
Computer Science



To emerge as a leader in the field of computer science education with innovation and research to create a positive global impact.


  • To provide quality education in computer science to shape next-generation leaders for global community.
  • To equip students with skills and knowledge to bridge the gap between academia and industry by integrating the latest technologies and innovative practices.
  • To create a conducive environment for research and innovation for providing sustainable solutions.
  • To develop socially responsible professionals while encouraging personal and professional growth.
CS Dept


  • Engaged in successful career in the software industry and higher Studies.
  • Adaptable to the recent trends for developing innovative solutions.
  • Socially responsible global citizen and leaders in their domain.

Program Specific Outcome (PSOs)

  • PSO1: Problem-Solving Skills: Provide effective and efficient real time solutions using acquired knowledge with the help of algorithms, architecture, and other modern technologies.
  • PSO2: Professional Skills: Apply the relevant contemporary trends in industrial and research domain through extended practices.

Course Outcomes (COs)