

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Associate Professor
Department of Information Technology
Email Id :-

Emp. Code :- 21014


Programming & Data structures, Machine Learning

  • Sanjeev Kumar (2019-20 ). Implementing AUTHEER: A Voice-Based Speaker Authentication Systems. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. ISSN:I2207-6360
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Dilkeshwar Pandey (2019-20 ). Neuro – Spike Analysis Using Stochastic Resonance with Random Fluctuations. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking. ISSN:2233-7857
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Dilkeshwar Pandey (2019-20 ). Social Reform in Land Acquisition and Ownership Using Block chain Technology Based Authorization. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. ISSN:1475-7192
  • Sanjeev Kumar (2022-23). VI-NET: A Hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG and inception V3 model for copy-move forgery classification. Journal of Visual Communication and image representation. ISSN:103644
  • Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. A Robust Copy Move Forgery Classification Using End to End Convolution Neural Network. ICRITO2020. ISBN:978-1-7281-7016-9
  • Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. Augmented Reality Systems in Gaming and Multimedia. Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). ISBN:978-1-7281-7741-0
  • Sanjeev Kumar. Discrete cosine transform features matching-based forgery mask detection for copy-move forged images. CISCT-2022. ISBN:
  • Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (2020-09-18). AI-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning, Machine Learning Programming. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011033430 A
  • Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (1900-01-00). MHOC- Block Chain Technology: Medicine And Healthcare Observation Care Using Block Chain Technology. Australian Patent. Application Number:2020101898
  • Dr. Ms. Shivani Batra, Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Ms. Himanshi Chaudhary, Ms. Kalpna Sagar, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar (2020-10-16). COVID-19 Safe Biometric Identification Machine. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202011040673 A
  • Dr. Roma Ghai, Sanjeev Kumar, Shardendu Kumar Mishra, Praveen K. Dixit & Pankaj Bhatt (2023-03-17). COMPOSITION FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202311016479 A
  • Dr. Jitendra Kumar Seth, Mr. Ruchin Gupta, Mr. Surendrer Kr. Keshari, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Mr. Zatin Gupta (2022-04-22). CLOUD AND IOT BASED SECURE HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING SPEECH THROUGH GOOGLE ASSISTANT. Indian Patent Office. Application Number:202211022229 A