KIET Movie Society
Faculty Coordinator
Mr. Shadab Ahmad Siddiqui, Dr. Ashok Jangra
Related Information
1. Production Team – It has the responsibility of making short films and competing in various colleges. We also have a YouTube channel. The team also has the responsibility to make short videos on achievements of college Professors and student as well.
2. Management Team – It has the responsibility of organizing movie shows in very smoothly without any indiscipline.
1. Participation in India Film Project 2k18
2. 3rd Position India Film Fest (IMS)
3. Epoque 2K18 winners
4. 3rd Position IAMR Short Film Competition
KIET Movie Society is a movie club that makes short films to present in various colleges and in various competetions. We provide a platform to amateur Cinematographers, Directors, Actors, Writers, Editors, Make-Up Artists etc., to improve their skills. We also organize movie shows in the KIET Auditorium on every scheduled Sunday.
Team Member
Gaurav Pathak , Varnit Srivastava