

Events Detail

17 May 2024

A Felicitation Program was oragnized by CS Department to honor students on May 17th, 2024

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The CS Felicitation Program held on the 17th May 2024 (Friday) in room E-210 was a significant event organized to honor and celebrate the achievements of students who excelled in various bootcamps organized by the NSCC KIET and a coding competition hosted by KTS in collaboration with ACM Chapter.

The program was graced by the presence of esteemed Joint Director Dr. Manoj Goel, Head of Department Dr. Ajay Kumar Shrivastava, and faculty members. Their attendance underscored the importance of the event and highlighted the accomplishments of the students. The event began with a warm welcome address by the HoD CS, who highlighted the significance of coding skills and continuous learning in the ever-evolving tech landscape. The welcome address set a tone of excitement and pride for the achievements being celebrated.

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The main highlight of the event was the felicitation ceremony, where outstanding students were recognized for their exceptional performance in the NSCC-organized bootcamps and Kode Kombat 3.0. Students were awarded certificates and tokens of appreciation for their dedication, hard work, and notable achievements.

The Joint Director delivered an inspiring speech, praising the students for their efforts and encouraging them to continue striving for excellence. His speech emphasized the importance of perseverance and innovation in the field of computer science.

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The Head of Department shared valuable insights on the importance of practical learning experiences and extracurricular activities in shaping well-rounded professionals. He praised the organizers for providing these valuable opportunities to the students.

We are fortunate to have Mr. Aryan Kaushik, who has cleared Google Summer of Code GSOC two consecutive years and also took expert lectures on Linux and Open-source environment in various Google sponsored conferences. The initiative was taken to give hands-on exposure to Linux and Linux essentials. The event was planned under the B. Tech second year subject Operating System and it’s lab BCS401/ BCS451. The Department of Computer Science has planned the Bootcamp on Linux, System Programming and Open-Source Technology by Mr. Aryan Kaushik, for the students of Second year who give their consent for the in-depth Bootcamp. In total, 38 students of three sections of CS and two students of CSE volunteered for the bootcamp. The classes were held after the academic hours i.e. 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM in E105 under CS department.

The content delivered during the two weeks bootcamp is: The React 101 Boot Camp organized by NSCC KIET was aimed at enhancing participants' skills in React development. 

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