
Electrical & Electronics Engineering


S.No. Title of Paper Author (s) Department Journal Name Year of Publication ISSN Number Link to Website of Journal Link to Article/Paper/Abstract of Article Is it listed in UGC Care List/Scopus/Web of Science/Other
1 Reactive Power Cost Optimization Acquiring the Combined Properties of Static and Aggregate Dynamic Load as Composite Load Model Nitin Kumar Saxena, Ashwani Kumar and Gebrehiwot Gebreyohans Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2019-20 2249-8958 SCOPUS
2 Analysis of a Process with Transportation Lag Varun Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019-20 2349-5138 UGC
3 Analysis of Industrial Processes with Dead Time Varun Sharma, Veena Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019-20 2349-5138 UGC
4 Design, Development and Comparison of Heuristic Driven Algorithms Based on the Crossed Domain Products Reviews for user's Summarization Sartaj Ahmad, Ashutosh Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications 2019-20 2666-2558 SCOPUS
5 Automated Evaluation of Students Feedbacks using Text Mining Methods Sartaj Ahmad, Ashutosh Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019-20 2277-3878 SCOPUS
6 Feasibility analysis of Renewable Energy options for Union Territory of Lakshadweep Islands Manaullah Abid, Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Global Energy Issues (Inderscience) 2019-20 1741-5128 ESCI
7 Haar wavelet based algorithm for solution of second order electromagnetic problems in time and space domains Arun Kumar, Mohammad S. Hashmi, Abdul Q. Ansari, Sultangali Arzykulov, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Taylor & Francis) 2019-20 1569-3937 SCIE
8 Stability enhancement of multi-machine power systems using Ant colony optimization-based static Synchronous Compensator Rajeev Kumar, Rajveer Singh, Haroon Ashfaq Electrical & Electronics Engineering Computers & Electrical Engineering; Elsevier 2019-20 0045-7906 SCI
9 Selection of stand alone self excited induction generator parameters to obtain maximum allowable operating range under unbalanced operations using particle swarm optimization Yatender Chaturvedi, Sumit Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of system assurance engineering and managment 2019-20 0975-6809 ESCI
10 A novel hybrid algorithm for rescheduling-based congestion management scheme in power system Jyoti Srivastava, Naresh Kumar Yadav, Arvind Kumar Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering, Springer 2019-20 0948-7921 SCIE
11 Control Implementation of Squirrel Cage Induction Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System Arika Singh, Hemant Ahuja, Vikas Bhadoria, Sachin Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 79, pp. 306–311, April 2020. 2019-20 0975-1084 SCIE
12 Nonlinear Robust Control of High-Speed Supercavitating Vehicle in the Vertical Plane Sang-Do Lee, Sam-Sang You, Natwar Singh Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol 234, Issue 2, 2020 2019-20 1475-0902 SCI
13 Amplitude Based Directional Relaying for UPFC Compensated Line during Single Pole Tripping S. Akter, BDH Phuc, S. Biswal, Natwar Singh Rathore, P. Das, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Power System Research (Elsevier), Vol. 184, July 2020, 106290 2019-20 0378-7796 SCI
14 Obstacles and Comparative Analysis in the Advancement of Photovoltaic Power Stations in India Yaduvir Singh, Nitai Pal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Computing:Informatics & Systems 2019-20 2210-5379 SCIE
15 Performance evaluation of hybrid photovoltaic thermal thermoelectric collector using GOA with simulated annealing Anmol Gupta, Sanjay Agarwal, Yashpal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation 2019-20 0199-6231 SCI
16 Scope of improvement in Earthing System for 400 kV, AC Substation through design, analysis and load flow aspects. Rahat Ullah Khan, Rubeena Saleem Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2019-20 0975-8364 SCOPUS
17 Experimental study of modified dual slope hybrid photovoltaic (PV/T) solar thermal still Rahat Ullah Khan, Biplab Bhattacharyya, Gajendra Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Desalination and Water Treatment Science and Engineering 2019-20 1944-3994 SCIE
18 Remote Monitoring of Home and Agricultural Appliances through ATmega16 Aditya Srivastav, Arun Kumar, Ayush Srivastave, Akshay Jaiswal Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018-19 2349-5162 UGC
19 Congestion Management and Maximization of Social Welfare Including Transmission Loss Cost Allocation in Multi-Utility Power Markets Brijesh Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Int. Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems 2018-19 2050-7038 SCIE
20 Shade Diffusion of Partial Shaded PV Array by Using Odd-Even Structure Ibraheem Nasiruddina, Shahida Khatoonb, Mohd Faisal Jalil, R.C. Bansal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Solar Energy 2018-19 0038-092X SCIE
21 Application of Most Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier to Filter Impulse Noise Ruchika Singh, Munish Vashishath, S. Qamar Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Information Technology 2018-19 2511-2112 SCIE
22 Innovative Road Lighting and Smarter System Mohammad Shariz Ansari, Srishti Gupta, Utkarsh, Mayank Agarwal Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering 2018-19 2319–6378 ISSNno. Alloted
23 Modelling and Performance Analysis Of Renewable Energy System Based On Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Narendra Patel, Tushar Jain Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017-18 2319-6475 ISSNno. Alloted
24 Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System Feeding Isolated Load Using VFT Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Shreya Shukla, Shivam Upadhyay, Niharika Vyas Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017-18 2319-6505 ISSNno. Alloted
25 Auto-regressive Time Frequency Analysis (ARTFA) of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal Varun Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Pankaj Kumar, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Anurag Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2017-18 0973-4562 ISSNno. Alloted
26 Comparison of Split Ring Slot circular patch antenna and triangular patch Antenna Jyoti Srivastava, Swati Singhal , D. Blandina Miracle Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology 2017-18 1943-023X ISSNno. Alloted
27 Different Methodologies for Minimizing Congestion in The Deregulated Power System: A Review Naresh Kumar Yadav, Jyoti Srivastava Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System 2017-18 1943-023X ISSNno. Alloted
28 Design and Implementation of Algorithm to Analyze Overall Effect of Customers Reviews Sartaj Ahmad, Ashutosh Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Rishabh Shukla Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 2016-17 1975-0080 ISSNno. Alloted
29 Effect of varying wind spped on the performance of 3-phase SEIG under unbalanced operations Yatender Chaturvedi, Kanwarjit Singh Sandhu, Masood Rizvi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin 2016-17 2320-3765 ISSNno. Alloted
30 Solar Data Logger Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Kunwar Abhay Singh, Pallavi Ojha, Anmol Kumar Baliyan Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 2016-17 2349-784X ISSNno. Alloted
31 Integration of Renewable Energy Source to Power Grid Surendra Kumar Tripathi, Harsh Vardhan, Manu Arya, Jai Prakash Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 2016-17 2349-784X ISSNno. Alloted
32 Role of linguistic quantifier and digitally approximated Laplace operator in infrared based ship detection Ruchika Singh, Munish Vashisht, S. Qamar  Electrical & Electronics Engineering nternational Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 2016-17 0975-6809 SCOPUS
33 Assessment of control strategies for fault ride through of SCIG-based wind energy conversion systems Manaullah, Arvind Kumar Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy and Policy Research 2016-17 2381-5639 ISSNno. Alloted
34 Solar Photovoltaic power generation using automatic tracking system M. Shariz Ansari, Rajat Jaiswal, Mihir, Pushpa Singh Patel Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of advanced research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2016-17 2278 – 8875 ISSNno. Alloted
35 Solar And Wind Hybrid Energy System For Street Lighting Mohammad Shariz Ansari, Sagar Garg, Sagar Kaushik, Shivam Sachdeva Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of advanced research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2016-17 2278 – 8875 ISSNno. Alloted
36 Study of Switching Transients on EHV AC Transmission Line Sudhir Kumar Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2016-17 2319-7064 ISSNno. Alloted
37 Stability Enhancement of Power System by Unified Power Flow Controller Diksha Chaudhery, Anmol Gupta, Ashish Thombre Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Technological Research 2016-17 2321-1202 UGC
38 Marginal Cost Based Reactive Power Reinforcement using Dynamic and Static Compensators Nitin Kumar Saxena; Saad Mekhilef; Ashwani Kumar; David Wenzhong Gao Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2021-22 2168-6785 SCIE
39 Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review Kapil Gandhi, S.K. Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Renewable energy Focus 2021-22 1755-0084 Scopus
40 Virtual Inertia Emulation of Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generation (IIDG) for Dynamic Frequency Stability & Damping Enhancement Through BFOA Tuned Optimal Controller Rajveer Singh, Haroon Ashfaq, Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2021-22 2193-567X SCIE
41 Reinforcement learning with fuzzified reward approach for MPPT control of PV systems Yaduvir singh, Dr Nitai Pal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (SETA) 2021-22 2213-1388 SCIE
42 Evaluating the relative operational performance of wind power plants in Indian electricity generation sector using two-stage model Rajeev Kumar, Pavan Khetrapal, Manoj Badoni, Saurav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2021-22 0958-305X SSCI
43 Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their Hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM Rajeev Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Pavan Khetrapal, Sheetal Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neural Computing and Applications 2021-22 0941-0643 SCIE
44 Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM Rajeev Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Pavan Khetrapal, Sheetal Singh, Manoj Badoni Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2021-22 2210-5379 SCIE
45 Carbon Trading Analysis and Impacts on Economy in Market to Market Coordination with Higher PV Penetration D. Yadav, S. Mekhilef, Brijesh Singh, M Rawa Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2021-22 1939-9367 SCI
46 Energy and exergy performance evaluation of a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with tube and sheet serpentine water collector Anmol Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, Yash Pal Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Green Energy 2021-22 1543-5083 SCIE
47 Design and Development of Non-Linearly Controlled Class-D Audio Amplifier Shridhar Joshi, Ravi Tripathi, Manoj Badoni, Rajeev Kumar, Pavan Khetrapal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electronics 2021-22 2079-9292 SCIE
48 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RADIO OVER FIBER SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS EDFA AND SOA Parvin Kumar, Saniay Kumar Sharma, Varun Gupta, Abhishek Sharma, Swati Singhal, Shubham Shukla Electrical & Electronics Engineering Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 2021-22 0040-2508,724b82287ef4e43a,5ba23609605bf615.html Scopus
49 R-Peak Detection in ECG Signal Using Yule–Walker and Principal Component Analysis Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2021-22 0377-2063 SCIE
50 A Novel Ultra Wideband Antenna Design and Parameter Tuning Using Hybrid Optimization Strategy Pankaj Kumar, Shilpi, Abhas Kanungo, Varun Gupta, Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2021-22 0929-6212 SCIE
51 An efficient AR modelling-based electrocardiogram signal analysis for health informatics Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Anshu Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering IJMEI 2021-22 1755-0661 Scopus
52 Detection of R-peaks using fractional Fourier transform and principal component analysis Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Yatender Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2021-22 1868-5145 SCIE
53 Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Gagandeep Singh Dua, Pavan Khetrapal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of the Brazillian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2021-22 1806-3691 SCIE
54 Performance analysis of the photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with serpentine type water collector Anmol Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, Yash Pal Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Energy Research 2021-22 1099-114X SCIE
55 ECG signal analysis using CWT, spectrogram and autoregressive technique Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Anshu Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Iran Journal of Computer Science 2021-22 2520-8446 Scopus
56 A novel feature extraction-based ECG signal analysis Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Nitin Kumar Saxena Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 2021-22 2250-2114 Scopus
57 A Critical Review of Feature Extraction Techniques for ECG Signal Analysis Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Nitin Kumar Saxena Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 2021-22 2250-2114 Scopus
58 BP signal analysis using emerging techniques and its validation using ECG Signal Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal, Nitin Kumar Saxena Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sensing and Imaging 2021-22 1557-2072 Scopus
59 Frequency regulation for microgrid using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization tuned STATCOM Nitin Kumar Saxena, Wenzhong D. Gao, Ashwani Kumar, Saad Mekhilef, Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 2021-22 1097-007X SCI
60 Thermodynamics analysis and performance enhancement of battery thermal management system with suitable variations in operating parameters Roshan Aryal, Akshat Anand, Nitin Kumar Saxena, Rohit Sharma and Niraj Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Physics Conference Series 2021-22 2178 012031 Scopus
61 Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj K Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2021-22 2049-887X ESCI
62 Automation of noise sampling in deep reinforcement learning Kunal Karda; Namit Dubey; Abhas Kanungo; Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2021-22 2049-887X ESCI
63 FrWT-PPCA-Based R-peak Detection for Improved Management of Healthcare System Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2021-22 0377-2063 SCIE
64 A Novel FrWT Based Arrhythmia Detection in ECG Signal Using YWARA and PCA Varun Gupta, Monika Mittal, Vikas Mittal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2021-22 0929-6212 SCIE
65 A review on mmWave based energy efficient RoF system for next generation mobile communication and broadband systems Parvin Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Shelly Singla, Varun Gupta and Abhishek Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Optical Communications 2021-22 2191-6322 Scopus
66 Speed Control of DC Motor with MRPID Controller in the Presence of Noise Abhas Kanungo, Monika Mittal, Lillie Dewan, Vikas Mittal, Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2021-22 0929-6212 SCIE
67 Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids Sourav Diwania, Rajeev Kumar, Maneesh Kumar, Varun Gupta, Theyab R Alsenani Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2021-22 0958305X SSCI
68 Re-scheduling based Congestion Management by Metaheuristic Algorithm: Hybridizing Lion and Moth Search Models Jyoti Srivastava, Naresh Kumar Yadav Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 2021-22 ISSN 1099-1204 SCI
69 Allocation of Reserved Green Energy Transmission Corridors to Secure Power Purchase Agreements in Smart Power Networks during Congestion Management Deepti, Singh, N. Pal, S.K. Sinha, and B. Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Systems Research 2021-22 0378-7796 ISSN DOI: SCI
70 A review of different ECG classification/detection techniques for improved medical applications Varun Gupta , Nitin Kumar Saxena, Abhas Kanungo, Anmol Gupta, Parvin Kumar, Salim Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2021-22 0976-4348 Scopus
71 PCA as an effective tool for the detection of R-peaks in an ECG signal processing Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena, Abhas kanungo, Parvin Kumar, Sourav Diwania, Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2021-22 0976-4348 Scopus
72 Controlling and monitoring of a solar-powered DC motor using a wireless sensor network Salim, Jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2021-22 0377-2063 SCIE
73 Performance Study of LabVIEW Modelled PV Panel and Its Hardware Implementation Salim, Jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2021-22 0929-6212 SCIE
74 Coordinated Control of Wind Energy Conversion System during Unsymmetrical Fault at Grid Hemant Ahuja, Arika Singh,sachin sharma,Gulshan Sharma,pitshou n Bokoro Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energies 2021-22 1996-1073 SCIE
75 A New Analytical Method for Optimal Sizing and Sitting of Type-IV DG in an Unbalanced Distribution System Considering Power Loss Minimization Mukesh Pushkarna, Haroon Ashfaq, Rajveer Singh, Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 2021-22 2093-7423 SCIE
76 Mitigating load burden on smart grid via EVs:A case study on harnessing EVs as mobile battery for society Singh, R., Jolly, A., & Gour, R. Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Health Sciences 2021-22 2550-696x Mitigating load burden on smart grid via EVs | International journal of health sciences ( SCOPUS
77 Electric mobility principles for a greener, better sustainable future Ramesh Singh, Aman Jolly, Ritika Gour Electrical & Electronics Engineering NeuroQuantology 2022-23 1303 5150 Electric mobility principles for a greener, better sustainable future ( Scopus
78 Operation of a Single DC Motor in Dual Mode: A Novel Study and Analysis (Series and Separately Excitation Modes) Rahat U Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering NeuroQuantology 2021-22 1303 5150 doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQ22292 Scopus
79 Smart Watch for Elderly Person Sanidhya Gupta,Shitanshu Rai, Rupesh Yadav Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021-22 ISSN: 2321-9653 NA
80 Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI Akash Deep Singh, Bir Singh Jangra Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021-22 ISSN: 2321-9653 NA
81 Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj K Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2021-22 2049-887X ESCI
82 Marginal Cost Based Reactive Power Reinforcement using Dynamic and Static Compensators Nitin Kumar Saxena Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2022-23 2168-6785 SCIE
83 Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review Kapil Gandhi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Renewable energy Focus 2022-23 1755-0084 Scopus
84 Virtual Inertia Emulation of Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generation (IIDG) for Dynamic Frequency Stability & Damping Enhancement Through BFOA Tuned Optimal Controller Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2022-23 2193-567X SCIE
85 Reinforcement learning with fuzzified reward approach for MPPT control of PV systems Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (SETA) 2022-23 2213-1388 SCIE
86 Evaluating the relative operational performance of wind power plants in Indian electricity generation sector using two-stage model Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2022-23 0958-305X SSCI
87 Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their Hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neural Computing and Applications 2022-23 0941-0643 SCIE
88 Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2022-23 2210-5379 SCIE
89 Carbon Trading Analysis and Impacts on Economy in Market to Market Coordination with Higher PV Penetration Brijesh Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2022-23 1939-9367 SCI
90 Energy and exergy performance evaluation of a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with tube and sheet serpentine water collector Anmol Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Green Energy 2022-23 1543-5083 SCIE
91 Design and Development of Non-Linearly Controlled Class-D Audio Amplifier Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electronics 2022-23 2079-9292 SCIE
92 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RADIO OVER FIBER SYSTEM BY EMPLOYING OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS EDFA AND SOA Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 2022-23 0040-2508,724b82287ef4e43a,5ba23609605bf615.html Scopus
93 R-Peak Detection in ECG Signal Using Yule–Walker and Principal Component Analysis Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2022-23 0377-2063 SCIE
94 A Novel Ultra Wideband Antenna Design and Parameter Tuning Using Hybrid Optimization Strategy Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Personal Communications 2022-23 0929-6212 SCIE
95 An efficient AR modelling-based electrocardiogram signal analysis for health informatics Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering IJMEI 2022-23 1755-0661 Scopus
96 Detection of R-peaks using fractional Fourier transform and principal component analysis Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2022-23 1868-5145 SCIE
97 Reinforcement learning with fuzzified reward approach for MPPT control of PV systems Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 2022-23 2213-1388 SCIE
98 Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of the Brazillian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2022-23 1806-3691 SCIE
99 Performance analysis of the photovoltaic-thermoelectric system combined with serpentine type water collector Anmol Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Energy Research 2022-23 1099-114X SCIE
100 ECG signal analysis using CWT, spectrogram and autoregressive technique Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Iran Journal of Computer Science 2022-23 2520-8446 Scopus
101 A novel feature extraction-based ECG signal analysis Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 2022-23 2250-2114 Scopus
102 A Critical Review of Feature Extraction Techniques for ECG Signal Analysis Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 2022-23 2250-2114 Scopus
103 BP signal analysis using emerging techniques and its validation using ECG Signal Varun Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sensing and Imaging 2022-23 1557-2072 Scopus
104 An innovative hybrid controller-based combined grid-connected hybrid renewable energy system Electrical Engineering, Springer Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering, Springer
105 An innovative hybrid controller-based combined grid-connected hybrid renewable energy system Electrical Engineering, Springer Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering, Springer
106 Sustainable energy solutions: integrating hybrid CCHP systems with renewable technologies for efficient urban development Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
107 Insight into the Investigation of Thermo-Electrical Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Air-Collector Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B
108 A firefly based deep belief signal specification based novel hybrid technique for EEG signal analysis IETE Journal of Research Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research
109 Pre-Processing Based ECG Signal Analysis Using Emerging Tools IETE Journal of Research Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research
110 Designing a Bidirectional Power Flow Control Mechanism for Integrated EVs in PV-Based Grid Systems Supporting Onboard AC Charging Sustainability Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainability
111 A Comprehensive Approach to Load Frequency Control in Hybrid Power Systems Incorporating Renewable and Conventional Sources with Electric Vehicles and Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Energies Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energies
112 Enhancing the performance of solar-powered EV charging stations using the TOSSI-based CTF technique Electric Power Systems Research Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Systems Research
113 A heuristic approach for insertion of multiple-complex coefficient-filter based DSTATCOM to enhancement of power quality in distribution system Multimedia Tools and Applications Electrical & Electronics Engineering Multimedia Tools and Applications
114 The ultimate recommendation system: proposed Pranik System Multimedia Tools and Applications Electrical & Electronics Engineering Multimedia Tools and Applications
115 Fractional order pole fixed second order generalized integrator based control for grid connected solar photovoltaic system IET Power Electronics Electrical & Electronics Engineering IET Power Electronics
116 An optimal placement and sizing of type-IV DG with reactive power support using UPQC in an unbalanced distribution system using particle swarm optimization Energy Systems Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy Systems
117 Alleviation and control of chaotic oscillations in SMIB power systems using a Modified-Whale optimization-based Battery-STATCOM Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Engineering Research 2024 Scopus
118 Alleviating Chaotic Oscillation in the Power System with Whale Optimization-Tuned Static Compensator with Battery Storage Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Components and Systems 2023 Scopus
119 Solar-PV inverter for the overall stability of power systems with intelligent MPPT control of DC-link capacitor voltage Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 2023 8 (1), 1-20 Scopus
120 An intelligent Hybrid Wind–PV farm as a static compensator for overall stability and control of multimachine power system Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering ISA transactions 2022 123, 286-302 Scopus
121 Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neural Computing and Applications 2022 Scopus
122 Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM Ms. Sheetal Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2021 32, 100615 Scopus
123 Analysis of a Process with Transportation Lag Mr. Varun Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2020 2349-5138
124 Analysis of Industrial Processes with Dead Time Mr. Varun Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2020 2349-5138
125 Controlling and monitoring of solar powered dc motor using a wireless sensor network salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research
126 Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using pca and ica on different data bases for improved health management Varun Gupta, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Kumar Arora, Sharad Gupta, Abhas Kanungo, Salim and Neeraj Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Inder science
127 Review of different ecg classifications detection techniques for improved medical applications salim Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
128 Performance study of LabVIEW modelled PV panel and its hardware implementation salim, Jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless personal communication
129 Study of aging effect of solar panel performance using LabVIEW salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Taylor and francis
130 Controlling of solar powered dc motor using IMC controller salim jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wseas transaction on power system
131 Life Cycle Study of Solar Panel Using LabVIEW salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems
132 Fuzzy based PID controller for speed control of dc motor using LabVIEW salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wseas transaction on system and control
133 LabVIEW Based Speed Control of DC Motor Using PID Controller Dileep Kumar, Mazhar Hussain, Shaurya Varendra Tyagi, Prof. Ravi Gupta, Prof. Salim Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
134 LabVIEW Based DC Motor and Temperature Control Using PID Controller Salim, Sunil Kumar, Jyoti Ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
135 Speed Control of DC Motor using Fuzzy Logic based on LabVIEW salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
136 Design Of Smart Shopping Cart System Harsh Singh Dr. Shubham, Salim, Kushagra Srivastava, Harshit Sachan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
137 An Efficient FrWT and IPCA Tools for an Automated Healthcare CAD System Varun Gupta, Nitin Kumar Saxena1, Abhas Kanungo Salim, Gavendra Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless personal communication
138 A design an optimized fuzzy adaptive proportional-integral-derivative Abhas Kanungo a,*, Pankaj Kumar b, Varun Gupta c, Salim d, Nitin Kumar Saxena e, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133 (2024) 108556
139 controller for anti-lock braking systems salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
140 LabVIEW based solar simulator and its hardware implementation using NI myRIO IJSA salim, jyoti ohri Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
141 Operational strategies and electricity market structure of microgrid: A critical review Mr. Kapil Gandhi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Renewable Energy Focus 2022 1755-0084 Scopus
142 A TLBO Optimized PID controller for controlling the airway pressure of an artificial respiratory system Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 2024 - Springer - Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies SCIE
143 Two feedback PID tuned with teaching-learning based optimization algorithm for ball and beam system Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2023 0377-2063 DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2023 SCIE
144 A PSO-optimized novel PID neural network model for temperature control of jacketed CSTR: design, simulation, and a comparative study Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Soft Computing 2023 - Springer - Soft Computing DOI: 10.1007/s00500-023-09138-0 SCIE
145 Design and Implementation of an Optimized PID Controller for the Adaptive Cruise Control System Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2021 0377-2063 DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2021.2012282 SCIE
146 Comparative Analysis of CSTR Concentration Control Using Different Soft Computing Techniques Dr. Snigdha Chaturvedi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Engineering & Research 2014 - - - -
147 Reinforcement learning with fuzzified reward approach for MPPT control of PV systems Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 2021 2213-1388 Elsevier - Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2021.101665 SCIE
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149 Renewable Energy-Based Hybrid System Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering 2019 2195-4356 Springer - Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-6577-5_67 Scopus
150 Performance Analysis of Control Techniques for Micro Power System using Hybrid Approach Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019 1757-8981 IOP Publishing - Materials Science and Engineering DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/691/1/012029 Scopus
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152 Photovoltaic Power Generation System Modeling and Simulation Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science, Technology and Management 2016 - - - -
153 Standalone Photovoltaic Model Development and Simulation Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science, Technology and Management 2016 0975-8410 - - -
154 PV Cell Characteristic Variations due to Change in Parameters Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Solaris-2017 (National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources) 2017 - - - -
155 PV Cell Characteristic Variation Due To Change In Parameters Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2020 2349-204X International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering - -
156 Small Signal Stability of Hybrid Power System Dr. Yaduvir Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering CIPECH-2018 (Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Control) 2018 - - - -
157 Performance Improvement Of Photovoltaic System Using Power Convertors Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Electrical & Electronics Engineering Solid State Technology 2020 - - - -
158 Modelling and Performance Analysis Of Renewable Energy System Based On Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017 2319-6475 - - -
159 Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System Feeding Isolated Load Using VFT Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017 2319-6505 - - -
160 Solar Data Logger Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 2016 2349-784X - - -
161 Integration of Renewable Energy Source to Power Grid Dr. Surendra Kumar Tripathi Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 2016 2349-784X - - -
162 Microgrids: A Review of Status, Technologies, Software Tools, and Issues in Indian Power Market Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Technical Review 2022 - - Link SCI/Scopus
163 Modeling and sensitivity analysis of grid-connected hybrid green microgrid system Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2022 2090-4479 - Link SCI/Scopus
164 Optimal Planning of Green Microgrid with Minimization of Environmental Emissions Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Ambient Energy 2022 - - Link Scopus
165 A Review on different Parametric Aspects and Sizing Methodologies of Hybrid Renewable Energy System Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B 2022 - - Link Scopus
166 Optimal planning and sensitivity analysis of green microgrid using various types of storage systems Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2021 - - Link Scopus
167 Renewable based techno-economic analysis for telecommunication system: A case study of western Himalaya Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2023 - - Link -
168 Multiarea Economic Dispatch Using Evolutionary Algorithms Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 - - Link SCI/Scopus
169 MPPT controller design and comparison of selected site Cox’s Bazar Dr. Sumit Sharma Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2024 - - Link -
170 Modelling, solution and application of optimization techniques in HRES: From conventional to artificial intelligence Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Applied Energy 2025 0306-2619 - Link Applied Energy (SCI)
171 Machine learning-based thermo-electrical performance improvement of nanofluid-cooled photovoltaic–thermal system Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2024 - - - Scopus
172 Sustainable energy solutions: integrating hybrid CCHP systems with renewable technologies for efficient urban development Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 2024 - - Link Scopus
173 Insight into the Investigation of Thermo-Electrical Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Air-Collector Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B 2024 - - Link Scopus
174 Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2023 - - Link Scopus
175 Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 2022 - - Link Scopus
176 Modeling and assessment of the thermo-electrical performance of a photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) system using different nanofluids Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 2021 - - - Scopus
177 Performance assessment of PVT-air collector with V-groove absorber: A theoretical and experimental analysis Electrical & Electronics Engineering Heat Mass Transfer 2021 - - Link Scopus
178 Performance enhancement of single-channel glazed photovoltaic thermal module using Whale Optimisation Algorithm and its comparative study Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Ambient Energy 2018 - - Link Scopus
179 An Efficient R-Peak Detection in Electro-Cardio-Gram Signal Using Intelligent Signal Processing Techniques Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wireless Pers Commun 2024 - - Link Scopus
180 A Firefly based Deep Belief Signal Specification based Novel Hybrid Technique for EEG Signal Analysis Dr. Sourav Diwania Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2023 - - - Scopus
181 Modified Mountain Clustering in Dynamic Fuzzy Modeling Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJEEE) 2004 - - - -
182 Design and Optimization of Multiple FACTS Devices for Congestion Mitigation Using Sensitivity Factor with Wind Integrated System Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2019 0377-2063 - - Scopus
183 Difference between Principal Component Analysis & Factor Analysis Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2013 - - - -
184 A Novel Method to Investigate Voltage Stability of IEEE14 Bus Wind Integrated System Using PSAT Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Frontiers in Energy 2016 - - - Web of Science
185 Congestion mitigation by modeling multiple FACTS devices using sensitivity factor for wind integrated system Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy (Springer) 2017 - - - Scopus
186 An optimized approach to improve voltage stability of FACTS controlled wind integrated system using sensitivity factor Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction of Electrical Engineering (Springer) - - - - Scopus
187 Evaluation of Maximum Lifetime Power Efficient Routing in Ad hoc Network Using Magnetic Resonance Concept Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Recent Patent on Engineering 2019 2212-4047 - - Scopus
188 Prolong Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network Using Reliable Power Grouping Algorithm Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019 2278-3075 - - Scopus
189 Sensitivity Analysis based Performance and Economic Operation of Wind Integrated system with FACTS devices for Optimum Load Dispatch Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Renewables-Wind, Water and Solar (Springer) 2017 2190-5487 - - Scopus
190 Voltage Stability Assessment of Wind Integrated System for Variable Wind Speed with FACTS Devices Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies 2017 1556-7036 - - Web of Science
191 A Novel Method to Investigate Voltage Stability of IEEE14 Bus Wind Integrated System Using PSAT Dr. Satish Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering FIE 2016 2095-1701 - - Scopus
192 Application of Most Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier to Filter Impulse Noise Dr. Ruchika Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Information Technology 2018 2511-2112 - - Scopus
193 Role of linguistic quantifier and digitally approximated Laplace operator in infrared-based ship detection Dr. Ruchika Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2016 0975-6809 - - Scopus
194 Smart Watch for Elderly Person Dr. Ruchika Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021 2321-9653 - - Other
195 Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI Dr. Ruchika Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021 2321-9653 - - Other
196 A Firefly based Deep Belief Signal Specification based Novel Hybrid Technique for EEG Signal Analysis Dr. Ruchika Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Journal of Research 2022 - - Scopus
197 A comprehensive approach to load frequency control in hybrid power systems incorporating renewable and conventional sources with electric vehicles and superconducting magnetic Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energies 2024 - - - SCIE
198 Fractional order pole fixed second order generalized integrator based control for grid connected solar photovoltaic system Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering IET Power Electronics 2024 - - - SCIE
199 Enhancing the performance of solar-powered EV charging stations using the TOSSI-based CTF technique Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Systems Research 2024 - - - SCIE
200 Designing a bidirectional power flow control mechanism for integrated EVs in PV-based grid systems supporting onboard AC charging Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainability 2024 - - - SCIE
201 A heuristic approach for insertion of multiple-complex coefficient-filter based DSTATCOM to enhancement of power quality in distribution system Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Multimedia Tools and Applications 2024 - - - SCIE
202 Battery energy storage-based system damping controller for alleviating sub-synchronous oscillations in a DFIG-based wind power plant Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 2023 - - - SCIE
203 Solar-PV inverter for the overall stability of power systems with intelligent MPPT control of DC-link capacitor voltage Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 2023 - - - SCIE
204 Machine learning-based thermo-electrical performance improvement of nanofluid-cooled photovoltaic–thermal system Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2022 - - - SCIE
205 An optimal placement and sizing of type-IV DG with reactive power support using UPQC in an unbalanced distribution system using particle swarm optimization Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy Systems 2022 - - - SCIE
206 Performance enrichment of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with different nano-fluids Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2022 - - - SCIE
207 An intelligent hybrid Wind–PV farm as a static compensator for overall stability and control of multimachine power system Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering ISA Transactions 2022 - - - SCIE
208 A new analytical method for optimal sizing and sitting of type-IV DG in an unbalanced distribution system considering power loss minimization Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 2022 - - - SCIE
209 Performance assessment of a serpentine tube PVT system using Cu and TiO2 nanofluids: an experimental study Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2022 - - - SCIE
210 Design and development of non-linearly controlled class-D audio amplifier Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electronics 2021 - - - SCIE
211 Multimachine stability enhancement with hybrid PSO-BFOA based PV-STATCOM Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2021 - - - SCIE
212 Performance assessment of the two metaheuristic techniques and their hybrid for power system stability enhancement with PV-STATCOM Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Neural Computing and Applications 2021 - - - SCIE
213 Virtual inertia emulation of inverter interfaced distributed generation (IIDG) for dynamic frequency stability & damping enhancement through BFOA tuned optimal controller Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2021 - - - SCIE
214 Evaluating the relative operational performance of wind power plants in Indian electricity generation sector using two-stage model Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Energy & Environment 2021 - - - SCIE
215 Modeling and assessment of the thermo-electrical performance of a photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) system using different nanofluids Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2021 - - - SCIE
216 Performance assessment of PVT-air collector with V-groove absorber: A theoretical and experimental analysis Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer 2021 - - - SCIE
217 Power system stability enhancement by damping and control of sub-synchronous torsional oscillations using Whale optimization algorithm based Type-2 wind turbines Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering ISA Transactions 2021 - - - SCIE
218 Grid tied solar PV system with power quality enhancement using adaptive generalized maximum Versoria criterion Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 2021 - - - SCIE
219 Stability enhancement of induction generator–based series compensated wind power plants by alleviating subsynchronous torsional oscillations using BFOA-optimal controller Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Energy 2020 - - - SCIE
220 Stability enhancement of multi-machine power systems using ant colony optimization-based static synchronous compensator Dr. Rajeev Kumar Electrical & Electronics Engineering Computers & Electrical Engineering 2020 - - - SCIE
221 Development and Modification of Permanent Magnet Brushed DC Motor for Hybrid photovoltaic-operated Solar Systems  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 2015 1939-7038 Scopus, Web of Science
222 Scope of improvement in earthing system for 400 kV AC substation through design, analysis, and load flow aspects  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2020 0975-8364 Scopus
223 Comparative Analysis of MPPT Techniques for PV System  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Research Review in Engineering Science & Technology 2013 2278-6643 Other
224 A Modified Controller Design Based on Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization for Desalination System Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA 2019 SCIE
225 Whale Optimisation Algorithm Based Controller Design for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 2019 SCIE
226 Dynamical analysis and robust control for dive plane of supercavitating vehicles Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Applied Ocean Research 2019 SCIE
227 Nonlinear Robust Control of High-Speed Supercavitating Vehicle in the Vertical Plane Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2020 SCIE
228 Amplitude Based Directional Relaying for UPFC Compensated Line during Single Pole Tripping Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Power System Research 2020 SCIE
229 Design of Optimal PID Controller for the Reverse Osmosis using Teacher-Learner-Based-Optimization Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Membrane Water Treatment 2018 SCIE
230 Controller Design for Doha Water Treatment Plant using Grey Wolf Optimization Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2018 SCIE
231 Multilevel thresholding with membrane computing inspired TLBO Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 2016 SCIE
232 Kullback-Leibler Divergence Based Differential Protection Scheme for Shunt Compensated Transmission Line Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2021 SCIE
233 Electrocardiogram signal pattern recognition using PCA and ICA on different databases for improved health management Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2022 ESCI
234 Preprocessing ECG signal based on ANF and ICA: a Comparison Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 2023 Scopus
235 GSM based street light automation Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2015 2278-8875 Other
236 Identification of Phase Sequence of 3 Phase AC Source Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2015 2278-8875 Other
237 Solar Photovoltaic power generation using automatic tracking system Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2017 2278-8875 Other
238 Solar and Wind Hybrid Energy System for Street Lighting Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2017 2278-8875 Other
239 Innovative Road Lighting and Smarter System Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) 2018 2319-6378 Other
240 Feasibility analysis of Renewable Energy options for Union Territory of Lakshadweep Islands Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Global Energy Issues 2019 1741-5128 Scopus
241 Techno-economic feasibility of PV-wind-diesel battery hybrid energy system for Lakshadweep Island in India Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development 2019 0019-5537 Other
242 A review of optimization techniques for hybrid renewable energy systems Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 2023 2286203 Scopus
243 Investigation and Optimization of Hybrid Model in an Isolated Area Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 2022 0974-6803 Other
244 A review of PV array reconfiguration techniques for maximum power extraction under partial shading conditions Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Optik 2023 0030-4026 DOI: Scopus
245 Techno-Economic Investigations of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Andaman & Nicobar Islands Dr. Mohammad Shariz Ansari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology 2024 2319-5541 DOI: Scopus
246 Size Optimization of Grid-Tied Hybrid Energy System by Employing Forecasted Meteorological Data Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering MAPAN 2024 2363-8937 MAPAN - Springer DOI Link SCIE
247 A new intelligent approach for size optimization of a renewable energy based grid connected hybrid energy system Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Numerical Modelling 2023 1099-1204 International Journal of Numerical Modelling DOI Link SCIE
248 Optimal design of Renewable Energy based Hybrid system Considering Weather Forecasting using Machine Learning Techniques Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering 2023 1432-0487 Electrical Engineering - Springer DOI Link SCIE
249 Renewable Energy Systems: Development and Perspectives of a Hybrid Solar-Wind System Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering ETASR 2012 1792-8036 Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research DOI Link ESCI
250 Simulation of Transient behavior of DC Motor using Matlab/Simulink Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin 2017 IJAREEIE Other
251 Analysis of Self Excited Capacitance for Self Excited Induction Generator for Different Operating Conditions Using Fuzzy Systems Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin 2017 IJAREEIE Other
252 Space vector PWM Technique for 3-phase voltage source inverter using Artificial Neural Network Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology 2012 Other
253 A novel approach for fault location in Transmission lines using modern wavelet transforms Dr. Bandana Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research 2012 Other
254 A comprehensive review on stochastic optimal power flow problems and solution methodologies Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Electrical & Electronics Engineering IETE Technical Review 2023 0974-5971 SCIE
255 Flow direction algorithm-based optimal power flow analysis in the presence of stochastic renewable energy sources Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Systems Research 2023 0378-7796 (Print), 1873-2046 (Online) SCIE
256 Social welfare maximization in deregulated power market incorporating wind power plants using metaheuristic algorithm Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2023 0309-524X SCOPUS
257 Solution approach for optimal power flow considering wind turbine and environmental emissions Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2022 0309-524X SCOPUS, ESCI
258 Investigation of optimal power flow solution techniques considering stochastic renewable energy sources: Review and analysis Dr. Ankur Maheshwari Electrical & Electronics Engineering Wind Engineering 2022 0309-524X SCOPUS, ESCI
259 Improvement of Electron Gun Breakdown Performance Through Surface Flashover and Discharge Studies Dr. Vanya Goel Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2023 0018-9383 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices SCIE
260 Performance Optimization of Indirectly Heated Cathode Based Electron Gun by Controlling High Voltage Surface Flashover and Beam Positioning at Target Plane Dr. Vanya Goel Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Vacuum (Elsevier) 2022 1879-2715 Journal of Vacuum - Elsevier SCIE
261 A Novel Technique for Optimizing 270°-Bent Electron Gun for Evaporation Applications Dr. Vanya Goel Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2020 0093-3813 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science SCIE
262 Optimization of Spatial Parameters of a 2.45 GHz Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma Jet: Comparison between Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Result Dr. Vanya Goel Electrical & Electronics Engineering IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2022 1939-9375 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science SCIE
263 3-D Analysis of Electron Beam Shape at Target Plane through Parametric Variation of an Indirectly Heated Cathode-based Electron Gun Dr. Vanya Goel Electrical & Electronics Engineering Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2023 1742-6596 SCOPUS
264 Task scheduling algorithms in the cloud computing environment: A comprehensive review Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering Solid State Technology 2020 Journal Website Scopus
265 Elephant Herding Optimization based PID Controller Tuning Dr. Natwar S. Rathore Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration 2016 Journal Website Scopus
266 Technical investigation on operational challenges of large-scale PV integration and opportunities with market restructuring, storages, green corridors, and AI Dr. Deepti Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Microsystem Technologies 2024 1432-1858 Springer Microsystem Technologies DOI Link Scopus
267 Allocation of Reserved Green Energy Transmission Corridors to Secure Power Purchase Agreements in Smart Power Networks during Congestion Management Dr. Deepti Singh Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electric Power Systems Research 2022 0378-7796 Elsevier Electric Power Systems Research SCI, Q2
268 Operation of a Single DC Motor in Dual Mode: A Novel Study and Analysis  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering NeuroQuantology 2022 1303-5150 Journal Website Scopus
269 A Review Paper on Comparison, Analysis, and Planning of Electricity Generation in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Mexico with India  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer) 2021 1876-1100 Springer Link Scopus
270 A Review for Energy Generation Analysis and Comparison in China, Indonesia, and Ireland with India  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer) 2021 1876-1100 Springer Link Scopus
271 A Review Paper on Analysis, Planning of Electricity Generation in Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Germany and Comparison with India  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer) 2021 1876-1100 Springer Link Scopus
272 A novel African Buffalo Optimization for the minimization of cogging torque in modified permanent magnet DC motor  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 2021 2213-1388 Article Link Scopus, Web of Science
273 Experimental Study of Modified Dual Slope Hybrid Photovoltaic (PVT) Solar Thermal Still  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering Desalination and Water Treatment 2019 1944-3994 Article Link Scopus, Web of Science
274 Real Time Performance Evaluation of MODIFIED PMDC Motor, BLDC Motor and DUAL Commutator PMDC Machine  Dr. Rahat Ullah Khan Electrical & Electronics Engineering 2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS) 2017 IEEE Xplore Article Link Scopus
275 Insight into the Investigation of Thermo-Electrical Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal Air-Collector Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of the Institution of Engineers 2023-24
276 A Heuristic Approach to Extract Knowledge from the Text Considering Explicit and Implicit Features Both Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management 2021-22
277 Automated Evaluation of Students’ Feedbacks using Text Mining Methods Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2018-19
278 Design and Implementation of Algorithm to Analyze Overall Effect of Customers Reviews Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 2016-17
279 Adaptive Neurofuzzy System for Asthama Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering KIET International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Informatics 2013-14
280 Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated System with its different domain Applications Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2011-12 10.1504/IJISTA.2012.052498.
281 VLSI Design for Activation and Membership Function for Neuro-Fuzzy Integrated System Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering World Applied Science Journal (WASJ) 2011-12
282 Backpropagation Algorithm for Neurofuzzy Filter Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Computational Cognition (IJCC) 2010-11
283 Design And Simulation of OTA-Based Activation And Membership Function For Neurofuzzy Systems Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Computational Cognition (IJCC) 2010-11
284 Operational Availability of Marine Vehicle System using Neural Network Approach Neeraj Kumar Gupta Electrical & Electronics Engineering International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics 2009-2010