

Events Detail

20 Feb 2023

KIET School of Pharmacy has Organized an Industry visit to Yakult Danone Pvt. Ltd, Sonipat for students of B. Pharm. 3rd year students on 20th February 2023


KIET School of Pharmacy has Organized an Industry visit to Yakult Danone Pvt. Ltd, Sonipat for students of B. Pharm. 3rd year students on 20th February 2023 under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) K. Nagarajan Sir-Principal-KSOP.
85 students from both the sections (A & B) along with three faculty members (Mr. Praveen K. Dixit, Mr. Kapil Sachan, Dr. Garima Kapoor) visited Yakult Plant. The objective of the visit was to provide practical exposure to the students about the industry and to enhance the academia-industry interface. The students along with the respective faculty members were welcome by Industry staff of Yakult. The factory is spread over 8 acres and out of this more than 30% area is the green belt area. Factory is designed as per international standards and special care was taken while designing to maintain the highest level of hygiene standards and deliver the best quality product to its consumers. The process of making Yakult is completely automated and there is no human touch at any point of time.
Yakult, a probiotic drink was launched in India in 2007. The factory has a capacity of making 1 million bottles per day, which will be achieved in a phased manner. The students were welcomed by, Ms. Yashi Yadav. Thereafter they were given a brief presentation on the establishment of Yakult and its marketing strategies by Ms. Divyanshi -PR. She told the students that Yakult Danone, India is a joint venture between Japanese & French industry. Yakult is a probiotic drink which contains more than 6.5 billion beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus casei strain shirota. In 1930 ,Dr. Minoru Shirota, a Japanese scientist discovered a special strain of bacteria that was beneficial to human health. This Friendly Bacteria helps in improving digestion, build immunity and prevent infections.
During the tour students were taken for the visit inside the Processing Unit where different stages of processing namely mixing of raw ingredients, sterilization, fermentation, blending, injection moulding, scrambling, filling/sealing, shrinking and packaging, storage and their automatic control process were demonstrated.

The visit was a fruitful experience for the students as they learned the processing stages and the latest technology in producing processed products. It also provided them an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the industry environment. All the queries resulting in the minds of the students were resolved well by the guide. Students participated with enough zeal to make the visit interactive & gained maximum knowledge during the visit. The students were given cookies and a bottle of Yakult (65 ml). The session ended by a group photographs and felicitation of the Yakult Personnels from KIET Gift and memento by Mr. Praveen K. Dixit. It was well coordinated by Mr. Praveen Kumar Dixit, Mr. Kapil Sachan and Dr. Garima Kapoor.
Special Thanks to our Hon’ble Director sir, Joint Director sir and Principal sir for providing all the necessary things for the visit.
