
Mechanical Engineering


S.No. Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co-investivator Department of Principal Investigator Session of Award Amount Sanctioned (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project PName of the Funding Agency Type (Government/non- Government)
1 Influence of simulated dynamic evvironment on hot corrosion behavior of NI based super alloy Dr. Dhananjay Pradhan Mechanical Engineering 2019-20 4.51 2 Years AKTU, Lucknow AKTU, Lucknow
2 Environmental impacts of biofuel blends using nanoadditives for Diesel Engine Dr. Subodh Kr Sharma Mechanical Engineering 2019-20 4.5 2 Years AKTU, Lucknow AKTU, Lucknow
3 Indo-UK led Curriculum Development Through Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing for the Future Dr. K.L.A. Khan Mechanical Engineering 2019-20 48.66 1 Year Royal Academy of Engineering, UK International
4 Conference Grant Dr. Arunesh Chandra Mechanical Engineering 2018-19 5 1 Year All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Government
5 Performance analysis of FRP rebars for reinforcement of concrete slab (Co-PI) Dr. K.L.A. Khan Dr. Anurag Gupta Mechanical Engineering 2017-18 4.95 2 Years AKTU, Lucknow Government