
KIET School of Pharmacy



Computer lab at KIET school of Pharmacy is well equipped with sufficient number of computers with the latest configuration for B. Pharm, M.Pharm, PhD scholars and faculty.

  • The lab is located on the ground floor in KSOP and is equipped with high-end computers and internet facilities (1 GB/s).  The whole structure is supported by power backup (10KVA) and is also home to the infrastructure that makes KSOP building Wi-Fi equipped.
  • Students and faculty have their personal log-in IDs to KIET internet facility which can be accessed throughout the KIET Premises.
  • The lab is equipped with software for animal simulation experiments, statistical analysis and drug designing.



The Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Lab is well equipped with following sophisticated instruments & equipments.

S.No. Name of Instrument Make & Model
1 FT-IR spectrometer Shimadzu (IRAffinity-1)
2 Pelletizer (KBr Press) Technosearch Instruments
3 UV-Visible Double Beam Spectrophotometer UV1800 shimadzu, UV1700shimadzu
4 HPLC System (Binary Pump) with C-18, C-8 and Amino Column Waters (515)
5 Brookfield Rheometer Brookfield(DV-III Ultra base unit Rev. A)
6 Ultra Low Temperature Deep freezer (-40.c) Spencers (1180-SFR-044)
7 Semi auto analyzer ERBA(Trasasia) Chem Touch
8 Digital High Precision Analytical balance (1mg) Shimadzu (D-440420079)
9 Digital High Precision balance (10mg) Shimadzu (D-455008319)
10 Digital Nephloturbidimeter Decibel Digital Tech.
11 Gel Electrophoresis Genei
12 Digital Melting point apparatus Stanford Research Systems (DigimeltMPA161)
13 Micro centrifuge Wealtech
14 Centrifuge Remi (R-4C)
15 DigitalColorimeter Biogen(Microprocessor controlled)
16 Conductivity meter Decibel
17 Magnetic stirrer Remi 2MLH
18 pH meter Decibel, Labman
19 Digital Photofluorimeter Biogen (661)
20 Paper Electrophoresis Genei
21 Polarimeter Biogen
22 Physical Balance K.Roy Instrument
23 UV cabinet SRS
24 Digital BP apparatus Morepen
25 ACZET Electronic Precision Balance Citizen
26 Digital Fluorescence Microscope with Camera Weswox
27 Gas Chromatograph System (GC-2010 plus) Shimadzu
28 Versa Trek Automated microbial detection system Thermoscientific company
29 MAESTRO Software Schrodinger company

 The Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Laboratory has a key impact on following Research areas-

  • Analytical method development & Validation of active pharmaceutical ingredients from bulk drugs & dosage forms
  • Analytical method development for new drugs and small chemical entities.
  • Activity guided isolation of chemical constituents and further characterization from indigenous medicinal plants.
  • Physico-chemical characterization of drug molecules and Drug interactions involving polymers and other drugs using FT-IR spectral analysis.
  • Analysis of various biochemical parameters in drug samples, environmental samples and body fluids using Semi-auto analyser.
  • Accurate identification of melting point in drug samples & synthesized moieties using Digital Stanford Research System Melting point apparatus.
  • Assay of various drugs and their excipients using various techniques viz., UV spectrophotometry, Fluorimetry and Nepheloturbidimetry.
  • Multicomponent drug analysis using HPLC and UV-Visible spectrometry.
  • Analysis of Lipophilic and Hydrophilic drugs using HPLC.
  • Analysis of Volatile components from Synthetic Drugs and Plant constituents using GLC technique.




A significant portion of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations pertain to the quality control laboratory and product testing. The Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Laboratory serves one of the most important functions in pharmaceutical production and control and should be well equipped with all necessary used to provide students basic learning about Quality Assurance and Quality Control of pharmaceuticals.
Following experiments are carried out in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Laboratory:

  • Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Bulk Drugs using UV Spectrophotometry techniques.
  • Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Bulk Drugs using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods
  • Preparation and management of documentation e.g. SOPs for different analytical equipments and laboratory records.
  • Analytical methods related to Gas Chromatography
  • Analytical Method Development and validation for determination of drugs in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations
  • Stability indicating method development as per ICH guidelines
  • Simultaneous determination of drugs in various matrices
  • Qualification and calibration of different analytical equipments
  • Quality control of drugs as given in different pharmacopoeia of world
  • Identification of components using FT-IR and UV Spectrophotometry



KIET School of Pharmacy has a well-maintained Medicinal Plants Garden. It inhabits different varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants tagged with their biological nomenclature. It has been established keeping in view of the importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in healthcare system, as well as for making the students familiarize with the herbal plants.

The students are benefitted of this garden by identifying and understanding the morphological characters of medicinal plants. Also, they get knowledge about their therapeutic uses, including their source, botanical names, collection, cultivation techniques and their chemical constituentsetc. This also serves as a source for plant material for conducting the practicals of B. Pharm. &M. Pharm. students.

Top Pharmacy College of UP

Some important medicinal plants in our garden are Alocasia macrorrhizos, Aloe barbadensis, Araucaria araucana, Terminalia arjuna, Saracaindica, Musa paradisiaca, Eclipta alba, Datura innoxia, Elettariacardamomum, Eucalyptus globulus, Commiphoraweightii, Curcuma longa, Nyctanthesarbor-tristis, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Bryophyllumpinnatum, Tinosporacordifolia.


KIET School of Pharmacy has well equipped Animal House Facility for smooth conduction of research activities. The registration of establishment with CPCSEA (1099/PO/Re/S/07/CPCSEA) is approved for Research for Education purpose on small animals.


Animal House facility is fully airconditioned with 12/12 light -dark cycle.
Animal House facility has more than 500 animals.
Animal house facility is under CCTV surveillance.
Animal House facility is fully equipped with safety measures.



Constitution: Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC)

  • Dr. K. NAGARAJAN - Scientist from different discipline, Chairperson
  • Dr. Praveen K. Dixit - Scientist In-charge of Animal House Facility
  • Dr. Babita Kumar- CPCSEA Nominee
  • Dr. Roma Ghai- Scientist from different discipline, Member Secretary
  • Dr. Anil Kumar - Veterinarian
  • Dr. Richa Goel - Biological Scientist



The lab is well equipped with general purpose lab equipments like magnetic stirrer, pH meter, digital weighing balance, hot air oven, water bath etc. Moreover, it houses some sophisticated equipments like 8-station dissolution apparatus, Homogenizer and Probe sonicator.

PG research is carried out in various research areas like
Novel drug delivery systems: Formulation and Development of sustained release tablets, mucoadhesive tablets, osmotically controlled drug delivery systems, floating drug delivery systems,  transdermal patches, microsomes, liposomes, niosomes etc.

Pharmacokinetic modeling: To carry out bioavailabiliy studies, IVIVC data analysis by WinnonlineR software, In vitro permeability and metabolism analysis, Computer simulations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, Computational modelling of drug disposition, sensitivity analysis, and population modelling.

Cosmeticology: Development and evaluation of creams, shampoo, toothpastes, incorporation of herbal and chemical actives to develop products to address various dermatological conditions such as dry skin, acne, blemish, wrinkles, bleeding gums and dandruff.



  • The department of Pharmacology at KIET School of Pharmacy is well known for its research activities and its well-maintained animal house is approved by central government body CPCSEA (1099/PO/Re/S/07/CPCSEA).
  • The research laboratory of pharmacology department is elegant with all safety measures. The laboratory provides facilities for the students to carry out all types of pharmacological In-vivo and In-vitro screening activities.
  • Apart from the basic equipment’s laboratory is also supported with sophisticated instruments for advanced research-



  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a multi-disciplinary area of experience that gives synthetic organic chemistry approach in conjunction with developments in biochemistry, computational chemistry and advance drug discovery. Medicinal chemistry is the application of chemical research techniques to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Medicinal chemistry is almost always geared toward drug discovery and development. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Medicinal chemistry) laboratory is established with an objective to promote teaching and research in pharmaceutical sciences.
  • A Molecular modelling facility is established to fulfil the necessity of modern drug discovery research. The objective is to make students learn various drug design techniques. The lab is equipped with various drug design software to conduct the pharmacophore modeling, docking, homology modeling and virtual screening studies.
    Some available highly sophisticated instruments include GC, HPLC, FTIR, a range of Shimadzu spectrophotometers; Microwave organic synthesizer; Probe and bath sonicators. Laboratory equipped with microwave induced green organic synthesis has been established for the purpose of microwave assisted synthesis of organic compounds in a fraction of the time as compared to traditional conductive heating methods. Microwave-Assisted synthesis provides following advantages:
    • Faster reaction times/rapid optimization
    • Higher product yields
    • Energy-efficient heating
  • Facilities in Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratories
    • Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF)
    • Medicinal Chemistry Experiments
    • Pharmaceutical Analysis Experiments
    • Organic Chemistry Experiments
    • Inorganic Chemistry Experiments
    • Biochemistry Experiments


Some Instruments under Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory

  • Fourier Transmission Infra Red Spectroscopy (FTIR)
  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography System(HPLC)
  • Ultra Violet Spectrophotometer (UV)
  • Gas Chromatography (GC)
  • Auto Karlfischer Titrimeter
  • Electrophorectic system
  • Microprocessor Flame Photometer
  • Digital Turbidity Meter
  • Digital Potentiometer
  • Digital Conductivity Meter
  • pH Meter
  • UV Chamber
  • Digital melting point apparatus
  • Polarimeter
  • Digital Weighing Machine
  • Analytical Balance
  • Hot Plate
  • Heating Mantle (Multiple and Single)
  • Water Bath
  • Melting Point Apparatus
  • Water Distillation Assembly
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Microwave Oven
  • Fuming Cup Board
  • Vacuum Pump
  • Magnetic Stirrer
  • Deep Freezer


Machine room is a place where an unwavering commitment to excellence in research, instruction and service is demonstrated through the consistent productivity and success of our faculty, staff and students. june2020_079

  • The machine room is equipped with sophisticated instruments comprising of multi station punching machine, tablet coating pan, bottle filling and sealing machine, collapsible tube filling and sealing machine, double cone blender, ointment filling machine and various dosage form design and evaluation testing equipment, freeze drier etc.
  • This laboratory is to provide practical experience for young and aspiring pharma undergraduates to become well-versed with the manufacturing and evaluation aspects of different dosage forms in real time.
  • The machine room is periodically being upgraded with the induction of various modern instruments and machinery time to time, the latest addition is all-purpose equipment with triple roller mill and a pelletiser.



  • Pharmaceutical Laboratoryis equipped with advanced essential instruments necessary for graduate research in formulation development.
  • This laboratory houses the orbital bath shaker, brookfield viscometer, lyophilizer, bath sonicator, probsonicator, laboratory centrifuge and refrigerated centrifuge, stability test chamber, temperature and humidity controlled cabinet, magnetic stirrer, in-vitro dissolution test apparatus, digital balance, hot plate etc.
  • The purpose of this laboratory is to provide an ideal working atmosphere for the students to facilitate innovative research work.
  • Pharmaceutics laboratory is useful for the students to perform and learn various basic experiments as per their curricular demands. This laboratory is also equipped with digital balances, heating mantles, mechanical and magnetic stirrers, laboratory centrifuge, thermostatic water bath, hot air oven, adjacent storage and preparation rooms for necessary glass wear and raw materials as per the experimental needs. 


The department research activities focus on formulation science and drug delivery with particular emphasis in the following areas:

  • Novel drug delivery systems such as sustained and controlled release formulation
  • Solubility and oral bioavailability enhancement using polymer and lipid based approaches
  • Nano-pharmaceutics based drug delivery system,
  • Application of Quality by Design (QbD) in drug development
  • Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical research
  • Novel Phyto-formulations Pharmaceuticals


Pharmacology of drugs, their mechanisms of action, therapeutic uses, adverse effects and drug interaction are few of the major topics which gets covered in theoretical classes. However, to appreciate such principles and the importance of testing drugs for their effects, practical classes aim to illustrate such effects on isolated and whole animal preparations.

The Pharmacology laboratory of KIET School of Pharmacy (KSOP) is well equipped with most of the latest instruments required to conduct different experimental activities like Students’ Organ Bath, Rota Rod Apparatus, Elevated Plus Maze Apparatus, Eddy’s Hot Plate Apparatus, Actophotometer, Electro convulsiometer, Plethysmometer, Lenning Drop Heart Apparatus, Refrigerated Centrifuge, etc.

The Pharmacology laboratory is also powered with Experimental Pharmacology Series (Ex Pharm Series) software to conduct the undergraduate level experiments with the help of the dedicated software.  The lab is designed to study the different laboratory animals, their applications and screening of different pharmacological agents.

The method of hands-on learning also enhance and strengthen the knowledge which the students gain in lectures and core learning which come from practical and tissue studies. The Pharmacology lab is involved in the study of :

  • Different types of Physiological Salts Solution (PSS) for isolated tissue preparation
  • Study of Students’ Organ Bath assembly
  • Recording the Drug Response Curve (DRC), Concentration Response Curve (CRC) and Cumulative Response Curves
  • Study of different Bioassays
  • Determination of efficacy, competitive antagonism, the pD2 value PA2 value of various drugs using chicken ileum and software
  • Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, smooth muscle relaxant and CNS effects (CNS depressant and CNS stimulant) etc., of various drugs using different equipments




  • Consists of about 150 organized as well as unorganized crude drugs.
  • Equipped with instruments like compound microscope, binocular microscope, TLC apparatus, Clavenger apparatus, Soxhlet extractor, microtome, projection microscope, microscopic digital visualize, muffle furnace, oven, rotary film evaporator etc. 
  • A medicinal plant garden in the campus is available to cater to the need of the pharmacognosy lab.
  • The research investigations carried out in this laboratory include:
    • Extraction & Isolation of Phytoconstituents
    • Standardization of Herbal Drugs
    • Formulation of Herbal Products
    • Phytochemical analysis
    • Chromatographic Profile development
    • Quality Control of marketed formulations
    • Stability studies of herbal formulations



The pharmaceutical microbiology lab used to provide students basic learning anout the following fields:

  • To provide basic knowledge of the biology and growth of microorganisms.
  • To provide understanding of microbial disease pathogenesis and transmission.
  • To teach various methods involved in microorganisms (e.g. identification, isolation and diagnosis).
  • To teach various microorganisms staining methods.
  • To learn various sterilization methods for equipment, cultural media, glassware and also for pharmaceutical products.
  • To perform sterility testing and antibiotic assay methods.


The laboratory is equipped with the following facilities: laboratory light microscope, incubator, hot air oven, refrigerator, petri dishes, flasks, slides, culture media’s, magnetic stirrers, hot plate, heating mantle, electronic balance, micropipettes, autoclave etc.



  • Students begins preparing for life after graduation the moment they step on campus in their first year.
  • Their time as undergraduates is just as it is limited, and it’s the responsibility of higher education institutions to prepare them for a successful future, both professionally and personally.
  • Practice School creates the required setting for experiential and cooperative learning and education by providing students with an opportunity to work on relevant assignments under the guidance of professional experts.

Benefits to the students

  • Learning by doing
  • All round development
  • Aid in career planning
  • Experience of professional working conditions
  • Smooth transition from campus to company

Benefits to the Industry

  • Steady stream of skilled manpower
  • Value addition and increased productivity
  • Human resource dvelopment benefits
  • Employer branding
  • Access to expertise from academia

Benefits to the College/University

  • Inputs to quickly adapt curriculum to match the needs of industry
  • Faculty development
  • Opportunities for research and consultancy
  • Access to industrial expertise and infrastructure


  • In the VII Semester every candidate should undergo practice school for 150 hours evenly distributed throughout the semester.
  • The student shall opt any one of the domain for the practice school declared by the program committee from time to time.
  • At the end of the practice school, every student shall submit a printed report (in triplicate) on the practice school he/she attended (not more than 25 pages).
  • Along with VII semester exam, the report submitted by the student shall be evaluated by the subject experts at college level and marks shall be awarded.


  • Practice school serves as a platform that facilitates and promotes intellectual exchange between academia and industry, which would be a simulation of real work environment.
  • Practice school involves task orientation, teamwork, goal orientation and managing the interpersonal relationships.
  • Electives allow to study the topic of student’s interest with more specific.