
Electrical & Electronics Engineering


S.No. Department Author (s) Title of Paper Conference Type Organized By ISBN
1 Electrical & Electronics Engineering YATENDER KUMAR CHATURVEDI CIPECH-16 INTERNATIONAL EN Department, KIET 978-1-4673-9080-4
2 Electrical & Electronics Engineering YADUVIR SINGH Characteristic Variations of PV cell due to Change in Parameters using MATLAB/Simulink model NATIONAL SOUVENIR
3 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad
4 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
5 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
6 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
7 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
8 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
9 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System INTERNATIONAL IEEE
10 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SURENDRA KUMAR TRIPATHI NATIONAL KIET Group of Institutions Ghaziabad
11 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SHEETAL a modified haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem INTERNATIONAL kiet group of institutions
12 Electrical & Electronics Engineering SHEETAL An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant NATIONAL Nit kurukshetra
13 Electrical & Electronics Engineering RUCHIKA SINGH “Markov approach to evaluate the availability simulation model for urea decomposition system o INTERNATIONAL Prof. Kamal K Kar ISBN: 978-981-09-7519-7
14 Electrical & Electronics Engineering RUCHIKA SINGH “Threshold Based Ship Tracking with Fuzzy Lingustic Quantifier� INTERNATIONAL Prof. M. N. Hoda ISSN 0973-7529
16 Electrical & Electronics Engineering RAHAT ULLAH KHAN Real Time Performance , Evaluation of Modified PMDC Motor, BLDC Motor and Dual Commutator PMDC Machi INTERNATIONAL IEEE Madras Chapter
17 Electrical & Electronics Engineering RAHAT ULLAH KHAN Experimental Study of Modified Dual Slope Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV/T) Solar Thermal Still INTERNATIONAL National Institute of Technology , Triuchirapalli
18 Electrical & Electronics Engineering RAHAT ULLAH KHAN Experimental Study of Modified Dual Slope Hybrid Photovoltaic (PV/T) Solar Thermal Still INTERNATIONAL Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology
19 Electrical & Electronics Engineering PAVAN KHETRAPAL The Effect of Institutions on Sectoral Performance: The Case of Electricity Distribution in Indian S INTERNATIONAL International Association for Energy Economics
20 Electrical & Electronics Engineering PAVAN KHETRAPAL Benchmarking of Indian electricity distribution utilities using data envelopment analysis INTERNATIONAL University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
21 Electrical & Electronics Engineering NAVEEN KUMAR Data flow based quality testing approach using ACO for component based software development INTERNATIONAL IEEE xplore
22 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of photo voltaic arrays under partial shading conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
23 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Investigation of renewable energy potential in union territory of Lakshadweep islands INTERNATIONAL IEEE
24 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
25 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
26 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
27 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
28 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
29 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL IEEE
30 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Feasibility analysis of solar photovoltaic array configurations under partial shading conditions Si INTERNATIONAL JMI, NEW DELHI
31 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Analysis of solar photovoltaic array under partial shading conditions for different array configrati INTERNATIONAL KIET,GZB
32 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Investigation of renewable energy potential in union territory of Lakshadweep islands INTERNATIONAL KIET,GZB
33 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Investigation of renewable energy potential in union territory of Lakshadweep islands INTERNATIONAL KIET,GZB
34 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHD. FAISAL JALIL Improved Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays NATIONAL DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra
35 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHAMMAD SHARIZ ANSARI Investigation of Renewable energy Potential in union territory of Lakshadweep Island INTERNATIONAL KIET, GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, GHAZIABAD 978-1-4673-9080-4
36 Electrical & Electronics Engineering MOHAMMAD SHARIZ ANSARI Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions INTERNATIONAL KIET GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, GHAZIABAD 978-1-4673-9080-4
38 Electrical & Electronics Engineering BRIJESH SINGH Economic Load Dispatch with ATC Improvement in Power System Network Including Solar Power Generation INTERNATIONAL KIET Group of Institutions Ghaziabad, India ISBN: 978-1-4673-9080-4
39 Electrical & Electronics Engineering BRAJESH KUMAR TIWARI Reduction in Path Failures by Adopting Multi-Channel Multi - Path in Routing For Dynamic Activity of INTERNATIONAL Confer Professional group of conferences
40 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA Performance Comparison of DFIG and SCIG based Wind Energy Conversion Systems INTERNATIONAL KIE, GhaziabadT
41 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA Large Scale Wind Energy Conversion System Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator INTERNATIONAL KIET, Group of INstitutions, Ghaziabad
42 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ARVIND KUMAR SHARMA Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal INTERNATIONAL Department of ME, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad
43 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ARUN KUMAR Modeling and Parameter Optimization of Scaled SiGe Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistor NATIONAL MMMUT GORAKHPUR
44 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ARUN KUMAR Analysis of Specific Attenuation of Different Regions of the World based on ITU-R Model NATIONAL ECE DEPARTMENT, NIT KKR
45 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Performance analysis of UPFC by using MATLAB Simulink INTERNATIONAL SRMS Bareilley
46 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Performance analysis of UPFC by using MATLAB Simulink INTERNATIONAL Prof(Dr) A. K. Srivastava Organizing Secretary
47 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Reactive Power Compensation by using UPFC NATIONAL Fahad Iqbal Coordinator
48 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Role of PSS & FACTS Controller in Power System NATIONAL Dr. Omveer Singh (Co-convener)
49 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Improvement of an IPFC Equipped Power System’s Small Signal Stability by Fuzzy Logic NATIONAL Dr. Omveer Singh (Co-convener) Electrical and Electronics Engineering Deptt.
50 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA Modeling, Simulation & Comparative Analysis of 100KWs Solar PV Array Power Plant for KIET Group of I INTERNATIONAL International Conference on Materials, Applied Physics & Engineering
51 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANMOL GUPTA A Review on Design, Development and Applications of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Technology NATIONAL Hi-Tech Institute of Engg. & Tech.
52 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANKIT SINGHAL SVPWM based inverter design for synchronization of renewable energy with grid. INTERNATIONAL University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, India
53 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANKIT SINGHAL Simulation of Three phase Voltage Source Inverter Based on SVPWM Technique INTERNATIONAL University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, India
54 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ANKIT SINGHAL Simulation Modelling of DC-DC Converter for Grid Side Connected Inverter INTERNATIONAL Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Gokulam III Stage
56 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ALOK KUMAR PANDEY Linear Flight Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle INTERNATIONAL Springer
57 Electrical & Electronics Engineering ALOK KUMAR PANDEY IoT assisted demand response in residential sector INTERNATIONAL IEEE
58 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Masood Rizvi Design of Hybrid Microgridusing Homer International
59 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Masood Rizvi Cost Optimisation ofMicrogrid using HOMERSoftware – A case study ofBotswana International
60 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India International
61 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari To design a PV/diesel/battery hybrid system for Agatti Island india International
62 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Homer based optimization of solar wind diesel hybrid system for electrification in an Isolated Area International
63 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Homer based optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) for electrification in a rural area International
64 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a Technical Institute of India International
65 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India International
66 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari To design an optimal PV/Diesel/Battery hybrid energy system for Havelock Island in India International
67 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Masood Rizvi Homer based optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) for electrification in a rural area International
68 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ameer Faisal To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India International
69 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena Energy market: trends and outlooks under US- India policy studies International
70 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena Competition in Retail Electricity Market – India vs USA International
71 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring of The Battery International
72 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta Blockchain in Healthcare Industry International
73 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta 5G challenges In India International
74 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta Car Parking Management System International
75 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta An efficient home automation system based on internet-ofthings International
76 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta Augmented Reality Based Geo Tagging Task Management System International
77 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore Artificial Bee colony Based Controller Design for Automatic Generation Control in Multi Area Power System International
78 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore PID Controller Design For Three Tank System International
79 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore A Review on Various Techniques for Speed Control of DC Motor International
80 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore Comparative Performance Analysis of PV Fed Boost Converter International
81 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System International
82 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Salim Development and implementation of LabVIEW-Based Smart Home Control International
83 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Salim Smart Plant Monitoring System International
84 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Salim DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FITNESS TRACKING DEVICE International
85 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Salim LabVIEW and DAQ-based Data Monitoring in Real-Time for PV Solar Panel International
86 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma BMS for PV Integrated System International
87 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma DIGITAL SENSOR BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL International
88 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena Fuzzy Rule Based Collaborative Peer Learning Methodology for Gradual Learning Engineering Students International
89 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Surendra Kumar Tripathi Renewable (Solar)Energy and Grid Integration International
90 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Surendra Kumar Tripathi Designing And Analysis of An Electric Vehicle Using Matlab/Simulink International
91 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Brijesh Singh Development of performance estimator for Li-ion Batteries using soft-computing International
92 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Brijesh Singh Simulation for SOC estimation and performance analysis of batteries at FTP-72 Drive cycle International
93 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Prof Arika Singh Dynamic Economic load dispatch for thermal and wind generator with Ramp ,emission constraints International
94 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma BMS for PV Integrated System International
95 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma Digital Sensor Based Temperature Control International
97 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a technical institutions in India. International
98 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring Of Battery International
99 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena Energy Market, Value-Added Services (US-India Market Policies) International
100 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ruchika Singh Water Irrigation System using Arduino International
101 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ruchika Singh IOT Based Vehicle Tracking System International
102 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta Adaptive autoregressive modeling based ECG signal analysis for health monitoring International
103 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Swati Smart Electronic Vehicle Internationa
104 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Swati IOT Based Smart Car Parking system Internationa
105 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena Electric Market Survey– India v/s United States Internationa
106 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Nitin Kumar Saxena IoT Based Conditioning Monitoring of Battery Internationa
107 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar A Review on Numerical & Wavelet Method based algorithm for the solution of computational problem in the area of Electromagnetics Internationa
108 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar A Review of Signal Attenuation Models Internationa
109 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar Analysis of Wavelet Based Methods for the Fast Solution of Computational Electromagnetic Problems Internationa
110 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar Design and Analysis of Pole Placement Based State Feedback Controller for Single Track Model of Car with Variable Mass Internationa
111 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Internationa
112 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arun Kumar Solution of Electromagnetic Wave Equation Based Computational Problems Using Correct Wavelet Internationa
113 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Naveen Kumar Home Automation Using Arduino a Common Technology for Upcoming Generation Internationa
114 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ameer Faisal Signaling in Fog in Indian Railways Internationa
115 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ramesh Singh Experimental Analysis of Truck Overloading Detection and Engine Locking System Internationa
116 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ramesh Singh Development of Hybrid Smart Grid System Using MATLAB/ SIMULINK Internationa
117 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ramesh Singh Effect of Deep Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources on Power Quality of Power System: A Review Internationa
118 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Natwar Singh Rathore A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Internationa
119 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Yaduvir Singh Detailed Review of Power Generation by Non-conventional Energy Resources Internationa
120 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma IOT Based Smart Door Locking System Internationa
121 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Sharma Face Recognition Door Unlocking System Internationa
122 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Surendra Kumar Tripathi Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid Internationa
123 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Investigation and Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area International
124 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Optimisation of a Grid Connected PV-Diesel System for a Technical Institution in India International
125 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-economic Analysis Of PV-diesel Hybrid Model Using Homer at island Andrott International
126 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Brijesh Singh Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Improvement via Integration of Water Fountain International
127 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Brijesh Singh Performance Evaluation of Supercapacitor Integrated Storage Unit in Standalone Microgrid System International
128 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Varun Gupta Nonlinear Technique-Based ECG Signal Analysis for Improved Healthcare Systems International
129 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arvind Kumar Sharma Smart Load Sharing Distribution System International
130 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Rajeev Kumar, Sheetal Mitigating Chaos in SMIB Power Systems via an Intelligent Battery-STATCOM Approach NATIONAL EN Department, KIET
131 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Rishabh Dixit, Ruchika singh, Jyoti srivastava Development of chatbot for medical healthcare using artificial intelligence NATIONAL EN Department, KIET
132 Electrical & Electronics Engineering S. Singh, S. Saini An Intelligent Composite Controller for Alleviating Chaotic Oscillations in Power Systems IEEE Conference IEEE Conference N/A
133 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sheetal, S. Saini Analyzing Chaos in SMIB Power System Conference Paper Conference Paper N/A
134 Electrical & Electronics Engineering S. Singh, M. Mittal A Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Disk Drive Read System Conference Paper Conference Paper 592
135 Electrical & Electronics Engineering AK Pandey, A. Kumar, S. Singh Study and analysis of environmental issues for scaled version of Si-Ge heterojunction bipolar transistor Conference Paper Conference Paper N/A
136 Electrical & Electronics Engineering S. Singh, M. Mittal An Alternate Implementation of Haar Wavelet Based Approach for State Analysis of Linear Time-variant Conference Paper Conference Paper N/A
137 Electrical & Electronics Engineering S. Singh, M. Mittal A modified Haar wavelet based approach for state analysis of a pendulum problem Conference Paper Conference Paper N/A
138 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Varun Sharma BMS for PV Integrated System Conference Paper ISBN Link ISBN Link
139 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Varun Sharma DIGITAL SENSOR BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL Conference Paper ISBN Link ISBN Link
140 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Varun Sharma IOT Based Smart Door Locking System ICFST 2021 ISBN Link ISBN Link
141 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Varun Sharma Face Recognition Door Unlocking System ICFST 2021 ISBN Link ISBN Link
142 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim Recent trends in energy system and control National Conference N/A
143 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 11th International conference on cloud computing, data science & engineering (Confluence) 2021 International Conference N/A
144 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 2020 first International conference on measurement, instrumentation, automation and control International Conference N/A
145 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 3rd International conference on communication and electronics (ICCE-2018) International Conference N/A
146 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management for the sustainable Development International Conference N/A
147 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 4th International Conference (Online) on Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020) International Conference N/A
148 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
149 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
150 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
151 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
152 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
153 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
154 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
155 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim CONFERENCE PROGRAMME ECC 2024 and ECP 2024 International Conference N/A
156 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal ANDROID AND BLUE TOOTH MODULE BASED DOOR AUTOMATION SYSTEM MECIT-2015 N/A
157 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2022 ISBN Link
158 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal Signaling in Fog in Indian Railways ICFST 2021 ISBN Link
159 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Intelligent Algorithms based Level Control of a Non-linear Conical Tank System ICSCA-2023 Springer Conference
160 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Inverted Pendulum Cart Control using Optimized FOPID Controller ICCSAI-2022 IEEE
161 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Tuning of PID Controller of an Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor International Conference N/A
162 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid International Conference N/A
163 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Application of Power Converters and Common Mode Voltage Reduction Techniques in DFIG Based WECS: A Review International Conference N/A
164 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi A Qualitative Analysis of Secured Handover Management Schemes for Mobile IPv6 Enabled Networks International Conference DOI: 10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724144
165 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Forensic Electrical Engineering: A Review On Electrical Fires International Conference ISBN: 978-93-5406-579-8
166 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
167 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
168 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
169 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Hindi Sangosthi Conference Paper N/A
170 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Renewable (Solar) Energy and Grid Integration International Conference ISBN Link
171 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Designing And Analysis of An Electric Vehicle Using Matlab/Simulink International Conference ISBN Link
172 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid International Conference ISBN Link
173 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Optimal sizing and cost assessment of off-grid connected hybrid microgrid system International Conference DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815817
174 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Optimal BLDC Motor Control Using a WOA-based LQR Strategy International Conference DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815609
175 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Ant Lion Optimization Based OPF Solution Incorporating Wind Turbines and Carbon Emissions International Conference DOI: 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
176 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms National Conference N/A
177 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis National Conference N/A
178 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity Market Model International Conference N/A
179 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind Farm Using PSAT International Conference N/A
180 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar IoT based smart energy metering and theft detection using Labview International Conference N/A
181 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Efficient control of wind turbine using IoT and Labview International Conference N/A
182 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Capacitance-based wireless power transfer. Future of EV charging station International Conference N/A
183 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Automatic Power Factor Improvement and Fault Maintenance system International Conference N/A
184 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Markov approach to evaluate the availability simulation model for urea decomposition system International Conference 978-981-09-7519-7 978-981-09-7519-7
185 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Threshold Based Ship Tracking with Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier International Conference ISSN 0973-7529 ISSN 0973-7529
186 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Water Irrigation System using Arduino International Conference BCIPECH-2022 BCIPECH-2022
187 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh IoT Based Vehicle Tracking System International Conference BCIPECH-2022 BCIPECH-2022
188 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar Mitigating chaos in SMIB power systems via an intelligent battery-STATCOM approach International Conference IEEE Xplore, 2024
189 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR International Conference 2020
190 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR International Conference 2018
191 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Efficient Design and Control of a Multi-Floor Elevator System Using PLC International Conference -
192 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System International Conference -
193 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Simplification of SOI MEMS based Trenchless Comb type Capacitive Accelerometer for FEM analysis International Conference -
194 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Photovoltaic Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant: An Analytical Application of the Solar Energy International Conference -
195 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Rust Detection in Large Metal Structure by CNN International Conference -
196 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Modified Controller Design Approach Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Reverse Osmosis Desalination System International Conference -
197 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization International Conference -
198 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Tuning of PID Controller for Position Control of DC Servo Motor using Luus-Jaakola Optimization International Conference -
199 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore ISE based PID Controller Tuning for Position Control of DC Servo-Motor using LJ International Conference -
200 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Luus-Jaakola Optimization Procedure for PID Controller Tuning in Reverse Osmosis System International Conference -
201 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Concentration Polarization Layer in Reverse Osmosis Process International Conference -
202 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Unconstrained Optimization with IDE Algorithm having Variable Dynamic Non-Linear Increased Crossover International Conference -
203 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Renewable energy for power generation in Androth Island: Projected level of dissemination using technology diffusion models International Conference 978-81-89927-10-3
204 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generation in union territory of Lakshadweep Island: Projected Level Dissemination Using Technology Diffusion Models International Conference 978-1-4799-5871-9
205 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Investigation of Renewable energy Potential in union territory of Lakshadweep Island International Conference 978-1-4673-9080-4
206 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions International Conference 978-1-4673-9080-4
207 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic Analysis of Diesel/Wind/PV/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Androth Island International Conference 978-981-33-4080-0
208 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Performance analysis of PV array connection schemes under mismatch scenarios International Conference 978-981-33-4080-0
209 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari A Review paper on Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model for an Isolated Area International Conference -
210 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Energy Conservation and Analysis on Sustainable Energy Development using HOMER – Review International Conference -
211 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India International Conference -
212 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area International Conference -
213 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Optimization of Grid Connected PV-Diesel System for a Technical Institution in India International Conference -
214 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-economic Analysis of PV-diesel Hybrid Model Using Homer at Andrott Island International Conference -
215 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal PV/Diesel/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India International Conference -
216 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India International Conference -
217 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India International Conference -
218 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To design a PV/ Diesel/ Battery hybrid System for Agatti Island in India International Conference -
219 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System: A Review International Conference -
220 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Homer based optimization of solar wind diesel hybrid system for electrification in an isolated area-A review International Conference -
221 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system for electrification in a rural area: A review International Conference -
222 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a Technical Institutions in India International Conference -
223 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic investigations of hybrid renewable energy system for Andaman & Nicobar Islands International Conference -
224 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic investigations of hybrid renewable energy system for Andaman & Nicobar Islands International Conference -
225 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Deployment of Reserve Corridors in PV Integrated Power System and Performance Analysis International Conference 979-8-3503-0500-5 (Electronic), 979-8-3503-0499-2 (USB), 979-8-3503-0501-2 (PoD)
226 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control International Conference 978-1-4673-5630-5
227 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Custom Power Devices and Applications In Power Networks: STATCOM and SVC National Conference -
228 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Soft Computing Techniques Based Optimal Power Generation Schedule in Power System Network National Conference -
229 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control International Conference 978-1-4673-5628-2
230 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Performance Evolution of Optimal PI Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in a DC Electric Drive System International Symposium -
231 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Bandana Optimal Sizing of a Grid Connected Biomass/Biogas/PV System for Rural Electrification International Conference 978-981-19-2828-4
232 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Bandana Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Rural Community of India International Conference 1742-6596/2570/1/012007
233 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Day-ahead power flow optimization with stochastic wind and solar power plants International Conference -
234 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Power systems resilience enhancement through renewable energy integration: Insights and future directions International Conference -
235 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Optimal power flow solution based on multi-verse optimizer algorithm incorporating renewable energy sources International Conference -
236 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Dung beetle optimizer algorithm based OPF solution considering renewable energy sources International Conference 10.1109/IC2E357697.2023.10262592
237 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Ant lion optimization based OPF solution incorporating wind turbines and carbon emissions International Conference 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
238 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Game theory based EV charge scheduling: A comprehensive review International Conference 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696445
239 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Effective control strategy in microgrid International Conference 978-981-15-0633-8_94
240 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Human Following Robot and its Control through Arduino International Conference -
241 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Effect of Insulator Geometry and Shield Electrode Design on High Voltage Breakdown in Vacuum National Conference -
242 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Study of High Voltage Surface Flashover in Electron Gun for Application in Low Pressure Plasma Generation National Conference -
243 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun International Conference -
244 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Characterization of Electron Beam of Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun International Symposium -
245 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel 3-D Particle Trajectory Tracking and Characterization of Electron Beam Parameters of High Power Electron Gun International Conference -
246 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Study on Flashover Due To Surface Plasma on High Voltage Insulators International Conference -
247 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Electrostatically and Electromagnetically Focused 60kW Electron Gun for High Voltage Applications International Conference -
248 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Three-phase Innovative Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Research Applications: A Review International Conference -
249 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Performance Analysis of Seven Level Three Phase Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter at Various Modulation Indices International Conference -
250 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel A Seven Level Multilevel Inverter Topology with Improved Results using PWM Technique International Conference -
251 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Different Multilevel Inverter Topologies with Reduced Number of Devices International Conference -
252 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 3rd International conference on communication and electronics (ICCE-2018) International Conference N/A
253 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 2nd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Management for the sustainable Development International Conference N/A
254 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 4th International Conference (Online) on Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020) International Conference N/A
255 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
256 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
257 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
258 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
259 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
260 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of computational intelligence on Power, energy and control with their impact on humanity International Conference N/A
261 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Application of Computational Intelligence on Power Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity BCIPECH-2022 International Conference N/A
262 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Salim CONFERENCE PROGRAMME ECC 2024 and ECP 2024 International Conference N/A
263 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal ANDROID AND BLUE TOOTH MODULE BASED DOOR AUTOMATION SYSTEM MECIT-2015 N/A
264 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines & Automation (SIGMA) 2022 ISBN Link
265 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mr. Ameer Faisal Signaling in Fog in Indian Railways ICFST 2021 ISBN Link
266 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Intelligent Algorithms based Level Control of a Non-linear Conical Tank System ICSCA-2023 Springer Conference
267 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Inverted Pendulum Cart Control using Optimized FOPID Controller ICCSAI-2022 IEEE
268 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Tuning of PID Controller of an Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor International Conference N/A
269 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid International Conference N/A
270 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Application of Power Converters and Common Mode Voltage Reduction Techniques in DFIG Based WECS: A Review International Conference N/A
271 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi A Qualitative Analysis of Secured Handover Management Schemes for Mobile IPv6 Enabled Networks International Conference DOI: 10.1109/CIPECH.2018.8724144
272 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Forensic Electrical Engineering: A Review On Electrical Fires International Conference ISBN: 978-93-5406-579-8
273 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
274 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
275 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Analysis of Grid-Tied Hybrid Wind PV Generation System International Conference N/A
276 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Hindi Sangosthi Conference Paper N/A
277 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Renewable (Solar) Energy and Grid Integration International Conference ISBN Link
278 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Designing And Analysis of An Electric Vehicle Using Matlab/Simulink International Conference ISBN Link
279 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Integration of Renewable Energy in Grid International Conference ISBN Link
280 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Optimal sizing and cost assessment of off-grid connected hybrid microgrid system International Conference DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815817
281 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Optimal BLDC Motor Control Using a WOA-based LQR Strategy International Conference DOI: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815609
282 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sumit Sharma Ant Lion Optimization Based OPF Solution Incorporating Wind Turbines and Carbon Emissions International Conference DOI: 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
283 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Role of PMU & FACTS Controllers in Voltage Stability Analysis of Integrated Wind Farms National Conference N/A
284 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Evaluation and Comparison of Line Indices of IEEE-9 Bus System for Voltage Stability Analysis National Conference N/A
285 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Sensitivity Index Based Load Optimization and Impact of FACTS Devices in Pool and Hybrid Electricity Market Model International Conference N/A
286 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Analysis of Power Flow, Continuous Power Flow and Transient Stability of IEEE-14 Bus Integrated Wind Farm Using PSAT International Conference N/A
287 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar IoT based smart energy metering and theft detection using Labview International Conference N/A
288 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Efficient control of wind turbine using IoT and Labview International Conference N/A
289 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Capacitance-based wireless power transfer. Future of EV charging station International Conference N/A
290 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Satish Kumar Automatic Power Factor Improvement and Fault Maintenance system International Conference N/A
291 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Markov approach to evaluate the availability simulation model for urea decomposition system International Conference 978-981-09-7519-7 978-981-09-7519-7
292 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Threshold Based Ship Tracking with Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier International Conference ISSN 0973-7529 ISSN 0973-7529
293 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh Water Irrigation System using Arduino International Conference BCIPECH-2022 BCIPECH-2022
294 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ruchika Singh IoT Based Vehicle Tracking System International Conference BCIPECH-2022 BCIPECH-2022
295 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar Mitigating chaos in SMIB power systems via an intelligent battery-STATCOM approach International Conference IEEE Xplore, 2024
296 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR International Conference 2020
297 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Rajeev Kumar A nature-inspired metaheuristic swarm-based optimization technique BFOA-based optimal controller for damping of SSR International Conference 2018
298 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Efficient Design and Control of a Multi-Floor Elevator System Using PLC International Conference -
299 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore A Review Paper on Solar Power Based Reverse Osmosis Desalination System International Conference -
300 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Simplification of SOI MEMS based Trenchless Comb type Capacitive Accelerometer for FEM analysis International Conference -
301 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Photovoltaic Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant: An Analytical Application of the Solar Energy International Conference -
302 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Rust Detection in Large Metal Structure by CNN International Conference -
303 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Modified Controller Design Approach Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Reverse Osmosis Desalination System International Conference -
304 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization International Conference -
305 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Tuning of PID Controller for Position Control of DC Servo Motor using Luus-Jaakola Optimization International Conference -
306 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore ISE based PID Controller Tuning for Position Control of DC Servo-Motor using LJ International Conference -
307 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Luus-Jaakola Optimization Procedure for PID Controller Tuning in Reverse Osmosis System International Conference -
308 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Concentration Polarization Layer in Reverse Osmosis Process International Conference -
309 Electrical & Electronics Engineering N. S. Rathore Unconstrained Optimization with IDE Algorithm having Variable Dynamic Non-Linear Increased Crossover International Conference -
310 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Renewable energy for power generation in Androth Island: Projected level of dissemination using technology diffusion models International Conference 978-81-89927-10-3
311 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generation in union territory of Lakshadweep Island: Projected Level Dissemination Using Technology Diffusion Models International Conference 978-1-4799-5871-9
312 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Investigation of Renewable energy Potential in union territory of Lakshadweep Island International Conference 978-1-4673-9080-4
313 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Reconfiguration of Photo Voltaic Arrays under Partial Shading Conditions International Conference 978-1-4673-9080-4
314 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic Analysis of Diesel/Wind/PV/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Androth Island International Conference 978-981-33-4080-0
315 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Performance analysis of PV array connection schemes under mismatch scenarios International Conference 978-981-33-4080-0
316 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari A Review paper on Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model for an Isolated Area International Conference -
317 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Energy Conservation and Analysis on Sustainable Energy Development using HOMER – Review International Conference -
318 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Feasibility Analysis of Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Kiltan Island in India International Conference -
319 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Investigation & Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area International Conference -
320 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Optimization of Grid Connected PV-Diesel System for a Technical Institution in India International Conference -
321 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-economic Analysis of PV-diesel Hybrid Model Using Homer at Andrott Island International Conference -
322 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal PV/Diesel/Battery Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India International Conference -
323 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Agatti Island in India International Conference -
324 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To Design an Optimal Hybrid Energy System for Havelock Island in India International Conference -
325 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari To design a PV/ Diesel/ Battery hybrid System for Agatti Island in India International Conference -
326 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System: A Review International Conference -
327 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Homer based optimization of solar wind diesel hybrid system for electrification in an isolated area-A review International Conference -
328 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system for electrification in a rural area: A review International Conference -
329 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Development of Grid connected Hybrid Energy System for a Technical Institutions in India International Conference -
330 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic investigations of hybrid renewable energy system for Andaman & Nicobar Islands International Conference -
331 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Techno-Economic investigations of hybrid renewable energy system for Andaman & Nicobar Islands International Conference -
332 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Deployment of Reserve Corridors in PV Integrated Power System and Performance Analysis International Conference 979-8-3503-0500-5 (Electronic), 979-8-3503-0499-2 (USB), 979-8-3503-0501-2 (PoD)
333 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control International Conference 978-1-4673-5630-5
334 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Custom Power Devices and Applications In Power Networks: STATCOM and SVC National Conference -
335 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Soft Computing Techniques Based Optimal Power Generation Schedule in Power System Network National Conference -
336 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Current Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in DC Motor Drive for Speed Control International Conference 978-1-4673-5628-2
337 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Deepti Singh Performance Evolution of Optimal PI Controller with Parameter Uncertainty in a DC Electric Drive System International Symposium -
338 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Bandana Optimal Sizing of a Grid Connected Biomass/Biogas/PV System for Rural Electrification International Conference 978-981-19-2828-4
339 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Bandana Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Rural Community of India International Conference 1742-6596/2570/1/012007
340 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Day-ahead power flow optimization with stochastic wind and solar power plants International Conference -
341 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Power systems resilience enhancement through renewable energy integration: Insights and future directions International Conference -
342 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Optimal power flow solution based on multi-verse optimizer algorithm incorporating renewable energy sources International Conference -
343 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Dung beetle optimizer algorithm based OPF solution considering renewable energy sources International Conference 10.1109/IC2E357697.2023.10262592
344 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Ant lion optimization based OPF solution incorporating wind turbines and carbon emissions International Conference 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696806
345 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Game theory based EV charge scheduling: A comprehensive review International Conference 10.1109/i-PACT52855.2021.9696445
346 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Effective control strategy in microgrid International Conference 978-981-15-0633-8_94
347 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Human Following Robot and its Control through Arduino International Conference -
348 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Effect of Insulator Geometry and Shield Electrode Design on High Voltage Breakdown in Vacuum National Conference -
349 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Study of High Voltage Surface Flashover in Electron Gun for Application in Low Pressure Plasma Generation National Conference -
350 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun International Conference -
351 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Characterization of Electron Beam of Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun International Symposium -
352 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel 3-D Particle Trajectory Tracking and Characterization of Electron Beam Parameters of High Power Electron Gun International Conference -
353 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Study on Flashover Due To Surface Plasma on High Voltage Insulators International Conference -
354 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Electrostatically and Electromagnetically Focused 60kW Electron Gun for High Voltage Applications International Conference -
355 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Three-phase Innovative Multilevel Inverter Topologies for Research Applications: A Review International Conference -
356 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Performance Analysis of Seven Level Three Phase Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter at Various Modulation Indices International Conference -
357 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel A Seven Level Multilevel Inverter Topology with Improved Results using PWM Technique International Conference -
358 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Vanya Goel Different Multilevel Inverter Topologies with Reduced Number of Devices International Conference -
359 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Fuzzy Rule Based Collaborative Peer Learning Methodology for Gradual Learning Engineering Students International
360 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Performance Evaluation of a 4 kW Isolated Solar Powered Lab with IoT Energy Management System International
361 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Smart Solar Energy Management to Power Computer Lab in Rural Areas International
362 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Opinion mining to strengthen teaching learning process International
363 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis using fuzzy Inference System International
364 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Environmental Noise Cancellation by Using Neuro Fuzzy Adaptive Filtering International
365 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Neurofuzzy inference system for diagnosis of malaria International
366 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Adaptive neurofuzzy system for brain tumor International
367 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Environmental Noise Cancellation by Using Neuro Fuzzy Adaptive Filtering International
368 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Neurofuzzy inference system for diagnosis of malaria International
369 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Adaptive neurofuzzy system for brain tumor International
370 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Environmental Noise Cancellation by Using Neuro Fuzzy Adaptive Filtering International
371 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Stage Determination of Oral Cancer Using Neurofuzzy Inference System International
372 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Early Detection of Diabetes Patients using Soft Computing International
373 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Neurofuzzy Inference System for Stage Classified of Diabetes International
374 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Smart Wheelchair using Fuzzy Inference System International
375 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Finger Tip Controlled Smart Wheelchair using Neurofuzzy Inference System International
376 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Fuzzy Logic Based Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator International
377 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta A Review on Self Excited Induction Generator Using Soft Computing International
378 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Performance Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator Using Iteration Technique International
379 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Adaptive Neurofuzzy System for Tuberculosis International
380 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Automatic Diagnosis of Asthma Using Neurofuzzy System International
381 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Automated Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease Using Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated System International
382 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated System and its VLSI Design for Generating Membership Function International
383 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated System and its VLSI Design for Generating Membership Function International
384 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Backpropagation Algorithm for Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated Systems and its VLSI Design for Neuron Module International
385 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Echo Cancellation in Cellphone Using Neurofuzzy Filter International
386 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Noise Cancellation in Hand Free Cellphone Using Neurofuzzy Filter International
387 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta MIPS-NF Instructions for fourth Generation Processor International
388 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neeraj Kumar Gupta Design and Application of an Analog Neurofuzzy Logic Controller International