Value Added Courses
KIET School of Pharmacy (KSOP) Ghaziabad is providing skillset program to the B. Pharm students. Under this, different job-oriented short-term courses are taught to B. Pharm students
1. Big Data
- Data Exploration and Visualization
- Image processing
- Handling missing values
- Whatsapp Analysis and Twitter Analysis
- Classification Techniques and other ML algorithms
- Clustering Techniques
- Working with R Cloud

2. Introduction to Python
- Open source, easy to learn and code, and no prior programming knowledge required.
- Used in multiple domains like: healthcare, automation, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.
- Flexible and portable, can run on any platform.
- Large pool of libraries with in built functions for machine learning models, data science techniques, and various scientific and mathematical algorithms.

3. Medical coding-(III Sem)
- Medical coding is the transformation of medical procedures, diagnosis, medical services, and equipment of healthcare into universal medical alphanumeric codes.
- Medical coders play a vital role in the connection between health care providers, patients and insurance companies
- Knowledge of medical coding generates more job opportunities in Pharmacy students.

4. Clinical Pharmacognosy-(IV Sem)
- Clinical pharmacognosy is a bridge between clinical research and botanicals knowledge.
- A New Interesting Era of Pharmacy in the Third Millennium
- It provides an opportunity topharmaceutical researchers in assisting the progress of herbal and traditional medicines.

5. Clinical research-(VSem)
- Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness (efficacy) of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use.
- It is one of the industries growing at an astonishing rate and opening up a wide scope.
- This course helps our students to have an edge over others as they get prior exposure to the process and overall functioning of the system.

6. Bioinformatics-(VISem)
- Bioinformatics or computational biology is an interdisciplinary field of science that combines computer science, mathematics, engineering and statistics to understand and interpret biological information
- Successful completion of the course is useful for application in pharmaceutical companies, development of personal care products, genotyping, gene sequencing, and database design.
- It is one of the highly paid sectors in abroad countries

7. Soft Skill
- Soft skills training help students to enhance the professional and personal skills.
- It helps students to develop a personality outside of the technical skills that are needed for the job.
- Improve communication skill to interact more effectively with each other.
- Leadership qualities development - to take responsibility, and motivate themselves and others to reach their targets.
- To identify and implement solutions or offer alternative fixes.
- Enhanced creative and critical thinking
- Better teamwork, efficiency, and productivity

8. Ksop Minor Specialization In Drug Regulatory Affairs
KIET School of Pharmacy offers the Minor Specialization Course on Drug Regulatory Affairs which is an optional subject with an aim to upgrade the skills and proficiency of the young pharmacists, to provide them awareness to explore various career options and to make them aware regarding current scenario of pharmaceutical industry. The qualified professionals in the field of Drug Regulatory Affairs are involved in industry, government regulatory authorities and academics in the following areas: Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, In vitro diagnostics, Biologics and biotechnology, Nutritional Products and Cosmetics.
The course curriculum for minor specialization is of 75 hours comprising of 45 hours of theory in a blended mode (distributed over 3 modules of 15 hours each) and 30 hours of project work. The syllabus has been designed with the help of industry and academic experts in field of Drug Regulatory affairs. We also took the opinion of some of our alumni working in the DRA field regarding the current demand of the market.
Thus our Board of studies for DRA includes:
Industry Experts in DRA:
- Dr. Atul Kumar Nasa, Deputy Drugs Controller with charge of Controlling and Licensing Authority, drugs Control Department, Delhi
- Dr. Jitendra Kumar Badjatya, Scientist I – Regulatory Affairs, Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Gujarat
- Mr. Lokesh Madan, Head, Drug Regulatory Affairs, Getwell Oncology, New Delhi
- Mr. Hardeep Singh, Bambra, Executive DRA-Venus Remedies Ltd., Panchkula
- Dr. Tapesh Bharti, Jubliant Biosys, Noida
Academic Experts in DRA:
- Dr. Avijit Mazumdar, Director, Noida Institue of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
- Dr. Harvinder Popli, Professor, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Institute, Delhi
KSOP Alumni working in DRA:
- Mr. Himanshu Jain, Deputy Manager, DRA-Pfizer Pvt. Ltd.
- Mr. Mustafa Kamal Pasha, Practice Development Manager, Allign Technology, New Delhi
- Ms. Sana Hasan, Pharmacovigilance, Wipro, New Delhi
- Ms. Ayushi Teharia, UK Based Consultancy, Bresmed, Health Economics and Outcome Research
We have a team of highly qualified and expert team of faculty members taking the theory classes and guiding them for their projects. We also invite some industry experts for some lectures in DRA. To name some of them - Dr. Jitendra Kumar Badjatya, Scientist-I, Regulatory Affairs, Torrent Pharmaceuticals AMD, Gujarat and Mr. Hardeep Singh Bambra, Executive Assistant, Regulatory Affairs, Venus Remedies Limited, New Delhi.
The students are also supposed to do some of the online courses from NPTEL/Coursera/Edx/Udemy etc. related to DRA for deep understanding of the subject.