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Medical Emergency vs Academic Emergency

“Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy!”


These words are reiterating to us for a few days now, and when on one side, we all feel it to be our moral and civic responsibility to stay home & seclude ourselves, on the other hand, we are a bit embarrassed to see parents sharing their stress over the loss of studies of their kids and difficulty that they are facing in managing their kids at home.


Friends, I must say that this is not the time to panic for academic loss of our children rather it’s time to learn control, discipline and acceptance; it’s time to connect & bond; it’s time to share & care; it’s time to understand the need of the hour and build strength among all our near & dear ones. So, let’s utilize this extra time in teaching our children the family values and values of humanity.

Dear parents, piling workloads and tight schedules have always left us with very less time to spend with our family. Let’s take this crucial time as an opportunity to listen to our children and engage them in activities that need concentration as puzzle, painting, playing musical instruments and others instead of giving them gadgets to avoid disturbance.

Let us understand that children are little balls of curiosity and they easily get bored with monotonous things. They need challenges at every point of time & we, as parents, get stuck with how to stimulate them cognitively so as to engage them for long hours and feel satisfied too. We can choose various activities to improve their focus, increase their concentration, teach them how to stay healthy & hygienic & also be innovative & creative.

We may involve them in assisting us in our daily chores like cooking, cleaning & wishing, read stories and ask them to even draft some stories using a few words of your choice. We can even revive our old-time, time-pass activities as ludo, carom board, raja vajeer, playing cards and similar ones to bring smiles on the faces of all at home.

But one most important thing, please don’t forget to award your kids with small gifts when they perform well as that will surely reinforce their excitement & motivate them more & more to participate wholeheartedly. These gifts can be a chocolate or their favorite dish or 10 min promise to allow them play their game on their favorite gadget.

Hopefully, this will give us an insight on understanding that this is not an educational emergency and let’s work together to make the best of this time in the development of all around us.

Thank you

Dr. Preeti Chitkara

Manager (Institutional Affairs – National and International)

KIET Group of Institutions

6 thoughts on “Medical Emergency vs Academic Emergency

  1. Very well composed ma’am. I totally agree with you, its a hassle for both parents & kids to handle this situation. Parents should definitely utilise this opportunity to re connect with their kids and know their interest/passion & motivate them to go for it. Also as kids love to do anything for a reward, it is important to keep encouraging/acknowledging their tiny efforts which help them get energized throughout even in these crucial times.

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