Session | Date | Target Audience | Title | No. of attendees | Name of Organization | Resource Person |
2019-20 | 15 Sep 2019 | B.Tech.second year,third year anr 4th year students of EIE Students | Future of Entrepreneurship | 71 | AIMagnifi Technologies Private Limited | Devarshi Mishra |
2018-19 | 12 Apr 2019 | B.Tech.second year,third year anr 4th year students of EIE Students | Oppurtunities in Artificial Intelligence | 80 | Mindtree | Sanchit Agarwal |
2018-19 | 08 Sep 2018 | 2nd and 3rd year | Job oppurtunity in automation | 65 | Bank of America | Ms.Naina Dang |