bharat Bhushan(2021). “ NutriChain : Secure and Transparent Midday meals using blockchain and IoT”. 9th International conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE 2021). ISBN:2214-7853
Richa Singh. Performance Optimization of Auto-encoder Neural Network based Model for Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic”. “International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering” (ICACITE-2022). ISBN:978-981-19-2719-5
Gaurav Srivastav, Richa Singh. Facial Recognition based Workplace Security System using LBPH Algorithm. Advancement in Computation and Computer Technologies (ICACCT-2021). ISBN:978-3-031-07012-9
Richa Singh, Dr Nidhi Srivastava, Dr. Ashwani Kumar. Machine Learning Technique for Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic. 2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP-2021). ISBN:978-981-16-9480-6
Richa Singh, Gaurav Srivastava. Novel Framework for Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning Technique on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset”. International Conference on Technological Advancement and Innovation (ICTAI-2021). ISBN:978-981-16-9480-6
Yashika Sharma, Richa Singh. Smart Vehicle Accident Detection System Using Faster R-CNN. 10th IEEE International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART-2021). ISBN:978-981-16-9480-6
Richa Singh. Novel approach for text data hiding in an RGB image using CryptSteg technique. NCCI-2015. ISBN:978-981-16-9480-6
Richa Singh. A Comparative Study of Various Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment. DIMCTA-2014. ISBN:
Veena Parihar, Aishwary Kulshrestha. Novel Algorithm for Text Based Personality Classification. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Applied Science (ICETEAS 19). ISBN:
Veena Parihar, Surendra Yadav. COMPARISON ESTIMATIONOF EFFECTIVE CONSUMERFUTURE PREFERENCES WITHTHE APPLICATION OF AI. National conference on visualizing and sensitizing innovations in information technology. ISBN:
Veena Parihar. Prediction of Effective Consumer Future Preferences with the Application of Machine Learning. 4th International Conference on Recent Scientific and Technological Trends. ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, Asad Aazam, Megha Sharmam(2019). “Security-Aware GA based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Permissioned Blockchain”. 4th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics held in Tokyo, Japan. ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mishra, M., Louhan, P(2016).. “Economy Driven Real-time Scheduling for Cloud”. 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls(ISCO-2016). ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2014). “Security-aware Real-time Scheduling for Hypervisors”. 17th IEEE Computational Science and Engineering(CSE 2014), Dec 2014, Chengdu, China. ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2011). Security-Driven Scheduling Model for Computational Grid using Genetic Algorithm,. WCECS 2011, 19-21 October, 2011, San Francisco, USA, pp 382-387 (Best Paper Award).. ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2010). Weighted Deadline Driven Security Aware Scheduling for Real time Computational Grid.at OWASP. American Web Applications Security Conference (IBWAS’10),. ISBN:
Dr. Rekha Kashyap., Vidyarthi, D. P(2009). A Security Prioritized Scheduling Model for Computational Grid”. · International conference at HPC Asia March 2-5, 2009 Kaohsiung,Taiwan .. ISBN:
Ayasha Malik, Dr.Rekha Kashyap, Karan Arora, Bharat Bhushan(2021). “ NutriChain : Secure and Transparent Midday meals using blockchain and IoT”. 9th International conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE 2021). ISBN:
Dr. Atul Srivastava, Rajeev Kr. Singh, Shilpa Juneja, Garima Verma. Ant Colony Optimization based Edge Detection in Digital Images. Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies. ISBN:
Seema Chauhan, Suman Banerjee,Nanda Dulal Jana. Large Scale Global Optimization Using Dynamic Population based DE. First International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Application 2014 (ICICA 2014). ISBN:
Harsh Khatter. Movie Recommendation System using Cosine Similarity with Sentiment Analysis. International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). ISBN:978-1-6654- 3877-3
Harsh Khatter. Product Recommendation System for E-Commerce using Collaborative Filtering and Textual Clustering. International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). ISBN:978-1-6654- 3877-3
Harsh Khatter. Secure and Transparent Crowd funding Using Blockchain. 2021 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT). ISBN:978-1-6654- 3559-8
Raj Kumar. Brain Tumor Detection System using Improved Convolutional Neural Network. 2021 Sixth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP). ISBN:2640-074X
Raj Kumar, Neha shukla. Plant Disease Detection and Crop Recommendation Using CNN and Machine Learning. 2022 International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference (MECON). ISBN:978-1-6654- 2020-4
Sapna Juneja. Design and Development of a Novel Smart Card Model for Healthcare Information System. 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics(ICOEI),India. ISBN:978-1-6654- 8329-2
Raj Kumar. IPAY (An Intelligence Payment System). 2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). ISBN:978-1-6654- 8328-5
Neha Shukla. Online Book Recommendation System using Custom Recommender. International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). ISBN:Electronic ISBN:978-1- 6654-2020-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1- 6654-2021-1
Arti Sharma. Study of Video Suggestions based on Calendar Events. 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). ISBN:978-1-6654- 1035-9
Arushi Gupta. Face Recognition Through Integrated Model. International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing. ISBN:ISBN: 978-1- 6654-9709-1
Akanksha. Comparison of Different Authentication Techniques and Steps to Implement Robust JWT Authentication. 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2022). ISBN:ISBN: 978-1- 6654-9634-6 DVD ISBN: 978- 1-6654-9633-9
DEEPA. EFFECTS OF BRAND AWARENESS ON INDIAN CONSUMERS PURCHASE INTENTIONS TOWARDS ELECTRONIC GADGETS. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering, Science, Management, Humanities and Education. ISBN:2394-1537
PRATEEK GUPTA. EFFECTS OF BRAND AWARENESS ON INDIAN CONSUMERS PURCHASE INTENTIONS TOWARDS ELECTRONIC GADGETS. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering, Science, Management, Humanities and Education. ISBN:2394-1537
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR TOWARDS FOOD APPS IN GHAZIABAD. “3Ds (Data Analytics, Digitalization & Disruption) in Business and Societyâ€. ISBN:2394-7780
SHIVANI AGARWAL. Role of Leadership and Human Resource Development in the time of crisis management.. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems. ISBN:2300-5963
SHIVANI AGARWAL. AHP-based Decision Support System for Personnel Selection for Manager Position. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems. ISBN:2300-5963
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Improvement In Manpower Productivity By Using Training Within Industry- Job Methods (JM) (A Case Study Of Parason Group, India). 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703
SHIVANI AGARWAL. Improvement In Manpower Productivity By Using Training Within Industry- Job Methods (JM) (A Case Study Of Parason Group, India. 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Arti Sharma, Neha Shukla. E-ASSESSMENTS AND FEEDBACK MECHANISMS IN MOOCs. ICICT, 2019. ISBN:978-1-7281-1773-7
Arti Sharma. Research on Modes and Defiance of Big Data and Cloud Computing. International Conference on Big Data, Electronics and Communication Engineering (BDECE 2019). ISBN:978-1-7138-0227-3
Arti Sharma, Abhishek Vashishth, Achin Shahi, Ashwin Saxena, Harshil Gulati. Study of Video Suggestions based on Calendar Events. ICICCS 2022. ISBN:978-1-6654-1035-9
Arti Sharma. An exploration of Fog procedures in comparison with IoT, design, and assessment issues. ICRITO, 2022. ISBN:978-1-6654-7434-4
Arti Sharma. A Systematic Review of Scheduling Techniques in Cloud Environment. 4 th IEEE International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2017). ISBN:978-93-80544-24-3
Richa Singh. Breast Cancer Detection in Mammogram Images using Machine Learning Methods and CLAHE Algorithm. 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). ISBN:979-8-3503-9827-4
Rajeev Kumar Singh. Survey: Trust Management in IoT. 4th Doctoral Symposium on Comuptational Intelligence(DoSCI-2023). ISBN:
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey, Kaushal Kumar. Study and Development of Efficient Air Quality Prediction System Embedded with Machine Learning and IoT. 5 th International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2022),. ISBN:2367-3389
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey. BhavanaNet:A Deep CNN for facial Emotion Recognition. CISES,2022. ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/CISES54857.2022
Dr. Parita Jain
. Classifying fake news detection using SVM, Naive Bayes and LSTM. 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-6654-3701-1
Seema Maitrey. Emergence of 30 AI Based Solutions to Tackle COVID -19 in India: Are These Tools Helpful or Not. 2021 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON). ISBN:
Dr. Sanjiv Sharma. Crop Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques. 2022 Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). ISBN:978-1-6654-5835-1
Dr.Parita Jain. The Astounding Relationship: Middleware, Frameworks, and API. 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Dr.Parita Jain. Reliability of Mobile
Applications: A Review and Some Perspectives. 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Preeti Garg. Comparative analysis: Role of meta-heuristic algorithms in image watermarking optimization. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) 2021. ISBN:
Dr.Parita Jain, Swati Sharma. Gaps Identification for User Experience for Model Driven Engineering. CONFLUENCE-2021. ISBN:ISBN: 978-0-7381-3160-3
Dr. Seema Maitrey. Insights of Datascience and Its Relation with Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. ICFST-21. ISBN:
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey. Artificially developed Intelligent system using Python. ICFST-21. ISBN:
Preeti Garg. Deep Learning Technique for Detection of COVID-19 by using Multiclass classification. VCIPECH. ISBN:
Preeti Garg. Literature Review of Various Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms Used for Digital Watermarking. International conference on Computational methods & Data Engineering. ISBN:ISSN 2194-5365
Dr.Parita Jain, Dr. Seema Maitrey. Machine Learning for Web Development: A Fusion. AIST2020.. ISBN:ISBN:9781003150664
Ankur Bhardwaj. A Cellular Automata Based
Bilateral Filter for De-Speckling in Ultrasound Imaging. ICRTC 2020. ISBN:978-981-334-501-0
Dr. Seema Maitrey. ANALYZING AND PREDICTING FACTORS AFFECTING ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology Evolution. ISBN:ISBN 978-93-5406-579-8
Naveen Chauhan. Redundant Iaas Cloud Selection With Consideration Of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019). ISBN:1877 0509
Parita Jain. Key Attributes for a Quality Mobile Application. 2020 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:978-1-7281-2791-0
Preeti Garg. Literature Review of Various Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms Used for Digital Watermarking. Proceedings of ICMDE 2020, Volume 2. ISBN:978-981-15-7907-3
Harsh Khatter. Smart Recommendation System for Hollywood Movies Using Cosine Similarity Index. Second International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges and Innovation (SMARTCYBER 2021). ISBN:978-981-16-9479-0
Harsh Khatter. User Interest-Based Movie Recommender System Using Hybrid Computing. Second International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges and Innovation (SMARTCYBER 2021). ISBN:978-981-16-9479-0
Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Dr. Sapna Yadav, Ms. Tanushree Sanwal. Impact of Digitization in Banking Services on Customer Habits. 10th International conference on relaibility,Infocom technologies and optimization( Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:1234-5677-90123
Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Dr. Sapna Yadav, Ms. Tanushree Sanwal. Tourist reviews summarization and sentiment analysis based on aspects. 13th International conference on cloud computing, Data science & Engineering. ISBN:978-1-6654-6263
Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Dr. Sapna Yadav, Ms. Tanushree Sanwal. Social media and networking applications in the education sector.. 2nd Edition IEEE Delhi section flagship conference (DELCON) . ISBN:NA
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Women Entrepreneurship and Innovation . . ISBN:0975-4601
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Skill Enhancement: Need of hour?. . ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Skilling the UnskilledJoint Role of govt & Private Sector. . ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Does Education Empower Women?. . ISBN:2822089
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Skilling The unskilled. . ISBN:2249 1899
RANCHAY BHATEJA. Role of entrepreneurship in economic development: A study of womens in Bangladesh. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Reaching to Rural People through E-Governance: Obstacles and remedies. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) Of Chinese Toy Market In India. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Reaching to Rural People through E-Governance: Obstacles and Remedies (A Study of Rural Areas of Wes. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Need and Scope of ‘START UPs’ in effective implementation of e-Governance in India. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. A study of e-Governance Awareness in Ghaziabad, West U.P.. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Chinese Toy Market in views of Indian Consumers: An Analytical Study of UP, Delhi and Haryana. . ISBN:
PRATEEK GUPTA. Multi Level Marketing: An Emerging Industry Waiting for Policy Changes & Regulatory Support to Empow. . ISBN:2250-0588
MRINAL VERMA. A Paradigm Shift in Retail Industry- Opportunities & Threats. . ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Consumer Education on Online Transaction-with special reference to VISAKA. . ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Below The Line: Marketing Communication Practices. . ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Green Marketing with special ref. to Malls. . ISBN:
MRINAL VERMA. Retail Industry in India: Strategies, Threats & Opportunities. . ISBN:
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Impact of Demonetization on the Functioning of Banks. . ISBN:2394-1545
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Liquidity Risk Management in Banking. . ISBN:
MANI TYAGI. Role of entrepreneurship in economic development: A study of women in Bangladesh. . ISBN:
MANI TYAGI. Does Education Empower Women. . ISBN:2322 - 0899
DEEPA. Need and Scope of START UPs in effective implementation of e-Governance in India. . ISBN:
DEEPA. A study of e-Governance Awareness in Ghaziabad, West U.P.. . ISBN:
DEEPA. Chinese Toy Market in views of Indian Consumers: An Analytical Study of UP, Delhi and Haryana. . ISBN:
DEEPA. A Study on Consumer Behaviour in the Era of Digitalization. . ISBN:2250-0588
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. The Changing Role of Consumer Emotions in Brand Motivation (Impact of Dynamic Promotional Methods in. . ISBN:978-1-78635-411-2
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Risk Aversion-A cultural dimension affecting Web shoppers Shopping decision. . ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Impact of Economic Crisis on Global Value Chains in the Automotive Industry of Developing Countries. . ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. Strategies For Enhancing Competitiveness Of Small Textile Manufacturing Units In Pilkhuwa Region Of. . ISBN:
BINKEY SRIVASTAVA. A Study on Shopper Perception and Response for Viral Marketing Communication. . ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. The Effect of Firm Size and Product Diversification on the Adoption and Implementation of Activity B. . ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth: A Review of Initiatives and its Impact with Special Refe. . ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. Activity Based Costing: Need of The Hour. . ISBN:
AMIT KUMAR ARORA. A Review of Corporate Social Initiatives and Its Impact on MSME. . ISBN:
SHIVANI AGARWAL. Role of Leadership and Human Resource Development in the time of crisis management.. . ISBN:2300-5963
SHIVANI AGARWAL. AHP-based Decision Support System for Personnel Selection for Manager Position. . ISBN:2300-5963
MEENAKSHI TYAGI. Improvement In Manpower Productivity By Using Training Within Industry- Job Methods (JM) (A Case Study Of Parason Group, India). . ISBN:978-1-6654-1703
SHIVANI AGARWAL. Improvement In Manpower Productivity By Using Training Within Industry- Job Methods (JM) (A Case Study Of Parason Group, India. . ISBN:978-1-6654-1703-7
Veena Parihar. Comparative Analysis of Three Waves of COVID-19 in India: A Deep Study of Three Waves Based on Selected Parameters. Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 6th ICMETE 2022. ISBN:978-981-19-9512-5
Veena Parihar. Artificial Intelligence-Based React Application (Powered by Conversational ALAN-AI Voice Assistance). Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 6th ICMETE 2022. ISBN:978-981-19-9512-5
Veena Parihar. Blockchain Technology for Better Security by Using Two-Way Authentication Process. Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 6th ICMETE 2022. ISBN:978-981-19-9512-5
Veena Parihar. Genetic Algorithm: An Approach for Software Testing Based on a Given Source Code. Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 6th ICMETE 2022. ISBN:978-981-19-9512-5
Veena Parihar. Necessity and Role of Blockchain Technology in the Domain of Cyber Security and Data Science. 2023 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). ISBN:978-1-6654-7703-1
Veena Parihar. Prognosis of Diabetes Mellitus Based on Machine Learning Algorithms. 2023 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). ISBN:978-1-6654-7703-1
Richa Singh, Gaurav Srivastava, Rekha kashyap, Satvik Vats. Study on Zero-Trust Architecture, Application Areas & Challenges of 6G Technology in Future. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-2389-4
Akanksha. Store-sales Forecasting Model to Determine Inventory Stock Levels using Machine Learning. 2022 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). ISBN:2767-7788
Sapna Juneja. Feature selection for lung and breast cancer disease prediction using machine learning technique. 2022 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA). ISBN:978-1-6654-2149-2
Arti Sharma. An exploration of Fog procedures in comparison with IoT, design, and assessment issues. 2022 10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:978-1-6654-7433-7
Sachin Kumar. An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items When Demand Depends on Advertisement and Stock with Partial Backlogging.. Proceeding of International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology 2021, Vol. 2597. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1063/12.0013329
Rashika Bangroo, Utsav Gupta, Roshan Sah, Anil kumar. Cryptocurrency price prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms. IEEE 10th International conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization(ICRITO 2022). ISBN:#978-1-6654-7433-7
Ashima Arya, Mitu Sehgal, Neha
Bhatia, Dr.Nitisha Aggarwal, Shiraz Khurana. An Approach to Criminal Suspect Prediction Software using Machine Learning Classifiers. International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). ISBN:978-1-6654-6200-6
Dr. Vipin Kumar. Synthesis and Characterization of Sol–Gel Screen Printed Zn:CdO (ZCO) Film for Optoelectronic Technologies. Synthesis and Characterization of Sol–Gel Screen Printed Zn:CdO (ZCO) Film for Optoelectronic Technologies. ISBN:1521-3900
Dr.Neelam Sharma. Performance assessment of metal sheet manufacturing plant using Boolean function.. Performance assessment of metal sheet manufacturing plant using Boolean function.. ISBN:2214-7853
Dr.Deepti Seth. Time Series acquistion of the snowline data and easy forcasting of hydro power hills of himalya. Time Series acquistion of the snowline data and easy forcasting of hydro power hills of himalya. ISBN:40001
Dr.Deepti Seth. Artificially developed intelligent system using Python. Artificially developed intelligent system using Python. ISBN:30002
Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava. Automating Outcome Based Education for the Attainment of Course and Program Outcomes. IEEE- The Fifth HCT Information Technology Trends (ITT 2018), Dubai, UAE.. ISBN:10.1109/CTIT.2018.8649532
Dr. Sangeeta Arora. Onboard Data Acquisition System to Monitor the Vehicle. International Conference on Recent Advancements in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (RACCCS 2018), Ajmer, India [Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Book Series, volume 904]. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-5934-7_24
Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. Detection of Tuberculosis based on Multiple Parameters using ANFIS. IEEE-Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-18), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724255
Dr. Arun K Tripathi. A Qualitative Analysis of Secured Handover Management Schemes for Mobile IPv6 enabled Networks. IEEE-Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-18), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724144
Ankit Verma, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. SMS Advisory System for Medical Assistance by Using Neuro Fuzzy System. IEEE-Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-18), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724219
Ms. Neelam Rawat. Low cost herbal mosquito repellent using arm based device. 2018 7th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:10.1109/ICRITO.2018.8748840
Dr. Amit Gupta. Challenges and Issues in Data Analytics. IEEE-2018 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). ISBN:10.1109/CSNT.2018.8820251
Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava. A Literature Survey of Optimization Techniques for Satellite Image Segmentation. IEEE-International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT)2018, Bhopal. ISBN:10.1109/ICACAT.2018.8933689
Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Arun K Tripathi . A Decentralized Way to store and Authenticate Educational Document on Private Bloackchain. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977633
Dr. Arun K Tripathi, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava, Mr. Naresh Chandra. Business Service Management Using Blockchain. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977710
Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi. Security Attacks, Requirements and Authentication Schemes in VANET. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977656
Dr. Amit Kumar. A Survey on Quantum Key Distribution. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977649
Ms. Neelam Rawat, Mr. Prashant Agarwal. Web based Accounting Integrated Management System (AIMS) over Cloud using Mean Stack. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977661
Mr. Prashant Agarwal and Ms. Neelam Rawat. Devops, A New Approach To Cloud Development & Testing. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977662
Dr. Amit K Gupta. A Smart System for Fake News Detection. 2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad. ISBN:10.1109/ICICT46931.2019.8977659
Dr. Amit Kumar. Comparative Study of Efficient Data Hiding Techniques. International Conference on Computational Research and Data Analytics (ICCRDA 2020) Rajpura, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1022/1/012047
Mr. Naresh Chandra. Internet of things integrated smart agriculture for weather predictions and preventive mechanism. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (16). ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.11.081
Mr. Ankit Verma. Analyzing real time performance in Vigil Net using Wireless Sensor Network. Materials Today: Proceedings 46 ( 9). ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.490
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi. Covid-19 outbreak: An epidemic analysis using time series prediction model. Confluence 2021: 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science, Noida, India. ISBN:10.1109/Confluence51648.2021.9377075
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi,
Mr. Naresh Chandra. Smart Contract enabled Online Examination System Based in Blockchain Network. International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India. ISBN:10.1109/ICCCI50826.2021.9402420
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Niranjan Darshan and Priyanka Patel. Is India ready for COVID-19: A survey during lockdown period. Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:10.1201.9781003193838-61
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi. Impact of technology on human behavior during COVID-19. Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:10.1201.9781003193838-64
Ms. Vidushi, Manika Goel, Aditya Singh, Divyanshi Goyal, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava. Smart car parking system using openCV. Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020), KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:10.1201.9781003193838-90
Vidushi, Akash Rajak and Ajay Kumar Shrivastava. Assessment of Optimizers impact on Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network to Adversarial Datasets. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1998, 3rd International Conference on Smart and Intelligent Learning for Information Optimization (CONSILIO 2021), Hyderabad, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1998/1/012008
Dr. Amit Kumar. Improving K-Means Effectiveness and Efficiency with Initialization Estimates of Cluster Centroids. IEEE International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.. ISBN:10.1109/ICOSEC51865.2021.9591948
Dr. Sangeeta Arora. An Innovative Approach to Establish, Maintain and Review Quality Standards in Higher Education through Quality Assurance Tool. International Conference on Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM 2021), Jan Wyzykowski University, Poland. . ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6285-0_57
Dr. Akash Rajak Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava and Ms. Vidushi. Learning Paradigms for Analysis of Bank Customer. International Conference on Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM 2021), held in Jaipur, India. . ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4538-9_12
Mr. Ankit Verma and Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta. Machine Learning-based Congestion Control Routing Strategy for Healthcare IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). ISBN:10.1109/ICECCT52121.2021.9616864
Mr. Amit Goyal. Analyze Performance and Market Share of Various Cryptocurrencies. IEEE International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference (MECON), Amity University, Noida, India. ISBN:10.1109/MECON53876.2022.9752449
Dr. Shashank . Role of internet of things in protecting different wearable gadgets and materials. International Conference on Design and Materials (ICDM)-2021, Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.10.332
Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak and Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava . Alzheimer Disease Prediction Using Learning Algorithms. International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology, Lonere, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2719-5_31
Dr. Arun kumar Tripathi. Blockchain Enable Smart Contract Based Telehealth and Medicines System. International Conference on Emerging Technology in Computer Engineering: COGNITIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT IOT ICETCE-2022, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan (SKIT), Jaipur, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07012-9_60
Dr. Amit Gupta, Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Mr. Ankit Verma and Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. A Novel Keyless LCD Based Method to Control the Latch. International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges, and Innovation, Kyungdong University, Global Campus, South Korea. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9480-6_1
Dr. Amit Gupta. Smart Recommendation System for Hollywood Movies Using Cosine Similarity Index. International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges, and Innovation, Kyungdong University, Global Campus, South Korea. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9480-6
Dr. Amit Gupta. User Interest-Based Movie Recommender System Using Hybrid Computing. International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges, and Innovation, Kyungdong University, Global Campus, South Korea. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9480-6_28
Dr. Amit Gupta and Mr. Ankit Verma. Messaging-Based Intelligent Health Monitoring System Using Neuro-Fuzzy. International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges, and Innovation, Kyungdong University, Global Campus, South Korea. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9480-6_31
Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. Hybrid Technology Based Smart Hostel Management System Using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. 2022 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT). ISBN:10.1109/ICERECT56837.2022.10059715
Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj. Privacy Preserving Based Personal Health Records Sharing Using Rail Fence Data Encryption RFDE for Secure Cloud Environment. 2022-IEEE International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC-2022). ISBN:10.1109/IIHC55949.2022.10060226
Dr. Akash Rajak, Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda. Prediction of Heart Disease from the Multiple Features Available in the Database by Applying Classification Models of Machine Learning. 2023 3rd International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP). ISBN:10.1109/AISP57993.2023.10134906
Dr. Arun kumar Tripathi,Apoorv Jain; Kajal Punia; Niharika Baliyan. Swasthya Mitra: Smart contract enabled patient’s electronic
6–7 May 2022
Jaipur, India. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0154167
Amit Kumar Gupta. Posture Identification Using Artificial Neural Network. 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security (SMARTCYBER-2023)28-29 June2023,Department of Smart Computing,Kyungdong university Global, South Korea. ISBN:Awaited
Amit Kumar Gupta. Mental health analysis on Twitter data. 3rd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security (SMARTCYBER-2023)28-29 June2023,Department of Smart Computing,Kyungdong university Global, South Korea. ISBN:Awaited
Akash Rajak,Amit Kumar,Rabi Narayan Panda. Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Heart Disease in Early Stage Using Feature-Based Classification. nternational Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies. ICCCT 2023. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3485-0_55
Dr. Sangeeta Arora. “Wave Height Forecasting Over Ocean of Things Based on Machine Learning Techniques: An Application for Ocean Renewable Energy Generation in” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. ISBN:10.1109/JOE.2023.3314090
Dr. Sapna Juneja. Automation of Hotel Inventory Management System for Online Travel Agency using RPA. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA 2023). ISBN:
Vikas Kamra. A Novel Online Quizzing System for Blind People by implementing Modern Voice Recognition Techniques. 2nd Edition of IEEE Delhi Section Flagship Conference (DELCON) organized by Chitkara University, Punjab from 24-26 February 2023.. ISBN:979-8-3503-2206-4
Arti Sharma, Harsh Khatter. Comparative Analysis of Different Algorithms in Link Prediction on Social Networks. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja, Arti Sharma. IoT enabled obstruction evasion Robots for
enhancing the security of the Systems. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Pardeep Tyagi. Blockchain for General Digital Ledgers. 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM). ISBN:979-8-3503-3623-8
Harsh Vardhan. AR Museum: A Virtual Museum using Marker less Augmented Reality System for Mobile Devices. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:978-1-6654-8268-4
Harsh Khatter. Machine Learning-Based Automated Medical Diagnosis for Healthcare. 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON). ISBN:979-8-3503-4696-1
Harsh Khatter, Ajay Kumar Shrivstava. Adaptive Methodologies for Tenders as a Thrust for Emerging Startups. 2023 9th International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT), Dubai. ISBN:979-8-3503-2750-2
Ajay Kumar Shrivstava. MechService: Recommendation System for Auto care. 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM). ISBN:979-8-3503-3623-8
Gaurav Dubey. Sentiment Analysis on User Feedback of a Social Media Platform. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS). ISBN:978-1-6654-9199-0
Shivani, Anshula Gupta. Experimental analysis of Disease Prediction using Machine Learning. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja. Environment Quality Assessment Web Application. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja. Using Machine Learning to Predict Housing Prices. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja. The Inception of Time Prudent Approach at Metro Stations. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja. Student Chatbot System: A Review on Educational Chatbot. 2023 7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). ISBN:979-8-3503-9728-4
Sapna Juneja. Explicability of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 5.0. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:979-8-3503-2230-9
Sapna Juneja. Prevention of Website from Cross Site Scripting. 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:979-8-3503-3802-7
Arti Sharma. Character Recognition Technique Implementation for Complicated Deteriorated Scene. 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON). ISBN:979-8-3503-4696-1
Anurag Mishra. ReachME: A Social Media Application for Travelers. 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:979-8-3503-3802-7
Harsh Vardhan. CNN & M-BDLSTM Usage to Forecast Hourly Energy Use. 2023 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Research Trends (ICRT). ISBN:979-8-3503-3677-1
Gaurav Dubey, Anurag Mishra . Real Time Location Tracking for Performance Enhancement and Services. ICAAAIML 2021. ISBN:978-981-19-4831-2
Abhishek Goyal. Android Based Issue Tracker To Manage Traffic Efficiently. ICAAAIML 2021. ISBN:978-981-19-4831-2
Deepti Seth. Mathematical model for oxygen diffusion in the retina. International conference on innovation and application in science &Technology. ISBN:https://iciast.in/#:~:text=International%20Conference%20on%20Innovation%20and%20Application%20in%20Science%20%26%20Technology%20(ICIAST,College%20of%20Engineering%20and%20Technology.
Deepti Seth. AN APPROACH TO CLUSTERING WITH THE COVID-19 DATASET OF SOME Indian states. Resilience-Catalyst for Management,Science and Technology. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l0LUhRqG0-cWn4-e431vbY_quCWaXQEf/view?usp=sharing
Vipin Kumar. A review on ZnO: Fundamental properties and applications. NCFM-2020. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785320378445
Vipin Kumar. The consequence of gadolinium doping on optical and electrical
characteristics of CdO film developed by the sol–gel derived screen
printing process. NCFM-2020. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785320385412
Vipin Kumar. Enhanced optical and electrical properties of zinc: SnO2 nanoparticles for optoelectronic applications. NCFM-2020. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785321021520
Richa Agarwal. Duality in Mathematical Fractional Programming
Optimality under Convexity. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2021. ISBN:https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/current
Sachin Kumar. An inventory model for deteriorating items when demand depends on advertisement and stock with partial backlogging. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2021. ISBN:https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/current
Vipin Kumar. Synthesis and Characterization of Sol–Gel Screen Printed Zn:CdO (ZCO) Film for Optoelectronic Technologies. ICSEM-2021. ISBN:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15213900
Deepti Seth. Time series acquisition of the snowline data and easy forecasting of hydro power generation in down-hills of Himalaya. 3rd International conference on Forntiers of science and Technology. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0115947
Sarv Priya. Analysis of G+ 5 Storeys Building With and Without Floating Column. 2nd Indo-European Conference on Sustainable Materials, Environment and Construction 23-24 September 2021, Mohali, India. ISBN:https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012008/meta
Kunal Bisht. A review of fresh properties of self-compacting concrete incorporating sugarcane bagasse ash. ICCMS. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322018016
Shubham Kumar. Study of the Carbon Emissions from Construction of a House in Plain Region Using Standard Construction Material and Eco-Friendly/Alternative Materials. International
Conference on Innovative
Technologies for Clean and
Sustainable Development
(ICITCSD – 2021). ISBN:https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-3-030-93936-6%2F1
Kunal Bisht. A Critical Review of Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in Concrete as Partial Replacement to Cement. ICMMS 2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-3371-4_56
Kunal Bisht. Appraising the Influence of Ceramic Waste Incorporation on the Corrosion and Chemical Attack Resistance of Cement Composites: A Review. ICSMC. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-3371-4_56
Kunal Bisht. Leaching and Heavy Metal-Binding Characteristics of Red Mud-Based Construction Materials—A Review. ICSMC. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-3371-4_56
Shubham Kumar. Design and analysis of biogas plant for the institutional campus. iconnect2k24. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.10.164
Ayush Jain. Analysis of municipal solid waste management strategies in the city of Greater Noida. iconnect2k22. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.07.419
Varna Vishakar . Analysis of municipal solid waste management strategies in the city of Greater Noida. iconnect2k22. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.07.419
Varna Vishakar . A study and analysis of groundwater parameters in concrete structures around Uttar Pradesh region. iconnect2k23. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.07.356
Varna Vishakar . Design and analysis of biogas plant for the institutional campus. iconnect2k24. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.10.164
Atul Kant Piyoosh. A Review on the Relationship between LULC and LST using Geospatial Technologies
https://doi.org/10.1109/SMART55829.2022.10047156. International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART). ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1109/SMART55829.2022.10047156
Harsh Khatter. SECURE AND TRANSPARENT CROWDFUNDING USING BLOCKCHAIN. 2021 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/9573500/proceeding
Zatin Gupta. Data Analysis based Digital Step Towards Waste Management. 2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9777149
Neha Shukla. Traffic Congestion Management using camera and
Geolocation. 2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9777131
Harsh Khatter. Machine learning based automated medical diagnosis for healthcare.
6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer
Networks (ISCON-2023) organized by Department of Computer Engineering &
Applications at GLA University Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA during March 03rd-04th, 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10112144
Sapna Juneja. IoT Enabled obstruction evasion robot for enhancing the security of the system”. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC), Greater Noida, India, 2023. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1109/AISC56616.2023.10085000
Sapna Juneja. Prevention of Website from Cross-site scripting. 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN),. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1109/CICTN57981.2023
Harsh Vardhan. Expermental analysis of Disease prediction using Machine Learning. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10084972
Harsh Vardhan. CNN & M-BDLSTM Usage to Forecast Hourly Energy Use
Publisher:. 2023 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Research Trends (ICRT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10146717/authors#authors
Swati Sharma. Classifying fake news detection using SVM , Naive Bayes and LSTM. 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering. ISBN:https://www.amity.edu/aset/confluence2022/
Madhu Gautam. Computer Aided Social Distancing Analyzer. . ISBN:
Preeti Garg. Comparative analysis: Role of meta-heuristic algorithms in image watermarking optimization”,. DOSCI-2021. ISBN:http://dosci-conf.com/dosci_2021
Parita Jain. Classifying fake news detection using SVM , Naive Bayes and LSTM. 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering. ISBN:https://www.amity.edu/aset/confluence2022/
Parita Jain. Reliability of Mobile Applications: A Review and Some Perspectives. 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). ISBN:10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596350
Himanshi Chaudhary. Swarm Intelligence Based Drones: Opportunities & Future Aspects . International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications. ISBN:https://www.icaiaa22.scrs.in/page/program-schedule
Dilkeshwar Pandey. Need and demand for new platform that manage virtual College Education. ICACITE 2022. ISBN:
Madhu Gautam. Sentiment Analysis about COVID 19 Vaccine on Twitter Data: Understanding Public Opinion. 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9788122
Saurav Chandra. Approaches To Make Cloud Computing Green. ICSTEM-22. ISBN:
Saurav Chandra. Better Combination of Service Broker Policy and Load Balancing Algorithm for Greener Cloud Computing. ICSTEM-22. ISBN:
Saurav Chandra. Mentoring and Guiding college students online. EasyChair . ISBN:
Seema Maitrey. Predicting Covid-19 by Referring Three Supervised ML Algorithms: A Comparative Study using WEKA. International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC-2022). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9792998
Umang Rastogi. Analysis of Machine Learning Data Security in the Internet of Things (IoT) Circumstance. LNNS. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-2126-0_20#chapter-info
Umang Rastogi. An IoT implementation to ATM safety system. 2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9544638
Dr. Shivani Batra. Imputing Missing Data in Electronic Health. 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing,. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2a3L0QPq0ZPI46YVmd9wBq-kkgzbtDe/view
Himanshi Chaudhary. Analysis and Development of E-Commerce Web Application. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT). ISBN:https://cict22.bmiet.net/proceed/cict22/#!/toc/0
Shivani Batra. An Assessment of the Missing Data Imputation Techniques for COVID-19 Data. 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing,. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2a3L0QPq0ZPI46YVmd9wBq-kkgzbtDe/view
Umesh Kumar. Prediction of the Risk of Heart Attack Using Machine Learning Techniques . . ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4687-5_47
Umesh Kumar. Precise Forecasting of Stock Market Pricing Using Weighted Ensemble Machine Learning Method . . ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4687-5_49
Swati Sharma. Smart Helmet And Bike
Tracking System. 2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PIECON). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085870
Vipin Deval. Supply Chain Management In Blockchain Using Hyperledger. 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation and Information Technologies ICICIT 2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-7402-1_10
Umang Rastogi. Skin Segmentation And SVM For Identification And Spotlighting Of Hand Gesture For ISLR System. 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10112063
Vineet Sharma. Comparative Analysis Of Various Machine Learning Techniques To Predict Breast Cancer. 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad, India, 2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064517
Himanshi Chaudhary. Comparative Analysis Of Rainfall Prediction Using Machine Learning And Deep Learning Techniques. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064510
Preeti Garg. Comparative Analysis Of Various Machine Learning Techniques To Predict Breast Cancer. 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), Ghaziabad, India, 2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064517
Umang Rastogi. Utilizing QUALNET For Analyzing MANET Protocols. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:ieeexplore.ieee.org
Upendra Mishra. Comparative Analysis Of Rainfall Prediction Using Machine Learning And Deep Learning Techniques. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064510
Sushil Kumar. Comparative Analysis Of Differential Evolution Algorithm Using Shannon, Fuzzy, And Cosine Similarity Entropy Functions For Satellite Image Segmentation. 2022 3rd international conference on issues and challenges in intelligent computing techniques (ICICT). ISBN:ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sushil Kumar. Utilizing QUALNET For Analyzing MANET Protocols. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vineet Sharma. Software Fault Diagnosis Via Intelligent Data Mining Algorithms. International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing.. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-8825-7_56
Himanshi Chaudhary. Attack Detection On Internet Of Things Devices Using Machine Learning Techniques. 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), Madurai, India, 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10142701
Mani Dwivedi. A Novel Model For Stress Detection And Management Using Machine Learning. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10150433/proceeding
Richa Singh. Study on Zero Trust Architecture, Application areas and challenges of 6G technology in Future. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10150745
Rekha Kashyap. Study on Zero Trust Architecture, Application areas and challenges of 6G technology in Future. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10150745
Shrankhla Saxena. Wearable technology based face alert system to curb the spread of covid-19. International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2022]. ISBN:https://www.townscript.com/e/6th-international-conference-on-intelligent-computing-and-control-systems-200414
Rohit Vashisht . Bread and Bounty - Feel the Hunger Feed the Hungry. Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10140171/proceeding
Swasti Singhal. Market segmentation using ML. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10150639
Swasti Singhal. Detection of Weed by using Hybrid Technique. 2024 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10151283
Deep Kumar. A Novel Model for Stress Detection and Management using Machine Learning. 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10150768
Abhinav Juneja. An Innovative Approach to Project Management and ePortals. International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10140171/proceeding?isnumber=10140201&sortType=vol-only-seq&pageNumber=3
Garima Singh. SkillDrill - An online Interview tool using ML. International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10141210
Garima Singh. FIR Registration using Blockchain. International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10141106
Prince Gupta. Identification and Classification of Waste using CNN in Waste Management. I2CT-2023. ISBN:Identification and Classification of Waste using CNN in Waste Management | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
Swasti Singhal. The Future Era of Computing: Automatic Computing. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085022
Swasti Singhal. Fraud Detection in Financial Domain using Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085181
Ashima Arya. Nearme: Rapid Medical Navigation. 2023 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10164834/proceeding?isnumber=10165689&sortType=vol-only-seq&pageNumber=2
Ashima Arya. Facial Recognition for Crime Control: A Machine Learning-based Solution. 2023 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10164834/proceeding?isnumber=10165689&sortType=vol-only-seq&pageNumber=2
Ashima Arya. Plant Species Identification Based on Plant Leaf using Machine Learning Techniques. 2023 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10164834/proceeding?isnumber=10165689&sortType=vol-only-seq&pageNumber=3
Deep Kumar. Ingenious: Text Summarization and Question Answering. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems (ICSCSS). ISBN:10.1109/ICSCSS57650.2023.10169581
Sonia Deshmukh. Bread and Bounty : Feel the Hunger Feed the Hungry. 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking (CICTN). ISBN:doi: 10.1109/CICTN57981.2023.10140855
Hunny. Microphone Array Based Localization of Sound Source. 2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9741014
Paramanand Sharma. A Survey: Improvement of QoS via load balancing approach in parallel distributed system. AECE 2022. ISBN:https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=5372798
Balram Tamrakar. Performance Investigation of RoF link in 16 channel WDM system using DPSK modulation technique. ICCI 2021. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/book/9789811921254
Richa Srivastava. Comparative Analysis of Wilson Current Mirror utilizing FGMOS and QFGMOS Technique. (DELCON), 2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9753289
Richa Srivastava.
Low-Power and High-Speed Design of FinFET-Based MCML Delay Element. International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-6246-1_16#citeas
Manish Singh. Wireless Sensor Network Based Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4031983. ISBN:https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4031983
Manish Singh. A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network based Internet of Things. . ISBN:https://ijisrt.com/a-survey-on-wireless-sensor-network-based-internet-of-things
Hunny Pahuja. Software Defined Networking: A View Towards Security Challenges. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology 2021. ISBN:Software defined networking: A view towards security challenges: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 2597, No 1 (scitation.org)
Chirag Arora. Design of Metamaterial-Based Multilayer Dual Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna. INDIA-2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4863-3_37
Paramanand Sharma. Software Defined Networking: A View Towards Security Challenges. International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology 2021. ISBN:Software defined networking: A view towards security challenges: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 2597, No 1 (scitation.org)
Paramanand Sharma. Four Element Pattern Diversity MIMO antenna with Parasitic Decoupling structure and SRR WLAN notch for UWB application. ICRITO 2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9964517
Vipin Kumar Verma. Performance Analysis of LiF and Graphene Based Long-Range SPR Sensor. VCAS 2021. ISBN:http://www.mnnit.ac.in/vcas2021/
Balram Tamrakar. Performance Investigation of RoF Link in 16 Channel WDM System Using DPSK Modulation Technique. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence. ISBN:Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence
Balram Tamrakar. Performance investigation of MZM based RoF link by employing Digital and Analog data transmission. IC3-2022: Proceedings of the 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing. ISBN:IC3-2022: Proceedings of the 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing
Paramanand Sharma. Two-element MIMO Antenna with High isolation based on Zigzag-shaped Slot for 5G and IOT applications. AISC-2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085016
Paramanand Sharma. Study of 2x2 MIMO Circular patch Antenna for WiFi-6 or WiFi-6e in IEEE 802.11ax Applications. ATCON-1-ICAIA-2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10169640
Chirag Arora. Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna with Annulated Circular Ring. ICMEET-2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-8865-3_28
Pravesh. Supply Chain Management In Blockchain Using Hyperledger. ICICIT-2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-7402-1
Hunny. Software defined networking: A view towards security challenges. ICFST-2021. ISBN:Software defined networking: A view towards security challenges | AIP Conference Proceedings | AIP Publishing
Richa Srivastava. FGMOS and QFGMOS-Based Super-Wilson Current Mirror and Its Application in Full-Wave Rectifier. VCAS 2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-0973-5_47
Richa Srivastava. Smart Helmet and Bike Tracking System. PIECON. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085870
Paramanand Sharma. Four Element Pattern Diversity MIMO antenna with Parasitic Decoupling structure and SRR WLAN notch for UWB application. ICRITO-2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9964517
Niraj Singh Mehta. Load source side Demagnitization scheme in forward convertor for extended duty cylce. Smart Trends in
Computing and
Proceedings of SmartCom 2023. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-0838-7_26
Praveen Kumar. Image Captioning Using Python. PIECON 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10085724
Praveen Kumar. Job and Internship Assistance Application. ICDT 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10150490
Upendra Kumar Acharya. Performance Analysis of Different Classifiers for the Application of Human Activity Identification. (ATCON-1). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10169551
Abhishek Sharma. Designing Robust Uplink and Downlink Systems for Nanosatellites: An Overview of Key Technical and Operational Challenges. ICDT 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10150621
Shubham Shukla. Dynamics and Control of a Mobile Kicking Robot. INDISCON -2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9862928/authors#authors
Shubham Shukla. Empirical Analysis of Novel Differential Evolution for Molecular Potential Energy Problem. ICCI 2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-2126-1_29
Shubham Shukla. Dynamics and Control of Quadrupedal Robot. ICCI 2022. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-2126-1_4
Balram Tamrakar. Performance Investigation of Bit Error Rate using
mostly utilized Modulation Schemes in RoF system
for the Next Generation Networks. PIECON 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085789
Satya Prakash Singh. Design and Investigation of PGP SELBOX FinFET with Uniform and Non-uniform Doping Profile at Sub-7 nm Technology Node. E2A2021. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-4300-3_37
Shipra Srivastava. Design of diagonally slotted moicrostrip anteena for wireless application. ISETE 2022. ISBN:https://ijeedc.iraj.in/paper_detail.php?paper_id=19199&name=Design_of_Diagonally_Slotted_Microstrip_Antenna_for_Wireless_Applications
Himanshu Chaudhary. Identification and Recognition of face and number Plate for Autonomous and Secure Car Parking. PIECON 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10085910
Shipra Srivastava. Circularly Polarized Microstrip Rectangular Antenna for Wireless Communication Applications at C Band. International Conference on Smart Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering th (ICSTEEE) held in New Delhi, India . ISBN:https://digitalxplore.org/proceeding.php?pid=1969
Sachin Tyagi. A Review on Optical Modulators Used in Radio Over Fiber (RoF) System for 6G IoT Applications. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064619
Mohit Tyagi. Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Comparators at 1MHz for Biomedical Applications. 2022 3rd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Comparators at 1MHz for Biomedical Applications | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
Masood Rizvi. Design of Hybrid Microgridusing Homer. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Masood Rizvi. Cost Optimisation ofMicrogrid using HOMERSoftware – A case study ofBotswana. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To design a PV/diesel/battery hybrid system for Agatti Island india. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Homer based optimization of solar wind diesel hybrid system for electrification in an Isolated Area. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Homer based optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) for electrification in a rural area. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a Technical Institute of India. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island
in India. 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2022. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XKXvUyVp4Ig8S_mgnXjn-PuMbmHkNCho/view?usp=share_link
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To design an optimal PV/Diesel/Battery hybrid energy system for Havelock Island in India. 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2023. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y3nA7S-I7fLAxMGe_quQLGX5vGJ6s1Gi/view?usp=share_link
Masood Rizvi. Homer based optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) for electrification in a rural area. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Ameer Faisal. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island
in India. 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2022. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XKXvUyVp4Ig8S_mgnXjn-PuMbmHkNCho/view?usp=share_link
Nitin Kumar Saxena . Energy market: trends and
outlooks under US- India
policy studies. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Nitin Kumar Saxena . Competition in Retail Electricity Market – India vs USA. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Nitin Kumar Saxena . IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring of The Battery. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. Blockchain in Healthcare Industry. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. 5G challenges In India. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. Car Parking Management System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. An efficient home automation system based on internet-ofthings. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. Augmented Reality Based Geo Tagging Task Management System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Natwar Singh Rathore. Artificial Bee colony Based Controller Design for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Power System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Natwar Singh Rathore. PID Controller Design For Three Tank System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Natwar Singh Rathore. A Review on Various Techniques for Speed Control of DC Motor. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Natwar Singh Rathore. Comparative Performance Analysis of PV Fed Boost Converter. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Natwar Singh Rathore. Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Neeraj Kumar Gupta. IoT Based Health Monitoring and Self Healing of Power Distribution Network. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Salim. Development and implementation of LabVIEW-Based Smart Home Control. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Salim. Smart Plant Monitoring System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Salim. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FITNESS TRACKING DEVICE. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Salim. LabVIEW and DAQ-based Data Monitoring in Real-Time for PV Solar Panel. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Sharma. BMS for PV Integrated System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Sharma. DIGITAL SENSOR BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Nitin Kumar Saxena . Fuzzy Rule Based Collaborative Peer Learning Methodology for Gradual Learning Engineering Students. DELCON 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10127246
Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Renewable (Solar)Energy and Grid Integration. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Designing And Analysis of An Electric Vehicle Using Matlab/Simulink. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Brijesh Singh. Development of performance estimator for Li-ion Batteries using soft-computing. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Brijesh Singh. Simulation for SOC estimation and performance analysis of batteries at FTP-72 Drive cycle. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Prof Arika Singh. Dynamic Economic load dispatch for thermal and wind generator with Ramp ,emission constraints. International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023). ISBN:https://www.shobhituniversity.ac.in/irst/pdf/ab.pdf
Arika Singh. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GENERATORS FOR WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM . 2ND International conference on sustainable energy and green technology. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-VZ4HKeZ6eV-awyClT__BZsUlJKjBAQf/view?usp=sharing
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a technical institutions in India.. International Conference on Systems, Control and Automation. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Q1SqxolLY1XUUgdjH8dC034AWOEOUzS/view?usp=drive_link
Nitin Kumar Saxena . IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring Of Battery. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Nitin Kumar Saxena . Energy Market, Value-Added Services (US-India Market Policies). Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Ruchika Singh. Water Irrigation System using Arduino. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Ruchika Singh. IOT Based Vehicle Tracking System. Innovative Applications ofComputational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361971638_BCIPECH-2022_KIET_Ghaziabad?channel=doi&linkId=62cefd747156f534a67f7a55&showFulltext=true
Varun Gupta. Adaptive autoregressive modeling based ECG signal analysis for health monitoring. Optimization Methods for Engineering Problems. ISBN:https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=yBStEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=info:xmgQyIRry6MJ:scholar.google.com&ots=1RU9RRu75j&sig=Cw1fCo6lVarXHZo1Ql5DpeV8uic&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
Swati. IOT Based Smart Car Parking system. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Nitin Kumar Saxena. Electric Market Survey– India v/s United States. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Nitin Kumar Saxena. IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring of Battery. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. A Review on Numerical & Wavelet Method based algorithm for the solution of computational problem in the area of Electromagnetics. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. A Review of Signal Attenuation Models. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. Analysis of Wavelet Based Methods for the Fast Solution of
Computational Electromagnetic Problems. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. Design and Analysis of Pole Placement Based State Feedback
Controller for Single Track Model of Car with Variable Mass. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis
Desalination System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Arun Kumar. Solution of Electromagnetic Wave Equation Based Computational Problems Using Correct Wavelet. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Electromagnetics (APACE 2021), Dec 21-22, 2021. ISBN:shorturl.at/kHL08
Naveen Kumar. Home Automation Using Arduino a Common Technology for Upcoming Generation. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Ameer Faisal. Signaling in Fog in Indian Railways. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Ramesh Singh. Experimental Analysis of Truck Overloading Detection and Engine Locking System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Ramesh Singh. Development of Hybrid Smart Grid System Using MATLAB/ SIMULINK. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Ramesh Singh. Effect of Deep Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources on Power Quality of Power System: A Review. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Natwar Singh Rathore. A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Yaduvir Singh. Detailed Review of Power Generation by Non-conventional Energy Resources. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Varun Sharma. IOT Based Smart Door Locking System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Varun Sharma. Face Recognition Door Unlocking System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Investigation and Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Optimisation of a Grid Connected PV-Diesel System for a Technical Institution in India. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Techno-economic Analysis Of PV-diesel Hybrid Model Using Homer at island Andrott. ICFST 2021. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1laY2XBW-zMxoQJR-V4Al9AHxhoA18oCX/view?usp=sharing
Brijesh Singh. Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Improvement via Integration of Water Fountain. UPCON-2021. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9667593
Brijesh Singh. Performance Evaluation of Supercapacitor Integrated Storage Unit in Standalone Microgrid System. UPCON-2021. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9667666
Varun Gupta. Nonlinear Technique-Based ECG Signal Analysis for Improved Healthcare Systems. International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies
ICCCT 2021. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-3246-4_20
Arvind Kumar Sharma. Smart Load Sharing Distribution System. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-3246-4_20
Ajay Agarwal. An Analysis of Energy Efficient Clustering based Techniques in WSN. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2022] . ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9788421
Ajay Agarwal. Detecting Driver’s Drowsiness using Haar Cascade Classifier. 9th IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9763192
Anjali Jain. Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review. RACCS. ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-7952-0_15
Surendra Kumar Keshari. Software defined networking: A view
towards security challenges. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology-2021. ISBN:https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0115511
Vikas Goel. Software defined networking: A view
towards security challenges. International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology-2021. ISBN:https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0115511
Sanjeev Kumar. Discrete cosine transform features matching-based
forgery mask detection for copy-move forged
images. CISCT-2022. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10046531
Surendra Kumar Keshari. A Review of Deterministic and Non-deterministic Load Balancing Mechanisms in Software Defined Networks. 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence-23). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10048827
Urvashi Chugh. Distribution of Nanomachines over Nano-networks. 2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, (DICCT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10110077
Veepin Kumar. Stock Market Forecasting Using Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning. Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing (AICTC 2022). ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-9888-1_48#author-information
Vikas Goel. Supply Chain Management in Blockchain Using Hyperledger. 4th International Conference on Inventive Computation and Information Technologies (ICICIT - 2022). ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-7402-1_10
Vikas Goel. Real Time Sign Language to Text and Speech Translation and Hand Gesture Recognition Using the LSTM Model. IEEE 2022 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10064562
Vikas Goel. An Effective classification of DDoS cloud based attack through Tree founded Classifiers. IEEE International Conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IHCSP 2023). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10127202
Vikas Goel. Evaluation of Machine-Learned Price Prediction Models for Block-chain Technology. IEEE International Conference on Innovations in High-Speed Communication and Signal Processing (IHCSP 2023). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10127185
Vikas Goel. FECD- Facial Expression Classification & Detection. IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM 2023). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10166956/authors#authors
Ajay Agarwal. An Intelligent Framework for Movie Recommendation Through Online Social Media. 6th International Conference on “Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. ISBN:http://www.i-m.mx/srm/icmete2022/
Ajay Agarwal. Ensembled Multi-detector Aggregation For Disaster detection (EMAD). 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), Noida, India, 2023. ISBN:https://www.jiit.ac.in/about-jiit
Deepti Katiyar. Blockchain technology in management of clinical trials: A review of its applications, regulatory concerns and challenges. International Conference on Recent Advancements in Bio Medical Engineering 2021 (ICRABE21). ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785321029515
Sakshi Garg. Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible tablets of Trimethobenzamide HCl”. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery and Development (ICETD3-2022). ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t-PcNHhIlShIFwcCe_wMeROz_Vbk1Ba8/view?usp=sharing
Deepti Katiyar. Overview and in-silico pharmacological profiling of Gliadin: A potential biomaterial. ICAMME 2022. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322015747
Parul Grover. Targeted delivery approaches for synthesis of plant based nanoparticles as anticancer chemotherapeutics. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322018314?via%3Dihub
Parul Grover. Different aspects of polymers – A review article. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322031157?via%3Dihub
Priya Bansal. Systemic and Topical Fungal Infection: A Current Challenge in Therapeutics . Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Priya Bansal. Antioxidants From Natural Sources: Classification and its Utilization in Food Industry . Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Priya Bansal. Medicinal Plants combating against Tuberculosis: A Review. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Priya Bansal. HIMALAYAN FERNS: Evaluation of chemical constituents of some Himalayan ferns against fungal infection.. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Priya Bansal. lucidation of Molecular Mechanism Involved in Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Priya Bansal. Resveratrol: It’s therapeutic intervention in ocular diseases. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eJvwY1OyFH4rAk0dX4haaEaeMYbMpbVb/view?usp=sharing
Abhishek Kumar. HORMONAL SENSTIVE CANCER. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uk4KYJVLmea3arDic3JuB8m2gVSLznJq/view?usp=sharing
Deepti Katiyar. Overview and in-silico Pharmacological Profiling of Gliadin: A Potential Biomaterial. ICAMME-2022. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.03.259
Abhay Bhardwaj. Medical Image Classification for Disease Prediction with the AID of Machine Learning Approach. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9823839
Abhay Bhardwaj. Cassia fistula: A Boon to Indian System of Medicine. Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Science. ISBN:NA
Deepti Katiyar. Biological Potential of Lycorine: A Summary Update. nternational Conference on Emerging Trends in IoT and Computing Technologies - 2022 (ICEICT-2022). ISBN:https://www.routledge.com/Emerging-Trends-in-IoT-and-Computing-Technologies-Proceedings-of-International/Tripathi-Verma/p/book/9781032485249
Roma Ghai. Evolving Pharmaceutical Therapies for Confronting
COVID-19: An Overview. ICFST-21. ISBN:https://www.academia.edu/95275846/Evolving_pharmaceutical_therapies_for_confronting_COVID_19_An_overview
Abhishek Kumar. Applications of Some Biopolymeric Materials as Medical Implants: An overview. International Conference on Materials and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.05.480
Anuj Pathak. Formulation,evaluation and characterisation of a fast dissolving sublingual tablet of a free radical scavenger edaravone by direct compression method. International e-conference on Bioengineeringfor health and enviornment(ICBHE2022). ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XQAiVOGigj3wS_7XsEuKvo-1f050zSbX/view?usp=sharing
Ranchay Bhateja. Post effect covid & service Sector in India:A Study. Paradigm Shift in Global business ecosystem post covid 19 prespectives. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BezdFxAQnBrDyoFTnROaJCLt3P7zEPcx/view?usp=sharing
Shivani Agarwal. Linking HPWP and Positive Affect in Indian IT Industry.. DASA-2021. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9682414/
Ranchay. Violence Against Women: Key Hurdles For Women Economic Empowerment. . ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tn3qwaJMKdDQxnjS5W1mQhKxUAQMk6cb/view?usp=share_link
Tanushree Sanwal, Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi. Social Media and Networking Applications in the Education Sector. DELCON. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10127547
Meenakshi Tyagi, Tanushree Sanwal. Tourist reviews summarization and sentiment analysis based on aspect. International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10048863
Mrinal Verma. Intelligent Optimization Algorithm based Data Storage and Management: An Empirical Study. 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2023. ISBN:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10084918/proceeding
Arun Tripathi. Swasthya Mitra: Smart contract enabled patients electronic health records sharing (EHR) system. RECENT ADVANCES IN SCIENCES, ENGINEERING, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT 6–7 May 2022 Jaipur, India. ISBN:https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2782/1/020006/2896539/Swasthya-Mitra-Smart-contract-enabled-patient-s?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Abhishek Yadav. Study on application of waste plastic in the construction industry. ITME 2021. ISBN:
Abhishek Yadav. Optimization of machining parameters for CNC milling of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP). International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE). ISBN:
Ankur Sachdeva. CFD investigation of a cooling of heated cylinder placed on a flat surface. ITME2021. ISBN:https://www.kiet.edu/itme2021/
Ankur Sachdeva. Power Generation through Raindrops. ICETMIE2022. ISBN:https://icetmie2022.ncuindia.edu/
Gaurav. Deformation and annealing of brass. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-today-proceedings/vol/64/part/P3
Gaurav. Effect of annealing on the microstructure evolution of a cold rolled Mg-6Al-3Sn alloy. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-today-proceedings/vol/64/part/P3
Gaurav. Age hardening behavior of AZ61 alloy,. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-today-proceedings/vol/64/part/P3
K L Akhan. Modelling of Indian vendors posture using rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). ITME-2021. ISBN:
Shwetabh Singh. Study on application of waste plastic in the construction industry. ITME 2021. ISBN:
Shwetabh Singh. Optimization of machining parameters for CNC milling of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP). International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE). ISBN:
Subodh Kumar Sharma. Review of bio-fuel and nano-particles as an additive in diesel fuelled engine. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221478532202449X
Subodh Kumar Sharma. Modelling of gas field formation in atomization casting. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322037786
Vivek K Pathak. AN ANALYTIC APPROACH IN SCM FOR HEALTH CENTRE BY USING TOPSIS WITH INTERVAL DATA. ICFST. ISBN:mililink.com/upload/article/497283742aams_vol_2112_october_2022_a28_p6961-6967_vivek_kumar_pathak_and_rajesh_kumar_patel.pdf
Vivek K Pathak. DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR LAST MILE DELIVERY. ICFST. ISBN:https://www.mililink.com/upload/article/1385980293aams_vol_2112_october_2022_a40_p7125-7134_rishabh_mishra_and_vivek_kumar_pathak.pdf
Piyush Pant. Process modelling of Electrical Discharge Machining by Artificial Neural Networks?: A review. CIMS-2021. ISBN:http://conferenceworld.in/Conference.php?cID=1427
Ankur Sachdeva. CFD Investigation of cooling of a heated cylinder placed on a flat surface. ITME-2021. ISBN:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785322043784?via%3Dihub
Vivek Kumar Pathak. Reverse engineering implementation a diffused environmental consciousness in OEM industries. International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:Under Processing
Vivek Kumar Pathak. Study and Application of python in downstream supply chain by Using DEMATEL. International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:Under Processing
Subodh Kumar Sharma. Atomization Casting of Al–Si Alloys and Their Characterization. Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN:Atomization Casting of Al–Si Alloys and Their Characterization | SpringerLink
Subodh Kumar Sharma. Experimental investigation on emission characteristics of diesel-neem oil biodiesel blended with nanoparticles in the diesel-powered engine. NA. ISBN:NA
Subodh Kumar Sharma. Recent development in the material usedin additive manufacturing. NA. ISBN:NA
Sandeep Chhabra. Study of Recycling Waste Plastic into Plastic Fibre Block. SEGT-2023 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND GREEN TECHNOLOGY. ISBN:
Sachin Rathore. A Review of Parameter Optimization in 3D Printing Using the Taguchi Method. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Green Technology
June 23-24, 2023, RKGIT, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:NA
Sachin Rathore. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Modelling of Pilgrim Posture During the Kanwar Yatra. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Green Technology
June 23-24, 2023, RKGIT, Ghaziabad, India. ISBN:NA
Sachin Rathore. Comparative experimental investigation of infill pattern and infill density on modelling process characteristics and mechanical properties of Polylactic Acid (PLA) material in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). International conference on Innovative Research in Science & Technology. IRST-2023 on 23-25 May 2023 at Shobit University, Meerut
Paper will be published in Materials Today: Proceedings. ISBN:NA
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar. Comparative experimental investigation of infill pattern and infill density on modelling process characteristics and mechanical properties of Polylactic Acid (PLA) material in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y99W3wq3dM4XyPQRVg3WOAxUZ-V95zNn/view?usp=sharing
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar. A Review of Parameter Optimization in 3D Printing Using the Taguchi Method. 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Energy & Green Technology. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cIQJJlDZO-4DeEymf312PBOqRhiP6pbV/view?usp=sharing
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar. Collaborative Filtering: New Age Book Recommendation System. 7th International Joint Conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS-2023) “KILBY100”. ISBN:https://conferences.lpu.in/iccs/iccs-2023/index.php
Rupesh Chalisgaonkar. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Modelling of Pilgrim Posture During the Kanwar Yatra. 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Energy & Green Technology. ISBN:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cIQJJlDZO-4DeEymf312PBOqRhiP6pbV/view?usp=sharing
Rajesh Kumar Patel. Study and Application of python in downstream supply chain by using DEMATEL. “International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:NA
Rajesh Kumar Patel. Reverse engineering implementation a diffused environmental consciousness in OEM industries. “International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:NA
Rajesh Kumar Patel. Two Zone Model Analysis of Alternative Fuel in SI Engine for Sustainable Development - A Review. “International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:NA
Pratibha Kumari. Brief Overview of Different Welding Techniques with Recent Advancements. . ISBN:
Prashant Vashishtha. Exploring Friction Stir Processing as a Technique for Surface Composite Fabrication in Aluminium Alloys: A State-of-the-Art Review. 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
Prashant Vashishtha. Reliability Prediction and Its Simulation for a Friction Stir Processing Tool. . ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-6107-6_10
Neha Bhadauria. Exploring the
Influence of Reinforcements on the Wear Performance of Aluminum
Neha Bhadauria. Exploring Friction Stir Processing as a Technique for Surface Composite Fabrication in Aluminium Alloys: A State-of-the-Art Review. 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
Neha Bhadauria. Reliability Prediction and Its Simulation for a Friction Stir Processing Tool. . ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-6107-6_10
Neeraj Kumar. Reverse engineering implementation a diffused environmental consciousness in OEM industries. International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:Under Processing
Neeraj Kumar. Study and Application of python in downstream supply chain by Using DEMATEL. International Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Management: Sustainability Through Creativity & Innovation” (ICIEM’23). ISBN:Under Processing
Kuldeep Singh. A Detailed Review of Friction Stir Processing. PRIME-2021: International Conference on Progressive Research in Industrial & Mechanical Engineering . ISBN:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-7709-1_90
Arunesh Chandra. Study on wear behaviour of aluminium-based piston alloy using different coatings. 2nd International Conference on Materials, Mechanics & Structures (ICMMS 2022). ISBN:https://icmms2022.nitc.ac.in/
Arunesh Chandra. Ergonomic Assessment of Tractor Seat for Anthropometric Dimensions of Indian Population. ICAME-2022: International Conference on Advancement in Manufacturing Engineering – 2022. ISBN:https://easychair.org/cfp/ICAME2022
Prashant Vashisth. Reliability Production and its Simulation for a friction stir Processing Tool
International. . ISBN:
Ashish Karnwal. Experimental Investigations of Butanol as a Diesel Engine Fuel Blends. PRIME. ISBN:https://easychair.org/cfp/prime2021
Vipin Deval. Analysis of Human Behaviour on Movie Review. Second International Conference on Intelligent System. ISBN:978-981-99-8976-8
Mani Dwivedi. Yoga Pose Detection Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Dr. Sushil Kumar. Comparative Analysis of U-Net Models Using ResNet34, InceptionV3, and VGG16 for the Processing of Satellite Images. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI). ISBN:979-8-3503-6052-3
Mani Dwivedi. A Study on Machine Learning Algorithms for IOT-Based Intrusion Detection System. 2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE). ISBN:979-8-3503-3072-4
SANJIV SHARMA. A Comprehensive Study Of The Machine Learning With Federated Learning Approach For Predicting Heart Disease. 2023 6th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). ISBN:979-8-3503-0448-0
SANJIV SHARMA. An Effective FL-CNN Based Data Securing Model for Heart Disease Prediction. 2023 6th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). ISBN:979-8-3503-0448-0
Naveen Chauhan. Yoga Pose Identification Using Deep
Learning. International Conference on Data and Information Sciences (ICDIS-2023). ISBN:978-981-99-6905-0
Swati Sharma, Neha Yadav. A Novel Image Captioning Approach Using CNN and MLP. ICDIS 2023. ISBN:2367-3370
Swati Sharma. Two-Factor Authentication Using QR Code and OTP. ICDIS 2023. ISBN:2367-3370
Gaurav Parashar. Exploring Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: Insights from NHANES Database Analysis. International Conference on Data & Information Sciences (ICDIS) 2023. ISBN:978-981-99-6906-7
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey. Exploring Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: Insights from NHANES Database Analysis. International Conference on Data & Information Sciences (ICDIS) 2023. ISBN:978-981-99-6906-7
Rahul Kumar sharma, Gagan Thakral. A systematic study of networking design for co-working space environment. International Conferance on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS-2023). ISBN:9781003393580-8
Rahul Kumar sharma. Live virtual machine migration towards energy optimization in cloud datacenters. International Conferance on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS-2023). ISBN:9781003393580-125
Gagan Thakral. Live virtual machine migration towards energy optimization in cloud datacenters. International Conferance on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS-2023). ISBN:9781003393580-125
Dr. Sushil Kumar. Modeling of progressive Alzheimers disease using machine learning algorithms. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security. ISBN:9781003393580
UMANG RASTOGI. Recognition of indian sign language using hand gestures. International Conferance on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS-2023). ISBN:9781003393580-125
Madhu Gautam. Chronic Disease prediction using Machine Learning Techniques: A Survey. 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). ISBN:2473-7674
Himanshi Chaudhary. Secure Watermarking Algorithm for Enhancing Invisibility and Robustness of Medical Images. International Conference on Computing and Networking Technology (ICCNT). ISBN:ISBN:979-8-3503-3510-1
Neha Yadav. Development of the best personality traits for identifying the career option of students by applying different classification techniques. AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus Indexed). ISBN:
Upendra Mishra. A Hybrid Approach for Leaf Disease Classification Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
International Conference on Data Science and Network Engineering. ISBN:
Dilkeshwar Pandey. BiFrost: A Blockchain-Based Decentralized Messaging Application. International Conference on Data Science and Network Engineering. ISBN:2367-3389
Swati Sharma. The Utilization of Machine Learning Algorithms in the Diagnosis of Heart Disease. 2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology (ICICAT). ISBN:979-8-3503-0283-7
Madhu Gautam, Himanshi Chaudhary. Automated COVID-19 Detection Using ML & IOT. International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (Scopus Indexed). ISBN:979-8-3503-0282-0
Madhu Gautam. Analysis of Diabetes Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2023 International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT). ISBN:979-8-3503-3325-1
Naveen Chauhan. Performance Analysis for Internet of Health-Care Things in Multiqueueing Fog System. 2023 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA). ISBN:979-8-3503-4757-9/23
Gaurav Parashar. Brain Stroke Detection and Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach: A Cloud Deployment Perspective. International Conference on Circuit Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT). ISBN:979-8-3503-3324-4
Akanksha. Prediction And Analysis of Air Pollution Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). ISBN:979-8-3503-3860-7
Akash Goel. Artificial Intelligence Based Health Care Chat Bot System. 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics System(ICCES) 2023. ISBN:979-8-3503-9663-8
Harsh Khatter, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava. Machine Learning Based Sentiment Analysis of Tweets. 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communication and Information Technology (ICAICCIT). ISBN:979-8-3503-4438-7
Raj Kumar, Harsh Khatter. Potato Leaf Disease Classification Using Deep Learning Model. 5th International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (MIND 2023). ISBN:978-3-031-62217-5
Harsh Khatter. Blind Image Restoration and Data Augmentation using GFP-GAN and StyleGan. IEEE-ICDT-2024 Conference| GL Bajaj . ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Harsh Khatter. Cloud-Based Smart Health Care System. Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence: DoSCI 2024. ISBN:979-8-3503-3806-1
Neha Shukla. Xcelerate5G: Optimizing Resource Allocation Strategies For 5G Network Using ML. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT). ISBN:
Akanksha. Cloud-Hosted IP-PBX System with Asterisk and Oracle Cloud: A Scalable and Cost-Effective Solution for Business Communications. 2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Anurag Mishra. Towards Intelligent Attendance Monitoring for Scalable Organization with Hybrid Model Using Deep Learning. ICCNSML 2023. ISBN:979-8-3503-8354-6
Anurag Mishra. Impact of Daily Life Factors on Physical and Mental Health. 2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Rishabh Jain. A Hybrid Approach Towards Image Steganography Using LSB and Shannon – Fano Encoding Technique. 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Rishabh Jain. Disease prediction using machine learning. 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Rishabh Jain. Classification of Musical Genres Using Audio Spectrograms. 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). ISBN:978-981-970641-9
Rishabh Jain. A Comprehensive Analysis of Music Genre Classification with Audio Spectrograms using Deep Learning Techniques. 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N). ISBN:979-8-3503-3086-1
Abhishek Goyal. Task Scheduling Algorithm Improvement In Cloud Computing. 2024 IEEE International Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS). ISBN:979-8-3503-4846-0
Shivani. Comparative Analysis of U-Net Models Using ResNet34, InceptionV3, and VGG16 for the Processing of Satellite Images. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI). ISBN:979-8-3503-6052-3
Shreela Pareek. YouTube Transcript Summarizer: Enhancing Accessibility and Content Discovery. Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence: DoSCI 2024. ISBN:NA
Shreela Pareek. Emo Melodies - Music Aligned with Facial Emotions. Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence: DoSCI 2024. ISBN:NA
Ashima Arya, Deepali Gupta , Urvashi Sharma , Monica Dutta , Sapna Juneja ,Shilpa. Automation of Hotel Inventory Management System for Online Travel Agency using RPA. International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA 2023). ISBN:979-8-3503-4757-9
Ashima Arya , Prince Gupta , Swasti Singhal , Akash Goel. Software Systems using Variability Approaches. 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2023). ISBN:979-8-3503-2142-5
Anubhv Goel, Shreya Gaur, Kshatrapal Singh. A Novel Approach for Classification of Metals and Plastics under the methodology of Deep Learning using Convolutional Neural Networks. 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies. ISBN:979-8-3503-3509-5
Meeta Chaudhry; Saurabh Maurya; Shiv Pratap Singh; Shubham Yadav. An Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Studies on Object Detection. 2023 3rd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS). ISBN:979-8-3503-4233-8
Vinayak; Simran Bhardwaj; Shivang Gupta; Karishma; Prince Gupta. A Review of the Need for Health Communities to Improve Health and Nutritional Patterns. 2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology (ICICAT). ISBN:Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-0282-0
Nitisha Aggarwal; C. Bagath Basha; Ashima Arya; Neeraj Gupta. A Comparative Analysis of Machine Leaming-Based Classifiers for Predicting Diabetes. 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ICACCTech). ISBN:979-8-3503-8089-7
Ashima Arya; Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj; Sapna Juneja; Shilpa. Navigating the Metaverse: Trends and Opportunities in 2023. 2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS). ISBN:979-8-3503-9458-0
S. Agarwal, M. Uppal, D. Gupta and A. Juneja. Balancing Between Ecological Conservation and Urbanization: A Novel Approach to Squirrel Management. 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT), Greater Noida, India,. ISBN:979-8-3503-9458-0
Rakesh Kumar; Meeta Chaudhry; H. K. Patel; Navin Prakash; Abhinav Dogra; Sunil Kumar. An Analysis of Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Detection: Performance and Generalization. INDIACOM 2024. ISBN:978-93-80544-51-9
Kumar Gupta; Kaustubh Gupta; Pushpendra Dwivedi; Meeta Chaudhry. Binary Classification of Students’ Dropout Behaviour in Universities using Machine Learning Algorithms. INDIACOM 2024. ISBN:978-93-80544-51-9
Rahul Rathuri, Rishit Negi, Mayank Chauhan, Khushagra and Rohit Vashisht. ChatHub- All in One Chat Application. 5th International Conference / Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DOSCI 2024). ISBN:NA
Akash Khushwaha, Ayush Singh, Akshay Singh, Aman Gupta and Rohit Vashisht. Sentimental Analysis using CHATBOT. 5th International Conference / Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DOSCI 2024). ISBN:NA
Muskkan Agarwal; Divyanshi Chauhan; Nidhi Yadav; Swasti Singhal
. Sakhi: AI-Generated Mental Health Companion. 2024 1st International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Technologies for Energy, Mechatronics, and Smart Systems (ISTEMS). ISBN:979-8-3503-8424-6
Manu Sharma, Shivam Kumar Singh, Swasti Singhal. Real Time Video Surveillance Using Pyramidal CNN. 2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Devesh Chandra, Pranav Tyagi, Radhe Shyam Gupta, Aayush Mohan Saxena, Silki Kharaliya. Cryptocurrency Price Prediction using Machine Learning. 2024 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7131-4
Swasti Singhal. Real Time Video Surveillance Using Pyramidal CNN. 2024 2nd International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7105-5
Ms. Jaya Sharma. CodeXchange: Leaping into the Future of AI-Powered Code Editing. ICCICA-2024: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications-2024. ISBN:979-8-3503-0644-6
Ms. Rashika Bangroo. Comparative Study of Elastic Net Regression, Naive Bayes & Lasso Regression. 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM). ISBN:979-8-3503-0511-1
Dr. Abhinav Juneja. Building a Revolutionizing Application Platform Towards Knowledge Reality. 2024 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT). ISBN:979-8-3503-7462-9
Ms. Ashima Arya. NLP-Enabled Bot for Managing Third-Party Risk. ICCICA-2024: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications-2024. ISBN:979-8-3503-0644-6
Dr. Meeta Chaudhary. Enchancing crop productivity through early plant disease identification. ICCICA-2024: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications-2024. ISBN:979-8-3503-0644-6
Ms. Silki Kharaliya. Comparative Analysis of Various Lightings for Hand Gesture Recognition. International conference on intelligent system for cybersecurity 2024. ISBN:979-8-3503-7523-7
Ms. Ashima Arya. Evaluating Kotlin Multiplatform: Superior cross-platform development. 5th DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. ISBN:NA
S. Singh, S. Saini. An Intelligent Composite Controller for Alleviating Chaotic Oscillations in Power Systems. 9th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), 1-6, 2024. ISBN:N/A
Sheetal, S. Saini. Analyzing Chaos in SMIB Power System. Recent Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRDEEE 2022, 269-276, 2023. ISBN:N/A
S. Singh, M. Mittal. A Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Disk Drive Read System. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2267-2271, 2014. ISBN:592
AK Pandey, A. Kumar, S. Singh. Study and analysis of environmental issues for scaled version of Si-Ge heterojunction bipolar transistor. 2018 3rd International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), 1-4, 2018. ISBN:N/A
S. Singh, M. Mittal. An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant. NCAPCCS 2018. ISBN:N/A
S. Singh, M. Mittal. A modified Haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem. 2016 Second International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), 8-12, 2016. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Varun Sharma. BMS for PV Integrated System. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:ISBN Link
Mr. Varun Sharma. DIGITAL SENSOR BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity. ISBN:ISBN Link
Mr. Varun Sharma. IOT Based Smart Door Locking System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:ISBN Link
Mr. Varun Sharma. Face Recognition Door Unlocking System. ICFST 2021. ISBN:ISBN Link
Mr. Salim. Recent trends in energy system and control. Recent trends in energy system and control. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 11th International conference on cloud computing, data science & engineering (Confluence) 2021. 11th International conference on cloud computing, data science & engineering (Confluence) 2021. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 2020 first International conference on measurement, instrumentation, automation and control. 2020 first International conference on measurement, instrumentation, automation and control. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 3rd International conference on communication and electronics (ICCE-2018). 3rd International conference on communication and electronics (ICCE-2018). ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management for the sustainable Development. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management for the sustainable Development. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 4th International Conference (Online) on Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020). 4th International Conference (Online) on Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020). ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022. 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Salim. 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity. 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity. ISBN:N/A
Mr. Ameer Faisal. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India. 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2022. ISBN:ISBN Link
Mr. Ameer Faisal. Signaling in Fog in Indian Railways. ICFST 2021. ISBN:ISBN Link
Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi. Intelligent Algorithms based Level Control of a Non-linear Conical Tank System. ICSCA-2023, NIT Kurukshetra. ISBN:Springer Conference
Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi. Inverted Pendulum Cart Control using Optimized FOPID Controller. ICCSAI-2022, Galgotias University, Greater Noida. ISBN:IEEE
Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi. Tuning of PID Controller of an Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research, 2014. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid. Proceedings of International conference ICFST-21 at KIET Ghaziabad. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Application of Power Converters and Common Mode Voltage Reduction Techniques in DFIG Based WECS: A Review. VCIPECH-2020, at KIET Ghaziabad. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. A Qualitative Analysis of Secured Handover Management Schemes for Mobile IPv6 Enabled Networks. 3rd International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH), 1-2 Nov. 2018. ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724144
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Forensic Electrical Engineering: A Review On Electrical Fires. 2nd International Conference on “Contemporary Engineering And Technology Evolution – 2020” at INDERPRASTHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE (IPEC) Ghaziabad. ISBN:ISBN: 978-93-5406-579-8
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System. International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14). ISBN:N/A
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Hindi Sangosthi. N/A. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Renewable (Solar) Energy and Grid Integration. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (BCIPECH-2022). ISBN:ISBN Link
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Designing And Analysis of An Electric Vehicle Using Matlab/Simulink. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (BCIPECH-2022). ISBN:ISBN Link
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi. Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid. ICFST 2021. ISBN:ISBN Link
Dr. Sumit Sharma. Optimal sizing and cost assessment of off-grid connected hybrid microgrid system. 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Nevsehir, Turkey. ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815817
Dr. Sumit Sharma. Optimal BLDC Motor Control Using a WOA-based LQR Strategy. 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Nevsehir, Turkey. ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815609
Dr. Sumit Sharma. Ant Lion Optimization Based OPF Solution Incorporating Wind Turbines and Carbon Emissions. 2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN:DOI: 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
Dr. Satish Kumar. Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms. RTESC, NIT Kurukshetra, 15-16 March 2013. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis. ETEEE-2015, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 6-7 Feb. 2015. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity Market Model. IEEE International Conference CIPEC-2016, KIET Ghaziabad, 8-9 Nov. 2016. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind Farm Using PSAT. IEEE International Conference, ICEEE-2015, Galgotia’s College of Engineering and Technology, 27-28 March 2015. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. IoT based smart energy metering and theft detection using Labview. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), PMI Noida, 13-15 Feb 2017. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Efficient control of wind turbine using IoT and Labview. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), PMI Noida, 13-15 Feb 2018. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Capacitance-based wireless power transfer. Future of EV charging station. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), Raipur, 13-15 Feb 2019. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Satish Kumar. Automatic Power Factor Improvement and Fault Maintenance system. Annual International Conference on Indian Power Station (IPS), Raipur, 13-15 Feb 2020. ISBN:N/A
Dr. Ruchika Singh. Markov approach to evaluate the availability simulation model for urea decomposition system. International Conference on Nano Technology for Better Living. ISBN:978-981-09-7519-7
Dr. Ruchika Singh. Threshold Based Ship Tracking with Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier. First Author. ISBN:ISSN 0973-7529
Dr. Ruchika Singh. Water Irrigation System using Arduino. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls. ISBN:BCIPECH-2022
Dr. Ruchika Singh. IoT Based Vehicle Tracking System. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls. ISBN:BCIPECH-2022
Dr. Rajeev Kumar. Mitigating chaos in SMIB power systems via an intelligent battery-STATCOM approach. IEEE Xplore. ISBN:IEEE Xplore, 2024
Dr. Rajeev Kumar. A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR. Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on ICTSES 2020. ISBN:2020
Dr. Rajeev Kumar. A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR. Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018). ISBN:2018
N. S. Rathore. Efficient Design and Control of a Multi-Floor Elevator System Using PLC. Sustainability and Technological Advancements in Engineering Domain (SUSTAINED - 2024). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Science & Technology (ICFST-21). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Simplification of SOI MEMS based Trenchless Comb type Capacitive Accelerometer for FEM analysis. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Photovoltaic Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant: An Analytical Application of the Solar Energy. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Rust Detection in Large Metal Structure by CNN. Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH-2020). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Modified Controller Design Approach Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Reverse Osmosis Desalination System. International Conference on Desalination (InDACON-2018). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization. International Conference on Signals, Machines, and Automation (SIGMA-2018). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Tuning of PID Controller for Position Control of DC Servo Motor using Luus-Jaakola Optimization. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication & Control (IC4). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. ISE based PID Controller Tuning for Position Control of DC Servo-Motor using LJ. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Luus-Jaakola Optimization Procedure for PID Controller Tuning in Reverse Osmosis System. International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Robotics (IACEER). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Concentration Polarization Layer in Reverse Osmosis Process. IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES). ISBN:-
N. S. Rathore. Unconstrained Optimization with IDE Algorithm having Variable Dynamic Non-Linear Increased Crossover. IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES). ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Renewable energy for power generation in Androth Island: Projected level of dissemination using technology diffusion models. Renewables: Fueling the Economic Growth, International Congress on Renewable Energy 2007. ISBN:978-81-89927-10-3
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generation in union territory of Lakshadweep Island: Projected Level Dissemination Using Technology Diffusion Models. CIPECH-14. ISBN:978-1-4799-5871-9
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Investigation of Renewable energy Potential in union territory of Lakshadweep Island. CIPECH-2016. ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions. CIPECH-2016. ISBN:978-1-4673-9080-4
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Techno-Economic Analysis of Diesel/Wind/PV/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Androth Island. ICRP-2020. ISBN:978-981-33-4080-0
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Performance analysis of PV array connection schemes under mismatch scenarios. ICRP-2020. ISBN:978-981-33-4080-0
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. A Review paper on Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model for an Isolated Area. VCIPECH-2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Energy Conservation and Analysis on Sustainable Energy Development using HOMER – Review. VCIPECH-2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India. SGESC-2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area. ICFST-2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Optimization of Grid Connected PV-Diesel System for a Technical Institution in India. ICFST-2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Techno-economic Analysis of PV-diesel Hybrid Model Using Homer at Andrott Island. ICFST-2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To Design an Optimal PV/Diesel/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India. SIGMA-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India. SIGMA-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India. BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. To design a PV/ Diesel/ Battery hybrid System for Agatti Island in India. BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System: A Review. BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Homer based optimization of solar wind diesel hybrid system for electrification in an isolated area-A review. BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system for electrification in a rural area: A review. BCIPECH-2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a Technical Institutions in India. ICSCA-2023. ISBN:-
Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari. Techno-Economic investigations of hybrid renewable energy system for Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Advances in Renewable and Green Energy Technology 2023. ISBN:-
Dr. Deepti Singh. Deployment of Reserve Corridors in PV Integrated Power System and Performance Analysis. CERA 2023, IIT Roorkee. ISBN:979-8-3503-0500-5 (Electronic), 979-8-3503-0499-2 (USB), 979-8-3503-0501-2 (PoD)
Dr. Deepti Singh. Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control. IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2013), MNNIT Allahabad. ISBN:978-1-4673-5630-5
Dr. Deepti Singh. Custom Power Devices and Applications In Power Networks: STATCOM and SVC. National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Industrial Automation (NCEEIA-2016), Mangalayatan University. ISBN:-
Dr. Deepti Singh. Soft Computing Techniques Based Optimal Power Generation Schedule in Power System Network. National Conference on Advances in Computing Applications (NCACA 2016), Mangalayatan University. ISBN:-
Dr. Deepti Singh. Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control. IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2013), MNNIT Allahabad. ISBN:978-1-4673-5628-2
Dr. Deepti Singh. Performance Evolution of Optimal PI Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in a DC Electric Drive System. International Symposium on Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication (ISRTEC 2012), KNIT Sultanpur. ISBN:-
Dr. Bandana. Optimal Sizing of a Grid Connected Biomass/Biogas/PV System for Rural Electrification. MARC 2021, KEC Ghaziabad. ISBN:978-981-19-2828-4
Dr. Bandana. Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Rural Community of India. AKGEC 2023, AKG Ghaziabad. ISBN:1742-6596/2570/1/012007
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Day-ahead power flow optimization with stochastic wind and solar power plants. IEEE ICPEA 2024, Penang Island, Malaysia. ISBN:-
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Power systems resilience enhancement through renewable energy integration: Insights and future directions. IEEE ICPEA 2024, Penang Island, Malaysia. ISBN:-
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Optimal power flow solution based on multi-verse optimizer algorithm incorporating renewable energy sources. IEEE ICPEA 2024, Penang Island, Malaysia. ISBN:-
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Dung beetle optimizer algorithm based OPF solution considering renewable energy sources. IEEE IC2E3 2023, Srinagar Garhwal, India. ISBN:10.1109/IC2E357697.2023.10262592
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Ant lion optimization based OPF solution incorporating wind turbines and carbon emissions. IEEE i-PACT 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN:10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Game theory based EV charge scheduling: A comprehensive review. IEEE i-PACT 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN:10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696445
Dr. Ankur Maheshwari. Effective control strategy in microgrid. ICSC 2019, Tehri, India (Springer). ISBN:978-981-15-0633-8_94
Dr. Vanya Goel. Human Following Robot and its Control through Arduino. SIGMA 24, NSUT, Dec. 2024. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Effect of Insulator Geometry and Shield Electrode Design on High Voltage Breakdown in Vacuum. 22nd National Conf. on Power System, IIT-Delhi, Dec. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Study of High Voltage Surface Flashover in Electron Gun for Application in Low Pressure Plasma Generation. Recent Developments and Evolving Trends in Plasma Science and Technology, Bharathiar University, Sept. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. 14th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies (EBT), Varna, Bulgaria, June 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Characterization of Electron Beam of Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun. DAE-BRNS Int. Sym. on Vacuum Science and Technology and its Applications in Accelerators (VSTAA), BARC, Mumbai, Feb. 2022. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. 3-D Particle Trajectory Tracking and Characterization of Electron Beam Parameters of High Power Electron Gun. IEEE ICEPES, MANIT, Bhopal, Dec. 2021. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Study on Flashover Due To Surface Plasma on High Voltage Insulators. 13th International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications (ICPSA), Ravenshaw University, Dec. 2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Electrostatically and Electromagnetically Focused 60kW Electron Gun for High Voltage Applications. IEEE ICCDW, Atharva College of Engineering, Mumbai, Feb. 2020. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Three-phase Innovative Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Research Applications: A Review. IEEE ICNTE, Mumbai, June 2017. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Performance Analysis of Seven Level Three Phase Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter at Various Modulation Indices. IEEE ICEPES, MANIT, Bhopal, Dec. 2016. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. A Seven Level Multilevel Inverter Topology with Improved Results using PWM Technique. IEEE ICPEICES, DTU, New Delhi, July 2016. ISBN:-
Dr. Vanya Goel. Different Multilevel Inverter Topologies with Reduced Number of Devices. IEEE RAECS, Punjab University, Dec. 2015. ISBN:-
YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI (2013-08-13). Switch Gear and Protection. Vayu Education of India. ISBN:978-93-82174-07-3
YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI (2010-08-01). Electromechanical Energy Conversion-II. Vayu Education of India. ISBN:978-93-82174-39-4
YADUVIR SINGH (2012-07-01). Electrical Instrumentation & Process Control. Vayu Education of India. ISBN:9789380000000
YADUVIR SINGH (2004-06-01). Switch Gear & Protection. Vayu Education of India. ISBN:9789380000000
VIPIN KUMAR (2006-08-01). A Text Book of Engineering Physics. BBP Publications Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN:81-88347-35-3
PAVAN KHETRAPAL (2018-03-02). Power System Operation and Control. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PUNE. ISBN:978-93-332-1460-5
PAVAN KHETRAPAL (2018-09-14). Power Generation and Economics. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PUNE. ISBN:978-93-332-1754-5
PATIL VAISHALI MANIKRAO (2017-04-10). Hepatitis C Virus: QSAR studies on polymerase inhibitors. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN:978-3-330-08402-5
NITIN GIRDHARWAL (2018-07-31). The Essence of Business Research Methodology. Shri Kala Prakashan , New Delhi. ISBN:9789390000000
NITIN GIRDHARWAL (2011-02-01). Professional Journal of Library and Informational Technology. Shri Kala Prakashan , New Delhi. ISBN:9767574
JAGANNATH SAHOO (2014-05-01). Practical Book of Pharmaceutics-1. Nirali Prakashan. ISBN:9789390000000
HIMANSHU SHARMA (2018-08-01). Modulations and Error Control Codes for Wireless Sensor Networks. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishers, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN:9783660000000
AWADHESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA (2017-09-19). “Seam Carving in Image and Video: An Optimization�. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN:978-3-659-87973-9
ASHU MITTAL (2018-07-28). Nutriose-Eudragit coated pellets for colon targeted drug delivery:Anovel approach. LAP Lambert academic publishing. ISBN:9786200000000
ASHU MITTAL (2013-06-01). Mathematical aspects and IVIVC development of extended release products.. LAP Lambert academic publishing. ISBN:9786140000000
ANKUR BHARDWAJ (2009-05-07). Introduction to Mobile Computing. JBA Publishers. ISBN:9789380000000
ANIL KUMAR AHLAWAT (2012-01-10). Multidimensional Data Visualization using Self Organizing Maps. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN:978-3-659-81817-2
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2013-01-21). Management of Working Capital. Global Academic Publisher. ISBN:978-81-921055-6-7
AMIT KUMAR ARORA (2015-08-20). Financial Management. Global Academic Publisher. ISBN:978-93-81695-22-7
ALANKAR SRIVASTAVA (2013-12-22). Adulteration Analysis of Some Foods and Drugs. Bentham. ISBN:978-1-68108-676-7
ADESH KUMAR PANDEY (0000-00-00). Empowering Multimedia with Data Mining and Warehousing. educreation publishing. ISBN:978-1-5457
Dr. Amit kumar Gupta (2019-11-01). Design and analysis of Algorithms. Charulatha Publications, Chennai. ISBN:978-93-90614-70-7
Dr. Amit kumar Gupta (2021-02-01). Mobile Computing. Magnus Publications, Chennai. ISBN:978-81-94191-75-9
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth (). Blockchain and Government. CRC Press. ISBN:9781000515275
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (). Process Mining Techniques for Pattern Recognition- Taylor & Francis Group. Taylor & Francis . ISBN:9781003169550
Prof. Anjali Jain (). Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review. Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. ISBN:2367-3389
Dr Archana Sharma (). Profit-maximization inventory model with stock-dependent demand. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. ISBN:9781003089636
Dr.Deepti Seth (). Modren Research and Application in Mathematical Science. Rubicon Publications. ISBN:978-1-913482-14-5
Dr.Deepti Seth (). Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. P. K Education. ISBN:978-93-94919-00-6
nitin kumar saxena (). Artificial Neural Network-Based Automatic Generation Control for Two-Area Nuclear-Thermal System. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-7664-2
nitin kumar saxena, Varn Gupta (). Reactive Power Requirement for Operating Wind-Driven Micro Grid in the Presence of Several Proportions and Classes of Static Load. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-7472-3
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (). Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-7472-3
Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena (). Spectrogram as an Emerging Tool in ECG Signal Processing. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-4221-0
Varun Gupta (). Attractor plot as an emerging tool in ECG signal processing for improved health informatics. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-4221-0
D Blandina Miracle (). Renewable Energy Integration to the Grid: A Probabilistic Perspective; cHAPTER 2: Technical Challenges
in Renewable
Generations and Their
Integration to Grid. CRC Press T & F. ISBN:YET TO BE GIVEN
Kapil Gandhi (). Voltage Issues in Power Networks with Renewable Power Generation. CRC Press T & F. ISBN:YET TO BE GIVEN
Sudhir Kumar Singh (). Enhanced Operation of Grid-Connected Inverter to Improve Power Quality Issues, Harmonic Compensation with the Proposed Novel Approach. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-7392-4
Brijesh Singh (). Generators’ revenue augmentation in highly penetrated renewable M2M coordinated power systems. Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN:ISBN: 9780323916998
Nitin kumar saxena (). Optimal Allocation of Electric Vehicles Charging Station in Distribution Network Beside DG Using TSO. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-19-0979-5
Dr. Parita Jain (). Intelligence of Things: AI-IoT Based Critical-Applications and Innovations. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-82800-4
Dr. Parita Jain (). Applications of Computational Science in Artificial Intelligence. IGI GLOBAL. ISBN:9781799890126
Abhas Kanungo (). GA and PSO Based Optimization for Benchmark Thermal System Using Wavelet-Based MRPID Controller. Springer. ISBN:978-981-15-5312-7
Dr. Hunny (). Factor Responsible and Phases of Speaker Recognition System. IET. ISBN:978-1-83953-533-8
Dr Parvin Kumar (). A Review of Radio over Fiber Transmission based on Linearization Technique for emerging wireless network. Springer. ISBN:978-981-16-6459-5
Dr Parvin Kumar (). Attractor plot as an emerging tool in ECG signal processing for improved health informatics. Springer. ISBN:978-981-16-4222-7
Rajeev Kumar (). Power System Economics. Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030. ISBN:ISBN 978-93-5099-666-9
Rajeev Kumar (). Power Generation and Economics. Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030. ISBN:ISBN 978-93-332-1754-5
Rajeev Kumar (). Power System Operation and Control. Technical Publications, Amit Residency, Office No.1, Shaniwar Peth, Pune-411030. ISBN:ISBN 978-93-332-1460-5
Varun Gupta (). Medical Optics. Scientific International Publishing House. ISBN:ISBN 978-93-5625-091-8
Anurag Gupta (). Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2021 (ITME2021). Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registered in The Netherlands. ISBN:ISSN no:
K L A Khan (). Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2021 (ITME2021). Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registered in The Netherlands. ISBN:ISSN no:
Prof. Surbhi Vijh (1900-01-00). Process Mining Techniques for Pattern Recognition- Taylor & Francis Group. Taylor & Francis . ISBN:9781003169550
Prof. Anjali Jain (1900-01-00). Personalized Food Recommendation—State of Art and Review. Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. ISBN:2367-3389
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth (1900-01-00). Blockchain and Government. CRC Press. ISBN:9781000515275
Prof. Shrankhla Saxena (1900-01-00). Achieving Cyber Security through Deep Learning. ESN Publicatons. ISBN:978-93-90781-10-2
Prof. Rajiv Chourasiya (1900-01-00). Comparative Study of Routing Protocols in Vanets on Realistic Scenario. Springer. ISBN:978-981-15-8767-2
Prof. Dinesh Kumar (1900-01-00). Identification of Emotions from sentences Using Natural Language processing for small data Set. Springer. ISBN:2194-5365
Prof. Ila Kaushik (1900-01-00). Black Hole Attack and Its Security Measure in Wireless Sensors Networks.. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-40305-8
Surbhi Vijh (1900-01-00). Lecture notes on data engineering & telecommunication Technologies(springer). Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-25796-5
Dr. Mohit Agarwal (1900-01-00). DWSA: a secure data warehouse architecture for encrypting data using AES and OTP encryption technique. Springer. ISBN:10.1007/978-981-13-0589-4_47
Ms. Vidushi, Dr. Akash Rajak, Dr. Ajay Shrivastava (1900-01-00). Hadoop: Installation Guide on Windows
. anazon.co.uk. ISBN:978-93-5627-562-1
Prashant Agrawal and Neelam Rawat (1900-01-00). Essentials of Artificial Intelligence Models, Algorithms and Applications. GCS Publishers Hyderabad, Telangana-500055. ISBN:978-93-94304-50-5
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security: Current Trends and Future Prospects. Wiley. ISBN:9781119761655 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare System. Wiley. ISBN:9781119764175 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Cyber Security: An approach to secure IoT from cyber attacks using Deep Learning. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. ISBN:978-0367562854 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for pandemics. Wiley- Scrivener. ISBN:978-1-119-76879-1 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare System. Wiley. ISBN:9781119764175 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Handbook of Machine Learning for Computational Optimization: Applications and Case Studies. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003138020 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Federated Learning: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-85558-1 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Artificial Intelligence for Smart Data Storage in Cloud-Based IoT. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-86748-5 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). An overview of low power hardware architecture for edge computing devices. ELSEVIER. ISBN:9780323905480 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). AI- and IoT-Based Architecture in Healthcare. Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:978-1-003-20196-0 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Blockchain Technology Based Healthcare Supply Chain Management. Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:978-1-003-20196-0 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Handbook of Machine Learning for Computational Optimization: Applications and Case Studies. Taylor & Francis Group,2&4 Park Square, Abingdon, OX14 4RN. ISBN:
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for pandemics. Wiley- Scrivener. ISBN:
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies. Taylor & Francis Group,2&4 Park Square, Abingdon, OX14 4RN. ISBN:-
Subhash Chandra Gupta (1900-01-00). BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH PYTHON. SIPH, 32B, Mazhuppan Street, Mannargudi, Tamilnadu, INDIA-614001. ISBN:ISBN : 978-93-5625-174-8
Pushpa (1900-01-00). AI and Blockchain Technology in 6G Wireless Network. 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore. ISBN:To be Scopus
Ayasha Malik, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Avinashkumar (2022-09-27). Implementation of smart healthcare system using AI, IoT and Blockchain. Springer. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi (2018-10-19). , Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Vidyarthi, Deo Prakash (2011-01-01). A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model (2010). IGI Global. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Singh, M., Gupta, P.K., Tyagi, V., Flusser, J., Ören, T., Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-04-12). Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (2019). Springer Singapore. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Richa Singh, Arunedra Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya (2020-09-10). Advancements in Security and Privacy Initiatives for Multimedia Images(2020). IGI Global. ISBN:9781799827955 (Book Chapter)
Arunedra Singh, Richa Singh, Pronaya Bhattacharya (2020-03-03). Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering (2020). Springer. ISBN:978-981-15-2369-4 (Book Chapter)
Ayasha Malik, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Avinashkumar (2022-09-27). Implementation of smart healthcare system using AI, IoT and Blockchain. Springer. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Deo Prakash Vidyarthi (2018-10-19). , Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rekha Kashyap and Vidyarthi, Deo Prakash (2011-01-01). A Security Prioritized Computational Grid Scheduling Model (2010). IGI Global. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Singh, M., Gupta, P.K., Tyagi, V., Flusser, J., Ören, T., Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-04-12). Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (2019). Springer Singapore. ISBN: (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (2022-04-28). Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies. Taylor & Francis. ISBN:1/ISBN 10-1032063416
Dr. Subhash Chandra Gupta (2022-04-22). BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH PYTHON. SIPH. ISBN:First/ISBN : 978-93-5625-174-8
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). The Smart Cyber Ecosystem for Sustainable Development: Principles, Building Blocks and Paradigms. Wiley. ISBN:9781119761655 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). IoT enabled Effective Healthcare Monitoring System using Semantic Web. Wiley. ISBN:9781119764175 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. ISBN:978-0367562854 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Covid 19 and Machine Learning Approaches to deal with the Pandemic. Wiley- Scrivener. ISBN:978-1-119-76879-1 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). IoT enabled Effective Healthcare Monitoring System using Semantic Web. Wiley. ISBN:9781119764175 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (1900-01-00). Deep Learning approaches for Traffic Sign Recognition on Embedded Systems. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003138020 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Federated Learning for IoT Applications. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-85558-1 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Transforming Management with AI, Big-Data, and IoT. Springer. ISBN:978-3-030-86748-5 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). 5G IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Healthcare. Elsevier. ISBN:9780323905480 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies. Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:978-1-003-20196-0 (Book Chapter)
Dr Pushpa (1900-01-00). Transformation in Healthcare with Emerging Technologies. Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:978-1-003-20196-0 (Book Chapter)
Neelam Rawat, Prashant Agarwal, Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology / Covid’19 virus life progress span by using machine learning algorithms. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York. ISBN:978-10-03150-66-4 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (1900-01-00). Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science Research Trends and Challenges/ Review of Decentralized Smart System. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York. ISBN:978-10-03097-18-1 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology / The instrument to measure happiness at workplace. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, New York. ISBN:978-10-03150-66-4 (Book Chapter)
Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). Green Engineering and Technology: Concepts and Applications/ Systematic Study of VANET: Applications, Challenges, Threats, Attacks, Schemes and Issues in Research. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN:978-036-77-5805-9 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). Dark Web Pattern Recognition and Crime Analysis Using Machine Intelligence / Machine Learning Models in Detecting Cyber Crimes and Cyber Terrorism in India. IGI Gbobal. ISBN:978-166-84-3944-9 (Book Chapter)
Vidushi, Akash Rajak, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, and Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). A Proactive Improvement Towards Digital Forensic Investigation Based on Deep Learning. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9781774638712 (Book Chapter)
Shweta Singh (1900-01-00). Performance of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model in Software Engineering – A Survey. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9780367816414 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (1900-01-00). Artificial Intelligence. Sruti Publications, Chennai. ISBN:978-81-948630-0-7
Akash rajak, Vidushi (1900-01-00). Algorithms and numerical in computer graphics. Thakur publication. ISBN:978-93- 5480-192-1
Veena Parihar (2023-06-09). AI Models for Blockchain-Based Intelligent Networks in IoT Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications/Empowering Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Toward Smart Healthcare Systems. Springer International Publishing. ISBN:978-3-031-31952-5
Veena Parihar (2023-06-09). From Smart Devices to Smarter Systems: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) with Characteristics, Architecture, Use Cases and Challenges. Springer International Publishing. ISBN:978-3-031-31952-5
Veena Parihar (2023-02-26). Blockchain-Powered Smart E-Healthcare System: Benefits, Use Cases, and Future Research Directions. Springer International Publishing. ISBN:978-3-031-22922-0
Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2022-10-20). A Proactive Improvement Toward Digital Forensic Investigation Based on Deep Learning. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003277224
Sapna Juneja (2022-10-21). Industry 4.0 with artificial intelligence and their applications in mechanical engineering. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781032201986
Sapna Juneja (2022-10-21). IoT Applications for Healthcare. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781032201986
Sapna Juneja (2022-10-21). Plant Disease Detection by Imaging sensors, Deep Learning and Machine Learning”. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781032201986
Bhawna (2023-06-09). AI Models for Blockchain-Based Intelligent Networks in IoT Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications/Empowering Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Toward Smart Healthcare Systems. Springer International Publishing. ISBN:978-3-031-31952-5
Bhawna (2023-06-09). From Smart Devices to Smarter Systems: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) with Characteristics, Architecture, Use Cases and Challenges. Springer International Publishing. ISBN:978-3-031-31952-5
Sachin Kumar (2022-12-26). Additive manufacturing process based EOQ model under the effect of pandemic COVID.19 on non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price dependent demand.. CRC Press. ISBN:9781003360001 (Book Chapter)
Sachin Kumar (2023-04-14). A Reliable Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Multivariate Demand Under Time Dependent Deterioration.. CRC Press. ISBN:9781003140092 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2022-08-01). Plant Disease Detection Using Imaging Sensors, Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Smart Farming. CRC. ISBN:9781003322597 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2022-07-14). IoT Application for Healthcare. CRC. ISBN:9781003322597 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Neelam Sharma (2023-04-26). Smart Waste Management System Using a Convolutional Neural Network Model. Big Data, Cloud Computing and IoT: Tools and Applications, 2023, pp. 201–214. ISBN:9781003298335
Arti Sharma (2023-07-25). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Farming Using Cloud Computing. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003319238
Sapna Juneja (2023-07-25). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Farming Using Cloud Computing. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003319238
Sapna Juneja (2023-07-25). Building Integrated Systems for Healthcare Considering Mobile Computing and IoT. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003319238
Sapna Juneja (2023-01-27). Heart Disease Prediction utilizing a Machine Learning System as well as Future Prediction using Virtual Reality. Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-323-98381-5
Harsh Khatter (2023-07-25). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Scientific International Publishing House. ISBN: 978-93-5757-293-4
Sapna Juneja (2023-07-25). Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart Applications. Taylor and Francis. ISBN:9781003319238
Dr. Richa Agarwal (2023-05-30). Vector Algebra. Paradise press. ISBN:
Dr. Barkha Rohtagi (2023-05-30). Vector Algebra. Paradise press. ISBN:
Shweta Singh (1900-01-00). Cloud-Based Architecture for Effective Surveillance and Diagnosis of COVID-19. WILEY on line Library. ISBN:9781119905233 (Book Chapter)
Shweta Singh and Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). Integration of IoT with Cloud Computing for Smart Applications. CRC Pres, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:9781003319238 (Book Chapter)
Shalika (1900-01-00). Advances in information communication technology and computing. Springer. ISBN:ISBN 978-981-19-9887-4 ISBN 978-981-19-9888-1 (eBook) (Book Chapter)
Dr Rekha Kashyap , Veena Parihar (2023-08-30). 5G and Beyond/Security Attacks and Vulnerability Analysis in Mobile Wireless Networking. Springer. ISBN:978-981-99-3668-7 (Book Chapter)
Dr Rekha Kashyap, Ms. Veena Parihar (2023-08-30). 5G and Beyond/Security Attacks and Vulnerability Analysis in Mobile Wireless Networking. Springer. ISBN:978-981-99-3668-7Published: 29 August 2023 (Book Chapter)
Harsh Khatter (2023-10-05). Machine Learning with Python. Scientific International Publishing House, Tamil Nadu, India. ISBN: 978-93-5757-555-3
Arti Sharma, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2024-03-08). Machine Learning and Its Application in Educational Area. Wiley Publications. ISBN:9781394188093
DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ (2023-12-30). Cloud Computing Technology and Applications. JEC PUBLISHER, Mughalsarai, UP. ISBN:978-93-90614-70-7
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2024-04-01). Meta Heuristic Algorithm for Advanced Distributed System ,. Wiley. ISBN:978-81-94191-75-9
DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ (2023-11-14). Analysis of Neural Network and Neuromorphic Computing with hardware- A Survey. TYLOR AND FRANCIS. ISBN:9781003398066 (Book Chapter)
Shrankhla Saxena (2023-11-14). Analysis of Technology Research and ADHD with neurodivergent Reader- A Survey. TYLOR AND FRANCIS. ISBN:9781003398066 (Book Chapter)
Vinay Kumar (2023-12-20). Analysing of Heterogeneous Perceptions of a Mutually Dependent Health Ecosystem System-Survey. TYLOR AND FRANCIS. ISBN:9781003405368 (Book Chapter)
DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ (2023-12-20). Challenges and Future Directions of Fuzzy System in Healthcare Systems- A Survey. TYLOR AND FRANCIS. ISBN:9781003405368 (Book Chapter)
DR. MANISH BHARDWAJ (2023-12-01). A Systematic Study of Networking Design for Co-Working Space. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). ISBN:9781032669663 (Book Chapter)
swasti singhal (2023-12-01). Live Virtual Machine Migration towards Energy Optimization in Cloud Datacenters. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). ISBN:9781032669663 (Book Chapter)
MANISH BHARDWAJ (2024-03-03). Efficient-driven Approaches Related to Meta-Heuristic Algorithms using Machine Learning Techniques. WILEY. ISBN:9781394188062 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rohit Vashisht (2024-03-03). Security and Privacy issues in Distributed Healthcare system- A Survey. WILEY. ISBN:9781394188062 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Rohit Vashisht (2024-03-03). Implementation and Analysis of Proposed Model in a Distributed e-Healthcare System. WILEY. ISBN:9781394188062 (Book Chapter)
Garima Singh (2024-02-15). Integration of IoT in renewable energy for smart cities. CRC Press. ISBN:9781032669809 (Book Chapter)
Dr. Meeta Chaudhry (0000-00-00). Mining Standardized EHR Data: Exploration, Issues, and Solution. Bentham Science Publishers Pte. Ltd. Singapore. ISBN:978-981-5179-12-5 (Book Chapter)
(2024-04-22). Performance Analysis of Load Balancing Algorithm with Cloud Computing A Survey. CRC Press. ISBN:9781003432869 (Book Chapter)
(2024-02-15). Power Electronics & IoT in Connected Electric Vehicles for Smart Cities. CRC Press. ISBN:9781032669809
(2024-05-01). Integrating Generative AI in Education to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. IGI Global. ISBN:
(2024-02-14). Power electronics and IoT for electric vehicles in smart cities. TAYLOR & FRANCIS. ISBN:9781032669809
(2024-05-01). A Comprehensive Study of Bio-Informatics With Machine Learning. IGI Global. ISBN:9798369318744
(2024-05-01). A Comparative Analysis of Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches. IGI Global. ISBN:9798369318744
(2024-06-01). An Overview of the Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Domain. TAYLOR & FRANCIS. ISBN:9781032855332
(2024-06-01). Shaping Tomorrows Minds: The Future of Education in an AI (Artificial Intelligence)-Augmented World. IGI global. ISBN:9798369324400
Yaduvir Singh (2004-06-01). SwitchGear & Protection. Vayu Education of India. ISBN:9789380000000
Satish Kumar (2023-01-20). Renewable energy integration to grid: A probabilistic approach. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN:-
Rajeev Kumar (0000-00-00). Power System Economics. Technical Publications. ISBN:978-93-5099-666-9
Rajeev Kumar (0000-00-00). Power Generation and Economics. Technical Publications. ISBN:978-93-332-1754-5
Natwar S. Rathore (1905-07-13). A Scientific Study on Effect of Polarization in Calculation of Rain Attenuation using ITU-R Model. Springer Nature. ISBN:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4080-0_35
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2021-01-01). Techno-Economic Analysis of Diesel/Wind/PV/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Androth Island. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-33-4080-0
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2021-01-01). Performance Analysis of PV Array Connection Schemes Under Mismatch Scenarios. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-33-4080-0
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2022-01-01). Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-16-7472-3
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2023-05-23). To Design an Optimal PV/Diesel/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-99-0969-8
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2023-05-23). To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:978-981-99-0969-8
Mohammad Shariz Ansari (2024-06-18). A Review of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Techniques for Photovoltaic Array Under Mismatch Conditions. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:978-1394166428
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-16). A Comprehensive Review on Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Efficient Power System Operation. Springer. ISBN:978-981-97-5717-6
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-16). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications for Sustainable Development. Taylor & Francis. ISBN:9781032742144
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-14). Modeling and Analysis of Autonomous Hybrid Green Microgrid System for the Electrification of Rural Area. Wiley. ISBN:9781119804017
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-12). Optimal Power Flow and its Vindication in Deregulated Power Sector. Springer. ISBN:978-981-16-2354-7
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-12). Techno-Economic Assessments of Green Hybrid Microgrid. Springer. ISBN:978-981-15-7994-3
Ankur Maheshwari (1905-07-12). Technoeconomic Feasibility and Sensitivity Analysis of Off-Grid Hybrid Energy System. Springer. ISBN:978-981-16-2354-7
Kapil Gandhi (0000-00-00). Voltage Issues in Power Networks with Renewable Power Generation. CRC Press T & F. ISBN:Yet to be given
Dr. Himanshu Sharma (2021-01-01). Solar Energy System Based Power Management in Wireless Sensor Nodes For Smart Agricultural Control And Monitoring. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201911025137 A
Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Parth Dogra, Priyansh Shankhdhar, Naveen, Priyank Garg, Ritvi Sachdeva (2020-09-04). A Gesture Recognition System And Method. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011026116 A
Dr. Parvin Kumar, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Astitva Nigam, Ashutosh Singh, Aviral Singh, Ashu Kumar (2020-09-04). Water Management System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011026118 A
KIET, Dr. Parvin Kaushik, Dr. Amik Garg, Dr. sanjay Kr Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kr Sachan, Mr. Salim,Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Abhishek Sharma,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Dr. Shubham Shukla (2022-07-01). Health Surveillance System and method. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111017648
Mr. Manish Kumar Singh (2021-07-30). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MONITORING WELL-BEING OF AN INFANT WEARING A WEARABLE-BAND. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111030797 A
KIET, Dr. Amik Garg, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr. Sundeep Rohila, Dr. Shubham Shukla,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Dr. Parvin Kumar, Mr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Kamal, Mr. Mohit, Mr. Ankit (2021-12-10). System and method for monitoring and controlling Oxygen. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111049987 A
Dr. Pravesh Singh, Mr. Amit Kumar (2021-12-17). Assessment of disease through machine learning over big data from health care groups. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111056540 A
KIET, Dr. Neelesh Ranjan Srivastava, Satya Prakash Singh, Dr Vibahv Kr Sachan, Ankur Omer, Priyansh, Ankit, Amit, Salvi, Ujjwal, Yash, Ritvi (2022-09-16). A centralized system and method for path planning of Robots. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211027843 A
KIET, Dr. Neelesh Ranjan Srivastava, Satya Prakash Singh, Dr Vibahv Kr Sachan, Ankur Omer, Priyansh, Ankit, Amit, Salvi, Ujjwal, Yash, Ritvi (2022-09-16). An AI Based System and Method for Use with Glasses to Assist a Visually Impaired Person. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211035514
Dr. Praveen Kumar (2022-10-14). MACHINE LEARNING BASED DISEASE DETECTION USING OPENVINO TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056620 A
Mr. Balram Tamrakar (2022-12-09). A system for implementing Machine learning model using Data science for economic applications. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066580 A
Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr. Ruchita Gautam (2022-02-11). Smart E-Cycle: Ride safe and fast. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211005851
Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi (2022-02-11). Real time Smart IoT based health monitoring system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211005843
Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Mr. Mohit Tyagi (2022-02-25). Automated Hydroponic System Design Development. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008330
INVERTING BUFFERED AMPLIFIER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311032241 A
Akash Kumar Bhoi (2022-12-16). Enhanced Portable Concentrated Solar Cooker. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202231071314 A
Akash Kumar Bhoi (2023-04-28). Deep Learning based Plant growth and Harvesting Prediction device and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202331028981 A
Akash Kumar Bhoi (2022-12-30). AI-based Gharial Nest monitoring system and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202231076022 A
Dr. Parvin Kaushik,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Parul Grover (1900-01-00). Electric Board with touch switch and smart socket (Open). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:354930-001
Ms. Shrankhla Saxena (1900-01-00). METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK USING FAULT MITIGATION TECHNOLOGY. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021106330
Dr. Ankit Kumar (2021-09-24). Advanced Fire Detection And Passenger Alerting System Based On Iot For Indian Transportation (Railway) Sector. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141041003 A
Ms. Sapna Yadav (2021-10-29). Collective movement prediction and learning model for team sports. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141042396 A
Mr. Youddha Beer Singh (2021-11-19). A System Based On Machine Learning For Music Selection With Noise Elimination. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:2021110514320 A
Dr. Dr. Sapna Juneja, Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-01-14). System and method for early detection and post disease care of dementia patients. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211001585 A
Mr. Prince Kumar, Ms.Khushboo Pandey (2022-03-11). AI Based SMS Spam Detection using Machine Learning Approach. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202231005713 A
Ms. Shrankhla Saxena, Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2022-03-25). Vision Based Drone Obstacle Avoidance by Deep Reinforcement Learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241013930 A
Mr. Prince Kumar, Ms.Khushboo Pandey (2022-04-22). A METHOD & SYSTEM FOR SAFE & SECURE CONVEYANCE SCHEMES IN METROPOLISES USING BLOCKCHAIN AND IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211021698 A
KIET, Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Dr. Dr. Sapna Juneja, Dr. Aadesh Pandey, Mr. Ambrish Gangal, Mr. Veepin Kumar (2022-09-09). Smart Highway Fog Prediction system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211027842 A
Ms. Sonia Deshmukh (2022-06-24). System and method for delivering public rations using an IOT-based public ration delivery system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211033347 A
Ms. Garima Singh (2022-10-28). WIRELESS SECURITY SYSTEMS POWERED BY THE INTERNET OF THINGS, AI AND ML. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211057702 A
Ms. Khushboo Pandey (2022-12-09). AN IOT-BASED SMART SYSTEM FOR HYGIENE MONITORING IN REALTIME. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066463 A
Ms. Khushboo Pandey (2022-12-16). A SYSTEM FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT ON THE RAIL NETWORK WITH THE HELP OF AI AND ML. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211067754 A
KIET, Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2023-02-24). IOT BASED SECURE SYSTEM FOR MONITORING PATIENTS USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311010127 A
Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2022-01-28). A METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURES TO MITIGATE FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003406
Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2022-02-04). A SYSTEM FOR OPERATING COMPUTING DEVICE THROUGH PUPIL AND A METHOD THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003626
Dr. Abhinav Juneja, Mr. Ambrish Gangal, Dr. Vipin Kumar (2022-02-25). Blockchain based online education content ranking. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008328
Mr. Alok Singh,Ms. Unnati Rastogi,Dr. Amit Kumar,Ms. Shweta Singh,Dr. Akash Rajak,Dr. Manish Bhardwaj,MS. Jyoti Sharma,Dr Rahat Ullah Khan,Dr Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Vinay Kumar (2023-05-26). SMART TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FOR SCHOOL AND COLLEGES USING MOBILE
APPLICATION AND IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311028853 A
Ashish Bhatnagar,Aastha Bisht,Ananya Garg,Dr. Manish Bhardwaj
MANIPULATION AND DECISION MAKING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311030137 A
Utkarsh Hans, Tarun Bhargav, Ayoushman Vasistha, Mridul Shukla, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj (2023-06-30). DESIGN AND COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TRACKING ALGORITHMS IN OPENCV. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311036063 A
Anchal Awasthi, Rahul Sonkar, Sudhanshu Singh, Apoorva saraswat, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj (2023-07-28). DESIGN THE SMART SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311033719 A
Kanika Chauhan, Silki Kharaliya, Ankit Kumar Saini (2022-07-15). DEEP LEARNING BASED INTELLIGENT WEATHER PREDICTION FOR FUTURE AGRICULTURE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211038708 A
Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). SHEET AND TUBE-BASED HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC THERMAL SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:367354-001
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2023-03-31). Implementation of Identification system using multilevel converters for active power filters. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341021299 A
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2023-05-05). DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER FUSE FAILURE DETECTION AND INFORMATION PASSING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341029235 A
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021-11-12). Deep Learning Based Fault Detection Electrical Distribution Network. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141049829 A
Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC-THERMAL (HPVT) APPARATUS WITH V-GROOVE ABSORBER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:364184-001
Dr. Sourav Diwania (1900-01-00). UVC-BASED CURRENCY STERILIZATION MACHINE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:363175-001
Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma (2019-08-02). Portable Washing Machine Cum Table Fan. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201711002043 A
Mr. Ameer Faisal (1900-01-00). Smart Solar Cultivator. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:28104
Mr. Ameer Faisal (2020-05-01). Automatic Paper Pasting Apparatus. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201811040580 A
Dr. Mr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Mr. Anmol Agarwal, Mr. Hritwik Jain, Mr. Akash Kumar, Mr. Shirshak Shukla (2020-09-04). Automated Electric Ramp. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011026117 A
Dr. Abhas Kanungo,Dr. Varun Gupta (2020-07-31). Regulation System For DC Bus Voltage And Speed Tracking Using Stepping Controller In Electric Vehicles. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202014029300
Ms.Shruti Pandey (2020-08-21). Recognition Of Human Action, Behavior Identification Using AI-Base, Machine Learning Programming. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041032597 A
Ms. Arika Singh (2020-09-04). A Predictive Accident Prevention System For Vehicle Safety On Sharp Turn On Hilly Area. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011033274 A
Dr. Varun Gupta (2020-09-25). Rail Tracks and Bridge Corrosion Simulation Analysis Using Multibody Dynamics Approach. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041040679 A
KIET, Mr. Ameer Faisal, Udit Narayan Singh, Saksham Yadav, Rajat Srivastava, Surya Prakash Pandey (2021-12-10). An Effluent Water Separating System And Method. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011044200
Dr. Varun Gupta (1900-01-00). Effective Communication System For Disabled Persons Using Neuro Signals. Australian Patent office. Application Number:2020102681
Dr. Varun Gupta (1900-01-00). Realistic Electric Load Profiling System Of Textile Mills By Considering Dynamic And Stochastic Behaviour Using GAN. Australian Patent office. Application Number:2020102678
Dr.Yatendra Chaturvedi (2020-11-20). ITPI-Steel And Mining Waste Management: Intelligent Technology And Process Management For Stell Industry And Mining Waste. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011047142 A
Ms. Arika Singh (2021-01-01). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REMOTELY CONTROLLED HOME APPLIANCES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056762 A
Dr. Brijesh Singh, Mr. Kapil Gandhi (2021-11-12). Agro Utility Vehicle (AUV). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056703 A
Mr. Ramesh Singh (1900-01-00). Self-cleaning and Germ-killing revolving public toilet for COVID-19. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021100059
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan (2021-01-15). WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION BASED ON ROAD ELECTRIC VEHICLE MOBILE CHARGING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141001285A
Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Parvin Kumar (2021-02-05). Myocardial infarction detection and local identification from integrated ECG and MRI images using Deep learning algorithms. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111003504 A
Dr. Ramesh Singh (1900-01-00). Oxygen Concentrator. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:346594-001
Dr. Natwar Singh Rathore (2022-03-25). An Implicit Approach for Power Quality Assessment and Controlling of Solar Photovoltaic Integrated Converter System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013318 A
Dr. Mr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Dr. Nitin Kumar Saxena (2022-02-11). IoT based vehicle Tire pressure maintaining System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211005858
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Dr.Arvind Kumar Sharma (2022-03-18). License Plate Detection System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012987
Dr. Ankur Singh Bist (2020-12-24). System and Method for Camera Based Cloth Fitting and Recommendation. US Patent Office. Application Number:US 2020/0402307 AI
Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra (2020-01-24). Automatic Bus Ticketing And Verification Machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201911045872 A
Dr. Dr. Parita Jain, Ms. Swati Sharma, Mr. Dayanand Sharma (2019-12-13). Data Mining Based Computer Implemented Method Of Churn Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201941050314 A
Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra, Ms. Madhu Gautam, Ms. Himanshi Chaudhary (2020-01-10). Machine To Detect Fraudulent Activity In Manually Issued Cheque. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011000752 A
Dr. Shivani Batra (2020-06-19). Electronic Vehicle Identification System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011019359 A
Ms. Neha Shukla (2020-06-12). System And Method To Predict Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041023528 A
Mr. Anand Prakash Shukla (2020-09-18). Voice Recognition System Embedded In Bluetooth Headset For Automatic Conversation Report Generation. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011029813 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey (2020-08-28). System For Mapping Drainage Lines Of A Location And Method Thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011031426 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj,Ms. Arti Sharma (2020-08-21). The Internet Of Things Based Smart Mattresses For Somnambulish (Sleepwalking) Patient. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041032387 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj (2020-08-21). Wearable Child Monitoring Device With Inbuilt Heart Rate Measurement To Protectfalling Into Abandoned Deep Bore Well. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041033007 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (2020-09-18). AI-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning, Machine Learning Programming. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011033430 A
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (1900-01-00). MHOC- Block Chain Technology: Medicine And Healthcare Observation Care Using Block Chain Technology. Australian Patent. Application Number:2020101898
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj,Ms. Arti Sharma, Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav, Mr. Aman Jolly, Mr. Rajesh Dwivedi, Ms. Amrit Kaur Saggu, Mr. Deepak Kumar, Dr. Anand Prakash Shukla, Ms. Sunidhi Sharma, Mr. Sharad Mishra, Mr. Pranit Puri, Mohd. Arsh, Mr. Kanishka Nagar (2020-10-09). Smart Electronic Induction Stove. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011038833 A
Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Ms. Madhu Gautam, Ms. Kalpna Sagar, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey (2020-10-09). COVID-19 Safety Machine For Portable Cart. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011039264 A
Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Ms. Himanshi Chaudhary, Ms. Kalpna Sagar, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (2020-10-16). COVID-19 Safe Biometric Identification Machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011040673 A
Dr. Anand Prakash Shukla, Mr. Ankur Bhardwaj, Dr. Pramod Yadav (1900-01-00). SEF: Smart Educational Framework: Smart Ai-Iot Based Educator Monitoring And Content Availability Alert System. Australian Patent. Application Number:2020102616
Ms. Arti Sharma,Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Dr. A.P. Shukla, Mr. Madan Singh, Mr. Alok Kumar Tiwari, Mr. Rahul Kumar, Dr. Pramod Kr. Yadav, Vaishali Rastogi, Mohd. Arsh, Pranit Puri, Sharad Mishra, Sunidhi Sharma (2020-11-13). Digital Gadget To Monitor Petrol Theft In Vehicles. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041046926 A
Dr. Prakash Srivastava (2020-12-04). A Vision Augmenting Smart Interactive Device To Increase Self-Dependency For Blind People. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011051208 A
Dr. Swati Sharma (1900-01-00). NOISY TEXT PREDICTION IN LARGE VOLUME CLINICAL DATA USING REINFORCEMENT LEARNING. Australian patent office. Application Number:2020103756
Dr. Dr. Parita Jain (1900-01-00). A process for improve the trustworthiness of mobile crowd sensing data collection. Australian Patent office. Application Number:2020104113
Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra, Ms. Ankit Goel (1900-01-00). SMART AND SAFE SHOPPING MART FOR COVID-19. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021100310
Anand Prakash Shukla, Sanjiv Sharma, Pramod Kumar Yadav, Anubhav Patrick, Amar Singh (KIET) (2021-03-31). Blockchain: Health Care Information Exchange using Blockchain- Based Technology. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021100430
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey (2021-02-26). Asthma Detection: Asthma Levels Detection And Alert Using Iot- Based Kit. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111005765 A
Mr. Anubhav Patrick (KIET) (2021-02-26). Smart Surveillance System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111007706 A
Ms. Neha Shukla (1900-01-00). Internet of Things (loT) System and Method for Smart Hotel Location and Internal Status Update. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021101733
Anand Prakash Shukla, Anubhav Patrick (KIET) (1900-01-00). Items Selecting Recommender System Using AI- Based and Deep Learning Programming. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021101819
Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta (2021-08-06). Group Signature based security technique for privacy identity information protection in blockchain. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202121031204 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (1900-01-00). SMART PAPER WEIGHT WITH PRODUCTIVITY TRACKING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:347763-001
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Dr. Kalpna Sagar, Ms. Madhu Gautam, Ms. Himanshi Chaudhary, Ms. Preeti Garg (2021-10-01). A patient health monitoring system using artificial intelligence, machine learning and IOT network and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041403
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Bhoopendra Kumar (2021-10-15). Vehicle seat vacancy identification using IOT and Image processing technique. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111043806 A
Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat (2021-10-29). Machine Learning Model for Work-life balance. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111045836 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (2021-10-29). Design of a machine learning-based intelligent drowsiness detection system to avoid accidents. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141046348 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (2021-10-29). Machine learning algorithm-based automatic sign language recognition system for digital hardware implementation. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141047829 A
Mr. Dr. Manish Bhardwaj (2021-12-03). Intelligent system to assist people during dangerous mountain trekking using Machine Learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202121048419 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (2021-12-03). Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning on Python. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141052328 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (2021-12-24). AUTOMATED KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS DETECTION IN X-RAY IMAGES USING OPENCV - DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202121052678
Shweta Rani (2022-01-07). MOTION ASSISTANCE DEVICE FOR CRIPPLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111061883 A
Mr. Vipin Deval (2022-08-05). A System for communication based on IoT/ Raspberry Pi & GSM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202231041761 A
Dr. Swati Sharma (2022-10-21). AN AI-BASED SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR PROVIDING RAPID, PRECISE CARDIAC CARE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056072 A
Dr. Parita Jain (2022-10-21). The Novel routing Protocol for efficient network topology in smart grid Infrastructure. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202231059317 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Saurav Chandra (2022-10-28). AI-BASED FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM USING DEEP RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211060513 A
Dr. Parita Jain (2022-11-11). REVISITING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN INDIAS BANKING SECTOR. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202221062975 A
Dr. Swati Sharma (2022-12-16). A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT THROUGH VISUAL GEOGRAPHICAL MONITORING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211069212 A
Dr. Purnendu Shekhar Pandey (2023-01-13). Smart Intelligent Wheelchair for Assisting Disabled Athletes using Compensation Algorithm. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241073886 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi, Prem Prakash Agrawal, Dr. Sushil Kumar,Tarun Kumar (1900-01-00). AI BASED WRIST BAND FOR WOMEN
SAFETY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:376261-001
Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat (2022-01-28). SAFE BALCONY SYSTEM AND A METHOD FOR ESCAPING CASUALTIES THEREFROM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003218
Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat (2022-02-04). A TRAFFIC SIGNAL DETECTION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003703
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. Sanjiv Sharma (2022-02-25). Stock trading with deep reinforcement learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008158
Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-04-29). IoT Based Fake News Detection System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012015
Hriday Kumar Gupta (2023-07-14). A NOVEL METHOD FOR PROTECTING PRIVACY AND ENSURING INTEGRITY OF BIG DATA IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311040286 A
Mr. Umang Rastogi (2022-07-22). AI-based early detection of lung cancer and classifying its stages using machine learning algorithm. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241038946 A
Mr. Kumar Kaushik (2022-12-02). HAIRCUT PATTERN DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHM TO IDENTIFY DEVIATION.. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066576 A
Mr. Sachin Rathore,Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan, Ms. Neha Singh, Mr. Sanjay Verma (1900-01-00). Digging Tool. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:296188
Mr. Sachin Rathore,Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan (2019-11-29). A Method For Preparation Of Aluminum-Based Metal Matrix Surface Composite Material. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201911046551 A
Dr. Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2019-12-20). Vulcanizing Ficture Machine For Tyre And Detection Method Thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201921052332 A
Mr. Neeraj Kumar (2020-10-30). IOT BASED SMART MANAGEMENT OF AUTONOMOUS GUIDED VEHICLE IN SMART INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202021043697 A
KIET, Mr. Sharad Mishra, Mr. Divyansh Chauhan, Mr. Sumukh Dev, Mr. Sachin Rathore, Dr. K.L.A. Khan (2021-11-19). An Ergonomic study table considering COVID-19 situation. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111017647
Dr. Anurag Gupta (1900-01-00). Burnishing tool. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:348093-001
Dr. Pratibha Kumari (1900-01-00). A Novel Apparatus for Controlling Energy in a Solar Disinfection System. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021106403
Dr. Anurag Gupta, Mr. Ranjeet Kumar, Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan (2021-10-29). Design of Creel for pultrusion system for manufacturing of continuous fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite profile. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111047688 A
Mr. Kuldeep Singh (2021-12-10). Design and Modelling of IOT based cotton Picker cum Boom Sprayer. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141055041 A
Dr. Neha Bhadauria, Mr. Prashant Vashishtha (2022-03-04). Analysis of Welding Speed Impact on Tensile Strength of Welded Joint in TIG Welding Process. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009423 A
Mr. Kuldeep Singh, Ms. Smriti Mishra (2022-03-04). Process Parameters of Friction STIR Welding of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009420 A
Mr. Kuldeep Singh, Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh, Mr. Ankur Sachdeva, Ms. Kumari Archana, (2022-03-04). EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR ROTARY UNDERWATER LASER TEXTURING ON PISTON RING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009422 A
Mr. Shubham Rai, Mr.Sachin rathore,Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan, Dr. Rupesh Chalisgaonker, Mr. Ankit Verma (1900-01-00). Foldable E- Bike. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:368074-001
Dr. Ashish Karnwal, Dr. Rupesh Chalisgaonkar (2022-03-18). Smart Cooling System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013572
Dr. Ashish Karnwal, Dr. Subodh Kumar Sharma (2022-02-25). Water Based Air Cooler for evenly cooling an enclosed space. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008329
Kuldeep Singh (2023-07-21). PROCESS PARAMETERS EVALUATION OF CNC TURNING MACHINE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311042296 A
Dr. Sanjeev Singh (2020-10-02). Decision Support System For Energy And Environment Saving. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041040604 A
KIET, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Dr. Amninder Singh Nayyar, Aman Sengar, Aryan Jaiswal, Avneesh Patel, Brij Mohan Prajapati (2021-11-12). Air Purifier. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056702 A
KIET, Dr. Shailendra K. Tiwary, Dr. Ravindra Gautam, Mr. Harshit Patel, Mr. Shashank Srivastava, Mr. Dharmesh Sadh, Mr.Mohit Verma (2021-11-12). Facade System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056704 A
KIET, Dr. Atul Kant Piyoosh, Mr. Ayush Kumar, Mr. Harshvardhan, Mr. Himank Sharma, Mr. Himanshu Singh, Mr. Anurag Tiwari (2021-11-12). Air Cleaning Device. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056705 A
KIET, Mr. Siddharth Jain, Mr. Yasir Karim, Mr. Bhavesh Kumar Singh, Ms. Sunistha Mishra, Mr. Prakhar Kumar, Mr. Harshit Saxena (2021-11-12). Smoke Absorber. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056967 A
Dr. Sanjeev Singh (2021-04-02). A microbial consortium for treatment of industrial wastewater and a method therefor. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111013581
Dr. Sanjeev Singh (1900-01-00). An Automated Plantation Health Monitoring System And Method thereof. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021103499
Dr. Sanjeev Singh (1900-01-00). A Methyl Hg Contaminated Industrial Waste Treatment . Australian patent office. Application Number:2021103856
Dr. Sanjeev Singh (1900-01-00). Novel Crop Recognition Technique for Weed Control of Self life of Crops & Humans. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021105625
Mr. Ankush Chaudhary (1900-01-00). A High-performance concrete (HPC) Composition. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021106218
Mr. Hemant Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Mr. Yasir Karim (2022-02-04). A City Respirator with Two level of Purification. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004346 A
Mr. Siddharth Jain, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Ms. Shweta Singh, Mr. Sarvpriya Sharma, Mr. Ayush Jain, Ms. Shikha Tyagi, Mr. Vikas Sharma, Dr. Kumal Bisht, Ms. Shivali Tyagi (2022-02-18). EMERGENCY ROAD-SIDE ASSISTANCE FOR SMART HIGHWAYS USING MACHINE LEARNING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211007204 A
Mr. V. Varna Vishakar (2022-04-08). Design system of IoT driven Eyeball and Gesture-Controlled Smart Wheelchair System for disabled person. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241019060 A
Mr. Siddharth Jain (1900-01-00). WALKING STICK FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PERSON. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:376206-001
Ayush Kumar, Ankush Chaudhary (1900-01-00). AN AIR FILTER UNIT FOR TWO-WHEELER
VEHICLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:351081-001
Dr. Sachin Kumar (2020-06-26). A New Approach For Estimation Of EIGEN Value And EIGEN Vector. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011022086 A
Dr. Sheetal Mital, Mr. Vishal Jaiswal, Mr. Divyansh Chauhan, Mr. Sumukh Dev, Mr. Sumit Kumar (1900-01-00). Dust Bin. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:335335-001
Dr. Archana Sharma (2021-04-02). IOT Based Wearable Stress Level Detector. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111013187 A
Dr. Richa Agarwal (2021-10-01). Blockchain-based secure, reliable, and distributed voting system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041201 A
Dr. Sweta Shukla (2021-11-19). Intelligent System For Management Of Healthcare Recourses In Hospital Using Data Mining & Machine Learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111051627 A
Dr. Sachin Kumar (2021-12-17). A system for mathematical representation of various physical systems using interactive graphic user interface and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111057737 A
Dr. Sweta Shukla, Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Sharma, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Kapil Kumar Sharma, Ms. Ananya Garg, Mr. Pranay Verma (2022-04-01). Smart Architecture to Examine the health of the water body nearby villages. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211018005
Dr. Prarthana Srivastava (2023-01-20). A SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC WATERING SYSTEM FOR INDOOR PLANTS BASED ON CLOUD, ML & IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001648 A
COMMUNICATIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311031662 A
Dr Ekata, Dr Ritu Gupta,Dr Chandra Mohan Batra,Ms. Akanksha Gupta,Ms. Prakriti (2023-07-21). AN AI BASED SYSTEM FOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF SOLAR-TRANSFORMER CONSUMPTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311044510 A
Dr. Neelam Sharma (2023-05-12). THE IMPACT OF USING AUTOMATION IS TRANSFORMING THE SUPPLY CHAIN INDUSTRY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202321026411 A
Ms. Sapna Yadav (2022-03-25). MITIGATING ROAD ACCIDENTS THROUGH IOT ENABLED DEVICE AT CONTROLLED SECTION OF EXPRESSWAY.. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211014672 A
Ms. Sapna Yadav (2022-04-08). DEBIT CARD OR CREDIT CARD ENABLED SMART VENDING MACHINE FOR COLLECTION OF TOKENS AT METRO STATIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211019845 A
Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Ms. Sapna Yadav (2022-05-06). IOT ENABLED DEVICE FOR OLA AND UBER DRIVERS TO AVOID MOBILE PHONE DURING DRIVING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211025664 A
Ms. Ankita Sharma, Tanushree Sanwal (2022-07-22). EFFECT OF FINTECH AND PAYMENTS IN REGULATING DIGITAL PAYMENT SERVICES AND E-MONEY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211040521 A
Dr. Amit Kumar Arora (1900-01-00). EXPENDITURE DETECTING DEVICE FOR OFFICE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:373277-001
Dr. Sapna Yadav (2023-01-13). INTERNET OF THINGS ENABLED TEMPERATURE AMBIENT MILK PAN TO AVOID SPILLING OF MILK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001555 A
Dr. Sapna Yadav (2023-01-20). INCORRECT GYM EXERCISE DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHM TO IDENTIFY DEVIATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311002990 A
Dr. Prateek Gupta, Dr.Deepa (1900-01-00). Smart- Rank Matrix. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:1209/2020-CO/L
Dr. Mrinal Verma (2021-11-26). Analysis Of Skills, Tools And Decision-Making Styles In Practice. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202121052099 A
Dr. Deepa
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Dr. Ranchay Bhateja,
Dr. Mani Tyagi (2022-02-04). A SYSTEM FOR BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING IN ERP IMPLEMENTATION AND METHOD THEROF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004042 A
Sapna Yadav (2022-02-04). WALL MOUNTED AUTOMATIC FOLDABLE SEAT WITH SAFTEY BELT IN CHAIR CAR TRAINS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004408 A
Sapna Yadav (2022-03-04). IDENTIFYING THE POSITION OF CAR IN MULTILEVEL CAR PARKING THROUGH IOT BASED DIGITAL SCREEN.. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009464 A
Dr. Mrinal Verma (2022-05-20). DESIGN OF A SECURE WIFI BASED HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING INTERNET OF THINGS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241027054 A
THINGS BASED TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311035592 A
Ms. Tanushree Sanwal (2023-05-12). IOT based system in Car to avoid collision on National highway. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311021605 A
Dr. Daksh Bhatia (2014-08-29). Perilla Frutescens Fixed Oil: Efficacy Against Bovine Mastitis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:560/DEL/2013 A
Dr. K. Nagarajan, Ms. Parul Grover, Ms. Mayuri Mishra, Dr. Vinay Kumar (2017-08-18). Design, Synthesis & Aminoacid Composition of Fullerene Based Peptidomimetics Against Leukemia And Ovarian Cancer. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201611004953 A
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Ms. Shraddha Tomar, Ms. Neha Rani, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo (2019-11-15). A Portable and Compact Multistage Sterilization Cabinet Involving Different Mechanisms. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201811017382 A
Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Himanshu Aggarwal, Mr. Vivek Sahu, Ms. Ayushi Dwivedi (1900-01-00). Mucoadhesive Strength Analyser. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:309761
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Mr.Utsav, Ms.Aachal Arora, Ms. Akanksha (1900-01-00). Counter Current Extractor. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:312058
Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Mr.Anuj Pathak (2019-02-15). Method Development for Extraction and Isolation of Phytoconstituents Using Electrocoagulation. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201811049743 A
Dr. K. Nagarajan, Dr. Parul Grover, Dr. Roma Ghai, Ms. Garima Varshney (2019-06-14). Novel Peptidomimetics Lead as Potent Hepatoprotective Agent. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201911021626 A
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Abhay, Dr. J.Sahoo, Dr. Daksh (1900-01-00). AIR PURIFYING DEVICE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:326412001
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj (1900-01-00). A Portable Device For Thumb And Finger Sanitization. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011009870
Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr.Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Anuj Pathak (1900-01-00). Auto-Cleaning System For Experimental Animal Cages. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:328865-001
Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Mr.Satendra Kumar, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Anuj Pathak, Ms. Arpita Sahoo (2020-09-04). Apparatus And Method For Full Body Sanitization. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011018770 A
Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Mandeep Arora, Ms. Arpita Sahoo (1900-01-00). Face Mask Sanitization Device. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:329360-001
Mr. Anuj Pathak,DR. PARUL GROVER (2020-08-14). Re-Novid: A Sterization Machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202031027342 A
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Ms. Arpita Sahoo, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr.Jagannath Sahoo, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Dr.Mandeep Arora (1900-01-00). Tooth Brush. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:331745-001
KIET, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo, Dr. Daksh Bhatia, Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Anuj Pathak, Ms. Arpita Sahoo (2021-11-12). Face Mask Annhilator. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011044201
Dr. Ashu Mittal, Dr. Alankar Srivastava, Dr. K Nagarajan (2020-11-06). A HPLC -MS Method For Estimation Of Lopinavir And Ritonavir In Human Plasma Using Fluxetine . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011045306 A
Dr. Alankar Srivastava, Dr. Ashu Mittal (1900-01-00). A Device And Method For Detection Of Adulterant In Turmeric Powder. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011045305, 34514
Dr. Ashu Mittal, Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh, Ms. Anushka Jain (2020-12-11). A Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011051029 A
Dr. Ashu Mittal, Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh, Mr. Sanjeev Chauhan (2021-01-29). A formulation of multiparticulate drug delivery system utilizing powder layering technology of Ketoprofen. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111003237 A
Dr. Dr. Kiran Sharma, Dr. Jagannath Sahoo (2021-05-07). Nanoemulgel formulation for topical delivery of curcumin. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111020026A
Ms. Dr. Kiran Sharma (1900-01-00). A herbal mosquito repellant diffusing composition. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021103739
Dr. Vaishali Manikrao Patil (1900-01-00). Polyherbal Capsule As A Potential Detoxification Agent. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021104091
Dr. Vaishali Manikrao Patil (1900-01-00). AN INNOVATIVE BIOACTIVE DRESSING FOR TREATING WOUNDS USING HERBS & COW URINE. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021104295
Dr. Kiran Sharma (2021-09-10). Antihypertensive and cardioprotective agent formulation and method for preparation thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111039072A
Mr. Sanjeev Chauhan, Mr. Praveen K Dixit (2021-10-15). A system for producing hydrogen by utilizing sunlight and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111043006 A
Mr. Pankaj Bhatt (2021-11-26). An Artificial Intelligence Based Biomedical Sensing System For High Throughput Biomolecule Testing . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141049862 A
Mr. Pankaj Bhatt (2021-11-19). A Herbomineral Formulation For Treatment Of Kidney Stone Problems. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111050913 A
Dr. Garima Kapoor (2021-11-26). System For Wearable Sweat Sensor Based Device For Monitoring And Recommending Personal Physical Fitness . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111051905 A
Mr. Pankaj Bhatt (1900-01-00). BLOOD TESTING DEVICE WITH BLOOD SAMPLE PORT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:353201-001
Dr. Garima Kapoor (2021-11-26). Smart System For Assist Fully Paralyzed Person Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Model. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111053267 A
Dr. Garima Kapoor (2021-12-31). System For Wearable And Real Time Telemedical Health Care Using Artificial Intelligence And Internet Of Things. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111060104 A
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. Abhay, Dr. Daksh (2022-01-07). SANITARY NAPKIN SOLAR INCINERATOR. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111060987 A
Dr. Kiran Sharma (1900-01-00). Hair gel applicator. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:355699-001
Dr. Abhay Bhardwaj, Mr. Anuj Pathak (1900-01-00). ANTI-OBESITY DRUG DELIVERY AID CUM EXPERIMENTAL TOOL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:356043-001
Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-01-28). An IOT & Machine Learning Bases Method of Communicating a Digital Message with an Information Signal using Cloud Computing. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241002257 A
Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-01-28). THE SYSTEM AND METHOD OF FUSING DEEP LEARNING FOR PHYSICIAN INDICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS HEALTH-LIFE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002468 A
Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2022-02-11). PLANT LEAF DISEASE DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING AND IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202221003039 A
KIET, Dr. Ashu Mittal, Dr. Alankar Shrivastava, Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh (2022-02-04). FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF MUCOADHESIVE BUCCAL PATCH OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUG. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003564 A
Dr. Garima Kapoor (2022-02-04). SMART SYSTEM OF HIGH DENSITY QUICK RESPONSE INHALERS FOR CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY LUNG DISEASE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003770 A
Dr. Monika Kaurav, Dr. Richa Goel, Mr. Harsh Rastogi (2022-02-04). Alcoholic formulation of Calcarea carbonica for treatment and prevention of Inflammation diseases. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211005009 A
Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-02-25). IoT and Cloud computing based Blood Pressure and Body Temperature monitoring system using Mobile Application. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241005000 A
Mr. Surya Prakash, Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2022-02-11). ML and DL Techniques based Breast- Cancer discovery by using Relative-Analysis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241006231 A
Mr. Surya Prakash, Ms. Priya Bansal (2022-03-04). Early-Stage Prediction of Type Two Diabetes in Females using Machine Learning Algorithms and cloud Technology for health care management . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241006976 A
Ms. Priya Bansal (2022-03-04). Artificial Intelligence based Prediction and prevention of Lung Cancer using Data Mining and machine learning Techniques for Health care management . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241006973 A
Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-02-25). Internet of things & artificial intelligent based Automatic Herbicide Spraying System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241008443 A
Dr. Monika Kaurav, Mr. Mr. Sanjeev Chauhan (1900-01-00). AUTOMATIC ULTRASONIC SENSOR BASED HAND SANITIZER DISPENSER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:359019-001
Dr. Deepti Katiyar, Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-03-04). Artificial Intelligence, IoT based prevention System to Monitor and Diagnose Dengue Diseases using
Machine Learning algorithm. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241010314 A
Ms. Priya Bansal, Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2022-03-25). Artificial intelligent based detection and prevention of various Breast Cancer using Machine Learning and Big Data for health care management. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241011933 A
Mr. Surya Prakash, Dr. Deepti Katiyar (KIET) (2022-03-11). IOT And Artificial Intelligence Based Detection And Prevention Of Dengue, Malaria And Other Types Of Fevers And Frequent Diseases In India Using Machine Learning And Data Mining For Health Care Management. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012178 A
KIET, Dr. Richa Goel, Dr. K. Nagarajan (1900-01-00). Refrigeration Unit with Independent Temperature Control Multiple Compartments space. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:360128-001
Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-03-25). Deep Learning and Artificial intelligent based detection and prevention of various Cancer (Oral, Blood, Lung, Breast, Mouth, Tumor size) using Machine Learning and Data Mining for health care management. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241012899 A
Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-03-25). IoT and Cloud based Smart Agriculture device to Detect Flames using WSN and Image Processing Technique. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241013747 A
Dr. Vinay Kumar, Ms. Shipra Singhal, Dr. Deepti Katiyar, Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-03-25). Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligent Based Detection and Prevention of Various Brain Tumour Using Machine Learning and Data Mining for Health Care Management. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211014349 A
Dr. Vinay Kumar, Dr. Deepti Katiyar, Mr. Surya Prakash (2022-04-01). Automatic Health Management system for detection and prevention of breathing issues, lung cancer and other lung disease using Artificial Intelligence and image processing . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211016220 A
Dr. Garima Kapoor (1900-01-00). SMART PEN DEVICE TO MONITOR BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS WITHOUT PRICKING . GERMAN PATENT. Application Number:20 2022 101 588
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao, Ms.Priya Bansal, Dr.Abhishek Kumar, Mr.Surya Prakash (2022-04-22). AI BASED SAFE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR FERTILITY PRESERVATION FOR YOUNG
PHARMACEUTICAL USE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022421 A
KIET, Prof.(Dr.) Ashu Mittal; Dr Alankar Srivastava; Mr Debaprasad Ghosh (2022-04-29). Formulation And Evaluation Of Matrix Type Transdermal Patch Of Anti[1] Hypertensive Drug (Candesartan Cilexetil). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211023655 A
Ms. Sakshi Garg (2022-04-29). FORMULATION DEVELOPMENT OF HERBAL NANO-EMULGEL FOR TOPICAL DRUG DELIVERY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211024497 A
Ms. Sakshi Garg (1900-01-00). DEVICE FOR SYNTHESIS OF BIODIESEL FROM VEGETABLE OIL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:363358-001
FAIRY RAYS (2022-05-20). HERBAL JELLY COMPOSITION FOR TREATMENT OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211025797 A
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao (2022-05-20). Artificial Intelligence Based Prevention And Prediction Of Early Stage Breast Cancer By Analysis Of Mammogram Images Using Machine Learning, Image Segmentation
And Deep Learning Algorithms. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211027472 A
KIET, Prof.(Dr.) Ashu Mittal, Dr Alankar Srivastava, Mr Debaprasad Ghosh (2022-05-20). Formulation And Evaluation of Taste Masked Deferasirox Fast Dissolving Tablet by Ion Exchange Resin. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211027767
Dr. Lakshmi (2022-05-27). Lipid Vesicles Based Gel Formulation For The Treatment Of Atopic Dermatitis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211028718 A
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao (2022-06-10). Development and evaluation of an atenolol containing transdermal drug delivery system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211031789 A
Dr. Abhishek Kumar & Ms. Priya Bansal (1900-01-00). MINITOME: to cut the slices of biological material. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:366100-001
Ms. Priya Bansal & Dr. Abhishek Kumar (1900-01-00). Thermostatistically controlled insulated heating bucket. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:366209-001
Dr. Deepti Katiyar (2022-07-01). FORMULATION AND IN VITRO EVALUATION OF CONTROLLED RELEASE REPAGLINIDE BILAYER TABLETS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211035924 A
KIET, Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Ms. Priya Bansal, Dr. N.G.R.Rao, Mr.Piyush Mishra, Ms.Bharti Bhatiya, Mr.Prateek Tiwari, Mr.Irfan Ali, Mr.Surya Prakash, Dr.Deepti Katiyar,Mr. Vinay Kumar (2022-09-23). Method for developing chemical-induced Skin Carcinoma Model organism. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211041071 A
Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Priya Bansal, Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Kandasamy Nagarajan, Piyush Mishra, Bharti Bhatiya, Prateek Tiwari, Irfan Ali (2023-01-06). METHOD FOR DEVELOPING SKIN CARCINOMA TO SCREEN AN ANTICANCER DRUG. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056238 A
Harsh Rastogi (2022-10-21). PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF CURCUMIN FILM FORMING SPRAY FOR WOUND HEALING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211057582 A
Harsh Rastogi (2022-10-21). QUERCETIN EXTRACTION METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF MULTIDRUG- RESISTANT URINARY TRACT INFECTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211059625 A
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao (2022-11-04). Preparation of Nanocapsules based on Preformed Polymers. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211062258A
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao (2022-11-25). MODULATION OF DRUG RELEASE FROM PH-RESPONSIVE SOFT NANOCOMPOSITES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066124 A
Mr. Balwan Singh (1900-01-00). MEDICAL DEVICE FOR MEASURING BODY FLUIDS IN NEONATES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:374875-001
Mr. Anuj Pathak, Dr. N. G. Raghuvendra Rao, Dr. Monika Kaurav, Dr. Parul Grover (2022-12-23). Cloud based Technique integrated with Artificial Intelligence to Predict the heart diseases in advance and Avoiding the Sudden and Massive Heart Attacks . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071412 A
Dr. Kiran Sharma (2022-12-30). Oral dispersible tablet of Tetrahydro curcumin and preparation method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211072825 A
Dr. Alankar Shrivastava, Surbhi Kamboj, Dr. Richa Goel (2022-12-30). NALOXONE FORMULATIONS FOR SUBLINGUAL AND/OR BUCCAL ADMINISTRATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211074742 A
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Mayur Shivaji Bhosale, (1900-01-00). MOBILE AGITATOR VESSEL FOR PHARMACEUTICAL AND CHEMICAL AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:377764-001
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Dr. Richa Goel, Mr. Praveen Kumar Dixit (2022-02-25). Blockchain enabled vaccine system . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008327
Dr. K. Nagarajan, Ms. Vidhu Saxena (2022-02-25). Secure Decentralized Healthcare system for India. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008326
Dr. N.G. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Roma Ghai (2022-03-18). IoT Based Health Management System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012988
Dr. Vinay Kumar, Dr. Parul Grover (2022-03-11). IoT based Blood Bank System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012424
Mr. Mr. Sanjeev Chauhan, Dr. Garima Kapoor, Dr. Ashu Mittal, Dr. Vaishali Manikrao Patil (2022-07-08). Method for management of Solid Waste Materials. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211036877 A
Dr. Roma Ghai, Sanjeev Kumar, Shardendu Kumar Mishra, Praveen K. Dixit & Pankaj Bhatt (2023-03-17). COMPOSITION FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311016479 A
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Prof. (Dr.) N. G. Raghavendra Rao (1900-01-00). TABLET DISSOLUTION APPARATUS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:382323-001
Priya Bansal, Dr. Abhishek Kumar (1900-01-00). HEATING BUCKET. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:366209-001
Kiran Singh Sharma (1900-01-00). MOBILE PHONE HOLDER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:367702-001
Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh Dr. Ashu Mittal Ms. Anushka Jain Ms. Anamika Rajput, Ms. Rajalika Tyagi (2023-06-09). PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NUTRIOSE-EUDRAGIT COATED PELLETS
COLON THERAPEUTIC SYSTEM OF NSAID. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311032872 A
Dr. Ashu Mittal, Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh, Mr. Hemant Tomar, Mr. Ayush Sharma, Ms. Mansi Tyagi
COMPOUND TO TREAT GENARILIZED ANXIETY DISORDERS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311031966 A
Dr. Ashu Mittal, Mr. Debaprasad Ghosh, Ms. Mansi Tyagi, Mr. Ayush Sharma, Mr. Hemant Tomar
TREATMENT OF APHTHOUS ULCERS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311032870 A
Dr. Ashu Mittal,Debaprasad Ghosh,Anmol Vats, Kavita Katiyar, Harsh Srivastav (2023-07-07). FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF SOLID DISPERSION OF CURCUMIN FOR THE
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Prof. (Dr.) N. G. Raghavendra Rao (1900-01-00). Friability tester for pharmaceutical purpose. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:383115-001
Dr. Mohit Agarwal (2020-02-14). A Novel Block-Based Reinforcement Learning Move Toward For Resource Allocation In Clustered IOT Networks. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041005374 A
Dr. Nitish Pathak (2020-10-09). HBTM-Temperature And Location Monitor: Human Body Temperature, Medical Alert And Location Monitor Using Iot- Based Technology. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011038372
Dr. Nitish Pathak (2020-11-13). PINACC: PIN ATTACK DEVICE PRIMARILY USED AS A WOMEN’S SECURITY PROVISION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011047578
Dr. Nitish Pathak (1900-01-00). AIPB- Routing Protocol Verification: Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Intelligent Verification Process Based on Beagle Bone Black kit. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2020103213
Mr. Amar Singh (2020-12-11). A CHARGED DEVICE FOR CLEANING DUST. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011053273 A
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2021-04-16). IOT ENABLED OBSTRUCTION EVASION ROBOTS FOR ENHANCING THE SECURITY OF THE SYSTEMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111013252A
Dr. Ajay Agarwal, Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey (2021-04-30). UNMANNED SMART TAP FOR FILLING CONTAINER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111018312A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma (2021-04-30). A Method For Detecting Breast Cancer Using Artificial Neural Network. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111019071A
Mr. Mayank Tyagi (2021-06-11). An Apparatus for automatic accident detection and procedural post accidental incident controlling method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111021664A
Ms. Nidhi Agrawal (2021-10-15). Method and system to register a multi media attachment of electronic communication message. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111044320 A
Dr. Mayank Singh (2021-12-31). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EVALUATING USABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF A WEBSITE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111059463 A
Dr. Vikas Goel, Dr. Mayank Singh, Ms. Nidhi Goyal (2022-01-28). A VOICE CONTROLLED ELEVATOR METHOD AND DEVICE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003027 A
Charu Awasthi (1900-01-00). A HANDHELD MEDICAL TEST DEVICE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:362610-001
Ms. Deepika Kamboj (2023-01-13). ML, AND IOT BASED SMART FARMING SYSTEMS USING DISEASE DETECTION AND REAL TIME MONITORING OF THE CROPS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001563 A
Dr. Vikas Goel, Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Veepin Kumar (2022-02-04). AN IOT BASED SAFETY SYSTEM HAVING A CONTACTLESS DOORBELL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004047
Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey, Mr. Surendra Kumar Keshari (2022-02-04). FACE MASK DETECTOR. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004059
Dr. Sartaj Ahmad, Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey (2022-02-04). TELEVISION INTERACTION DISTANCE CORRECTION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004315
Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Dr. Ajay Agarwal (2022-02-25). Indoor Position tracking system with Wi-Fi re- Transmitters for survellience in critical and secure environment. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008023
Mr. Saurabh, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Archana Sharma,Dr. Sartaj Ahmad, Mr.Anurag Mishra (2023-06-02). AUTOMATED SECURITY MANAGEMENT IN EDGE COMPUTING UNDERLYING STRUCTURE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311010171 A
SAFETY DURING FLOODS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311040965 A
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth (2023-07-21). AN ARTHRITIS PHYSICAL THERAPY DEVICE BASED ON THE INTERNET OF THINGS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311040740 A
Mr. Shashank Yadav,Mr. Pramod Nath, Mr. Dinesh Kumar (2023-07-21). A DEEP LEARNING-BASED STEGANOGRAPHY IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION AND
EXTRACTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311040983 A
Mr. Dinesh Kumar (2022-10-07). SMART WRIST BAND. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211047175 A
Arin Katiyar, Atul Khajuria, Aman Tyagi,Shradha Saini,Jyoti Sharma (2023-06-23). DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CHAT ANALYZER USING NLP AND MACHINE LEARNING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311033434 A
KIET, Dr. Dr. Parita Jain, Lalit Singh Negi, Ritish Gupta (2021-12-10). Automatic Railway Gate Control System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011044202
Ms. Shivani Batra, Preeti Garg (1900-01-00). Autonomous Robotic Machine for Disease Detection in Crop Leaf. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021104038
Dr. A.P. Shukla, Mr. Anubhav Patrick, Dr. Satish Kumar, Ms. Akanksha (2021-09-10). Sale predict: predict accurate sales for walmart stores considering the impact of promotional markdown events using deep learning programming. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111037617 A
Zatin Gupta (2021-09-10). Adaptive 4D-Printed System For Highly Versatile Multi-Disciplinary Applications. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111039495 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2021-10-01). An IOT enabled edge computing power management system for a power grid and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041402 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2021-10-01). An IOT-based public ration delivery computing system and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041427 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2021-10-29). Anti-theft system based on the internet of things (IOT) to monitor unusual movements. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111047293 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Shweta Singh (2021-11-12). System for Intelligent Computer Assisted Motion Robot for Construction Work Based On Cloud Computing. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202131049816 A
Mr. Pardeep Tyagi (2021-11-26). An Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Based Automated System For Health Care . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111051850 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2021-11-26). Implementation Of Human Health Monitoring System Using IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111052153 A
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh,
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2021-12-24). A smart system and method for tracking cattles and animals. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111053366
Zatin Gupta (2021-12-10). IOT System Based On Blockchain Technology Produces A Superior Level Of Safety In Communication. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202131054332 A
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2021-12-24). Unique Identification Mark Based System and Method for Tracking of duplicate Liquor using IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111054325 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2021-12-31). Advance Crop Disease Detection System Using Cloud Computing. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111059548
Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-01-14). Smart Marking System And Method For Tracing Of Duplicate Medicines Using IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211001097 A
Ashish Bajpai, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Naveen Chauhan, Dilkeshwar Pandey, Gaurav Parashar, Neha Yadav, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (1900-01-00). A system for detecting misconceptions and network-based attacks in network traffic. German Patent and Trademark Office. Application Number:20 2022 100 122.7
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-02-04). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR HEALTH MONITORING THROUGH WEARABLES USING IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003723 A
Pardeep Tyagi (2022-02-04). To Investigate The Contribution Of Machine Learning To Control The Speed of Corona Virus Pandemic. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003986 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Baldivya Mitra, Mr.Vivek Tomar (2022-02-04). ML-BASED PRECISION FARMING USING IOT EQUIPMENTS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004355 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-02-11). System and method for analyzing the emotions of the person using smart sensors. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211006009 A
Dr. Pratik Shrivastava, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-02-25). BLOCKCHAIN, CLOUD, AI, ML-BASED CRIMINAL DIGITAL FORENSIC INVESTIGATION APPLICATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211007888 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-02-25). A SYSTEM FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BLOCKCHAIN-BASED INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211007948 A
ASSET MANAGEMENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008091 A
EDUCATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008780 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-03-18). WIRELESS SCHOOL SECURITY SYSTEM BASED ON IOT USING GSM & MICROCONTROLLER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211011246 A
Dr. Parita Jain (1900-01-00). Hexapedal Robot Assistant to provide non-contact service to customers at restaurants. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:359760-001
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-03-11). SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF BIODIESEL FROM NEEM OIL FEEDSTOCK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012030 A
Mr. Raj Kumar, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-03-18). CLOUD BASED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013100 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter, Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat (2022-07-15). DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF BLOG POSTS CURATION SYSTEM USING HYBRID COMPUTING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013188 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-03-25). SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAY ROAD BREAKAGE DETECTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211013525 A
INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015300 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-05-27). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR POTHOLES DETECTION USING VEHICLE GPS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211016652 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-04-22). IOT BASED HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM THROUGH WEARABLE SENSORS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211020425 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, D. Nishant Varshney (2022-09-09). Portable Automated Electric Vending Machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211021959 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-29). A SYSTEM & METHOD BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY FOR UNDISCLOSED DISTANT MESSAGING USING WSN & IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022668 A
Ms. Akanksha, Mr.Zatin (2022-04-29). A SYSTEM & METHOD FOR SMART IRRIGATION SYSTEM BASED ON IOT & ML. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022962 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-05-06). AI-BASED SMART VEHICLE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211025356 A
Mr. Raj Kumar, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-06-03). DETECTION OF ROAD CONDITIONS VIA GPS ENABLE SYSTEM THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211029641 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-06-17). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RECKLESS DRIVING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211032405 A
Dr. Sapna Juneja, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-07-15). REMOTE CONTROL BASED SECURED SMART HOME USING IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211035344 A
Ms. Neha Shukla, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-07-08). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MONITORING HEART BEAT AND RELATED ABNORMALITIES THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211035633
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-07-29). SMART BINS USING IOT SENSORS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211038714 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter, Abhishek Goyal, Dr. Gaurav Dubey, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-08-19). FARMING AND PLANTATION MONITORING SYSTEM USING DRONES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211044300 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter, Anjali Jain, Anil Kumar Ahlawat (2022-09-23). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SMART ASSISTANCE USING CHATBOTS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211053287 A
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-10-21). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PLANT DISEASE DETECTION USING NEURAL NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056152 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-10-28). A SMART SYSTEM FOR REAL-TIME MONITORING OF CROP FIELDS USING NIGHT VISION AND SONIC SENSORS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211057696 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-18). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PLAUSIBLE DISEASE BASED ON AI-ENABLED WEARABLE DEVICES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211063332 A
Mr. Vikas Kamra, Alankrita Singh, Priyanshu Sharma, Ritu Yadav, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-11-25). MODERN VOICE RECOGNITION TECHNIQUES BASED ONLINE QUIZZING SYSTEM FOR BLIND PEOPLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211063350 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-11-25). IMPROVED INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT USING DATA ANALYTICS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211063585 A
Mr. Akash Goel, Lokesh Verma, Khushi Chandelia, Kritika Dubey, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-11-25). ASSISTIVE CHATBOT FOR RAILWAY TICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064097 A
Ankit Yadav, Ayush Srivastava, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-25). REAL-TIME AUTOMATED DIAGNOSIS & CONSULTATION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064553 A
Mr. Raj Kumar, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-12-02). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATIC LOAD BALANCING FOR CLOUD SERVERS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064723 A
Mr. Akash Goel, HarshVardhan, Shubham Sharma, Satyam, Prince Gupta, Sreesh Gaur, Pawan K Pal,Praveer Dubey, Ms. Shivani, Anshula Gupta (2022-11-25). HEALTH BUDDY: A HEALTH CARE WEBSITE WITH AI CHATBOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211065542 A
Sanchita Mishra, Chetna, Neha Shukla, Mr. Anurag Mishra, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-12-02). SMART NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR BLIND PEOPLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066097 A
Vanshika Namdev, Vedant Panday, Shivansh Kumar Yadav, Neha Shukla, Mr. Anurag Mishra, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-12-16). MENTAL HEALTH ANALYSIS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211066980 A
Dr. Gaurav Dubey,Mr. Abhishek Goyal (2023-05-05). IOT-BASED SMART TRAFFIC LIGHT TIME OPTIMIZATION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211068204 A
Pranjal Rai, Nishant Jawla, Satyam Sharma, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-12-02). STOCK OVERFLOW. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211068171 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-12-30). AI BASED MOBILE ROBOT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211070010 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra (2022-12-30). CONTINUOUS SENTIMENT ANALYSIS AND CHANGE DETECTION IN AN ONLINE MEETING ROOM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071088 A
Ayushi Tyagi, Harshita Agarwal, Dr. Gaurav Dubey, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-06). SMART SOLUTION FOR RECYCLING THE THINGS THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211075279 A
Ms. Mani Dwivedi, Rajeev Singh, Dharmendra Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-20). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IOT-BASED TRAFFIC OPTIMIZATION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211077422 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-01-20). SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF A PATIENT SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DISEASE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311000028 A
Shivam Jha, Priyanshi Vashistha, Rupal Garg, Raj Kumar, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-20). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING SMART PHONE USING BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001245 A
Dr. Gaurav Dubey (2023-01-13). SMART GLOVE FOR DEAF AND BLIND PERSON THEREOFF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001208 A
Mr. Anurag Mishra, Mr. Raj Kumar (2023-01-20). BROADCASTING OF MESSAGE USING SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE SCENARIO OF EMERGENCY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311002492 A
Mr. Abhishek Goyal, Aakriti Singh, Aditi Dubey, Anurag Shukla, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Dr.Dr. Harsh Khatter, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-02-03). TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-EASY TRAFFIC. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311002946 A
KIET,Ms. Arti Sharma (1900-01-00). A system to allow multiple passengers on One card. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311003637 A
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Ankit Verma, Dr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-02-10). S-ANFIS METHOD FOR BLOOD INFECTION PREDICTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311004818 A
Dr. Amit kumar Gupta, Ankit Verma, Rabi Narayan Panda, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-02-10). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTION OF BLOOD INFECTIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311005196 A
Mr. Kumar Kaushik, Dharmendra Kumar, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. Anil Kumar Ahlawat, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-02-17). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR FAKE NEWS DETECTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311007261 A
Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Dr. Sapna Juneja (2022-02-04). A METHOD FOR DETECTING FAKE CONTENT USING MACHINE LANGUAGE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004060
Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Mr. Raj Kumar (2022-02-04). CREDIT CARD WITH FACIAL RECOGNITION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004311
Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Mr. Raj Kumar (2022-02-25). Voice Controlled System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008020
Aditya dev mishra ,Dharmendra Kumar, Mr. Anurag Mishra, Dr. Harsh Khatter, Sherish Johri (2023-04-07). IOT BASED GADGETS EMPOWERED WITH NOVEL SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR HEALTH MONITORING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311016325 A
Dr. Sangeeta Arora, Shikha Jain (2023-05-12). A SYSTEM FOR ENHANCING SECURITY WITH IOT-ENABLED ROAD OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE ROBOTS FOR SAFETY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311017596 A
BASED SPEEDOMETER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311018890 A
Vijay Kumar,Utkarsh Tiwari,Harsh Khatter,Raj Kumar (2023-05-19). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TWITTER SENTIMENT ANALYSIS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311020848 A
Harsh khatter,Keshav Bhardwaj
Manvendra Pratap Singh,Pallavi Sharma (2023-05-19). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATION USING ZIGBEE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311023241 A
Sreesh Gaur,Fatima Parveen,Hardik Wadhwa,Ekta Kumari,Akash Goel, Pawan Kumar Pal,Harsh Khatter (2023-05-19). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RESUME MAKING BASED ON USER PROFILE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026185 A
Prashant Agrawal (1900-01-00). A SERVO AMPLIFIER CONTROL DEVICE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:379792-001
Nishu Gupta,Ajay Kumar,Puneeta Singh,)Amit Kumar Singh Sanger,Deepak Vishwakarma,Vipin Deval,Dharmendra Kumar,Harsh Khatter (2023-06-02). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311009157 A
Dr. Gaurav Dubey (2023-06-02). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING ROAD CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS USING IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311027595 A
NEURAL NETWORKS FOR BREAST CANCER CLASSIFICATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311019666 A
Siddhant Khanna,Siddharth Shukla,Virat Shukla,Pawan Kumar Pal,Harsh Khatter (2023-06-23). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SECURING & VISUALIZING SENSOR DATA ON PRIVATE
BLOCKCHAIN. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311034386 A
Anurag Mishra, Seema Chauhan,Bhawna ,Richa Singh, Veena Parihar, Nagesh Sharma, Dr. Rekha Kashyap,Rajeev Kumar Singh (2023-06-23). LARGE SCALE GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION USING DYNAMIC POPULATION BASED DE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311029923 A
Vikas Kamra, Aastha Chaudhary,Aaditya Raj Sharma, Garima Kushwaha, Anurag Mishra
Anurag Mishra (2023-06-30). AI FORENSIC PALYNOLOGY: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311035607 A
Shambhavi Singh , Monika Verma, Shankhdeep Pal, Sreesh Gaur, Harsh Khatter (2023-06-30). SMART JOB PORTAL FOR UNEDUCATED AND UNEMPLOYED ONES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311035968 A
HARSH VARDHAN, Pardeep Tyagi,Vikas Jindal,Vishal verma, AMIT KUMAR SINGH SANGER, Akanksha, Geetika Singh, Arushi Gupta
Dr. Ajay Agarwal, Ms. Ila Kaushik, Arti Sharma, Saurabh Sharma,Anurag Mishra
IN CLOUD COMPUTING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311039797 A
Mohammad Ausaf, Harsh Agrahari,Rahul Yadav, Sapna Juneja, Harsh Khatter (2023-07-14). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEDICINAL PLANT LEAVES DETECTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311033667 A
Anurag Mishra (2023-07-14). CROP YIELD PREDICTION BASED ON SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS USING MACHINE LEARNING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311036869 A
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-07-14). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTION OF DUPLICATE MILK PACKET USING IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311039875 A
Khushi, Chhayank Tyagi, Hanu Agarwal, Dr. Harsh Khatter
(2023-07-14). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SMART HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311040373 A
CLOUD ENVIRONMENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311033224 A
DR. AJAY KUMAR (2023-05-12). ASSISTANCE DEVICE FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED USERS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311017596 A
Prof. (Dr.) Rekha Kashyap, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Dr. Pallavi Sharma,Dr. Sushil Kumar, Ms. Bharti
TRANSACTIONS INFORMATION WITHOUT USER CREDIT SCORE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311028851 A
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-02-25). Universal Stock Market Integration System and Method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008024
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Dr. Pallavi Sharma (2022-03-18). Deaf and Blind Communication System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012991
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Dr. Pallavi Sharma (2022-04-22). IoT Based Customer Management System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211012990
Dr. Soniya Verma (2021-10-29). The impact of Indian Tourism development on the country’s economic growth. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202121045307 A
Dr. Komal Mehrotra (1900-01-00). Pinnacle. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:25577/2022-CO/L
HARSH VARDHAN, Dr. Sumita R. Chaudhuri, Rishabh Jain,Yuvraj Singh,Ayush Saini,Lalita Mishra,Latika Sharma,Silki Kharaliya,Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Ankit Kumar Saini,Vinay kumar (2023-06-23). FITSETGO: UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF GAMIFICATION IN FITNESS APPS FOR
Sapna Yadav, Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Priya Singh (2022-02-18). FUNCTIONING OF LIFTS THROUGH SPEECH RECOGNITION-AI BASED APPROACH TO FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211006980 A
Dr. K. Nagarajan, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr.Parul Grover, Dr.Roma Ghai, Dr.Garima Kapoor, Ms.Richa Goel, Ms.Ranjana Ranjan (2020-06-26). Antithrombotic And Antihypertensive Peptides. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011020473 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Balram Tamrakar (2022-01-07). IOT BASED ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM OF AN ORGANIZATION USING PYTHON LANGUAGE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111061654 A
Dr. Varun Gupta, Himanshu Sharma, Abhas Kanungo, Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh (1900-01-00). A Memory Based Brain Computer Interface (Bci) System For Monitoring Physiological Signals Of Brain. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021104513
Dr. Barkha Rohtagi, Dr. Pravesh Singh (2021-11-26). Transforming Health Care Management Using Artificial Intelligence. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111050496 A
Dr. Richa Agarwal, Dr. Pravesh Singh (2022-11-04). BLOCKCHAIN MODEL USING PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN ENHANCING FOR SUSTAINABLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211062371 A
Praveen Kumar Gupta,Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, Madhu Gautam,Ankit Saini,Silki Kharaliya,Harsh vardhan
Anshula Gupta,Rimjhim, Sanya Singh, Sakshi Khandelwal,Prince Gupta,Swasti Singhal,Ashima Arya,Rahul Kumar,Geetika Singh,Shivani (2023-05-19). Machine Learning Based Drowsiness Detection System for Accurate Alertness Analysis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311020878 A
Akash Goel,Suryansh Raghuvanshi,Anuj Kumar Tripathi,Shivam Jaiswal,Arti Pandey,Dr. Youddha Beer Singh,Dr. Aditya Dev Mishra,Pardeep Tyagi,Rahul Kumar, Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). Intelligent Travel Planner: A System and Method for Optimizing Travel Itineraries Based on Personal Preferences and Real-Time Data using Machine Learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311020831 A
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Mr.Dr. Harsh Khatter, Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2022-06-10). LIVE TRACKING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE RECHARGE METER’S USING ANDROID
APPLICATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211030364 A
Harsh Vardhan, Mr. Ankit Kumar Saini, Ms. Silki Kharaliya, Mr. Pramod Nath, Mrs. Shikha Jain, Mr. Upendra Mishra (2022-06-17). MACHINE LEARNING CLUSTERING APPROACH FOR RESOURCE SHARING IN DRONE ASSISTED FLYING AD HOC NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211032992 A
Dr. Abhas Kanungo,Dr. Varun Gupta (2020-07-10). A Novel Technique For Reduction Of Software Entropy And To Prevent Information Leakage In Mobile Applications. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041028261 A
Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Varun Gupta, Mr. Abhas Kunungo, Dr. Neeraj K Gupta (1900-01-00). AI & IOT BASED SMART SHOPPING CART SYSTEM. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021104273
Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Parvin Kumar (EC) (1900-01-00). Textile Antennas For Human Body Wearable Applications Using Bent Conditions. Australian patent office. Application Number:2020103050
Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Abhas Kanungo (2020-08-21). Electrode Skin Resistance Preventer For Wireless Cardiac ECG Monitoring System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041031914 A
Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Abhas Kanungo (2020-08-21). Magnetic Resonance Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Unit For Implantable Biomedical Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041031917 A
Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Varun Gupta, Mr. Sourav Diwania, Dr. Nitin K Saxena (1900-01-00). A NOVEL WAVELET-BASED MULTIRESOLUTION METHOD WITH OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR PROCESS CONTROL AND DISTURBANCE REJECTION. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021105027
Dr Himanshu Sharma, Ms Shalika Arora, Mr Vipin Kumar Verma,Dr Ms. Shivani Sharma,Dr. Maneesh Kumar, Dr Sourav Diwania, Mr Arun Kumar, Ms. Shipra Srivastava, Mr. Varun (1900-01-00). Wireless Sensor Device For Environmental Monitoring Using Internet Of Things. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:356912-001
Ms. Puja Rohatgi, Dr. Ms. Shivani Agarwal, Dr. Ramesh Singh (2022-07-22). A NOVEL IOT BASED SUSTAINABLE MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211040751 A
Dr. Arunesh Chandra, Mr. Dipanshu Kumar Sharma, Dr. Yatendra Chaturvedi (1900-01-00). Multipurpose hand tool. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:332914001
Shivani, Narendra Kumar Singh,Mukul Kumar Sahu,Neha Dingra,Umang Rastogi,Dr. Sushil Kumar,Amit kumar singh Sanger,Garima Singh,Pushpendra Kumar,Anshula Gupta (2023-05-19). Automated Expense Tracking System and Method for Web-Based Applications using Artificial Intelligence. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311025847 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (CS), Mr. Vivek Tomar (CSE), Ms. Swati Jain (CS), Ms. Ms. Garima Singh (CSIT) (2022-02-04). SENSOR BASED CROP DISEASE CONTROLLING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002744 A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Vivek Tomar, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Om Prakash (2021-05-07). GENERATION OF ELECTRONIC BILL FOR TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111019348A
Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Dr. Seema Maitrey,Dr. Ruchika Singh,D. Blandina Miracle,Arika Singh,Nagesh Sharma,)Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh,Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). AR Museum: A Virtual Museum using Marker-less Augmented Reality system for Mobile Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026446 A
Mr. Rohit Vashisht, Sudhans Shekhar Pandey, Gagan Thakral, Rahul Kumar Sharma, Shikha Jain, Bharti, Mr. Umang Rastogi, Vinay Kumar, Upendra Mishra, Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-13). FEATURE ENGINEERING TO HETEROGENEOUS CROSS SOFTWARE PROJECTS DEFECT PREDICTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211075748 A
Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Ms. Neha Yadav (1900-01-00). AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED TRADING SYSTEM. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021100342
Mr. Zatin Gupta (CS), Mr. Vivek Tomar (CSE) (2022-02-04). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY BASED INTELLIGENT MOBILE ROBOT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002406 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Vivek Tomar, Ms. Anshula Gupta, Ms. Shivani, Prof.Deepanshu (2022-02-25). IOT & AI-BASED EYES FOR NON-EYES – A SENSOR-BASED INTELLIGENT SYSTEM TO BLIND PEOPLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008783 A
Mr. Harsh Vardhan, Mr. Ashish Singh Parihar, Mr. Upendra Mishra, Ms. Akanksha, Ms. Anshula Gupta, Ms. Shivani (2022-05-06). STOCK MARKET PREDICTION USING PROPOSED NUMERIC RANKING TECHNIQUE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211024979 A
Ms. Akanksha, Himanchal Kr. Gautam, Anoop Kumar, Harsh Vardhan, Arushi Gupta, Pardeep Tyagi, Vinay Kumar, Shivali Tyagi (2022-12-30). HEALTH BUDDY: A HEALTH CARE WEBSITE WITH AI CHATBOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071467 A
Ms. Shivani, Anshula Gupta, Lovely, Mangal, Mohd. Zubair, Deepak Goswami, Himanshi, Upendra Mishra
Madhu Gautam, Dr Preeti Garg, Arti Pandey, Harsh Vardhan (2023-01-06). HEALTH BUDDY: A HEALTH CARE WEBSITE WITH AI CHATBOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211072020 A
Mr. Kuldeep Singh (ME), Mr. Zatin Gupta (CSE) (2021-10-01). An IOT enabled vacant seats management system of moving bus transportation and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041762 A
Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Mr. Hriday K Gupta, Dr Seema (2021-03-19). An automated Healthcare system with medical services assistance. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111009704 A
Dr. Jagannath Sahoo,Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan (1900-01-00). Spectacle Frame. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:303390
Dr. Minakshi Karwal, Dr. Pratibha Kumari (2022-02-04). BIODEGRADABLE LAWN WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003527 A
Dr. Chirag Arora, DR. AJEET PRATAP SINGH, Dr Jyoti Srivastava,Ms Shikha Tyagi, Mr VIKAS SHARMA, Dr Ruchika Singh (2023-05-12). A Systemic Approach for Resource Management in a Blockchain-Based IoT Network. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311021589 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. C.M. Batra, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. Soniya Juneja, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta, Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh, Dr. K.P.Mishra (2022-04-29). Digital Image Processing Technique for detecting Human Eye. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015665 A
Ms. Arti Sharma, Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Dr. Ajay Agarwal, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-01-07). WEARABLE SENSORS BASED HEALTH MONITORING AND CONTROLLING SYSTEM USING CLOUD. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211000090 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Dr. Minakshi Karwal (2022-01-14). SMART AGRICULTURE CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211001066 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Chandra Mohan Batra,Dr. Kuldeep Sharma,Dr. Pinki Saxena,Dr. Archana Sharma,)Dr. Anamika Singh,Dr. Ajay Dixit,Dr. Neelam Chantola,Mr. Analp Pathak,Ms. Supriya Dubey (2023-07-21). OPTIMIZED MACHINE LEARNING BASED SOLUTION FOR SMART HIGHWAY EMERGENCY
ASSITANCE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311042241 A
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr Deepti Seth, Dr K P Mishra, Dr Dharmendra Kumar (2021-02-12). SYSTEM AND METHOD OF REAL-TIME IMAGE RETRIEVAL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111003796 A
Mr. Shwetabh Singh, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Pinky Saxena (AS), Dr. Kuldeep Sharma, Mr Abhishek Yadav, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Gaurav, Mr. Sonendra, Ayush Kumar, Ankush Chaudhary (2022-05-27). SMART NOTIFICATION SYSTEM IN CASE THE VEHICLE HAS MET WITH ROAD ACCIDENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211029605
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Naresh Chandra, Arun Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal, Vipin Kumar, Mr. Amar Singh (1900-01-00). Biomimetic Designed Intelligent Drone to Remove Weeds from Agricultural Farm Plants using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. German patent Office. Application Number:202021106121.9
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Mr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vikas Goel (1900-01-00). Analysis And Monitoring Of Smart Healthcare Monitoring System In IOT Environment. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021105865
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma (AS), Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Mr.Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Dr. Akash Rajak, Ms.Vidushi Mr.Amit Kumar Goyal (2022-05-06). A SYSTEM TO DETECT AND ISSUE E-CHALLAN FOR OVERLOADED VEHICLES AT SMART HIGHWAYS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015800 A
Yash Vijay Kumar Gurjar, Dr. Pravesh Singh, Jyoti Sharma, Dr. Vidushi, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Shweta Singh, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Aditya Dixit, Ayush Chauhan, Nigam (2023-01-13). IOT ENABLED SMART ASSISTANCE FOR BORDER SECURITY IN EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001190 A
Mr. Sanjeev Chauhan, Shalika (2022-11-25). A SYSTEM FOR NOTIFYING AND MONITORING CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS UTILIZING IOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064080 A
Dr. Abhinav Juneja,Dr. Dr. Sapna Juneja,Dr. Rajni Mohana,Dr. Sunil Maggu,Ms. Tina,Ms. Priyanka Gautam,Mr. Sudhir Mahajan,Ms. Ruchi Goel (2021-02-12). Appratus and Method to Convert and Translate gesture into text and speech and inversely. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111003097A
Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Vinay Ahlawat, Mr. Veepin Kumar, Ms. Shalika Arora, Mr. Mayank Tyagi (2022-07-22). VOICE RECOGNITION METHOD, SYSTEM, AND DEVICE BASED ON THE ATTENTION MECHANISM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211041166 A
Dr. Vikas Goel, Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2020-01-03). Exceeded The ATM Network: Account-Holder Has Exceeded The ATM Network Limit. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:201911050943 A
Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan, Dr. Amit Kumar (1900-01-00). Sanitizing DustBin. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:358080-001
Mr. Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Mr. Naresh Chandra (2021-10-29). Blockchain-based intelligent management system for smart city infrastructure platform. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141046920 A
Mr. Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Mr. Naresh Chandra, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. R.N. Panda, Mr. Ankit Verma, Dr. Arun K Tripathi, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Sharad Mishra, Ritish Sajwan, Vaibhav (2021-10-29). Intelligent wearable helmet for early stroke detection in patients based on artificial neural analysis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111048294 A
Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Mr. Anjan Kumar, Prof. D.S. Satwaliya, Ms. Pragya (2022-03-04). IoT integrated Library Management System for Institutions. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009519 A
DR. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Anjan Kumar, AVINAV PATHAK, D.S.Satwaliya,Pragya (2022-09-16). IOT INTEGRATED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211052058 A
Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Dr. Sapna Yadav (2022-07-08). SMART PROCESS WITH EMAIL CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN SENDER AND RECEIVER TO NOTIFY STATUS OF MAIL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211036607 A
Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. K.P.Mishra, Dr. Roma Ghai, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta (2022-02-04). HEALTH CARE MONITORING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003531 A
Dr. Shubham Shukla, Dr. Parvin Kaushik, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr. Parul Grover,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Amit Arora, Dr. Abhishek, Ms. Ragini, Mr. Ayush, Mr. Dhanesh (2021-12-10). IOT based Touch Sensors Embedded Smart Gloves Wheelchair. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111052210 A
Dr. Parvin Kaushik,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Parul Grover (1900-01-00). Electric Board with touch switch and smart socket (Closed). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:354200-001
Dr. Praveen Kaushik, Dr. Parul Grover,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Vipin Kumar (1900-01-00). HITS (Hall Infra Turbine System) for measuring fuel. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:362656-001
Mr. Umang Rastogi, Ms. Priya Bansal (2022-03-11). Artificial intelligent and IOT based detection and prevention of Liver Disease using Machine Learning for health care management . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241011573 A
Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan, Dr. Anurag Gupta, Mr. Anuj Pathak (1900-01-00). Currency sanitization machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:343830-001
KIET, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Mr. Yasir Karim (CE), Dr. Siaf Ahmed Khan (CE), Mr. Shadab A Siddiqui (KSOP) (2021-11-12). Transparent Disease Repellant Coating. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011047887
Ms. Arti Sharma, Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Amar Singh, Mr. Saurabh Sharma (2021-01-08). IOT Based Real Time Infant Monitoring And Alerting System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111000134 A
Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Amar Singh (2021-10-01). Artificial neural network based driver behaviour recognition for automated driving or autonomous vehicles. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141042782 A
Mrs. Arti Sharma, Saurabh
(2023-05-19). Sentiment analysis by attention feeder using multivariate functions. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026105 A
Mayank Rai, Anurag Upadhyay, Ayush Kumar Pandey, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Mr. Saurabh, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-12-02). ADVANCE SYSTEM AND ANALYZER FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064981 A
Priyanshi Srivastava, Vidushi Bhatnagar, Rishabh Jain, Arti Sharma, Saurabh, Harsh Vardhan, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2022-12-06). REAL TIME ATTENTIVENESS DETECTION IN ONLINE MEETING PLATFORMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211068067 A
Mrs. Arti Sharma,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal,Mr. Mayank Tyagi,Mr. Saurabh,Mr. Sherish Johri,Mr. Prince Kumar ,Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-06-02). SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF A PSYCHOLOGY CLASS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311008700 A
Dr. A. P. Shukla, Mr. Ankur Bhardwaj, Dr. Pramod K. Yadav, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Ms.Arti Sharma, Dr. Sanjiv Sharma, Mr. Amar Singh (IT), Vaishali Rastogi (1900-01-00). IML-Cloud Data Performance: Cloud Data Performance Improved Using Machine Learning. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2020104034
Dr. Sanjiv Sharma, Ms. Surbhi Vijh (2021-02-12). IOT Integrated fire monitoring and alerting system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056835A
Mr. Saurabh, Shivangi Tyagi,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-04). IOT BASED RAILWAY-LINE BREAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211060844 A
Punjika Rathi,Dr Arunima Mishra, Arti Sharma (2023-05-26). MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER DIAGNOSES USING SENTIMENT ANALYSIS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311029330 A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma & Swati Sharma (2023-03-17). A SYSTEM BASED ON CLOUD, ML & INTERNET OF THINGS FOR EARLY WARNING OF FLOODING DISASTER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311013706 A
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Mr. Ruchin Gupta, Mr. Surendrer Kr. Keshari, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). CLOUD AND IOT BASED SECURE HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING SPEECH THROUGH GOOGLE ASSISTANT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022229 A
Ms. Minakshi, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). A SYSTEM & METHOD FOR SMART AGRICULTURE THROUGH IOT PARAPHERNALIA BASED ON ML. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211020356 A
Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey, Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava (2022-02-04). PLANT BOT CHASING SUN TO KEEP PLANTTHRIVING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004313
Ms. Swasti Singhal, Dr. Gaurav Dubey (2023-02-17). IOT BASED HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311007319 A
Mr. Naveen Chauhan,Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). CONTAINER-BASED VIRTUALIZATION FRAMEWORK FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022498 A
Ms. Bhawna, Seema Chauhan, Richa Singh, Veena ParihaR, Nagesh Sharma, Rajeev Kumar Singh, Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-01-06). SECURE FRAMEWORK FOR CYBER DATA. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071775 A
Shailendra Kumar Prajapati (2022-10-21). Smart glasses integrated with image processing and Internet of things for visually challenged people. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241058092 A
Dr. (Col) A Garg, Mr. Satendra Kumar (1900-01-00). Paradigm Shift In Industry Internship Due To COVID-19 Online Solution To Internship. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:10546/2020-CO/L
Mr. Saurabh, Shivangi Tyagi,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-04). IOT BASED RAILWAY-LINE BREAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211060844 A
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr.Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Mayank Tyagi, Ms. Shivangi Tyagi (2022-06-08). Intelligent device to determine the health status of plants by using IOT and machine learning. German Patent. Application Number:202021106766.7
Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Dr. Seema Maitrey,Dr. Ruchika Singh,D. Blandina Miracle,Arika Singh,Nagesh Sharma,)Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh,Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). AR Museum: A Virtual Museum using Marker-less Augmented Reality system for Mobile Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026446 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. C.M. Batra, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. Soniya Juneja, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta, Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh, Dr. K.P.Mishra (2022-04-29). Digital Image Processing Technique for detecting Human Eye. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015665 A
HARSH VARDHAN, Dr. Sumita R. Chaudhuri, Rishabh Jain,Yuvraj Singh,Ayush Saini,Lalita Mishra,Latika Sharma,Silki Kharaliya,Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Ankit Kumar Saini,Vinay kumar (2023-06-23). FITSETGO: UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF GAMIFICATION IN FITNESS APPS FOR
Shivani, Narendra Kumar Singh,Mukul Kumar Sahu,Neha Dingra,Umang Rastogi,Dr. Sushil Kumar,Amit kumar singh Sanger,Garima Singh,Pushpendra Kumar,Anshula Gupta (2023-05-19). Automated Expense Tracking System and Method for Web-Based Applications using Artificial Intelligence. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311025847 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (CS), Mr. Vivek Tomar (CSE), Ms. Swati Jain (CS), Ms. Ms. Garima Singh (CSIT) (2022-02-04). SENSOR BASED CROP DISEASE CONTROLLING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002744 A
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr.Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Mayank Tyagi, Ms. Shivangi Tyagi (2022-06-08). Intelligent device to determine the health status of plants by using IOT and machine learning. German Patent. Application Number:202021106766.7
Praveen Kumar Gupta,Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, Madhu Gautam,Ankit Saini,Silki Kharaliya,Harsh vardhan
Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. K.P.Mishra, Dr. Roma Ghai, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta (2022-02-04). HEALTH CARE MONITORING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003531 A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Vivek Tomar, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Om Prakash (2021-05-07). GENERATION OF ELECTRONIC BILL FOR TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111019348A
Dr. Shubham Shukla, Dr. Parvin Kaushik, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr. Parul Grover,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Amit Arora, Dr. Abhishek, Ms. Ragini, Mr. Ayush, Mr. Dhanesh (2021-12-10). IOT based Touch Sensors Embedded Smart Gloves Wheelchair. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111052210 A
Mr. Saurabh, Shivangi Tyagi,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-04). IOT BASED RAILWAY-LINE BREAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211060844 A
Sapna Yadav, Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Priya Singh (2022-02-18). FUNCTIONING OF LIFTS THROUGH SPEECH RECOGNITION-AI BASED APPROACH TO FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211006980 A
Ms. Arti Sharma, Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Dr. Ajay Agarwal, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-01-07). WEARABLE SENSORS BASED HEALTH MONITORING AND CONTROLLING SYSTEM USING CLOUD. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211000090 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Naresh Chandra, Arun Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Amit Kumar Goyal, Vipin Kumar, Mr. Amar Singh (1900-01-00). Biomimetic Designed Intelligent Drone to Remove Weeds from Agricultural Farm Plants using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. German patent Office. Application Number:202021106121.9
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Mr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vikas Goel (1900-01-00). Analysis And Monitoring Of Smart Healthcare Monitoring System In IOT Environment. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2021105865
Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Mr. Anjan Kumar, Prof. D.S. Satwaliya, Ms. Pragya (2022-03-04). IoT integrated Library Management System for Institutions. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009519 A
DR. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Anjan Kumar, AVINAV PATHAK, D.S.Satwaliya,Pragya (2022-09-16). IOT INTEGRATED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211052058 A
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma (AS), Mr. Rabi Narayan Panda, Mr.Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Dr. Akash Rajak, Ms.Vidushi Mr.Amit Kumar Goyal (2022-05-06). A SYSTEM TO DETECT AND ISSUE E-CHALLAN FOR OVERLOADED VEHICLES AT SMART HIGHWAYS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015800 A
Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Dr. Seema Maitrey,Dr. Ruchika Singh,D. Blandina Miracle,Arika Singh,Nagesh Sharma,)Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh,Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). AR Museum: A Virtual Museum using Marker-less Augmented Reality system for Mobile Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026446 A
Yash Vijay Kumar Gurjar, Dr. Pravesh Singh, Jyoti Sharma, Dr. Vidushi, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Shweta Singh, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Aditya Dixit, Ayush Chauhan, Nigam (2023-01-13). IOT ENABLED SMART ASSISTANCE FOR BORDER SECURITY IN EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311001190 A
Mr. Rohit Vashisht, Sudhans Shekhar Pandey, Gagan Thakral, Rahul Kumar Sharma, Shikha Jain, Bharti, Mr. Umang Rastogi, Vinay Kumar, Upendra Mishra, Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-13). FEATURE ENGINEERING TO HETEROGENEOUS CROSS SOFTWARE PROJECTS DEFECT PREDICTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211075748 A
Ms. Arti Sharma, Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Amar Singh, Mr. Saurabh Sharma (2021-01-08). IOT Based Real Time Infant Monitoring And Alerting System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111000134 A
Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Amar Singh (2021-10-01). Artificial neural network based driver behaviour recognition for automated driving or autonomous vehicles. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141042782 A
HARSH VARDHAN, Dr. Sumita R. Chaudhuri, Rishabh Jain,Yuvraj Singh,Ayush Saini,Lalita Mishra,Latika Sharma,Silki Kharaliya,Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Ankit Kumar Saini,Vinay kumar (2023-06-23). FITSETGO: UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF GAMIFICATION IN FITNESS APPS FOR
Sapna Yadav, Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Dr. Meenakshi Tyagi, Priya Singh (2022-02-18). FUNCTIONING OF LIFTS THROUGH SPEECH RECOGNITION-AI BASED APPROACH TO FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211006980 A
Dr. K. Nagarajan, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr.Parul Grover, Dr.Roma Ghai, Dr.Garima Kapoor, Ms.Richa Goel, Ms.Ranjana Ranjan (2020-06-26). Antithrombotic And Antihypertensive Peptides. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011020473 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Balram Tamrakar (2022-01-07). IOT BASED ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM OF AN ORGANIZATION USING PYTHON LANGUAGE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111061654 A
Dr. Varun Gupta, Himanshu Sharma, Abhas Kanungo, Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh (1900-01-00). A Memory Based Brain Computer Interface (Bci) System For Monitoring Physiological Signals Of Brain. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021104513
Dr. Barkha Rohtagi, Dr. Pravesh Singh (2021-11-26). Transforming Health Care Management Using Artificial Intelligence. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111050496 A
Dr. Richa Agarwal, Dr. Pravesh Singh (2022-11-04). BLOCKCHAIN MODEL USING PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN ENHANCING FOR SUSTAINABLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211062371 A
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr.Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Mayank Tyagi, Ms. Shivangi Tyagi (2022-06-08). Intelligent device to determine the health status of plants by using IOT and machine learning. German Patent. Application Number:202021106766.7
Praveen Kumar Gupta,Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, Madhu Gautam,Ankit Saini,Silki Kharaliya,Harsh vardhan
Anshula Gupta,Rimjhim, Sanya Singh, Sakshi Khandelwal,Prince Gupta,Swasti Singhal,Ashima Arya,Rahul Kumar,Geetika Singh,Shivani (2023-05-19). Machine Learning Based Drowsiness Detection System for Accurate Alertness Analysis. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311020878 A
Akash Goel,Suryansh Raghuvanshi,Anuj Kumar Tripathi,Shivam Jaiswal,Arti Pandey,Dr. Youddha Beer Singh,Dr. Aditya Dev Mishra,Pardeep Tyagi,Rahul Kumar, Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). Intelligent Travel Planner: A System and Method for Optimizing Travel Itineraries Based on Personal Preferences and Real-Time Data using Machine Learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311020831 A
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Mr.Dr. Harsh Khatter, Dr. Abhinav Juneja (2022-06-10). LIVE TRACKING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE RECHARGE METER’S USING ANDROID
APPLICATION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211030364 A
Harsh Vardhan, Mr. Ankit Kumar Saini, Ms. Silki Kharaliya, Mr. Pramod Nath, Mrs. Shikha Jain, Mr. Upendra Mishra (2022-06-17). MACHINE LEARNING CLUSTERING APPROACH FOR RESOURCE SHARING IN DRONE ASSISTED FLYING AD HOC NETWORK. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211032992 A
Dr. Abhas Kanungo,Dr. Varun Gupta (2020-07-10). A Novel Technique For Reduction Of Software Entropy And To Prevent Information Leakage In Mobile Applications. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041028261 A
Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Varun Gupta, Mr. Abhas Kunungo, Dr. Neeraj K Gupta (1900-01-00). AI & IOT BASED SMART SHOPPING CART SYSTEM. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021104273
Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Parvin Kumar (EC) (1900-01-00). Textile Antennas For Human Body Wearable Applications Using Bent Conditions. Australian patent office. Application Number:2020103050
Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Abhas Kanungo (2020-08-21). Electrode Skin Resistance Preventer For Wireless Cardiac ECG Monitoring System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041031914 A
Dr. Varun Gupta, Dr. Abhas Kanungo (2020-08-21). Magnetic Resonance Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Unit For Implantable Biomedical Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202041031917 A
Dr. Abhas Kanungo, Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Dr. Varun Gupta, Mr. Sourav Diwania, Dr. Nitin K Saxena (1900-01-00). A NOVEL WAVELET-BASED MULTIRESOLUTION METHOD WITH OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR PROCESS CONTROL AND DISTURBANCE REJECTION. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021105027
Dr Himanshu Sharma, Ms Shalika Arora, Mr Vipin Kumar Verma,Dr Ms. Shivani Sharma,Dr. Maneesh Kumar, Dr Sourav Diwania, Mr Arun Kumar, Ms. Shipra Srivastava, Mr. Varun (1900-01-00). Wireless Sensor Device For Environmental Monitoring Using Internet Of Things. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:356912-001
Ms. Puja Rohatgi, Dr. Ms. Shivani Agarwal, Dr. Ramesh Singh (2022-07-22). A NOVEL IOT BASED SUSTAINABLE MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211040751 A
Dr. Arunesh Chandra, Mr. Dipanshu Kumar Sharma, Dr. Yatendra Chaturvedi (1900-01-00). Multipurpose hand tool. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:332914001
Shivani, Narendra Kumar Singh,Mukul Kumar Sahu,Neha Dingra,Umang Rastogi,Dr. Sushil Kumar,Amit kumar singh Sanger,Garima Singh,Pushpendra Kumar,Anshula Gupta (2023-05-19). Automated Expense Tracking System and Method for Web-Based Applications using Artificial Intelligence. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311025847 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta (CS), Mr. Vivek Tomar (CSE), Ms. Swati Jain (CS), Ms. Ms. Garima Singh (CSIT) (2022-02-04). SENSOR BASED CROP DISEASE CONTROLLING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002744 A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma, Mr. Vivek Tomar, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Om Prakash (2021-05-07). GENERATION OF ELECTRONIC BILL FOR TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111019348A
Dr. Jyoti Srivastava,Dr. Seema Maitrey,Dr. Ruchika Singh,D. Blandina Miracle,Arika Singh,Nagesh Sharma,)Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh,Vinay Kumar (2023-05-19). AR Museum: A Virtual Museum using Marker-less Augmented Reality system for Mobile Devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026446 A
Mr. Rohit Vashisht, Sudhans Shekhar Pandey, Gagan Thakral, Rahul Kumar Sharma, Shikha Jain, Bharti, Mr. Umang Rastogi, Vinay Kumar, Upendra Mishra, Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-01-13). FEATURE ENGINEERING TO HETEROGENEOUS CROSS SOFTWARE PROJECTS DEFECT PREDICTION. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211075748 A
Mr. Mukul Aggarwal, Ms. Neha Yadav (1900-01-00). AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED TRADING SYSTEM. Australian patent office. Application Number:2021100342
Mr. Zatin Gupta (CS), Mr. Vivek Tomar (CSE) (2022-02-04). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY BASED INTELLIGENT MOBILE ROBOT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211002406 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Mr. Vivek Tomar, Ms. Anshula Gupta, Ms. Shivani, Prof.Deepanshu (2022-02-25). IOT & AI-BASED EYES FOR NON-EYES – A SENSOR-BASED INTELLIGENT SYSTEM TO BLIND PEOPLE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211008783 A
Mr. Harsh Vardhan, Mr. Ashish Singh Parihar, Mr. Upendra Mishra, Ms. Akanksha, Ms. Anshula Gupta, Ms. Shivani (2022-05-06). STOCK MARKET PREDICTION USING PROPOSED NUMERIC RANKING TECHNIQUE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211024979 A
Dr. Akansha Agrwal, Himanchal Kr. Gautam, Anoop Kumar, Harsh Vardhan, Arushi Gupta, Pardeep Tyagi, Vinay Kumar, Shivali Tyagi (2022-12-30). HEALTH BUDDY: A HEALTH CARE WEBSITE WITH AI CHATBOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071467 A
Ms. Shivani, Anshula Gupta, Lovely, Mangal, Mohd. Zubair, Deepak Goswami, Himanshi, Upendra Mishra
Madhu Gautam, Dr Preeti Garg, Arti Pandey, Harsh Vardhan (2023-01-06). HEALTH BUDDY: A HEALTH CARE WEBSITE WITH AI CHATBOT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211072020 A
Mr. Kuldeep Singh (ME), Mr. Zatin Gupta (CSE) (2021-10-01). An IOT enabled vacant seats management system of moving bus transportation and method thereof. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111041762 A
Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Mr. Hriday K Gupta, Dr Seema (2021-03-19). An automated Healthcare system with medical services assistance. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111009704 A
Dr. Jagannath Sahoo,Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan (1900-01-00). Spectacle Frame. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:303390
Dr. Minakshi Karwal, Dr. Pratibha Kumari (2022-02-04). BIODEGRADABLE LAWN WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003527 A
Dr. Chirag Arora, DR. AJEET PRATAP SINGH, Dr Jyoti Srivastava,Ms Shikha Tyagi, Mr VIKAS SHARMA, Dr Ruchika Singh (2023-05-12). A Systemic Approach for Resource Management in a Blockchain-Based IoT Network. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311021589 A
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. C.M. Batra, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. Soniya Juneja, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta, Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh, Dr. K.P.Mishra (2022-04-29). Digital Image Processing Technique for detecting Human Eye. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211015665 A
Ms. Arti Sharma, Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Dr. Ajay Agarwal, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-01-07). WEARABLE SENSORS BASED HEALTH MONITORING AND CONTROLLING SYSTEM USING CLOUD. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211000090 A
Mr. Zatin Gupta, Dr. Minakshi Karwal (2022-01-14). SMART AGRICULTURE CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211001066 A
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Prof. Chandra Mohan Batra,Dr. Kuldeep Sharma,Dr. Pinki Saxena,Dr. Archana Sharma,)Dr. Anamika Singh,Dr. Ajay Dixit,Dr. Neelam Chantola,Mr. Analp Pathak,Ms. Supriya Dubey (2023-07-21). OPTIMIZED MACHINE LEARNING BASED SOLUTION FOR SMART HIGHWAY EMERGENCY
ASSITANCE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311042241 A
Dr Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr Deepti Seth, Dr K P Mishra, Dr Dharmendra Kumar (2021-02-12). SYSTEM AND METHOD OF REAL-TIME IMAGE RETRIEVAL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111003796 A
Mr. Shwetabh Singh, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Pinky Saxena (AS), Dr. Kuldeep Sharma, Mr Abhishek Yadav, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Gaurav, Mr. Sonendra, Ayush Kumar, Ankush Chaudhary (2022-05-27). SMART NOTIFICATION SYSTEM IN CASE THE VEHICLE HAS MET WITH ROAD ACCIDENT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211029605
Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Mr. Anjan Kumar, Prof. D.S. Satwaliya, Ms. Pragya (2022-03-04). IoT integrated Library Management System for Institutions. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211009519 A
DR. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Anjan Kumar, AVINAV PATHAK, D.S.Satwaliya,Pragya (2022-09-16). IOT INTEGRATED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211052058 A
Dr. Ruchita Gautam, Dr. Sapna Yadav (2022-07-08). SMART PROCESS WITH EMAIL CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN SENDER AND RECEIVER TO NOTIFY STATUS OF MAIL. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211036607 A
Dr. Deepti Seth, Dr. K.P.Mishra, Dr. Roma Ghai, Dr. Seema Maitrey, Mr. Hriday Kumar Gupta (2022-02-04). HEALTH CARE MONITORING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211003531 A
Dr. Shubham Shukla, Dr. Parvin Kaushik, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Dr. Parul Grover,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Amit Arora, Dr. Abhishek, Ms. Ragini, Mr. Ayush, Mr. Dhanesh (2021-12-10). IOT based Touch Sensors Embedded Smart Gloves Wheelchair. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111052210 A
Dr. Parvin Kaushik,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Parul Grover (1900-01-00). Electric Board with touch switch and smart socket (Closed). Indian Patent Office. Application Number:354200-001
Dr. Praveen Kaushik, Dr. Parul Grover,Mr. Sachin Kumar Tyagi, Mr. Mohit Tyagi, Dr. Vipin Kumar (1900-01-00). HITS (Hall Infra Turbine System) for measuring fuel. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:362656-001
Mr. Umang Rastogi, Ms. Priya Bansal (2022-03-11). Artificial intelligent and IOT based detection and prevention of Liver Disease using Machine Learning for health care management . Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202241011573 A
Dr. Kunwar Laiq Ahmed Khan, Dr. Anurag Gupta, Mr. Anuj Pathak (1900-01-00). Currency sanitization machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:343830-001
KIET, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Mr. Yasir Karim (CE), Dr. Siaf Ahmed Khan (CE), Mr. Shadab A Siddiqui (KSOP) (2021-11-12). Transparent Disease Repellant Coating. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011047887
Ms. Arti Sharma, Dr. Vineet Sharma, Dr. Amar Singh, Mr. Saurabh Sharma (2021-01-08). IOT Based Real Time Infant Monitoring And Alerting System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202111000134 A
Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Archana Sharma, Mr. Amar Singh (2021-10-01). Artificial neural network based driver behaviour recognition for automated driving or autonomous vehicles. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202141042782 A
Mrs. Arti Sharma, Saurabh
(2023-05-19). Sentiment analysis by attention feeder using multivariate functions. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311026105 A
Mayank Rai, Anurag Upadhyay, Ayush Kumar Pandey, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Mr. Saurabh, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-12-02). ADVANCE SYSTEM AND ANALYZER FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211064981 A
Priyanshi Srivastava, Vidushi Bhatnagar, Rishabh Jain, Arti Sharma, Saurabh, Harsh Vardhan, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2022-12-06). REAL TIME ATTENTIVENESS DETECTION IN ONLINE MEETING PLATFORMS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211068067 A
Mrs. Arti Sharma,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal,Mr. Mayank Tyagi,Mr. Saurabh,Mr. Sherish Johri,Mr. Prince Kumar ,Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-06-02). SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF A PSYCHOLOGY CLASS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311008700 A
Dr. A. P. Shukla, Mr. Ankur Bhardwaj, Dr. Pramod K. Yadav, Dr. Manish Bhardwaj, Ms.Arti Sharma, Dr. Sanjiv Sharma, Mr. Amar Singh (IT), Vaishali Rastogi (1900-01-00). IML-Cloud Data Performance: Cloud Data Performance Improved Using Machine Learning. Australian Patent Office. Application Number:2020104034
Dr. Sanjiv Sharma, Ms. Surbhi Vijh (2021-02-12). IOT Integrated fire monitoring and alerting system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011056835A
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Dr. Vikas Goel (1900-01-00). SMT: Voice Based Mobile Banking: Secure money transfer using voice based mobile banking. Australian patent office. Application Number:2020101952
Mr. Saurabh, Shivangi Tyagi,Dr. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, Mrs. Arti Sharma, Dr. Ajay Dixit, Dr. Archana Sharma, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-11-04). IOT BASED RAILWAY-LINE BREAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211060844 A
Punjika Rathi,Dr Arunima Mishra, Arti Sharma (2023-05-26). MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER DIAGNOSES USING SENTIMENT ANALYSIS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311029330 A
Mr. Kamal Kant Sharma & Swati Sharma (2023-03-17). A SYSTEM BASED ON CLOUD, ML & INTERNET OF THINGS FOR EARLY WARNING OF FLOODING DISASTER. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311013706 A
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Mr. Ruchin Gupta, Mr. Surendrer Kr. Keshari, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). CLOUD AND IOT BASED SECURE HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING SPEECH THROUGH GOOGLE ASSISTANT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022229 A
Ms. Minakshi, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). A SYSTEM & METHOD FOR SMART AGRICULTURE THROUGH IOT PARAPHERNALIA BASED ON ML. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211020356 A
Dr. Adesh Kumar Pandey, Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava (2022-02-04). PLANT BOT CHASING SUN TO KEEP PLANTTHRIVING. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211004313
Ms. Swasti Singhal, Dr. Gaurav Dubey (2023-02-17). IOT BASED HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311007319 A
Mr. Naveen Chauhan,Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). CONTAINER-BASED VIRTUALIZATION FRAMEWORK FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022498 A
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Ankit Verma, Rabi Narayan Panda, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-10-21). SYSTEM FOR A MULTI-KEYWORD SEARCH SCHEME UPON DISSEMINATED DATA IN MOBILE CLOUD THEREOF. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056715 A
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Ankit Verma, Rabi Narayan Panda, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Dr. Harsh Khatter (2022-10-21). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHORITIES SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION TO THE ASSERTION OF BLOCKCHAIN. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211056710 A
Dr. Vidushi, Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Ms. Shivani Sharma, Mansi Panwar, Tripti Shrivastava, Ankur Sharma, Dr. Dr. Harsh Khatter (2023-02-17). SMART SYSTEM FOR WOMEN AWARENESS & PREDICTION OF DISEASE. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311006002 A
Ms. Bhawna, Seema Chauhan, Richa Singh, Veena ParihaR, Nagesh Sharma, Rajeev Kumar Singh, Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mr. Anurag Mishra (2023-01-06). SECURE FRAMEWORK FOR CYBER DATA. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211071775 A
Dr. Amit K Gupta (2020-01-03). Exceeded The ATM Network: Account-Holder Has Exceeded The Atm Network Limit. Indian Patent. Application Number:201911050943
Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta (2020-03-03). UC-TOO: Car Door Unlocking Mechanism without Key. Indian Patent. Application Number:202011007267
Mr. Ankit Verma, Dr. Ajay K Shrivastava (2020-09-04). System and Method for a Safety Helmet. Indian Patent. Application Number:202011026119
Ms. Shalika Arora (2020-09-04). An Automatic Navigation System. Indian Patent. Application Number:202011018771
Mr. Ankit Verma and Mr. R N Panda (2020-12-02). A Recommendation Model For Aero Dynamic Design Of Structures Using Deep Recurrent Neural Network. Australian Patent. Application Number:2020102874
Dr. Amit K Gupta (2020-09-16). Voice Based Mobile Banking: Secure money transfer using voice based mobile banking. Australian Patent. Application Number:2020101952
Dr. Sangeeta Arora ( 11-08-2021). A Honeypot based Network Security System. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021103735
Mr. Ankit Verma Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj (2021-11-10). Analysis and Monitoring of Smart Healthcare Monitoring System in IoT Enviroment. Australian Patent. Application Number:2021105865
Dr. Naresh Chandra, Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj, Rabi Narayan Panda, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi, Dr. Vipin Kumar (2021-10-29). Intelligent Wearable Helmet for Early Stroke detection in Patients baed on Artificial Neural Signal Analysis. Indian Patent. Application Number:202111048294
Dr. Amit Kumar (2021-12-03). BSN-CARE: A Safe IoT-Based Recent Healthcare System via Body Sensor Network. Indian Patent. Application Number:202141052787
Mr. Prashant Agarwal and Ms. Neelam Rawat (2021-12-10). Creative Policy Management Framework Method for Managing Interaction Behaviors in IoT Collectives. Indian Patent. Application Number:202141054880
Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi; Rabi Narayan Panda; Dr. Akash Rajak; Vidushi; Amit Kumar Goyal (2022-05-06). A System to Detect And Issue E-Challan for Overloaded Vehicles at Smart Highways. Indian Patent. Application Number:202211015800
Dr. Amit Kumar (2022-04-22). Sanitizing Dustbin (Design Patent). Indian Design Patent. Application Number:358080-001
Prashnat Agrawal and Neelam Rawat (2021-12-16). Blockchain-Based Security and Privacy Systems for the Internet of Things. Canadian Copyright . Application Number:1189072
Mr.Amit Kumar Goyal, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripath, Ms. Shalika Arora (2022-07-22). VOICE RECOGNITION METHOD, SYSTEM, AND DEVICE BASED ON THE ATTENTION MECHANISM. Indian Patent. Application Number:20221104116
Ms. Shalika (2022-03-18). Wireless sensor devices for enviromental monitoring using IoT. Indian Design Patent. Application Number:356912-001
Dr Sangeeta Arora (2022-06-24). Internet of Things Based Camera For Health Care Management. Indian Patent. Application Number:359961-001
Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj (2022-07-15). Developing Vehicular Data Cloud Services in the IOT Environment. Indian Patent. Application Number:202241039564
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Ankit Verma,Rabi Narayan Panda,Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj,Dr. Vipin Kumar (2022-10-21). System And Method For Authorities Signature Authentication to the Assertion of Blockchain.. Indian Patent. Application Number:202211056710
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Ankit Verma,Rabi Narayan Panda,Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj,Dr. Vipin Kumar (2022-10-21). SYSTEM FOR A MULTI-KEYWORD SEARCH SCHEME UPON DISSEMINATED DATA IN MOBILE CLOUD THEREOF. Indian Patent. Application Number:202211056715
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Ankit Verma (2021-05-13). GLUCOSE MEASURING DEVICE. Indian Design Patent. Application Number:343407-001
Shalika (2022-11-25). A system for notifying and monitoring critically IIL patients utilizing IoT. Indian. Application Number:202211064080
Vidushi (2022-11-02). IOT System for Monitoring Gateways using LORA and LORAWAN. Indian. Application Number:202241062481
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Ankit Verma,Rabi Narayan Panda,Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj,Dr. Vipin Kumar (2023-10-02). S-ANFIS METHOD FOR BLOOD INFECTION PREDICTION. Indian. Application Number:202311004818
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Ankit Verma,Rabi Narayan Panda,Dr. Shashank Bhardwaj,Dr. Vipin Kumar (2023-10-02). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTION OF BLOOD INFECTIONS. Indian. Application Number:202311005196
Dr. Amit K Gupta,Vidushi, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (2023-02-17). SMART SYSTEM FOR WOMEN AWARENESS & PREDICTION OFDISEASE. Indian. Application Number:202311006002
prashant agarwal, Ms. Neelam Rawat (2022-09-09). Study of Artificial Intelligence applied to the Internet of thing, focused on residential automation. indian. Application Number:202241049911
prashant agarwal (2023-05-19). A servo amplifier control device. Indian Design Patent. Application Number:379792-001
Dr. Sangeeta Arora (2023-12-05). A SYSTEM FOR ENHANCING SECURITY WITH IOT-ENABLED ROAD OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE ROBOTS FOR SAFETY. indian. Application Number:202311017596
Dr. Vidushi, Praveen Kumar Gupta, Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi (2023-11-24). MEDIWATCH: A MACHINE LEARNING-ENABLED SMART PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM WITH WEB APPLICATION. Indian. Application Number:202311069401
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2023-05-26). A Noval System for Loan Eligibility Based on Informal Financial Transactions Information Without User Credit Score. Office of controller general of patents, design and trademarks. Application Number:202311028851
Aarti Goel (1900-01-00). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED NERVE ACTIVATION DEVICE FOR HEALTHCARE TREATMENT. Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office. Application Number:6298519
Aarti Goel (1900-01-00). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED MENTAL HEALTH DIAGNOSTIC DEVICE. The Patent Office, Government of India. Application Number:392762-001
Dr. Sapna Juneja (2023-10-13). Design and Development of Innovative Quality Assessment Process of Environment. The Patent Office, Government of India. Application Number:202311064101A
Dr. Sapna Juneja (1900-01-00). Smart Highway Fog Prediction System,. The Patent Office, Government of India. Application Number:202211027842 A
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2023-05-26). A Noval System for Loan Eligibility Based on Informal Financial Transactions Information Without User Credit Score. Office of controller general of patents, design and trademarks. Application Number:202311028851
Ms. Kavya Gupta, Dr. Gaurav Agrawal, Dr. Abha Kiran Rajpoot, Mr. Anurag Gupta, Ms. Anjali Chauhan, Dr. Rekha Kashyap (1900-01-00). IoT-Based Smoke and Heat Detector. The Patent Office, Government of India. Application Number:398665-001
Sachin Kumar (2023-10-13). AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311064432 A
PARKING. Indian. Application Number:202311051362
Anurag Mishra, Harsh Khatter, Gaurav Dubey (2023-09-08). NEED OF ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT PER WEEK FOR AN INDIVIDUAL BASED ON VARIOUS PARAMETERS. Indian. Application Number:202311054374
Harsh Khatter (2023-09-08). AN ACCIDENT DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Indian. Application Number:202311054368
Anurag Mishra (2023-09-15). EFFICIENT RESERVATIONS OF RESOURCES IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT. Indian. Application Number:202311053392
VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS. Indian. Application Number:202311056083
MAPS. Indian. Application Number:202311056541
Vikas Kamra (2023-09-29). AUTOMATED RETAIL CHECKOUT SYSTEM USING YOLOV5 IN COMPUTER VISION. Indian. Application Number:202311057732
. Indian. Application Number:202311064089
Anurag Mishra (2023-10-13). A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EFFICIENT AMBULANCE DISPATCH AND TRACKING. Indian. Application Number:202311064132
Neha Shukla, Arti Sharma, Harsh Khatter, Raj Kumar, Anurag Mishra, Harsh Vardhan
Harsh Khatter, Raj Kumar, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2023-10-13). IOT-ENABLED INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR PRECISE CROP DISEASE IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT. Indian. Application Number:202311063778
Akash Goel . (2023-10-13). NEURAL STYLE TRANSFER FOR 3D MODEL. Indian. Application Number:202311064311
Neha Shukla, Vishakha Chauhan, Shreela Pareek (2023-10-13). MULTIMODAL GESTURE-TO-AUDIO AND TEXT CONVERSION SYSTEM USING MACHINE LEARNING. Indian. Application Number:202311063970
Anurag Mishra (2023-10-20). EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES IN FOG COMPUTING. Indian. Application Number:202311065498
LEARNING PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS. Indian. Application Number:202311065885
Anshula Gupta, Shivani (2023-11-24). A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR MANAGER SELECTION USING NETWORK CENTRALITY IN ORGANIZATIONS. Indian. Application Number:202311069284
WITH WEB APPLICATION. Indian. Application Number:202311069401
Gaurav Dubey
Anurag Mishra (2023-12-29). NEUROADAPT ADVANCING DEEP LEARNING WITH DYNAMIC SELF-ADAPTIVE NETWORKS. Indian. Application Number:202311080256
Neha Shukla, Harsh Khatter (2024-01-05). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING RESOURCE ALLOCATION STRATEGIES FOR 5G NETWORK USING ML. Indian. Application Number:202311076874
Harsh Khatter, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2024-01-05). A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING THE MEDICINES USING IOT. Indian. Application Number:202311077810
Harsh Khatter (2024-01-05). SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE CONTROLLING IN FOGGY DAYS. Indian. Application Number:202311077814
LEARNING. Indian. Application Number:202411001519
Pardeep Tyagi, Amit Kumar Singh Sanger, Rahul Kumar, Shreela Pareek, Vishakha Chauhan (2024-02-02). SILENT-SPEAK: A MACHINE LEARNING-BASED MODEL FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEARING
AND SPEECH IMPAIRMENTS. Indian. Application Number:202411002016
Akash Goel, Harsh khatter (2024-02-02). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NEURAL STYLE TRANSFER FOR 3D MODEL. Indian. Application Number:202411002095
AUTOMATED ATTENDANCE MARKING. Indian. Application Number:202411002964
PANEL EFFICIENCY. Indian. Application Number:202411002767
Harsh Khatter, Gaurav Dubey (2024-02-02). ADAPTIVE ONLINE PLATFORM FOR ENHANCED TEACHING AND LEARNING. Indian. Application Number:202411002782
Harsh Khatter (2024-02-09). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BLOOD INFECTION DETECTION USING FUZZY BASED SYSTEM. Indian. Application Number:202411003478
Pawan Kumar Pal, Harsh Khatter (2024-02-16). SKIN N SENSE: A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM. Indian. Application Number:202411009111
Pawan Kumar Pal, Harsh Khatter (2024-02-16). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRAFFIC SIGN RECOGNITION USING CNN. Indian. Application Number:202411009126
Pawan Kumar Pal, Harsh Khatter (2024-02-16). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PCOS DETECTION AND PREDICTION. Indian. Application Number:202411009125
Gaurav Dubey (2024-02-16). AI-DRIVEN OPTIMIZATION FOR GREEN COMPUTING. Indian. Application Number:202411009115
Abhishek Goyal, Harsh Khatter (2024-02-23). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NOSQL TO RDBMS CONVERTER. Indian. Application Number:202311087899
Arti Sharma, Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Anurag Mishra, Saurabh
(2024-02-23). EMOMELODY MAPPER- EMOTION BASED MUSIC PLAYER. Indian. Application Number:202311089803
Harsh Khatter (2024-02-23). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BLIND IMAGE RESTORATION AND DATA AUGMENTATION. Indian. Application Number:202411010913
Akash Goel, Harsh Khatter (2024-03-01). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ONLINE VOTING USING BLOCKCHAIN. Indian. Application Number:202411013595
Sreesh Gaur, Harsh Khatter (2024-05-24). System and Method for Analyzing and Visualizing the Codeforces progress . Indian. Application Number:202411033472
Raj Kumar, Harsh Khatter (2024-05-17). System and Method for Sign Language Recognition. Indian. Application Number:202411036462
Sreesh Gaur (2024-05-17). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ON-DEMAND HOME SERVICES. Indian. Application Number:202411037046
ABHISHEK GOYAL, GAURAV DUBEY (2024-05-17). AIR POLLUTION FORECASTING IN NCR . Indian. Application Number:202411036608
Amit Kumar Singh Sanger, Harsh Khatter (2024-05-31). Smart and Innovative Web application for Driver Hiring. Indian. Application Number:202411039261
Pawan Kumar Pal, Harsh Khatter (2024-05-31). Smart and Innovative mobile interface for Chest X-Ray Report Generation. Indian. Application Number:202411039181
Anurag Mishra (2024-05-31). College Placement Management System. Indian. Application Number:202411037238
Neha Shukla, Saurabh Sharma, Arti Sharma, Harsh Khatter, Anurag Mishra, Raj Kumar (2024-05-31). METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ENHANCING WOMENS SAFETY THROUGH CRIME RATE ANALYSIS USING EXPLORATORY
DATA ANALYSIS. Indian. Application Number:202411037244
Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Harsh Khatter (2024-05-31). SMART SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR HOME WORKOUT WITH ANIMATED GUIDE . Indian. Application Number:202411037247
Vivek Kumar Sharma, Harsh Khatter (2024-06-07). System and method for Virtual Mouse: CLICK – AI. Indian. Application Number:202411039797
Rahul Kumar, Harsh Khatter (2024-06-07). System and Method Online Household Services. Indian. Application Number:202411039801
Harsh Khatter (2024-06-07). SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR WOMEN SECURITY. Indian. Application Number:202411040909
Neha Shukla, Harsh Khatter (2024-06-07). System and method for Sepsis Detection. Indian. Application Number:202411042038
Neha Shukla, Harsh Khatter (2024-06-07). System and Method for Virtual Assistant. Indian. Application Number:202411042229
. Indian. Application Number:202411046385
Dr. Rohit Vashisht (1900-01-00). AI based device for testing alcohol breath. UK Patent Office. Application Number:6293242
Ms. Jaya Sharma (2023-09-01). Comprehensive Dementia Support App with AR Navigation System. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341043285
Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2023-09-01). AI and machine learning based approach for predicting shortest path in google map. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341044069
Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2023-09-08). AI and ML based Early detection of Neurodegenerative Motor Disorder (Parkinson disease) using neuro-imaging, brain scanning by applying efficient image processing technique and Machine learning algorithm. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202331046992
Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2023-10-13). Artificial intelligence-based approaches for automatic question paper generation for the digital education. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341064884
Dr. Abhinav Juneja and Mr. Ambrish Gangal (1900-01-00). Smart highway fog prediction system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211027842
Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh (1900-01-00). IoT based Solar power agriculture robot. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:400701-001
Mr. Deep Kumar (2024-01-05). Innovative method and system for deceptive content analysis using deep learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311077811 A
Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2024-01-12). A systematic method for digital and social media metrics on mental health approaches for youth. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202341089259
Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh (1900-01-00). Iot based device for environmental monitoring. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:403824-001
Mr. Ambrish Gangal (2024-02-09). A novel framework for safety-critical decision-making and control using machine learning. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202441002157
Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh (2024-02-23). Dynamic organizational structure optimization system using blockchain and iot devices. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311087996A
Ashima Arya (2024-05-10). A novel method for criminal face detection using machine learning based system. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202411030531 A
Ashima Arya (2024-05-31). Novel approach for plant species recommendation based on geographical location using machine learning techniques. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202411037243 A
Ms. Arti Pandey (2024-06-21). The influence of ai on supply chain management: mapping the domain. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202411043923
Mr. Tanishq Vashishth, Mr. Shivam Kumar, Mr. Shivam Dhaiya, Mr. Rahul Kumar, Mr. Harsh Khatter (2024-07-06 00:00:00). System and method online household services. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411039801 A
Mr. Vivek Kumar Sharma, Mr. Suryansh Shukla, Mr. Sparsh Dagar, Mr. Sumit Agarwal, Mr. Harsh Khatter (2024-07-06 00:00:00). System and method for virtual mouse: CLICK - AI. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411039797 A
Mr. Nishu Gupta, Mr. Riya Bansal, Mr. Vaishnavi Sangal, Mr. Harsh Khatter. System and method for women security. Indian Patent. Application Number: 202411040909 A
Mr. Yash Puri, Mr. Vishal Verma, Mr. Yash Goel, Ms. Neha Shukla, Mr. Harsh Khatter. System and method for sepsis detection. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411042038 A
Mr. Srijan Shahi, Mr. Suraj Gupta, Mr. Sushant Kumar Pandey, Ms.Neha Shukla, Mr. Harsh Khatter. System and method for virtual assistant. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411042229 A
Dr. Reenu, Dr. Komal Sharma, Dr. Namrata Tripathi. Design a mathematical based modal for currency escrow transactions. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411050977 A
Dr. Reenu, Dr. Komal Sharma, Dr. Namrata Tripathi. Design a mathematical based modal for currency escrow transactions. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411050977 A
Mr. Saurabh Sharma, Dr. Gaurav Dubey . Last-mile connectivity enhancement in urban transport through integrated transit solutions. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411048471 A
Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh, Dr. Jyoti Srivastava, Dr. Gaurav Dubey . Sensor-driven adaptive lighting system for commercial spaces. Indian Patent. Application Number:202411049469 A
KIET Group of Institutions, Mr. Gaurav Tripathi, Mr. Ashish Pandey, Mr. Neelesh Tiwari, Ms. Arti Sharma, Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, Mr. Saurabh, Dr. Harsh Khatter. A system to allow multiple passengers on one card. Indian Patent. Application Number:202311003637 A
AKTU Lucknow(2)
J.C.Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad (1)
Mewar University Chittorgarh (2)
Mewar University Chittorgarh (2)
Mewar University Chittore(1)
AKTU Lucknow(2)
Monard University Hapur (2)
AKTU Lucknow (1)
DIT University, Dehradun (2) Galgotia University, Greater Noida (1)
Uttrakhand Technical University. Dehradun (1), Venkateshwara University (2)
Sunrise University (2)
AKTU, LUCKNOW (3),JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi (1)
AKTU, LUCKNOW (3), GGSIP University, New Delhi (1)
Amity University, Noida (1)
Bennett University, Greater Noida (1)
YMCA University, Faridabad,
 Indira Gandhi Dehli Technical University for Women, New Delhi (1)
AKTU, Lucknow (2)
IFTM University, Moradabad, UP (1), Indira Gandhi Dehli TechnicalUniversity for Women, New Delhi (2), SRM University, Modinagar(2)
Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal TibrewalaUniversity, Rajasthan(1) Texila American University (1)
Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal TibrewalaUniversity, Rajasthan(1) Texila American University (1)
SRK University, Bhopal (1), AKTU(1)
SRK University, Bhopal (1), AKTU(1)
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow
Manav Rachna University, Gurgaon
Manav Rachna University, Gurgaon
SRM IST Kattankulathur
SRM IST Kattankulathur
Noida International University
Noida International University
Amity University, Greater Noida
Amity University, Greater Noida
Amity University, Haryana
Amity University, Haryana
JUIT, Waknaghat
JUIT, Waknaghat
Amity University, Noida
Amity University, Noida
Mangalayatan University
Mangalayatan University
SRM University, NCR Campus
SRM University, NCR Campus
NorthCap University, Gurugram
NorthCap University, Gurugram
Dr. K. Nagarajan (2019-20). Design & Development of fullerene based novel peptide scaffolds as potent antitubercular agents. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)-RPS. Amount:22.17
Dr. Ashok Jangra (2019-20). Development, Characterization and Evaluation of topical nanogel for Psoriasis treatment. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:4.5
Dr. Vibhav Sachan (2019-20). Conference Grant. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:1.61
Dr. Ranchay Bhateja
Dr. Mani Tyagi (2019-20). Blooms Taxonomy an approach towards outcome based technical education. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:1.5
Dr. Dhananjay Pradhan (2019-20). Influence of simulated dynamic evvironment on hot corrosion behavior of NI based super alloy. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:4.51
Dr. Subodh Kr Sharma (2019-20). Environmental impacts of biofuel blends using nanoadditives for Diesel Engine. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:4.5
Dr. K.L.A. Khan (2019-20). Indo-UK led Curriculum Development Through Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing for the Future. Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. Amount:48.66
Dr. Adesh K Pandey (2019-20). Institute level
Skill and Personality Development Program Centre for SC/ST Students (SPDC). All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:15.33
Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi (2019-20). MODROB (Power Electronics Lab). All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:15.03
Dr. Brijesh Singh (2019-20). Development of Standalone Small Scaled Hybrid Microgrid System for Agriculture Requirements. AKTU under TEQIP-III. Amount:3
Ragini Sharma
Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan (2019-20). Designing and analysis of MIMO Antenna with incoorporation of SIW. AKTU, Lucknow, CRIP TEQIP-III. Amount:3
Dr. Jagannath Sahoo (2019-20). Conference Grant. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:0.5
Dr. Mani Tyagi
Dr. Ranchay Bhateja (2018-19). Emerging Role of Leadership, Values and Ethics for Organizational Development. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:1
Dr. Ranchay Bhateja
Dr. Mani Tyagi (2018-19). Strengthening the Skills of the Professional. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:1.5
Dr. Vaishali Manik Rao Patil Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2018-19). Computational Designing of Novel GnRHR specific kinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:5
Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2018-19). Technology Development and Recent Advances in Secondary Metabolites Extracted from Newer Species of Lichens occurring in Achanamar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve in Central India. DST-SERB. Amount:7.4
Dr. Arunesh Chandra (2018-19). Conference Grant. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:5
Dr. Arvind Sharma (2018-19). Short Term Training Program on Emerging Trends & Challenges in Grid Connected Renewable Power generation. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:32.3
Dr. Mrinal Verma (2017-18). Foundation Program in ICT for Education. IIT Bombay. Amount:0.25
Dr. Mani Tyagi
Dr. Ranchay Bhateja (2017-18). International Conference on E-governance in Digital India: Prospects and Opportunities for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) DST, New Delhi . Amount:2.38
Dr. Prateek Gupta
Dr. Deepa (2017-18). Research Project on Cost Benefit Analysis of E-Governance in India towards Socio-Economic Development- Study of Delhi & West UP. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi . Amount:2
Dr. K.L.A. Khan Dr. Anurag Gupta (2017-18). Performance analysis of FRP rebars for reinforcement of concrete slab (Co-PI). AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:4.95
Dr. Mandeep Kumar Arora Dr. Ashok Jangra (2017-18). Nanoformulation and neuroprotective evaluation of Mangiferin against 4neuronal deficits in mice. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:5
Dr. CM Batra (2017-18). Conference Grant. Council of Science & Technology, UP. Amount:0.5
Dr. Vineet Sharma (2017-18). Foundation Program in ICT for Education. IIT, Bombay. Amount:0.25
Dr. Sanjar Alam (2016-17). Herbal Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System For Nose to Brain Targeting for the Management of Alzheimer Disease.. DST-SERB. Amount:19.2
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Gupta (2016-17). Installation of 4 kW Solar Power Plant with intelligent Energy Management System for PC lab. AKTU, Lucknow. Amount:4
Dr. CM Batra (2016-17). Conference Grant. Council of Science & Technology, UP. Amount:0.5
Dr. Ranchay Bhateja
Dr. Mani Tyagi (2015-16). National Seminar on Moving towards make in India. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi . Amount:1.5
Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2017-18). Seminar On IPR. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) . Amount:2.0 Lakhs
Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2019-20). Modrobs. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:2.69 Lakhs
Dr. Sangeeta Arora (2020-21). STTP. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Amount:2.81 Lakhs
Dr Manoj Kumar Tyagi (-). An Architectural Framework for Designing of Customized Techniques for Software Projects Tracking. CRG. Amount:-
Dr. Abhinav Juneja (-). Smart Fog Prediction and traffic management system for Highways. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P.. Amount:-
Dr Pushpa (ATAL FDP) (-). Deep Learning in Healthcare: An Opportunities & Challenges. ATAL. Amount:-
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-20). “Upgradation of AI and Machine learning lab”. AICTE funded. Amount:Rs. 12,27,451/-
Prof. Dr. V. K. Singh (Principal Investigator) & Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2017-18). “Big Data Analysis Using High Performance Modelling and Simulation Techniques”.. AKTU (Vishveswarayya Research Promotion Scheme). Amount:4.58 Lakhs
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-20). “Security-Aware GA based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Permissioned Blockchain”. AKTU(Travel Grant Scheme). Amount:Rs 1 lakh
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-20). “Upgradation of AI and Machine learning lab”. AICTE funded. Amount:Rs. 12,27,451/-
Prof. Dr. V. K. Singh (Principal Investigator) & Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2017-18). “Big Data Analysis Using High Performance Modelling and Simulation Techniques”.. AKTU (Vishveswarayya Research Promotion Scheme). Amount:4.58 Lakhs
Dr. Rekha Kashyap (2019-20). “Security-Aware GA based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Permissioned Blockchain”. AKTU(Travel Grant Scheme). Amount:Rs 1 lakh
Dr. Rekha Kashyap, Mr. Rajeev Kumar Singh (2022-23). Product Engineering Internship Program. Rapipay. Amount:17.0 Lakhs
Mr. Anuj Pathak (2022-23). Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Consultancy Project). Lozenges Health Care Private Limited. Amount:2
Dr. Vinay Kumar and Dr. Shardendu Mishra (2022-23). Wound healing activity of plant extracts in animals (Consultancy Project). academic consultancy project . Amount:1.6
Dr. Roma Ghai (2022-23). Developing videos for their training programme (Consultancy Project). CLINI-INDIA. Amount:1
Dr. Alankar Shrivastava (2021-22). Review/ Research article in field of analytical method development and validation for determination of drugs (Consultancy Project). Acropolis Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. Amount:0.2
Dr. Vinay Kumar (2021-22). Research work on impact of fasting on peridontal and systemic inflammation (Consultancy Project). Pharma- Biestand. Amount:1
Dr. M. A. Sheela (2020-21). Pre formulations of new drugs in Indian Systems of Medicine (Consultancy Project). Allen Homoeo and Herbal Products Limited. Amount:0.2
Dr. Parul Grover (2020-21). Development of Preformulation & Docking (Consultancy Project). Allen Homoeo and Herbal Products Limited. Amount:0.2
Dr. Puspendra Kumar (2020-21). Formation of animation video on the topic 2D animation for bioanalytical techniques (Consultancy Project). CRAMbridge. Amount:0.25
Dr. Mandeep Arora (2019-20). Animal Activity as collabrator (Consultancy Project). Dr. Apeejay Stya University. Amount:1
Dr. Gaurav Dubey,
Dr. Akash Punhani (2024-25). Software Solution. VDT Pipeline. Amount:30,000/- *
Prof. Anurag Mishra
Dr. Harsh Khatter (2024-25). Patent Drafting . Lexgin IP and Krishna Path. Amount:36,000/- *
Mr. Sourav (TBI)
Mr. Aashish Gupta (2023-24). Website Development. Soach Global Virtual Risk Management Private Limited. Amount:1,44,000/-
Prof. Anurag Mishra,
Dr. Harsh Khatter
Prof. Harsh Vardhan (2023-24). Patent Drafting . Lexgin IP and Krishna Path. Amount:1,16,500 /-
Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava (2022-23). Website Development. NEC Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. Amount:45,762 /-
Dr. Rohit Vashisht (2022-23). APPARTMENT’S TOUR AND ITS MAINTENANCE USING AR-VR & ML. Innotechverse Private Limited. Amount:Non-Paid
Dr. Rohit Vashisht (2023-24). MATCH MY FLIGHT. REGAN SOFTWARE PARTIES. Amount:2.0 Lacs
Dr. Manish Bhardwaj (2023-24). PATENT CONSULTANCY. Krishnapath Industrial Research and Consultancy Foundation (KIRCF). Amount:55 Thousand