The club aims to technically strengthen the students by integrating their skills and giving on hand industrial experience by working on various projects of industries and colleges.To enhance the practical knowledge and technical learning of students various classes and seminars are organized within the college. The motive of the club is to create awareness about the upcoming technologies around the campus.
The various domains of MYCIN club are:
Till date, we have organised Machine Learning, Python training program, Bootcamp of reactJS & ECMAScript-6 various training sessions and seminars. The organisation of SIH grand finale hardware edition at KIET.The members of our clubs had completed various industrial and non-industrial projects and currently working on Three industrial projects, Seven KIET projects, and Eight other projects. We have conducted One coding contest on hackerrank for the recruitment.
We aim to bring more people in technology and giving real time experience to sharpen their skills by working on various technical projects.Two of the teams have been selected from KIET in Smart India Hackathon 2022 finale including few of our club members.
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